Save Money Boston Grill Tiie cheapest way to buy the Da ly New U to subscribe by the-veal The cost U 85.00 and your ,n- id delivered to your address U evening. Just figure out the jsutl ciwt to you for thlj dally y nei : :c iui h(ms uivmwisi i ii rs i. mieter iliod only two de- treeUna; ai e.ijlit o'clock at Dto.)i. nt cording to "port ot tlie Government uihcr p)i"-ci I:, i lie north warmer hut not enough n in breaking up the Ice. i Mport follows i i''r, calm temp 40. I'lmr. calm. temp. 40. ' :r.:dy. calm, temp S. clear, calm. temp. 4. nr. calm, temp 48 t'art cloudy, calm. temp. 44. Clear, light wind. temp. 48. i-..u Clear, ralm, temp. 40. I'art cloudy, oalm. temp. . Part cloudy, ealm, temp, .. Cleer. rata. Ump. 7. bin Clenr. calm. temp. 4. - south - Cloudy, Creek. Ctoddf. 1 ' iiiy. calm. tamp. 40. Clear, calm. temp. 49. it. Clear, calm. temp. 87. "It .r. calm, temp 34. fUDGE CHARGED FAVOR CURRIE '. Out., "" libel i w T. May 1. In the ault aiialiuit F. W. ! I ' ! 4 on ' i- for the Into Carl Axel owing "' e I the LoVal DMar of UlatU T 'eil. pastor of First Pros-'hiii-ch, officiated and Inter-;'d m Fairview Oemetery. 1 " friends and acquaintances raiiDesrers were g. Z S V I WHI . No. 102. . ' ' ' INSPECTOR ''Presenting the Deep Sea public can ""'ig flowers included J.n.k-ji uu family. Mr. Villi WAX AI.I.OHlill .III.U'l.ll-UAVOlt TAYLOR TAIfOOUVSR. May I. Giving evidence in the poltee probe yesterday afternoon Detective Roderick MoUod aaeerted that chief Long told him two Chtneae were granted pennlaelon to operate gambling hounaa because Mayor Taylor had aald tbey helped him la the election. editorial Development of Georgia l LEAN-UP PERIOD ini tial ( lean-up iwriod for onimences today and u ho have nut attended to :n; (i ;.tnt matter are likely i i.t it officially if it is at once. ii generally the city in in ! i oiidition and a great I'l Dplu have been improv- COOL WEATHER IN THE YUKON ? iv mil nrciHKKH awivr tHrm- iv KAMA IIIIh Mfilt.MMi II AM HON AT A River Mine is Planned Soon as Snow is Gone ROAD is to be built to the Georgia River Gold Mines, on Portland Canal, heavy machinery will be taken in and an aggressive camnailfn of lUvelsmmont will l- fiiri-iiul ..n iknr., I t 1 . . i i ' " f - " w Ul UISIC, MIUIU- ' vo "wn"; m JOftn r. Coates or Vancouver, a mining engineer, who arrived .i.g gardens, pamting and this morning aboard the Catala and is proceeding youth after a visit .i n their premises or other- to Stewart. making things tidier and; Mr. Coats says there is too much snow on the ground at nre-"'' n'T.. lh1e1c,v,c au: sent t0 do nythi" definite but he thinks a road could be buil will follow this up and that could be used by tractors this year. The road will follow th, at no civic nuisance is al- oeorgie River but as soon aa tbe snow,- - - I remain and that no care-, disappear he win be back and wui -iis are omitted from thecidc exactly what is to be done. He says program, Prince Rupert the have tne money for development r. much better ':' ln trr,l"y but the first thing to .a,t week has not been iH? m the c., for work of his k nd Once the TO.Twiu liaiieportstlon plane are eet- lltd . be laid down for prospects seem to be im-,.. working of the mine. Oamp con-i'hI a fine week should ttruction win have to be taken in hand t liniinary spring work 'and equipment provided and it will be come little time before actual work oaa proceed There will be great activity at th jiroperty Just as soon as tb snow l gone ANG4Ullt UAMIH.IM1 4 4 1 .4 1 AWARD $509 LIBEL SUIT I'HEMTON AMI HII.MI.N (ll'ILTY AMI UT PAY MM AM. IIVi; II) Slit ..Kllll It I OWII lt, (Int.. May 1. The hundfid (tester was swarded Mr Artkar Cwrrle la hla Ilw4 alt sgalkMl . T. II lraati jiat( 1. v. Wltean rtrfrndanti hi the tfeit fr ISBjaM. the Jstry foviMl drfriHlsMta gwH. flHI.VO 5AUION HxllINO 4 f BeporU received from Dundee bland la that eprUkg salmon fishing is show-4 ln a alight Unprovament. At Warke 4 Canal the OiBlat U very slew at pre-4 sent. ( 4' Ulltl.H up IKMVN. 41 4: The wires were ail down today with 44444444444444444, the remit that meat of the telegraphic i feature usually received an absent. A Bubwrlbe for the Dally Nrwa. 'few brief despatches came by wlreleae. Portion of Weapon with Which Murder Committed is in the Possession of Police They Say Inspector Spillcr Makes Official Statement in Regard to Crime nnd Declares Perpetrator Will yet be Found that a portion of the weapon which it is believed AANOUNCKMENT was used in the slaying of Mrs. Esther Killas on April 17 has been in the possession of the police for some time was the most interesting- feature of an official statement on the crime which was delivered to newspapermen in an interview last evening by Inspector William Spiller. The nature of the weapon and the place it was found Inspector Spiller declined to divulge. The in-sector slated that the investigation was continuing and would continue until the perpetrator of the crime had been apprehended. Solution of the mystery surrounding the crime might take some time to reach, however, it was evident Inspector Spiller feared. The statement was as follows: On arrival of the police, the houetk waa found to be In a very orderly oon- R. Prriitoiv. Judge Ojuon. Nothing had apparently bean mliig concluded Ms charge which retired to cotwtder . counsel for the defense moved and nothing mien. The police have been In poaseaalon for some time of a portion of the weapon with which It Is presumed the Judge ' charge was one- erlme was committed wim overruled. iNERAL SERVICE FOR FISHERMAN IS HELD HERE TODAY vestlgaUon, the nature of which It la impossible for me to divtfe, la continuing. Sometlmea auch caisea as these drag along for months before aolutmn le reached. The polloe a till welcome any information or suggestions. WhUe an arrest for a minor offencr "Between one hundred and 180 per- mirht be tniidc hurriedly, extreme care " I halibut fisherman, who many, valuable 1 '"I of last week took nlaoe this MsMMT IW cu JslUffl have bean interviewee ana in vestigated, soma two. three ana even four times. The police have beam finding difficulty tn tracing men who war down there that night and it has beet neoenary to work back through long channels before being able to check up some of these men. some , to deniaw anu - -r- H I jnrH ri ...... . . . r ... ..iMinllf I ,i'- be hours have ueen ei. be Mved If people who k.t sioainlna .: a-unt f-IstrtnaVh -ould inform tuiwr o.-- '7 Deen Deep Sea sea Flahermenl Ptarwrmen's T.or or myself so they may w. " ' on Anv informstion who . were ln in we that "" tooallty ' that peiHons , nlaht will be kept strictly f';n", hour at any Appoimmenb. can be of the day or night jtotM(lon of . in attendance to pay "Owing to W. w--- Ed. the perpetrator o iannritjus " w"iur niia ,1 . m. i , that UMI1 lit T V . some police officer of working ut 11 u'1 whether it loat eight ot snd j officer i" o whllt. The in- I must be exercised ln such cases as this as a person, cnoe arrested for so serious a erlme as this, would find it difficult to snake off the stigma of auch an arrest should it prove to have been unwarranted. "Further details of yie Investigation I am not at liberty to discuss at this time. CANADIAN OBSERVER COMINGAT WEEK-END t'.N.S)N. I'rrl(liter Hue Here Sulnrilay or Mondiiy Willi I'llrtt mill l.iinilirr Canadian National Steamships Canadian Observer of tbe Ocean Falla-Oallfornla paper carrying aervloe la due MAKE, PRINCE KUPETtT, $; TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1928 l now ln prograas. The lumber will be bnrometi for brldgei on the railway. I swell. WIKrXKM STATEMENT HKI'tfllT. 8 u.m. DlRbr Inland-Clear, calm: barometer. SO 80; temperature. 51: aea smooth; 8 PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper REGARD WORLD'S MOST UK.VlTIFtL ROYAL 'H!L!KFX: That is what artists and sculptors say ;:l)out the bairns of the Grai'.dduches.s of Luxembourg, who married the Prince Felix de Dourbon Parma Jack Sharkey Knocke Out Delarey in First Round of Scheduled Fifteen Round Bout at New York Last Night AVBTiHWOUK. May 1,-Jack Sharkey, the Hoston heavyweicht, rV' won in the first round of the "big fiuht last nijht here against Jack DeJnney flooring him with a jolt on the jaw which put him to sleep and enqed the fight. The bout was scheduled to have gone fifteen rounds but there were not many blows struck before the end came, lea than a minute front the time the round began. Delaney never hit his opponent once but he received several heavy blows from the Han-Ionian, the fourth doing the business promptly and effectually. Sharkey was the favorite, betting being strong on him prior to the go, but no one expected ft to end as quickly and suddenly as it did. KEEN BIDDING FOR HALIBUT iiKiiiiiKT riiiri: sinci: tsTKit I'AII) AT KMilANtil: Illls MOICMMI I OK Mil It IKXIS Tlirrr wa kern UMtllng at I lie !M rAchangr tlii MwrMlug hIIIi Hie rroMlt Unit hallltut m ut tlw hlgltet figure It haw reaeltetl kliM-e live bailer lliillda.VM. Onl) fnar iHHtta were itffrrliig aixl two nf litem went tnrr the flltren mark wltllr lite oilier Inn were M ubowt vrtrolren reitU. I'olluMliig Here the aalra: Nwfdlc, JI.WHt, to lUmtU trtlitflre, at llLlfte ami sr. ' sexalur. mm. to ftteragw. t I. IK' uimI r. IjHterr, lUm, lo IMrt-iOi Im4rria. at. ITf ami sr. , I.Hen, l,0M, tit Kjl rWi Vu, ul IT. I lie ami Sr. ECENT City Formally Accepts Offer to Transfer Waterfront Property Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cents CRIME Fishermen Want Salmon Sold on Open Market Packers are to he Instructed to Follow This Plan When Delivering Pish Here Prom the Trolling Grounds l A T a meeting of the Warke Canal unit of the Northern U.C. Salmon fishermen's Association held last week a number of questions pertaining to the fishery interests were discussed I and the following resolutions were adopted: I "That all salmon fishermen be requested to put their fish on i thf: market and in case they ship through the hands of a packer to I instruct them to do likewise." "That we shall not sell our white salmon for less than six cents i and request all salmon fishermen to support us in this matter." ! "That the executive' committee take action to enforce high speed : boats to slow down going through Canoe Pass as they are damaging fishing ooats tied up to the floats there. LAW ENFORCEMENT SUBJECT OF PAPER !i. Iliirrh Speaker Itrrore t'nitrd f'hureji Yoiiru lV.ile Lat Night Ite-hecralHg for Itay An In .cresting paper on the topic: "itH Private Cltlarn'a Repooa.blllty In Riaurd to Law Enforcement" waa gives U.ore the Young People Society ot F nt United Ofciuoa last evwalsc a . Harrle of Booth Masaotial aVhoot kaach ins eta. The padW pleVii PAGEANT SCENE FIRESIDE CLUB ItriltHMIMKNTH StKVEII II Y MKN AT KCtlt I.AU Mi:tllMi L.T NK1IIT The regular meeting of the Baptist PlresUle Club held last evening waa one of unusual interest and enjoyatent. The, principal feature of the program waa the presentation of a Missionary Pageant Hi Him '-Aunt TJltm Iniawi tailetbe." and covered many phases of the qura- The eaete includsd seven teen eoarac- tlon the dsairsblilty on the part of ten whlrh were represented by ladles leach person observing the law woe era- of the Mission circle and members oX iphasled. This. U was held, would Ithe Preside Club end to cultivate opinion and sentiment Thurbur aj "Aunt TUlle" gav: toward the keeping of law and order. capital rendering of the part, and An Interesting discussion on waya and ,1: tile cthr members of the caste ac-means followed the paper. quitted themselves in an exceedingly The reet of the evening was given bl manner, both dialogue and char-over to rehearsal of the play "The scteriatlon being very well done. A Village School Mam" which will be pre- nte audience which crowded the lec-aented by members of the Society on tur hU witnessed the psrfonaanee with May 10 Miss I. M larle la directing Teat delight. Vocal solos were render-the play . by Mlaa B. Derry and Mrs, P. Miner, Mrs. Roir walker being accoatpsnlat. Rev. W. P. Prtee presided At the close of the program a bountiful lunch waa served by the young men ol the club under the direction of O. Sutherland. Made by Provincial Government NEWSPAPER IS city council last night accepted an offer from the provin-j TIIE cial government, through Hon. T. D. Pattullo, to convey to the municipality seventy-five feet of waterfront at the foot of! McBride Street, committing itself, however, to no immediate scheme1 of development on the property. The finance committee recommend-j ed that the offer be accepted. Hours f CHimlilne slightly lew than last Year lint Kalti ln ami Temperature Walter April weather this year, In spite of unapprcclatlve commenla that may be generally heard, was not so bad. Sunshine, totalling 01.8 hours, wax almost as much as Inst year's 1005 Inches. There was let precipitation at 421 pm sj.oke stesmcr Aleutian, five miles , inchn thJU1 laM s e , ,.K.1W of irom wrangeii. oouna iur junc.u. o.w i nin and 3, ,ncn9 of Mlow am. apoke steamer Catala, lea Port acal nw8n mffratu wa, a impson. bound lor Prince Rupert. higher 45.8 degrees this April corn-Dead Tree Point -Raining, fresh vlth M.8 degrees last year The wina: oarometcr, w.osi; jsempsmturr. ; fol,owlng ar, tbe .ther figures rough Bull Harbor - Raining, fresh 8.W. wind: barometer. 39.61: temperature. M: heavy swell: 8 p.m. spoke tug Lome, weatherbound at Watson Bav; 849 pn. spoke steamer Prince Rupert, abeam Pine Island. muthbOUBd: pjn. spoke Steamer Stan . 8ewM fori tie, miles from BeattMt e arn, spoke steamer Princess Alios, abeam Maude Island, northbound: 8 am. spoke steamer Prince George, abeam MUly la-land, northbound. NOON Dlgby Island-Clear, calm: barometer. nere way s-7 rrom Vancouver with a w 82; temperature. 54; sea smooth. oaTgo of creosoted pllen and lumber; Dead Tree Point -Clear, fresh s.E be for the Canadian National Railways, wind: barometer 2tf 78: temneratuM. 48 U IIUUA MOVer. L. It 1ISC V . ... i Th lllTM Mflll ha I ,1 "id Percy Cnmnxui of the , six hours, sit . aiw mil. i-iir - w umi iii hit iviMi-iiiK Min moflm j of the OT. P. wharvea, which work ! null Harbor Cloudy, light 3.W. wind; (mii. 211 2B t. inpcntture, 58; lieavy j the month aa Issued this moral ng by H. D. Tee, Dlgby Island. Dominion meteorologist: Sunshine. 91.8 hours. Precipitation. 5.21 laehejs. Oreatcst dally rainfall. 82 Inch on April aa. ' BnewfaU. 8 . lncbea. Maximum temperature, no on April 8. Minimum temperature. 27 on April 3. Mean Temperature. 45.8. Highest barometer reading level. 30 82 on April 8. Lowest barometer reading level. 9841 on April 27 and 88 Total wind mileage. 4 448 Average wind velocity al at for month. 6.2 Ad ve i Use ln tbe Dally News. It pays! It la wise for the councU to accept what practically amounts to a gift." i Aid Brown Inquired If It was the understanding in connection with the transfer that Improvements would be I undertaken Immediately. "There are no strings attached to It," the mayor replied. Aid. Prudhomme questioned If It waa I the most desirable piece of waterfront I the city could have. ; Mnyor MeMordle replied that. If tle city wanted other waterfront. It could Always apply for it. He referred to residents of the district visiting the city could be placed there. He advised acceptance of the offer. Tie offer waa accepted Without idt- senalon. I WKATliBlt ItCVoKT. ! Prince Rupert Clear, calm: iture. 51. tempera- roiiKHTN i:ih:ct on ii:.Mi'i:it vtikf Oreateet wind velocity. 28 mllea from I Foreeta have an equalising effect on southeast on April 21. extremes of temperature. Records for Canada show that In forested districts maximum temperatures are lower and mimimum temperatures higher than in idiolning deforested tracts. CROWDED OUT INION IIKCOIUI fMNT IliUMI SOLII IIY ItWMVURS Aid. Collart felt that this was a good opportunity for the city, ATTLX, M,y j nt ot to obtain a piece of foreshore on which to eventually put in floats g,, Dn!on Record, WB1eh has been though the city was in no (msition to carry out such developments crowded out ot the dally newspaper 4t tnte Ume Pcsalbly, after a while "eld m thu city is to be sold and the ADDII WCATIICD IV AO U,e necr5' money bylaw could beiSffstra of the company wound up. At ArlAlL IltAllibSl WiJ put to the people. "Meanwhile. I think i present the affairs of the concern are NOT BAD THIS YEAR In the hands of receivers. HOLDING SHOWER IS COUNTRY STORE AID rotMtl)i Taking riare TM Artrrmmn llider AuoplcM wt llft I'lilteu ( Imrth Ladles' A hi The Ladles' Aid of First United Church, which will be In charge of the ! "Country Store" stall at the Ridley th, (art that the ctty would be reoelv- Home Bazaar this week, la holding a ir other waterfront for lu righto In shower tea ln aid of that booth at ihe Co Bay wfcencwr the Federal govern-' church parlors this afternoon Mrs. meut should proceed with development Walter Thompson In convener of the hf TVia nlitrvi St. th ftvtt Af HI.-, i r ... .. j UJ, 1 . . . . - .ww- ' IUUI-WWI H1IU INUIi HH1H1I1 UKIUQf 11 IW. Dim.' invv. us iiwuiui, iiiiaii b -kudh q v. Wilkinson. Mrs. j. a. Irvine, Mis. very valuable In time. Floats for the jnea Krlkevsky, Mrs. B. O. Besle. Mrs tx-neflt of local boat owners as well as M M. Umb. and Mrs O. M. Hunter. AINDERBY TO FINISH Twciit.i-Neveiilli Mil of KelHMi Will Nail ror i.K.-t "utiiit-ni Tomorrew Night or ThiirMlay Mertilng Loading of the British steamer Alnder-by. Prince Rupert s twenty-seventh grain ship of the season, with a full cargo for tlie United Kingdom or Continent wul be finished by iiojii tomorrow. It Is expected The vewel will probably sail u morrow night or Thursday morning. Advertise in the Dally News.