b ..)....,.- - ' ' ; .. ...... . ., -:- -b .. W3a v. . - . . ....i. 11 11 H'lfiBi -fin i m it v iai;cj!L.ja!ij-j!-L-'-. v ' iiinfWf t i Local and Personal News In Brief . . . . 'nWjM.1,-,1r ..I, f I i .-,) 4 .1 ..r Canadian National cThe Lorgcft Railway Syflttn in America j STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE "aHin'i imm mi r iti iut rr t AvrwiRR. iictokia. mcattm!. unit Inlcriiirtlialr hiiiii.. iim-Ii KRIliAY. !i:M0 a.m. t'w S.ttt KT mid Aii. fin i. W Dli.NKsliAY. I'l m p.m. lar VMM II M MM IM H t.t. HAKMIT ri; IKLWDK TonMiUHj. IMWMM.IK TRtlNs I.KAK PMIWIT. KtrKKT IM M4IVIIAY. HKIINrHltAl H),d MAT! JUtll at II.M am for rKIXCK lAAHU.t., .rMIStO. WIMPt, n HtH( Eaitmn uuhM. I nltr4 Malm. juimry til. trr. w.AMir uvr City Tkket fjffice, 5 Tkird Ave. Prince Rupert PIkhic 20 jSHk B.C. Coast Steamship Services a?y Sailings from Prince Rupert lo micitu .rr. -. utirfU uaS MMUMW , I. miM'KMH KOVAL rwr B".tr4ato Km IMIa ttrlU o. ran I alt . Nu. Alrrt lis;. famalM-ll Hltrf aa Vait-iikr fvi Vttj. H pjn. (uri r 4tl Mumliii Ummm. irtl Internum Irwin W. . oat'l' KH. Itmrral Atrnt, rwMr nf th lm a Ml SaS -lta. IHmv Hmtrrt. H r-tMwi. l UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED rnr awm v:s. uTai in Truw mm it ap.ru fX. Sama-un lUy, mi6at. Alrrt !Uj. rta. TurMlut. :i :l" p in rnr IM V.R. VIITORIA. IWtlSaH. Alrrt ha J, Hr. ItM mfalatht. r AI.Kt Ni. AW NIKM KI. WAtHS HlAsll. -)KV RIMIYtON, R AAM KltKR. !!.. I'M. - . 1U Sad Avnu. . SSIITJI. Atrt. rrtw KufrrU ll.4i Thri'uh tHIc.lii MM Vlrtwrls ml iiHm. and nagm rrkrd ikruaca U Saattaatmr City Meat Market (MR.vk; rhos.) V rAAWue 1 Phone 7RS MKA3'. W$H. VEOBTABLESf ' ' and . AIJ. KlKllB OF "NORWBUIAN PH(Tl)UCir at low prices, and iwnWjiat IHffjr A , . ,w. . Obsarwl All articles are af suporior qinrflky and absolutely froth. MEN- Purchase a Gift for Your Best Girl at u Advertise in "The Daily News" ,-: or- SALTS - . r ' ATM YARDLEYiS ; "Dalcrossc" (Formerly Du Rarry) COTVS IIQUUIGANT The Essence of Daintiness, from a feminine point of view; aadthe most refreshing, as well, for a man. This luxury for the f.-w a feneration or two ago Is a modern refinement now within the reach of everyone. And, really, this (lie of the things you owe yountetf. PAY YOUR DEliT TO YOURSELF And gel some today. They don't coat much. erne mm THWDAVE f. SIXTH ST TELEPHONES F200 i SCALE OF CHARGES The following' is tne scale of charges made for reading notices: Birth Nftlimi Mn Cards of Thanks. $2. Funeral Notices ?1. Funeral Flowers 10c rer name. Marriage and Etuiattetneiit announcement $2. tftt. t tr -r " Ajiuuit;i2fliiiNTS ! ' ' . . . fasis Dsceaiber 16. Dance December 31. Moose Hail. Thomas Mcltfeekin returned to the city on the Prir.cu Rupert yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Vancouver. FOR LADIES AND LADIES' HOSIERY Will Surprise You, SALE OF SALES IS STILL PROCEEDING Giving You an Opportunity to Purchase CLOTHING FOR MEN AND ROYS AT SACRIFICE PRICES Since we brought Montreal prices to Prince KuiM-rt, the aipreostton of the public has been sheW4i in our increasing suleti month site ' , month. YOlJAIiSO WILL APPilE- CIATE OUR PRICES Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 TaxLtf Denltet, Dr. J. K, Cosse.' 686. hone Tommy's Taxf (Phone G7I) an rroimee the placing of a second Dodge Sedan ear in business, tf Ewart Lyne (Pianist, Capitolj Theatre-), teacher of pianoiorteJ Studio 10 Federal Block. Phone Red 701. 366 Mltak Aivaioff. who is paying j a brieT business visit to the city, wtfl sail by the Prince Rupert to morrow morning on his return to tVatieourer. Waiter Smith of the C.N.R. city ticket ffice will sail tomorrow Women of Moosehearl Lin metmiatf on the Prince Rupert for WWst Drive and Dancev firat Vancer where he will spend Friday of every month. the cootie few week on vaeat- w Eagle's Whist Drive a rut Danes j j- DeeensW 13. J Oeme to the IrraternaT Order of, -fl Eagles Whist Drlye and Iane, Cliristtsas concert Booth Mem- Tharsdajn, December 13, at the orial School, December 18 end 19. EflW Ilftme. Good music, prizes - and refreshments. A good time CanadJatj Legion Christ mas imsmMc!. Admission 50c. 292 Tree Saturday, December 22 from ! 2JJ0 to 5 p.m. 1 Mrs. S. V. Ardagh, whose home- is in Mexico and who has Salvation Army Home League been T,,t,"S 'or the past year r So with her mother, Mrs. James Iticnmefid, at Terraee. arrived in St. Andrew's Society Anaili.ry LSrl "IT ?.S w i iswn d vi n i ii caiiv .will rtcWf tomorrow morndng on the Prince Rupert for the south. - The Lake of the Woods Milling Co. hoe issued an attractive cal-icraaar, the- principal feature of which is a large map of Canada WE HAVE A VERY FINE SELECTION OF ion are located. Prince Rupert is shown as one of the four cities SWEATERS in British Columbia where such warehouses have been established. John Wj Allen, superintendent engineer for the fisheries department, and J. McHngh, hatchery insffttotor, who are on a brief visit here to inspect departmental 'beats which are tied up at Digby In Profusion, at Prices That ; lBland for. the wint'r w,n Mil Kv Prills. nnturf fVia fntnnrrnur Uurfsmnting on their return- to Van- eeaver. PHONE 45. THE HE DEMAND PHONE 574 This Week's Specials DETAHS BY MAIL If You Are Not on Our Mailing List, Phone Us. . HOME OFgOI) J B.C. Butchers & Grocers Phone 574 PJione 45 "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD," Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. v.- Walk n J tairs and Save Money Holiday 1 - fi r Sizkfpr. pusses, TWO PRICES ONLY $19.50 AND $12.75 The fashions that discriminating women choose for the Irillday occasions. In fabrics tT at make then most di tinc Jve, in colors that i i'v I tlie vrry ttst, in trimmings that maPKi tlfom tfcf moc.t attractive ev-i' trrTrs. Siz jc u4; . . 30 bust Also 2 dozen ony, Metiilic Hats, regular values up to;$i.OO. Oar Pricenow v f Sfiti idecolfcdhifdh'Hrjse ' irafTOdes and sizes. Impair V$L25 i - v f Annette Ladies' Ready-toiWear, Ltd. 613 Third Avenue, (Upstairs, Over P. Burns' Store) PRINCE RUPERT, IJ. C. PACE TRRF.K Ed. Unger was a passenger) Valhalla meeting December 14 T. J. Sbenton, inspector of aboard the Prince Itupsrt last postponed. Will be held Wed nee- mines, sailed last night on the night for Stewart daDeesber 1 at 8 pjn. Eleet- Prince Rupert for Stewart on of- - reffr oiflpera. ieial duties. Mrs. W. U r.eweu saiieo lam jp - nlsht by the Prince Rupert on j unstable T. E. GreenfieJ dJ !hr return to ler home at Stew-CM. P. will sail jLr the lrfhe art after having spent a few Rupert tomorrow TBbrning on' a weeks in the city receiving treat- trip to Vancouver, nient at the Prince .Rupert Gener-, 'al Hospital. . . C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, the city to adjust losses in the Skagway. The vessel will call recent fire in A. Richmond's fur next Wednesday afternoon south-store, will sail by the Prime Hup- bound ami will have on board ert tomorrow morning on Ms ro-lmanji Alaskans going south for turn south. the Christmas holiday Mason. The "Forty Years Ago" column gf the Vancouver Sun recalls the presentation of the two-net com edy "Check-mateM in 1889 in the first opera house In Vancouver which was owned by F. W. Hart. ICapt. Thomas Cliff, is due in ! Prominent pioneer oitfrws of the P. G. Shalscross of Vancouver, port on Saturday about noon souhern city took part in the play. who has been ort a brief visit to northbound from Vancouver to .Among them were Mrs, McPher- son. Miss McDougall, Miss C. Leonard. iMss Nellie Boultbee, W. L. Leonard, A. B. Diplock, J. A. Healey. F. Johnston, F. Wat-son and J. Boultbee. S?J I f it.i