...I II " pi- tf I' ' TJtcrrnber 18, 1928 4 rt nlAirtTT' S. A. DINNER1. Hi' i Salvation Army ; -I't. Ai.txirn, Orit., Vi-UIT MCO I Ml ' l.' irl .'ma nervrj, no ' li.u.ij.n would bwoine 1 ivf.i doctor' uiedi-"i .a i4 tue utile or 1 'to'see "1 taking thmn i-il for mr.m tin, I '. m-- liad no return of - "t nil druggist and 1'iv-t on nm-iiit of .wiMttim Co., Ltd., PIONEER ASSOCIATION HAS SOCIAL EVENING joyable Function Tnnlr Pi- Last Night at Home of Mr. and Mm. F. W. Hart i.is uay dinner fori women unablo to The Prince Rupert Pioneer's ,ii ni elves, but in-: Association .held another most mUfA mnm- i BU VI 'PHUT II 1 tiMnl -1 1 1 1 1 CAN' MAN NATIONAL ! HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTT.1AS SAILING i CARRIED OFF ' POWER REPORT Alderman Collart Took Exception to Publication of Official ' Document ;eejisenhe Wr. and Mrs.' p. Y Uart Yesterday morning Ihe city ct ..It,1 hhvfever, that evening 1 : newPa An crder to pub- t. nnii 41.. I The proceeding wo V M"1 on Saturday the tenders of 'I" vw "" ,c ...11, .. " v. v , vycucu u l1 and is a cold, im- )vun "e National Anthem in de- . Z V "wu"" u, :,Wiiiiiiff. Thl. fwence to the Kimr's Jllno. fi ??:ure pe power charter from the nrwduis years lowed by "0 Canada" and com- Lm ty lncluded the matter ZTFZL; munity slnirlnir. was a "P ' th report of the ( re a rood home'8 ww reference wad made .to be served and re ,'0M utained by the com-opportunity of in the dth of the late .. Mrs. DuVflrnet lives just as they r other Christmas I ; now leaded in of the Canada the speaker . .$05 .$10 There were twelve tahio. nf Dnge, whist and nedm The prize winners were as follows : Bridge Ladies' Mrs. Olof Han-on; men's, P. W. Anderson. " man; ladies second, Mrs engineer employed by them to ad- vise in resra'rd to Hp tender Yesterday afternoon Alderman Theo Collart, -chairman of the Finance Committee ef the City council visited the newspaper offices and was courteously allowaH to look over the roattr submitted lor publication. He .carried off the report of William which he claimed was unfair to the Los Ansreles comnanv and ab uran of the Prince w. GnCu'LTtLX "'" the Hub which was jj Ld re8Ult Wb that ibe have Eaatman inM,n Mcond' W F F- Cam cm" .mmod.r. Cafe to- eron not the benefit of the advice ten- . ...-4U th ik the I I ' ;j i l. . . . . w local If H. K x hcrtter. frf th pruKram, Kegri Trouble fozh and Feet tab and Gold The musical norli f 4K dred.by n expert employed by program was given by Mrs F C i , , ,, W nan, Mrs. 8. P. MeMm-dU . . " v" nave noi an naq opportunity tond and M Mrs iMrs. J. W. McKinley j m. jsujar. J There were speeches by president Hart and S. M. Newton, J. W. McKinley. 0. Larsen. Geo. Johnstone, Jarvis McLood and H. B. Eastman. The next pioneer evfcnt will be the annual meeting iti the City Hall on January 10. v peruse ine aocuntent BuppreHHec1 so cannot say wbtet h claim of Alderman QtUtttsig ctwreoljor not At t aftyrnfie, jowing t . .the protests of the aldWman, publication of the , dotutaent is1 vHbi held, .... , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Itupert It. A. Twisa. Pt G. ShttlcroHH M. Aivasoff, John W. Allan and McHugh, Vancouver; Dr. and Irs. 11. G. Um and inn. Minn It IT X' - -1 -.1 u . rr u In oroer to accommodate thow j'ort Simpapn 'desiring to go south after schools j 1 close rriday, December 21, the Ca- i ia4iao National Steamships ao-i nounce that on that day the S. S. j Central W. . lcClupvt' Prince Knpert will be held here SaW until 6:00 p.m., arriving Vancou-! Charles T. Clinker, Seattle ; ;ver at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, Deeem- IloWt Aratatrotqh Kewanee, ttl. ber 2S. Make reservations early i i i . ..( City Ticket Office. Third Ave.! Raval Phone 260. ,298' M. A. Rnttta, e&Vi ' II 1 1 II I ii I lull 'i ii miii i mi i iii ii in i m ,i mm imi.. jimrr.uvr? xasc 1 1 i inn i wi ii m niiihfi u i taar. nfHciw aaa An Open Confession: ; O THE PUBLIC: If you were in the same pnsition as vc arc, wouldn't you" do exact thing wc are doing today? , Here jt is: Fifteen more days and 1929 will he with us, and we uavc a huge slock of merchandise, more than we should or care to i r at this time of the year. Goods on the shelf never pay bills . d a dollar in the hank is better than ten on the shelf. Fifteen days to go and this stock must be reduced by ten llioiisand dollars, and the only way we can do it is by taking the. i.eart out of our prices. Profit is no object, neither the cost at ! ,is time. It is a matter of changing goods into cash in the short-). possible time, and unless we offer you goods at unheard of u prices ottr ef farts will be useless. Yotf have watched our sales in the pist and you went homo" utistied and loaded. In this PRE-INVENTOKY SALE we pri.iri-e you greater values, more bargains and more srvings. Our reputation is at stake, watch the paper tomorrow ! Yes, sir! wc ft. y competition : we challenge you to equal values. Never before 1 -ive y-u been able to effect such enormous savings. This is a ' Id statement, yet wc arc ready to back it up. Come Saturday, -corning and prove it to yourself. Ao we arc closing out our gents' furnishings and boys 'olbing department. Every article in these two departments u-isl le cleared irrespective of cost. Men, equip yourself at the.' wricesl It is a chance in a lifetime. Mothers, what about your boys? You can buy two suits W c' v for the price of one. Underwear, sweaters and Mar timw . re reduced to rock-bottom prices. Here is where your dollar will take the place of two. Wait till Saturday morning. Reductions in every department, every article is reduced. " v '.n.. ..r ll .n!n(inn: inclllflcd. No TCSCrVC. I i. ulilh fill In Ul Ull uwtii'iullg Store dosed the rest of Thursday, and Friday all day. t iRlh. 9 a.m. sharp. , "tl'vlllS OUlUIUUy, Ii:t.L-iiii'v - , Watch Friday's paper. YOURS FOR THE BIGGEST OF THE YEAR Jabour Bros. Limited M. ft i HUT r. II THE DAILY NZWS rxGE FIYl GEORGE COPPER WILL HELP TO FEED SMELTER VICTOPJA, Dec. 13. It develops fiere that the main reason for the acquisition and. reconditioning of the Stewart short line railway by the company headed by II. H. Stevens is to carry the copper ore from the Gebrge Copper mine at the Bear River to tidewater to supply a new smelter proposed to)be b,uilt somewhere on the, coast by the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. The Consolidated owns the Coast Copper mine on the west coast of Vancouver Island and has a number of Portland Canal properties under option. The com pany's men are out Inspecting every possible source of ore supply. From these and other sources 12 ACME BOX COATS TUBE COATS RAGLANS id t lESTERHELfe ttiW it oi it is expected a sufficient supply of ore will be available to keep a smelter busy all the tirric. The funeral of the late Mrs. F. H. DuVernet is taking place this afternoon at 3.30 from St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. Interment will be made in the family plot at Fairview Cemetery. x TO INSPECT WRECK OF BARGE PEZUTA Representative of Prince .Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Leaves for Islands Capt. R. Gammon of the Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. left last night with the tug Zanardi for Tlell to make an inspection of the wreck of the log carrying barge Pezuta. Return to the city, it is expected, will be made tomorrow morning. IF YOU WANT RESULTS TRY A CLASSIFIED IT PAYS. You Can Quickly Limber Up Soiie, Stiff, Swollen Joints Even Chronic Rheumatic Swellings in Knee, Elbow, Shoulder or linger Joints Yield to the Migh(y Powerful Influence of JOINT-EASE. ! It's bere right In town and every Uvc drusjlixt has It. Tt a low print remedy, to be sure, but that chon't stop tt frori taking the kinks, latneneu or torture out of your troubled Jolnta. Joint-Kae la the najn. no called because It la compounded aoleto lor the purpose of relieving all four ailment Just rut) It on the tormented, lame JolnU enc in Juat a It aeconda tt will penetrate to tve bone and blessed comfort eomea quickly. It absorbs Instantly and la ao clean and atalnlcaa that you can rub it on often and get thereby reaulta much more quickly, when the Joint Is lnOamed and tne agony interne. Beinc Mich a powerful counter Irritant, tt cannot help bringing apeed and helpful rentflts In c ingestion, acre throat chen ooldx. lumbago and neumlgla nwdb quicker than almost any remedy y .u can buy. But yeu must remember that It la for )olnt afflictions that It la mostly dk.-penied and it herptulnem wUl astonish "U after all ordinary liniments and other treatments have failed. P MMS&i i ry j .'Buff.?? fMa&rrt? S SSY1 FOR A REAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Canadian National Steamships Prince Ri pert DRYDOCK IMPORTERS 5th Annual . ALL.VOOL " A Double Breasted OVERCOAT est Tht Style Hii of The Season! NEW WEAVES AND , COLORS Double-breasted Overcoats have won the popularity of every wnart dresser! Especially our selection that have no equal in,; i quality woolens, expert tailoring, heavy, warm fabrics and real ' '! isuappy colors and weaves. ' AND The Acme Importers THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT SHIPYARD 1 OiKfaimv I..T.I 20.00l Ton Kloxllni; Dry l..rh , Uir.cineerK Machfiiinta. Boilrmalu.-r. Macksinilli. I'iirt iiiakern. Founder. Woodworkers. Eir ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WEt.IUN. Our Ida tit iti ettuipped u, hand!- nil MtlCt MARINE AND COMMERCIAL VVfUtK. I'll ONES 4.1 r.d -Ihb FIVE BIG XMAS VALUES! TIES Silk and knit neck scarfs in a host of wonderful colors and patterns. Most of them are hand tailored. TEMPTATION SALE PRICE, from 65c TO $1.85 SHIRTS Pure white Broadcloth shirts with collars attached and unattachetl! Expert fitting- and well tailored. TEMPTATION SALK PRICE $l.!f and $2.95 SWEATERS Fancy wool, slip-overs in newest patterns and colors. Reinforceo cuffs andi bottoms. A wonderful gift for men. TEMPTATION SALE PI? CE, from to .-..14.95 Terms, Strictly Cash No C. 0. I). No Charge Accounts.