iPAcinc 'J - !' . , t , C2 i I- tr Liberal c (povers mnabU to Kbit UNION PAG i FIE Ran ad ian National QTjc Largefl Kaihoay Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKA1N SERVICE :t. m I'NIM'E HM'KKr fur I .IKCOt VF.N. VH'TORIA. AKITIIR. .i rui' ilite poln o-u h RltV and t'M.iY at 11 pjn. . ' i' IHMN aiid WVOX. eurh VKlMUl.t V. 4 p.m. i ' u r .ch Kli at 10 pm N.IK 1 1 nni MM III jlKN I U ARtOTTK laCA.MW. PoncUhUy. IV.KK,V.KH TKAJ.NM l.fWIi PRIME R( PKRT miiiiv. Ml usi:ai.tv and A1I'RI.V at 11,30 aJB. for PilKCK ' i . m . :.. tmiKNTON. wiNKirtu. an potnu asteru oanaae, unitea HUM V M l OTEAK MTRtMNHIt- LINK. I- imadlaa vannl r.vr far Msjney 0ra. Paeftttt tUe4(ue et; ai-o for our nut shlpmem ivt vi.'ket ornrn. ata inmi wt. mtrnt rtMN Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert i (k in. WruiiKril. Juneau, and skarway Marrli 31. AprU 11, 31. ..iiwi. Miioiht and Hestlle '.(11 . IS. 31. PKIXCKHH ROYAL It ii.ii.iie. Ijuri Bella Helta, iireui; lolls. Nama. Alert Hay. I if n Klrr uml VamoBver every rrlda). 10 . l r .11 MraiiiMilp . ut ta'oreaotaatl rram V. r. OHfllARH. eneral Aireat. i lili NtreU and Srd Aroo. Prince Rupert. ItC. . lfer 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED telling from Prltirr Ituperl. i '. m nt vi;it. VH'TORft. awaUMiii " Huledale. Alert raay, t. A ( iVl lu!"'vi'TOIllA. Iliit. 'latr. M.rt IJ. el. . MMurda), 7 J. M.K ! tM. AN VOX. tEt.R.. WAI.K! IM.AM. PORT MIMIKON. . i aV, i. m biitii. Ainu. HHm-e Kuvert. II.C. 1' " "tii tic krt sold lo'vMuriii and Scullle. ami baggage clietiitd 1 ilrllmor LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES I CURE DEFECTIVB VISION, DEFKCTIVE IIBAU-IN, CATARRH uild other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, DX. Wullatf Ulock. Phone 131. Open Kvtn.ns RVKUVnVR RISR DOES -iiiinir Htoflf -nt XUith flind Mun'a Weur is now u "f Itiiton's finest woollens from which to t i-iiijf sniftallored to your mounure by Cunailii s 11 '"'I liuildera "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do It Today THOR JOHNSON here. lioosu fol'O- Tommy Tail. Phone 671. 113 Dentars. Dr. J. R. ,Oom Phone 688. Skating dally, a to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Oct U Big 4 hablf When thinking or a Taxi, phone 4 tf Argus McLeod, well known Alice Arm prospector, has returned to the camp after having spent a few days In the city. ties committee. Aid. OoUart enquired at last night' council meeting tf W H. Tobey and M. A. Burbank, representing the Can adian Nations Railways, had been arf- pointed to the Parka Board aa decided iupon recently by the council. Mayor McMordte replied that they had been appointed. A communication from Thomas Mc-Clymcnt staling that Mrs. Cora I. Black, on ae03H.'it of Ulnesa. had neglected to pay atjafto Waiting in taxes i and asking that the penalty be waived wet received at last night a council meeting city Solicitor E. P. Jcne advised the council that it had no power to meet with the request. Pred Cooper, who ha Aeon mechanic on the staff of the file department here, for several years, and Mr. Cooper will sail this events Ry the Oatalu for Bumuby, Vancouver, what they will t.iUe up residence. Mr. Cooper Is suc- Aid. Prualhaeaaie . Inquired at laat night's council meeting if any report was yet fortaooentng ifKam ,the joint committee r the cltyf rfneil and Board of Trade which had 4een dale-gated to InvoHlgate the mattejt of Ito-uranoa rates here. He thought1 that it was high time the report was In. Aid. Coll art replied that the report was not yet ready but he would endeavor to have it In aa soon aa possible. On recommendation of the utUttlee committees the city council last night rave an order to Albert as MoOaOery for the supply of 500 tons of Ranstmo-Wclllnfton waahed paa coal to to dry dock power plant at 91 M per ton f o b dry deck. It was also dasidad to purchase a fifty ton sample of Casatdy- Wellington coal from Hyde Transfer at M 75 per ton. Aid. Brown reported that the city had had no previous exper- ler.ee with this coal and. aa It was cheaper. It waa desired to try It out. The only other tender waa from Phil-pott at Evltt who quoted 37.73 per ton ANNOUNCEMENTS Ridley Home Annual Baaaar, Thurs day. May 3. in Moose Hall. Tennis Club Annual Ball. Prtday, May Rail. Oyro Hoedown. Moose Halt. Priday. lay 11. Women of Mooseheart Legion Child- en' Masquerade, May '8. "Are You a Miiaon?" by Players' Club. M 71 nnrt 33 In West holme. She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mrs. A. IlieM, Borstall. Sa.., writes: ''I was troubloil with Tery severe !icarladits, ajid aonietime I could Cot do mv Work. "One dar a friend tcld ma about in..1 nlvwvU inn to give it a trial. I nVciiliM ii Ho B0, m,d after taking a few bottles i IVmiuI it had done m a world of good, arm T haven 't had any lieadache for a long i1Uij now." Maau factored only by Tao i. Jmibu-a Co LimiUo. Xoroata. Dal Tbla afternoon's train, due from the Beat at 340, wh reported this morning to be on time. Trout fishing In lake Is permtable frot'feyv Ar stream, the snaaon dae nrtrfopeivunttl May 34. ';...: f' fit! P. o. Dawson I out again after being laid up with a bad leg for several week. He etUl find walking rather difficult. Stanley W. Oeorge, local Insurance man, returned to the city on the Cat ala this morning from a business trip to Anyoa and Stewart. John Clark of Vancouver, boiler In spector, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Arrandale on official duties. J. A. Lindsay returned to the city em the Catala this morning after having spent the week-end at Stewart on a brief business and pleasure trip. Prod Joudry. local optician, returned to the city on the Catala thla morning after having spent the past couple of weeks at Stewart on profess to nil bust- A meeting of toe Carpenters' Union waa held last night. Business, the see retary Marcus Andrews, reported this morning, Was merely of a routine nat The annual clean up period for 'this city will be front May 1 to May 15. A report to that eSect from the Board of Works waa adopted by the city council last night. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles' Aid of first Presbyterian Church is being held this afternoon at the church with Mas. T. MeClymont, the president In the chair. . Contributions of plants, root and nowers are asked tor the flower stall at the Ridley Home Basaar. Donors are desired to leave their, gift at the Moos Hall on Thursday aaorattng. May 3. Union steamer catala, Capt. E. A. oiidsd a aaaehaiuc in the Plre Ball bylniekaon. vetttrnsd about a o'clock this JaaW Warka end Peter Martfh has laMmlng fro Anyoa, Rtewsrt sad other laaRiRkgifliitid ta'tha suff to fttt the vacancy aauaed by Mr. Cooper de parture. j t , awrtbeen parts af eaU a ad., will sail at o'clock thla evening few Vaneowrer and waypointa. The report of Oeorge Rone, C-A.. city auditor, for the three montha of the year ending March 31 was presented to the olty council last night a laid on the table for. two week few the perusal of the During the amnth of April the oil cctuumst:on in the City Hall beating systeea waa 130 gaUons according to the report of the Janitor, John Walker Batty. The dally wmramawtan was h gaOJaaa and eost H S3. During the month of April the city rire department responded to a total or ant alarms, none of which resulted In any serious damage. The wtssaafleitlnn was as fellows: cigarette stub under sidewalk, one: overheated atove, one: fata alarm, one; grass fires, two: chimney fir, one. Perm lesion was given the Salvation Amy by the city council met night to hold a tag day on the coming Saturday la connection with Its Self Denial week campaign. Adair Cars Chapter. I.O.D.E., whoa tag day for soldiers' graves has been postponed, was given permission to hold It on any following Saturday. Passenger going through to Vancou ver from northern points on the Catala today Ineluds Mrs. Robertson, lira. M Lofthua. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, A. C. faalt, Mr. Bailey. Mr. O'Hanley and A. C. Paulson from Anyox, and R. O. see. Lester Kimball. Thomas Ann strong and son. Mrs. Oyer, J. F. Coatee and Mr. Gibbon, from stowart. The city council last night granted permission to the Fair Heard and ti' Blks' Lodge to use Acropolis Mill grounds on June for the Flag Day and May Queen celebration. At the suggestion of Aid. Frudfeonun. the two organlratlona were also given limitation to use the ground May 34 for their joint, celebration of Victoria Day. PftMcnKeu cIlM-mbHrklug here this 'morning from tlie steamer Catala Included Alex M. Davlc. H. Stratford. B Wennrrlund and Robert Wager, from Alice Arm: H. 8 Wilder, J. A. Morris. Fred Joudry. W. Ulng. Mrs. D. Clark--tiom. W R. Bucknnll, J. A. Llndaay k:u H. Bi ant Ivy from Stevsrt; a. 11. ;Kcbeit(.n. 8. W. Oeonie, E.. todsMn, M. SodMtixm. W. Clunnuraoekt, Mrs. DIs-lu p. Miiut Caaey. Ml O'Dottnell and c it McMillan, from AnyoK, and John ciHik Irum Arrandale. MIIJ. ('( TTINfl The new snwmlll nt Seal Oove Of the Big Buy Lumber Co starHil cutting yexN'i-tlny Bfieinoon but there (till remain (.oine adjustment" to be. made In i he machinery mid it will bo a few iIiii'h y-t before the plant la In full -Iteration. IS? 1 1 S?ZG! Mm MM 30 OR a quality Gin possessing the most pleasing, flavor, ask tor bterlmg London Ury. it is distilled bv experts according to the best - r A, w London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John Coilim (J Two-thirds cocktail glass Sterling London Dry Cm. jutce of one lemon, wexe of kc one teasfoonful stajar. Dottle cold soli Sterling Gin Ixjclyy (( One lump ice m tumbler, juice of one lemon or lime. Sterling London Dry Gut Fill up with soda water Uu fii ictc '"It (iirmg a. BW kw sw m1" kv m tk.Pfk. af jf LONDON DQYC! XOTH'K. Owing to the Increased coat of labor and the advanced price of flour, the price of bread will be raised to two loaves for Stc on and after May 1, iota. uaiwhii- aa. LaCASSK BAKRRY. RUPERT BAKERY. BLBCTBIC BAKERY. 103 Advertise In The Dsilv New IN PR0l)ATE IN TIIK M PKIIMK nil'KT OK IIKUISIl I'tM.l MI'.IA la the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Benedict Btaffsn Johnson, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hli Honor P. MeB. Young, the 33nd day of March. 1938. I waa appointed administrator of the estate of Benedict Steftan Johnson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are beeebv renulred to furnish same orp- ny veniieo to me on or nrioix ins. ih day of Anrll. 1B38. and all par ties indebted to the estate are required to nev the amount of their lndebted- nest to me forthwith. ' NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prlnae Rupert. B C SlIERUTS SALE And Dumont and Emmersoii. Defendants. TAKE NOTICE that In accordance with an order of HI Honor Judge P. McB. , Young, dated the 37th day of April.: 1P36. I will sell 16 section of Spruce; and Hemlock Log now beliiK nflnat near Dlgby Island Wlreleos Station. The aame i being logs cut by the sbnve named De-1 fendanU. and on which the Plaintiffs elnlm lien Sale to take ulaoe at thertfr Office. Court Houv. cn the 8th , day of May, 1338. at 2.30 o'clock In the afternoon. S. A. NICKERSON 10fl 8herlff. ; Bowl! is SluiM foeeS highly concentrated J DEMAND eaV I !.,, May 1, 1028 THE DAILT NEWS PAGE THREE Watty Grocery. Phones S3 and 56. 106 I N S I ST-:- ON ' S T fFT5-JD f 1 m r, .!. r. T M Local and Personal Pot a Txl Phone 290, Oscar Hanson. Stand. Central Hotel. t EJTECT1VE MAY Z TO SEPT. 30 nun UIT UCT. 31. IQXB RCUND TIU? TO , .f flfSfttifiKK? H;trt. .fa. .V. . . . ..." ina mviPILS I Tat. ---- . ...ai , u swi KeM.fMl ctircACo imm 'Ttf(tt .. CINCINNATI SWJT ATI "nta isoS Canyon Nat'I PR. WTSpUfcCH m.ae YcKo-.e-rttono National Pk. ff I TBi miMUlU'HlA 197.2Z ... '! Cfj NEW YORK lOt.JO IUuMratrd Dotiklttt. RrMrva- ' fi UOSTUN KM. 7 tious aiui Informal i .n, address Agent fumol below. Union Station, Seattle I Pa kage of KOT6X If you buy 2 package! here for W9 IUIE E3 mes Im 7fic Pioneer Dritfisis THIRD AVE 1 SIXTH ST. TLLEPHONES r"-,2Q0 James Killaa is on a business trip to Premier where he conduct a commissary as an adjunct to bis local busl- O PR. steamer Princess Alice, Captain Arthur Slater, la due In port tomorrow morning about 9 o'clock northbound from Vancouver to Alaska point. Following a lengthy and serious Illness. Mrs. J. P. M. Hannah was suffi ciently recovered today to leave the ; Prince Rupert General Hospital for her mat, The city council last. Qtgtil accepted recommendation float the finance committee that the annual membership foe of m In the Union of B.C. Munici palities be paid. t A communication Irotn Thomas Mc Clymont submitting a proposition for the Insurance of the electrical mach Inery in the Bnawatlaua Lake plant was road at last aught 's council meeting and referred to the finance and utili D M. MeLrod submit the following slogan lor this aity: "Prince Rupert, B.C. arid AX)., awl will always be." J. A. Morrt, local wholesale broker returned to the city on the Catala this morning frotn a business trip to Stewart. N This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Eoard or by the Government of British Columbia. U'NrOM COLLKt'TIOXS Custom and excise collection at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of April totalled a3l.e7t.6l according to announcement made thla morning by J. H. McLecd. collector of custom. The total for April 1397 waa 331.S3l.73 and for April 133B. Ma.34a.33 . "Rupert Brand" "THE liAINTIKST UKKAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 0-, L. I'rince Huperl. U.C. Tennis! Tennis! SliU OUU NEW HACKKTS $7.50 to .$t!MX 1928 ltalln are in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 'if N,TrrUUE 'VO.JjJpisaf Sizes f to -year. Spj 1 S3.50 0 n S3.75 OUU. Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.