CLASSIFIED HABIT ...,.v..iie resds tb CliMlfld Ad. itdvertlM for it. (I v u lose. , find, loct tb owntr, Wl , . vcr you need, sdvertlae or It I) the Country at Election v th About. 300 Out of 38? Seats REST, Dec. 18: In-nturna today jrnve the Peasant Party more than t :tS7 aeaic of the lower .irl lament The former Hratiana'a once powerful .'t-up obtained only atn. Communists and J i wish party suffered defeats. tiRD DENIES DOG STORIES Statement That He nt Man to Yukon for Replacements it Had YORK. Dec 18. Cora-Uichard Byrd. in a wire-catch to the Associated "m hi ship whkh is now nt .i rctic Ocean, denied re-..t he had tent Bill Riley. 'r, back to the Yukon to Huskies to replace dogs t died aboard the ship. quoted in a story from er, B.C., last week as luted that 37 dogs of the M edition had died, and id bad commissioned him ' for replacements. Byrd he had H dogs in good lowing bulletin:' The King hat had some sleep. The local con dition ia satisfactory. The weak ness and toxemia are considerable bat the pulse is steady and His Majesty is not loaiag ground. The Famous medical Journal "Lancet" says in an authoritative article on the King's condition that the position is so far satisfactory and thoae who are conversant with the course of the symptoms sad their significance in those cases will recognise that wn have nere iounoauun iui and only three or four , f e-itlmtte nopea." REQUIEM MASS THIS MORNING Me., brother of the i The King's phyricians issued the following bulletin at 8:15 tonight: "Though the King U still suffering from exhaustion, there is a slight improvement in Hia Majesty's condition this evening. The local condition remains un- utisfuctorv. A It was officially announced mony Conducted in Honor ' from Buckingham Palace st 10:80 Memory of Ute E. C. i last night iirnt thilt that the King's condit- Gibbons 'ling friends filled the 1 "f Annunciation to ca-' liis morning whan requiem 'i the repose of tbe soul of Kdward C. Gibbons was led by Bishop E. M. Bu-1 1 ML. who was assisted in uremonies by Rev. Fathr "id, O.M.I. In the course e ire, the Wahop referred ''I'M words to the life of the ' il and his worth and ue-in the community. 1 service was of the usual 1 " ilure and Charles P. Bal-i resided at the organ. A n,l' solo was sung by Mm. Muldoon. Among those in ion so lar continued d'-' depuution city council. satisfactory. TO AID BRIDGE AT VANCOUVER OTTAWA. Dec 13. The Dominion government will give immediate consideration to the request for a grant of $670,000 towards the construction of a new l.HriVe over false urwn i u r.rH street in Vancouver This OTTAWA. Doc. IS: Hon. P. J. Veaiot. postmaster sen- era, intfaiaies) .awanrdajr tte possibility of inaugurating aa. atfMridsentat aff Vervic" next summer titirmn Rim. non wa w get na oi poisonous , ou-j,fi qm and Vancouver matter. A section of bone taken i from the ribs is usually a small one and the bone grows again aad filial the gap. DoepKe the successful result of the operation, anxiety for the King continued at Buckingham Palace, and must continue for the next few days until it is definitely known whether hia strength is sufficient to conquer the weakneas or not. Emphasis waa laid in palace circles on the fact that the struggle waa likely to be a long aad difficult one. At 10:48 a.m. today Kiag George's doctors issued the fol MRS. LUCY LARSEN OF LEWIS ISLAND The death afternoon at ROBERTSON ORR CANADIAN INVENTS NEW SAFETY LI' EBOAT DIES IN HOSPITAL! hone secretary, publicly wagered i Lord Rothermere a new hat that j Conservatives would get a majority, Roihenne e requested thaj the wager be changed to money and offered 8500 to 860 againat a ; government majority. Too home Boston Grill LARGE CAIIARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays 4 Dancing rtrrjr Saturday night frnm 9 to 12. Dance Hall tor Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations for Private CKT TUG CLASSIFIED IIADIT, Parties Hione 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper N V . - PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS mmrioN of ' - - lhe a Dove picture thows a tyje of if boat i.;ri;i. . .... riian boat has a meUi outer shell lineJ with ;,' .-1 s and cor, and an inner IS IMPR row livin" in Detr't. uhell. The ventilator he ie protected by a wave shield and ; n ..ut'imiitii inner cover. During storms an air motor runs a auction fan iaaidc the ventilator. The h 1 1 is f.r.'proof. and i:iuited against heat and cold. A United States patent was issued in January last Bad a Canadian . atont in March. AIU SRUVICE PROW KIM0U6KI PLANNED Lord Rolhermere Bets the British Conservative Government Will he Jtatan at Next General Election LONDON-, Dec. -13. The government's behavior has " rendered the chances of the Conservative party in the next election absolutely hopeless, according to the personal ! views rf Lord' Rothermere, newspaper magnate, expressed Willi! II nFPilRT 1 n varOU8 two in his Rothermere newspapers through II lULl IsLfl Ul 1 i nut tJin iwMintrv Tkn wiininniB rrnirip thi snViWr. ft vior. Latest Card Played Today in Sen-sational Case Over Vancouver .Minister ORDER SERVED Clergyman Refuses to Amtmpany Officer Who Sought , Him Today VANCOUVER. Dc. 58. No-j , .j r - " j -e orous criticism by the more orthodox Conservative' colleagues . . of the press like the Morn- - '"liWilliam lonma Hicfc-J STRAMF.R STARR IS HELPLESS SEATTLE. Dee. 18. The secretary replied he preferred not Alaskan steamer Starr, Captain to make money bets, but offered Mh)irt Barron, which broke a pro-two hats to that will beat one we ghaft and fa iMhort;d he, tice of an order asking him to Kmaay Macdoaaid ana . p . ... present himself .t the Canadian yi George together." Hi. lord- P immigration building here for lp "t P'.V- lr " me89e U WM darfB? neariag to determine if he is Lady Houston, better known as he8VV 'e on December .11 and eligihk for deportation was 1 Dame Fanny Byron, thereupon of- 12. We were iced down heavily served upon Rev. S. Robertson fered to take up Lord Rothermere's and the mainstay was carried Orr today, as he emerged from money wager if the amounts were away." the morning session of the I'res- multiplied by 10. Lord Rother- The coast guard Unalga left byUriaO Church commission mere responded frigidly: "I have Juaoau last eight The Starr be-which Is enquiring Into his status, not the pleasure of Lady Houston's longs to San Juan Fish Co., Se-Mr. Orr refused to accompany acquaintance and I never make attle. Site I as steel vessel, ISO the officers who served the order beta with strangers." j feet long, and declared it was not. necessary! , , for Ma to appear. Mrs. Orr, who, was with him, took part in the' ensuing argument. After a great deal of disouMlon, the officers I IwrtnJttad Mr. Orr to return to the vestry of the church, where the minister telephoned to his counsel. i The immigration officers were tfceompanied by two detectives of j the city police force. A telegram had been -received, ! from the minister of immigration at Ottawr stating Mr. Orr'e case was to be investigated under Section HI. of the Immigration Act. , Something Like 200,000 Cases of Iifiuenza Are Reported in United States but Not Virulent WASHINGTON, Dec 13. Health officials believe that there are more than 200,000 cases of influenza in the United States at present. Reports of schools closing continue, particularly in the south. Officials say the j epidemic is apparently not so widespread or virulent as in 1 1918, 1919 or 1920 outbreaks, but refused to make any predictions as to the course of the malady- . . . SEATTLE, Dec. 13: Influents continues to npreud slowly over the Pscific Northwest and has re- occurn'd yesterday , suited in thirteen death. A fw FUNERAL TAKING PLACE HERE TODAY tne t'nnce Jtupert sections of Orea-on. Washington PllbMrara this afternoon at nmmised by the government General Hospital of M-s. Lucy and Idaho had not felt the dis- the funeral of the late Mrs. F igh Minister of Publics J. C. Larsen. a native of Lewis Island, ease. About a dozen towns have II . DuVernet will be R. L. Mc-tt and Minister of Marine She is survived by several chil- closed their schools. Spokane :Intosh. W. E. Fisher, A. E. -M-t-.-je, j. p. A. Carflllt lodren. funeral arrangements are county in Eastern Washington. Haiett-Jones, W. E. Colllson, 'ince waa James Gibbons, or ana rin- ', i v.-Msnr in the hands of Ifm ner V. 11 W It'lltil-U nirlii tuitVnnc Hittil - il ftV furl Will i.. m T i .rt. I ' V Pt'lif J rUsal VMW s-ww-r . . . r . i -rs -ru i i i i mill " - . undertakers. .most. jAlt-x G. Ria and lieid McLennan. MILD TYPE OF INFLUENZA IS SWEEPING OVER CONTINENT King George is Better Anxiety Still Persists In Regard to Outcome i hXDON, Dec 13. King George was apparently re-i t.y last night's operation for removal of purulent ;it the base of the right lung. Today he was making s. At 3 o'clock this afternoon it was stated in au-ive circles that the "King is progressing." Queen ft the palace shortly before 3 o'clock for a motor She had luncheon with the Prince of Wales, who m Buckingham Palace about noon. Speaking at a League of Mercy meeting at St. tttrpn II1T I James Palace this afternoon Prin-lAoAWIS Hnt .I1UX111X. WIN Hill !ceM m" -;,id: "Yu ' pleased to know that so far the ( ' lhe Kiw "u" IN ROUMANIAN" While details of the operation ; yesieroay nave not yet been revealed, it watt learned that the ;Kinjr waa given anaesthetic, his ! cheat opened with a knife and a , tube inserted through whkh put m being drained away. Doctor did not aajr whether. as is oftea dona in such operation, a aectioe The object of the aecond opera- Public Service Company Lays Its Case Before iPirince Rupert People The following statement has been made in regard to the power situation by the American States Public Service Company, which has bid on the local power plant and franchise: On December 20 you must decide whether you wish to sell your hydro-electric plant or not. If your answer is "No," then for many more years vou will have as little surplus power as you have at present. with consequent difficulty in at-J trading industries to your city,! daily by Pea bod r Smith fe.rnw.rlv despite the many resources at your peabody Houghteling of New dQr- York. Davis Longstaff Comnanv If your answer is "Yes" your Lf Chicago. Ciilett Comnanv of city will benefit for many years Baltimore and associates, all re-to come, provided you choose the j liable aad reputable firms who best offer submitted to you. guarantee our undertakings and When yon decide to sell mark financial responsibility, your ballot for American States! Because American States Public ' CtPr bera Public Service Company. 7fce Aviv? but " operators aad now con- . y trol aad operate some thirty gas, Because we offer yea 1460.- water aiid liyoa-eiectrte eampan-00J0 cash for your hydro-elc-.j situate ia California, Idaho trie system, whkh is W jmi Mtafaage waHr-bavelMi in more -ja- the offer of the Power , success ul and Corporation of Canada. jon for periods ranging up to Because we will install for you twenty-six years, throughout your entire city at our Because our company is headed own expense modern street light-! by men of long continued and ing equipment to your s&tisfac- 'successful experience in the man-tion ' and will charge the city rates -gement and engineering of nub- as low as the Power Corporation lie utilities properties. . of Canada or anyone else offers. ! A vote for A merits n Mates Because we will develop for you P"Klic Service Company 'assures witttin two years five thousand industrial independence for additional horse-power and as Prince Rupert. advt much more without limit as will j be required at any time and at no increase in present rates. Because Prince Rupert will be our chief operation in British Columbia. Because we have no properties or affiliations in Vancouver or 'anywhere else on the B.C. coast land must therefore exert every ! effort to attract industries to Prince Rupert to use tb power we will produce. ! Because Prince Rupert has long been playing second fiddle and this ia her opportunity to become headquarters for a new hydroelectric development in competition with Vancouver. Because in Vancouver the B.C. Electric owned and operated by the Power Corporation of Canada, has a surplus of some three hun-dred thousand horsepower on which huge expenditures have already been made. It is only log ical that industrial power users will be induced by the Power Corporation of Canada to take up the surplus in Vancouver before being induced to locate in Prince Rupert Because we, with no power elsewhere on the coast must bend all efforts to increasing industrial development here. Because reduced to dollars and cento our offer is $-,000.00 better than that of tba Power Corporation of Canada, we offer you $100,000.00 cash, development program as 1 QesUreoV adequate street lighting Installation at out own with lighting rates to the city and consumers at rates as low as our competitor's offer. Because we guarantee not to raise existing rates during the whole period of the franchise and claim no exemption from taxation. Because we have expressly promised that rates will not be higher than at present. ' Because however you regard the two offers ours is best by $r.00( 00. Bwauae we are backed fin.m- OPIUM PROBE IN PHILIPPINES United States Government Assents to Investigation LUGANO, Switzerland, Dec. 13. Senator Raoul Dandurand. Canadian representative on the council of the League of Nations, read a letter at today's seeion from tbe United States government assuring the league that the proposed opium investigation mission would be welcomed in the Philippines. President Briand announced that a letter of thanks will be tent to Washington. CIVIC ELECTION VICTORIA TODAY VICTORIA. Dec. 13. Tbe civic elections are taking place here today. The twenty-three candidates who filed their names for public offices are as follows: For mayor Herbert Anacomb, Alderman P. R. Brown and John Dean. '' For council Alderman James Adam. A. M. Aitken, R. E. Col lis. Mrs. Emma Crocker, W. II. Cul-lin. W. It. Fullerton, P, R. Leluh-ton, Alderman II. O. Litchfield, Carew Martin, J. A. Shanks, Rob-en Smith. W. T. Stralth and Alderman E. S. Woodward. For school trusteeships P. E. George, G. A. A. Habden, Trustee George Jay and Trustees W. C. Moresby. K.C. For police commissioner Andrew McGavin, Mrs. Alice Mc-;i-ejfoi' .('id "'mmissioner W. E. Stuneland .