IlioM Biead& BctM1 Bread. PURIIH FLOUR 1 Cold Weather Is Due AHE YOU PKEPAHED? We Are Prepared: To tune up your molor and overhaul your Ignition for easier starting. To charge your old battery or sell you a jjcw one for $15.00. ' v , To sell you chajli i-wnad Hit them to jibjlr ;-4bDC. To pot Prestone Arftf-Freete or dmatured tflclsTio1 tn your radiator. To sell you Dominion Royal Cord Tires at lower prices than ever before. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. FOItl) DEALERS Phone 83 Telephone the office if your paper does not arrive final session befrfcU ajwifr general nteetinw-oi " aMwianon and the annua! trtatfeient will be b ought down at, that-time. PiBMSPT PRINCE RUPERT Four Emlawirie Frew Church of IiBtler Day Sa1nt Here on Mhwion Work Fon member, of he Church of .Te u Christ of Litler Hny Saints, . C 1 ff gimter (imwn as inn mormon Church, have arrived! in the cityj ind plan trewjnlh ahi! next sum-i mer, during the fn'eriH! nrtratrfi-j ing a cU'clThere. f ' ev irf- 1 . B. . Afhy,, "W-h :fi-mer : Del-1 hrt ftMHr; frwttf rtl.JiV-o heep Uurmit WaiMa Eton s UUihtnerchL all) P;.u' Wnr nlch, son of aa Idaho fbnnVer. Th" llef IncidMfaliy jl.i an expert basketball player nnH nil memb'-rij of the party are interested in the game. Mr. Asbby is particularly interested in education, In-ing a school trustee in his own country. The party say they plan to ffH meeting place here and will hold se'ieps. Thev ham cotrc without pay, a" all good Mormons do. Suffered From ! Indigestion Was Afraid To Eat Mrs. E. rtoubt, lf)M8-W5th St. Edmonton, Alt., write - "I suffered from indigestion find was afraid to rat I sufi-reil so after. K frit-mi told me bow she used to suffer with the Bame : thing and how t had relieved bar. I took two bottles and I will never regret the day J did aa I am bapuy to say I cun now eat anything and not be bothered with wdj-gostton after." Manufactured only by The T. Mfl-burn Co., Ltd , Toronto, Oat The Letter Box V' ,1 DOGS itor, Dafft News:- I I' Mfall ft mil V. v. fHB DAlL? -NeiW3 "T. " PAGE SK MILLIONS FROM BANDIT FORGOT IHOSPITALBOARD '- FISH SCALES TO BRING GUN HOLDS MEETING s d v, A Lm in D T K A In o M l o d 10M Fidienen Atlantic Coast Add; CHICAGO. Dec. 13,-The d umy Koutme nusmcsg inKenup m i a in in n irirniin n it iti t i j i n i nm caocrn aKe in oanuiirv seems 10 ittfoxJlploduct. JtafLML iiJ , --EJXAto2 EASTPOlkT, . Me., ., Dec! 13. 2 P''eved at nis victim, a i a Li 4 4 I !.. trtt - -iM?n P UIm u,e mo!e lRan of tM Ward of director C?nfttry Bm? Tkln Then there was the h.Hi. bandit who who etinK were- regarded as a nuis- a - by the sardine industry of guttered, taking so long to give ,k. i; i j the command to "st-t-t-iek em l.;t!( ca Jt till, A 1 1 1 l,1.1UII, ITIIIVIl coast. Tbeirrideaeent S htfd h. the hospital,' w. a v ilea clung to fishermen's JJ jMpo lice ere on the seem jf on, about nl.torwl 1u.ti.rMl before ceiore the me victim victim couW ceuiu respond. riui. . ." .L 4 J T f; afflf kauri. hands a.minst their bo of the Prince' Rupert Genera! Iii- ' . very ten .T , . . . .fl fhro th- nunuuss. .tTiueiii wiw u.t ;ccumalate J ...., Thornnson was Jn the chair and - - p. - u. the bottom f induded: AW l umps. At the lactones they were " "kr. M. Brown, Aid. G. P. Tinker, AW. to "out 80 ,oud t0 mak n,s d d. n' V.ts. hard less fiicohvenlence. v an tt t r r mands known that police came " " ' ' Now science has com.- to claim running. directors; II. W. Birch, manafftaef as: a valuaWte material which was And now there is Daniel Falco, secretory: and Miss Je m Hatri-1 formerly thrown away as waste, the holdup man who forgot his son laav superintenoenx. i Durinpr the past season it is est!- pistol. Palce walked up to Mil iwi'ed that the so-called pearl es- ton Fields at Madison and Curtis sence factories purchased not less streets and said: "Hands up." As than $250,000 worth of these herr- he spoke he began to search hi ing scales. These essence plants pocket for his gun. It was not pre located at Eastport, Lubec, there. In a quandry he began t-; ho k land, Portland and other search his other pockets. His vk-logicul points where large sup- ;im observed tne actions with piics may be obtained. So profitable is the gathering of thi; ly-finx!uft that some fisher-rm-M have added" as much as from f 10 to 75 a day to their earnings, this despite the fact that the fac tories nay but seven cents a growing interest. "You have no gun," he inquired. "No," said Palco. 'It's :onc !" That was all Fields wanted to know. He began,. burying nifi lists in r aico s iace. wnen t'oiiee The only correspondence was a tette from D. G." Stewart, for many years president of the board t-xpreising appreciation for a K't-r of sor-' S- sent him following the recent :l- ;lh ut' Mr Hon. Mi .s Hairi'-iM re (irt-l fat everything : wa going along -mooehly in .the- hosta' r-nilfTetaewi Were hoi nf fhWe ,( for ie '- ohJervance ' ' of Christmas inttrifi :Ik .;!nff aii'l ' w.iMni i'n6,'f!n' wx co, - l-n' who Lieutenant jSulli-l'WW ,i,kP 0,8 ..rote had not y,et found. Th new market has leti.van was ahuttine the lttoor be tlll- Mif,s IIa fishermen to devise many lnehj-rrlrii!d Falco a tew minuses late. W.,(eH that any member of the "' . i ; . ' .... ..... I I KJ'JJt boarfl 1 ...1:. who nus eouirivances ror tne salvaging raico sun was mysuiieo. of scales. "It certainly be;tta all," he said, I: i i nown that 100 pounds of "where I put that gun." sea'e.s olitained by the essence fac- ' iir- s for $7 will produce one pound of pearl paste which eem-ni;:'u!.v the fancy price of $126 a pound in the New York market. The es -ense plants do not manu-' ' .ture the ultimate pearl paste, but produce from the scafes the , ri etnce. wfltcn in tarn M. s ,! itd lo .ew sMfK aiM uirouuir u. THE RIGHT SPIRIT FOR DEFEATED MAN SHOWN VANCOUVER w:t- w"!'in'r n act would make a very suitable Father rrrwis. AM. Pnwi hnd not!;,iir to report f'i- ho'"e committee ex-! rerrf th rt he 'en ' 'i' ce'ssfu: ' in' having ?h ffty- (redu -e from ;408K7 to $200 .in account fn con nection with the irradint' of Green Street in f ont of the ho nital. A Aid; tiftm no-' I f He fi (Vancouver Star) . nine taMDiiApjr that her ere been c pffor ijit-bJhlrio'Vr)Pff fiv lnrin .n lilMt. ramlta hmiiM th ma indVed who did not feei reri .w lUfuiJTtuuiUb Ja the flow of rto on Saturday Tyrwf'--atr mar.ufactur oCpeiVl beail amie readlayor L. D. Taylor's mes-f amount , fair fotf Va-.ri iWrt Jsfad IWiiriraVf "fi sagalo the the People people of of Greater Greater Tail- Tan- 5draetnin 5draetn!nt khti-e jftd . minrfififlrBfifff Theaayor made a spleii- f surplns'of $288.6:'. hac p Xo- dieni co t of SP..49. the mnnth had $t.827.7, loavlnr ix , r! effect la seOgfat Tv. frh scales which for a cen- COAL Your choice EDSON CASS1DY WELLINGTON TELKWA AIo Hulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. stureWflne thart wiH prob- iTrjr Lrf memory ldi!g ftet many AW ntcidents. ol civic lite vaiuafc! i Ly-pmfcct o Maine's toe amaJgamatmg nreaa to sup- "tire indaitry. ' ' Prt tlje administration which takes over the' municipal govern- - ment on January L, 1929, and to give its whole-hearted backing in its projects for the improvement of the new city. Mayor .Taylor urges that sectionalism be forgotten and that all unite to creat n wholesome' atmosphere out off which a new, forward looking Greater Vancouver spirit can hope to be born. He speaks in broad, general terms, but he does not fail to make direct reference to two concrete projects which require early action, the Burrard Street bridge and the city hall. A aonHtmn or 5o.:;o; irota a 'local company, which was de ii-iu tha it name be rot rrveaiPd-, was Tne 'txaxt mw citai hotiH ta Jsn .... ting kit t mi'iny vi' h. !! I. hf.- May the attentren thrvujrh your- hospitable columns, - l the owner,, whoever he may be, I a dog, which peramblea every . itfkt batwecn 11 p.m. and 3 or ' a.m. in the lane running from sixth to Seventh Street parallel to Fraser and keeps up an Incessant barklpg and yapping therei by keening -even-one awake. As most of us around the neighbor-hood have to be up early to get to our work we must of a necessity have some sleep of a few ho. rs duration, and not the mad-denning broken rest we have, be-n gettimf eirKe this dog starts! it horrible yapp-yapp ill u ht long. Tf the owner sees this complaint will he please keep his pet indoors, and oblige, j A WORRIED HUNCH I OF WORKERS tack tinkles has recently been 4kftMHntd secretary ,of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, lintish Empire Service League. giving their time to mission work as is their duty and abjo paying one-tenth of then Income into the church. They plan to teach the uoetriae Is taught by their .Lurch and draw attention te the 1TA LOCAL ELEVATOR FULL OF GRAIN rekfflaftlllhaveaj ' i nurck in Alberta. 1 N'o .More Can He Taken In Unll ' ?,. j Ship Hhk Loaded Barly ' I Next Wttfe The local elevator of the Alberta Wheat Pool h sow full of grain and no more can be taken in until some has been loaded out. Grain coming here from the (prairies Will have to be held oA the sidings for the next few days until after the British stemaef Rosaiogton Court hat loaded. This vessel is expected about Suaday and will immediately atari load ing- a full cargo for, he United j Kingdom or eenUnenl r iftl RESULTS COUNT Experience has. proven that the intelligent application of Chiropractic will invariaWyV relieve acute and chronic ailments; tfcgt hunUflg aiisplaoed. snlnl bofttii, ahdfTrifested nerve, ccri'lrei' by hand, is done more or less by guess; that the X-ray, In diagnosing spinal lesions, it qf doubtful value. Our new analtyjte removes any guesswork ot doubt, thereby proving thv lWficiency of the older methoI('ahd increasing our percentage of good results. Consuli'tion is invited. R. E. EY0LF80N, D.C. Ph. C, . Phones: Office, Blue R. Residence, Red 589. (iW THE, ANSWTR, are they at home? What is How doing at the office? Did Jones get f my fetter about that wheat deal? Was the 6Jrttwn successful? Has the ship arrived? Was it croup or just a cold? Can we get a fourth for bridge or golf? Questions arise when one is at home, away from home, in the office or at play. The Answer: Pick up the receiver and get into direct and instant contact with the tourer, either through local or long distance. The tclephom is The Answer to the modern ur for the anmbdatsonof time and pact The answer to dependable . teliphaM service m do- Trienjiihfe telcpoone ap-(rtus operated by a hqijy trained penuaDei HotthetH ecfflc COMPANY LIMITED A Tationd! !ertrfcl Smvs SIS WAIKIt STHKET VANcouvKit, a r. CHRISTMAS DINNER FUND For th eonvenjenre of out-of-town uls v-mtpnn mmr be eat ot and Med: riirUiMi TllatMr 4 ... ... .... . .....i t id GHiarn ceniriituuon VnTr , Army to pro1' rvi HUM wa . dlnner for thooe ne etherMife rememiiered on tm -' ana lor me provision oi isriMirai numivia r Hie.. SUned ,.HYDE TRANSFER Jti nt ANt, C0AL co phone .r)S0 . JAf!KlINK AND CKDAll Ct! I- I 1 . . " tS,...t.i i l Large sack i COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerlusi Egg .ji' I'eninina wanften nuiR Albertn Sootlew Iargo Egg jjij Albrta Rootleaa Egg ih k . W Ailwrta lvtimp AI all othur clawjfl of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Kapress and B o 'fi ii.... ...! vi-t.i Rrlr 139 Second I 1 rfti