DAILY EDI er of Audit. t3)N PAGE TWO THE DAIL NEWS Tflesdfty, May i, ii f - n on sfJL tlg" THE Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Mvery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Pri net' Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing EdLor. dtmmmmtimii , trimaiu$rtff;i . yfFuesdy, May 1, 1928! TKOUDLE IN BGY1T Trouble has bf en brewing in Egypt for a long time past. Dr. ' OSWendowsky in one of his books on northern Africa traces the source of the little eruptions both in French and British territory to Soviet Russia. The Mohammedan people are extremely superstitious and susceptible to cunning propaganda such as that originating in Mos-eew. Britain was given the overseership of Egypt by the Versailles trejr Slid several efforts have been made by the Egyptians to remove ber. The legislation of which Britain complains is simply passtd for the purpose of enabling the carrying on of anti-British propaganda through public meetings and demonstrations. They wish to take u-way British control of such means of rousing the people. Britain will very soon bring to time those who would force her hands just now, but unfortunately that does not settle the matter. It is probable that there will be more or less continuous trouble in that country for years to come. ADVANTAGE OF WESTBKN ROUTE RritisJ; miTTt iv. if is s';(fff. have lwpn paying six cents a bushel more lhis winter for piMinV wnc.it -hipped l lii'miirh t aimdi.in Pacific ports than for similarly graded wina; 'i . ppeil t hmuirli United Slates Atlantic ports. s;.ys the Kdntonton j;u.le:ii. Tin- lea.-on. nt course, is that Canadian wheat p;i-ii.v tin...i,-;i the I'm'tcd Stat, s is mixed with the soft wheat of that i.uuttry ami its niillinjf .piality correspondingly reduced Oil! n,ei mi;.- iM-ii.lili.ir- ihus p't a lllalkei for wheat which they could not oth.-iuis.- sell aluoad. or a price which they could not vet if tliey wer. aide to -e'l The Uriti.di miller protects himself l paying sonicw a..' I.-- than im- straight Canadian grade is w orth. Hut the rep:.t;-t mi f ( anadian wheat abroad suffers. This i l; no means th- l';r-: .-ea-mi in w hieh the me rry game has been going on. nor the first occasion upon which it has been known to Canadians. The Kailvay ( 'ointni-sion las; year reduced railway rates to Quebec in o.dci that nioie western wheat should go out by a Canadian route and thus reach the buyer in the same condition it leaes the shipper. In part that action was a response to a popular protest against th. "one' ..ring" that is done in I'.S. elevators. The amoun" of the premium p.iH this season helps u ex plain why so much more wheat has gone out through Vancouver than in former years. Six .ents a bushel i- a consideration important enough to unite growers, d.-alcis and public authorities in a national policy of keeping Canadian wheat in Canadian channels. BRITAIN OWNS MOST OF I'.P.K. Majority and cotit n ) I i : it ownership of tin- Canadian ''. . iti. Railway still remain- in British ar.d C..n I i . i i hands, it is clear from the report of the iomp,ii.y tor i;iJ7. AHhougi: American hold ings of C.l'.K. stock increased la.-; year while British holdings declined roughly two-thirds of the total is still accredited to investors in the Uominion and the Cnited Kiagdmn. The following figures Show the percentages of -lock held in various countries at te close of IM7, 1 tUt and as indicated in C.l'.K. annual report!" r.iL'T I !'". I'.)."! Cre.it Britain IS s I ."; .".o.T". Canada Is ii- l!l.:; Ji l t I'nited States ll.jo If. 7-1 Jo.li'.i Other countries r. til 7.K7 7.4-1 Statements made from time to time in recent years have conveyed the impression that the Canadian I'acifi. is passing into American ownership. For obvious reasons this would not be an altogether desirable change, although American investment capital is welcomed in the Dominion. The figure- cited show that the shareholders of the company are still mainly Bri'ish and Canadian. It is not at all surprising that Americans should own more than oiie-.iiartci' of the stock, considering how heavily th.y have invested in Canadian industry since the war. SI0ECLARES AN ALDERMAN I'ltorosAi. in TO 1(11) THK IN (A n.wK r.tMiwfnx UiL OF AXNOV Tlw rat sltuatlwi In the city is be- eDinliiS rather alarfning," declared AMf. Colhu'i at last night's council meeting, 'and li yetma to ni mat drastic meas-tipc-' should be taken to rid the place a thise petts. One man ha ;:ld me that he killed rats In a very short apace of time. I tellve Dr. Cade, the medical health officer, has the mat ter under his Jurisdiction. Has he any i .....i - .,.,-f nn .t.Kjl t Advertiar ta the Oallv New W yahmhlt i W "Poktr Hands" ' turretW CIGAR. ETTES II ' 1 STKWART The Mtfftttt portion of the Portland Car.al district just nr,w la the Magee Wis station of the Marmot River area. Properties operates there are the Aferavx (ngaerr Syndicate, the Mar-itmd -aroun tfotrmeiiv the Waahlugton) lie tod ISWnotiftlwr.eoW; Known to ...... . I U.Av17lr.lln CMYlim 'The following haw been elected director ot the t. and L. Consolidated Mlrtt Ltd!.; President, John Hart: Prank R. leeg. e: B. Macnelll. W. A. Webb arc. 8. P. Ctl Vlctana. An extensive prefnan of evelopment work wlM be inaugurated this summer. The OonaoMdated George Qold-Oopper plan to counteract the pests? No. U la Co., Ltd. has elected director a fol no laUhlng matter. There must be iOWi: p, jj. Llnklater. Victoria, preal-nearly a million rata at the city dump 1 dekt; George- ii. Kllbum Md Mel O- on Park Avenue and they are iprsad- Brlen of Vancouver. Consolidated En- lng all over the town Going home my-1 gtneera; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. (Morge ot self yesterday. I nearly stepped cn one. stewart; Jack Mullen of Ingenlka. and Steps should be taken to get rid of them Richard Jones. Victoria quickly as they are one of .he most! dar.verous asiPiicles for the carrying ol with ample funds on hand to carry disease." ii large-scale operations throughout Aid. PriKlhumme agreed with Ald.j.g irasoa and wl.n a property that collart. Thcv were sll over town and gcn ertry adt-antaie from location the situation was becoming serious The ,n) grurtaee showings of ore. the 8llvr construction of the streets was such that opened up this awnmer. n gave them a grea place to burrrow. worj to fee started as soon aw anew !.." had len a successful campaign oondltkMia ptmlt. The property Is -m- years ago to rid the city of rata. v;nea ay alatue nd Vaneomef cap!-Such another, he felt, ahould be under- lauta gad - RdfLlns the Porter-Idaho taken. find Prosperity. M... r McMordle suggested that ther :.: ir-'r be communicated I j y OMw M back from s Matlneea ' ; ii Th" (I. i-,m -a is "m? Dr. Cade m m irinanuiil ,,. l oe ien ; w o naroo has wturnarf ka the CONSIDERATION OF NEW PARKING BYLAW AGAIN DEFERRED TWO WEEKS The tl-M:--(t .ii : . ' 'cel. Cfl" a;n las' WM unable h, nt. it '.ma with caftap attsr having spent the winter in the louth. TrifOe Wtwetn Hyder aad Stewart was ti'nsHly lntemtpted last week ai i resUK of a mudslide eatashtag up part of fhe road ana taking out a portion of the bridge at the old wharf. . -, elaia AawaatM. Mstlve Sana of k.- i.-.... :attoa of mada. aaa alteted oSSeen aa fol lows: ; i':a::;- uw a alaslaWilt, A P. sCMfe: first vice-preal- lakat, a. u. vrorkasan: aeoond vice-j president. Oeorge Cameron; secretary, P. I. Olgo. Materials and supplies for the camp j id write "d mining machinery la already being -..zat bve taken en to the Knglneer property, i.ell. i There la sarong leeaU deoaaad for has been unlti. in the company. . now. It In FAIR BOARD ASKS LOT FROM CITY AND CASH PAYMENT NOW A uc.ttMon from the fair board -a-n ii v Pic.-.n-nt It. P. ItcOaffery i -iM'-.-i --..t O. B. Caaey waited ' .acll last night wKh the .-. o, - MOO ot the annual grant . ei.irt .' ace ao that necessary work :. :! o - rted at the Agricultural Hall. Kr-nio was also made that lot 0, i - k . .. section 1 be tranaferred to u : beard for raffle purpooee. TBI )ot reverted to the city for taxa- l:e requests will be glvtn favorable coiialderatlon by tne city. Pelt Seppl returned ta BKwan last week from a trip aoTrtb. There la quite a building campaign in Stewart again this aprlng. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harner are amctt 4a the aaabtK after aarta aawnt the winter In Vancouver. The Scovll residence at Xlfbth and Columbia streets baa been purchased by outside capital through H. W. M Ralston Go. Tbe aaowMl at Stewart for tbe past Winter totalled nineteen feet which Is no record. Operations . on the Ldfceview were lUrted on a small scale last week and will be increased as transportation facilities improve and underground ccndltlena warrant. William Itetruu. formerly foreman for tbe Dun well, li in charge. Ore similar to that of the Dunwell la being opened up oa the Mayflower property. Tunnelling la proceeding. H P. Olbaon is president ot the company which experts to have 140.000 for operations this year. Good pi ok rase la being made on t'te tunnelling of tbe Twrnttntu mine, tlw contractors having completed 41 of the IN feet required. Another craw will be put on wo. 1 retn aa aeon a supplies tan be tehen in. S. P. Workman, obnatrwittofc engineer for the Canadian Itoniiaaattiirt Railway, has been autbnrtaad to oatf tor tender for cqnstructlon of the Bitter Creek bride: clearing of right of way; hewn ties and renewal of wotodan culverts Part of the eawaUM machinery has arrived and the mill wilt De tniflt near Bitter Creek a soon aa poatlbM employment win be given to about 100 men. John P. Coatea. prominent Vancou ver mining eadmtO. aaa been making an examination ot the Georgia River Oold Mines Ltd. Thefa waa too much snow to make the inapeetion upon which future delpment would be based. VANDERIIOOF Bamuel W. cocker attended the Con servative nominating oenvenllon in Prince Oeorge at the end of last week and spoke on "The Province of British Columbia during Crowa Cotofly Bay." Mia Ins CampaeU, who la In train ing for a tiurse at the Vaaur Qen- latel Hoapitsi .Mtiemed haeive east week Mr aa gteaa Miss t .if her' ttW 'tortou ill- ! . , ...... H ... Vina oiover left laat wk for Vanoauvei where she wUl take up residence. Bite waa gtwa Send-off try her many friend la the Nechako and Prairiedale distrleta and a present t ion was made. Mrs Roy m. Taylor ha been elected secretary f the Women' AuiUUry to the local Anglican Church. Samuel lw last Tuuadev made the first Autnmnhiu tr.n nf t hji season from Vanderhoof u Stuart take. On Thurs- s e s s & ear s s s 0 o s s s s s s s G s s "Looks Like a Million Dollars!" 20-year nickel, rich, radiant enamel green, blue, FLASHING, maroon or black with snappy gold trim. Graceful and strong in every line, C. C. M. BicyeJes look the part they undertake to fill, and that is to be the quality -bicycles of Canada, with: no superiors anywhere. "Oh, Boy! a OOM-J" Equipped with padded top, long suspension, motor bike saddle; , Hercules brake, the famous Triplex hanger, Gibson one-piece, non-rUstitlg aluminum pedals; top qual rf Tks Ci pbonaiof&oe baa now been moved from tfc omr af Stewart and Lampitt aVetfta to the Charlatan buMUlng until a permanent appolatmrnt la mad. Miss Myrtle Mitchell is in charge of e 4Boe. Fines ootleeted through Us city poller eourt during the month of April totalled teas according to snnouncemsnt ' made laat night by Sergeant J. P. U. Hannah, chief of the city deUchmant of tha provincial police. Acepunu for the two weeks ending .pril 37 And totalling 20.S11. 91 were passed for payment by the city counsll last dlght. r hesi Colds 1ST Vins nasi Need Direct Treatment It is an ob. i. stinate cold " indeed thaf can resist the direct double action of Vicks. Rubbed on the chest, it acts 2 ways at '(1) Direct to air passages with its healing vapors released by body heat ; (2) Direct, like a poultice, it ' draws out" the soreness. ot ity roller chain; sewn leather hand grip, drop side, automobile design modtfuards with raised centre; Dunlop tires; steel rims; stylish, forged fork crown; drop-curved top K! r bar tile bicycle that grows with. 'SAFETY" FIRST 10 CommendmenU for Cyclists 1 Kp m (fi rlh fd niH riw cutb. 7 Mnng irsff c. si ,n rifhi : onktnc ttl- t. pM sa 1th. -l Turn rich cUm to cwrb Turn Uft arouna ctnira sf inicrMction. A RsiM ons arm whan Hepelm and lwinc up and t indtcata di- racasfi whan turnir.f S RU araialu Don't 3 ekU. A Tsach It STOP t na and Irattc sscwf uf. rials. 'J Give rraf&c cstains ' froaa rift iha right ol ar at uasraacttstu. O Oe sat hang n ta SMvieg vaUclaa Q Den't io" la ftsnt of a sionaa car JQ Kwtf rer fret on iha paalala it haiula on iha handlabara. Bicycles Columbia-Cleveland-Red Bird ' Massey-Perfect and Joy cycles for Children Tom Bollinger's, Fifth Street JOY-CYCLES FOR THE LITTLE ONES day, L. R. R. Seldon made the first trip fa from Von Praetr. Thj gorernmarrt telegraph and tele- 4r 0 0 9 S 0 s 0 s 8 Io s 9 s 9 S 0 s 0 s 0 s 9 s 0 G3$tss9ssssosssesessSGS9S9sases!) BOYS! Choose Your Bicycle Today ACCESSORIES IN STOCl Canadian National Steamships Co, Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OiXratlnK (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock HnjiJiieerfl, MaclilnlstB. Uollermakers, niackgmllh, PoU makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc, BI.ECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MAItlNE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 arrfni-a Pafckagoof K0T6X If you buy 2 packages here at'IOO H. S. WALLACE 20 PER CENT DISCOt NT LADIES' COATS DRESSES ALL NEW fiOODS WALLACE'S