FIRST ROUND OF CITY BILLIARD HANDICAP IS Laundry FINISHED LAST NIGHT The first round of the city handicap Washed I billiard tournament under the auspices V of the kilt Grand SS1V Terminal iVIUIIUM Club SUV was W com- pteted lest. jJjlfM. &tf Stephens Clothes wf.F (but ju. wcM.auofl. to to 113.. Wasson and V. J. Nelson (minus 66) eliminated Are Not Robbed YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up and down in a bowl of sudiy water . . that's the way your clothes arc washed in a modern laundry. They are not rubbed or scrubbed but are gently swished back and forth in warm filtered rainsoft water until the pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly lessening the tensile strength of the fabric Then come many rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feci clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'lionc 8 The Natural Way DO YOU KNOW? That the cause of disease is within the body? That derangement of the nerve system is due to sub-luxated vertebrae pressing on spinal nerves? That these subluxations can usually be corrected by properly directed forces? that Nature cures? Your Nerves Control Your Health W. C. ASPINALL CHIKOI'IIACTOK G Exchange Hlock Green 241 NavySoits and Ensemble Suits un mm Dr. Alexander Smith Hlock I'hune 675 DENTIST MICK PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Of f ice and Dairy 11th St. Telephone G37. Bert MoffrlHscratcTiTT)'? 300 to 196. The second round will be commenced at once with games as follows: Fred Stephens vs. W. J. Nelson. R. Hemming vs. Joe Brown. J. Strachan vs. T. Qagnon J. Campbell vs. A. Donald. D. Dediick v. M. Andrews. O. Krause vs. S. D. Macdonald. M. M. McLachlan vs. d. P. Tinker. C. L. Youngman vs. J. Beealey. Around The World With Sport Fans (II) The Tramp) The English Foot bail League closes the season just as we are talking about beginning. The last games are to be played next Saturday. . Kdmonton has a number of swim ming pools which are well patronised In summer and many young people there learn to swim. This year is It proposed to have mass swimming les- is.elghty In a class in order that practically everybody may learn the art. Connie Mack says he feels himself Justified in retaining Ty Cobb and Trls Speaker in his "collection of antiques." He thinks they will last out the season and make good. There Is to be sn amateur boxing tournament between Calgary, and Ed monton at the latter city on May 14. DEPARTMENT OF PUIJUC WORKS NOTKK TO lONTKACTOKS ( Imrlns nml drubbing I'rliM-e Rupert IlllhwilV. Mile 5 to Mile III 8KA1AD TENDERS endorsed "Tender for Prince Rupert Highway" will be received by the undersigned up to noon ct Thursday, the 3rd day of May, IMS, (or clearing and grubbing the above section. Bpcciiicauona, contract ana i form of tender may be obtained at the I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. One of the outstanding figures In toe fistic encomnters will be Corporal Gibson, one of the beat 147 pounders on the prairies. Cups wUl be awarded the winners. : .... ! A. W. Winter, who will represent Aus- Uralla at the Olympic games at Amster dam this year, covered 49 feet. I Inch in a hop, step and Jump trial last week. .... When Tunney beats Ileeney la July It Is suggested he will then be ready for a bout with Johnny Rlcko, the fight to take place In September. But this, la all talk and la dependent on the champion holding his crown against the Brltlaher. . . Seven a side rugby Is oikt of the latest games to be played b ttte south of Xngland. Public Works Office, Prince Rupert, ! For the first time since the btg ?.tinSdS,lSeerm,cm; gJm?. ht nd near j B.C. met , la&t week at a reception of news- Each tender must be accomoanted bT'naner writers t the Waldorf Astoria. an accepted bank cheque on a chaptered 1 ... u w" 4n n t boam r h bank of Canada, made payable to the I11 rtMP,lon Minlater of Public Works, for the sum champion and was given the bwm of (ooo.Mi Three Jhoussnd Dollar. ment of one of the big newspaper which shall be forfeited If the party , syndicates. Tom Heeney was ,nd Invited tendering decline to enter Into contract rhen called upon to do so. The cheque but he replied: "Sorry the nest heavy- oi ine successful tenderer wui oe re tained as security for the due and faithful performance of the work til! the satisfactory completion of the contract. Tenders will not be considered unless made out on the forms supplied, signed with the actusl signature of the tenderer, and enclosed In the envelope furnished. The lowest or any tender not - necessarily aepepted O. C. MACKAT. District Engineer Public Works Dept., Prince Rupert. B.C. Prince Rupert. B.C.. April 2th. IB Spring Gleaning Specials This is the time to chane the dust. We offer you good prices on : Fels Naptha Soap, per carton White Wonder Soap, 15 bars for .Si. 00 White Swan Soap, 23 bars for -Si. 00 I'. & G. Naptha Soap, 16 bars for $1.00 Koyal Crown Soap, 21 bars for $1.00 Old Dutch Cleanser, 9 tins for Si. 00 Lux, 9 packaxes for . . $100 Castile Soap, G for Chloride Lime, 3 for . . r0 Our Vacuum Cleaner and Electric Floor Polisher at your service. MEAT DEl'T. Uib Boiling Beef N Chuck Roast- 17tf Side Bacon 10? SEE OUR WINDOWS Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. l'hone 81 and 18 weight champion unable to get to Oene's party. Tell htm tor me he's great champion and a credit to the game." .... Hot Night !s picked aa the winning hers for the Jubilee Stakes at Kemp-ton Park on May 13. Following are the horses entered: Hot Night. Dark Japan, Foliation. Abbot's Speed, Barnstar, Knight of the Orail. Silver Lark, Valets. Roidore. Vanoc. RestigouclM, Voltas Pride. Saturn. Baart. Prester John. The Mohawk. Eagle Rook, Peacemaker II.. Maid of Perth. Pantera, Curtails, Lone j Knight. Autocrat. Voltero (late Bar One). Jugo, Uncle Woody, Invermark. Pharamond, Hasty Sister. SPORT CHAT The 8mlihcrs baseball team will soon commence regular practices In anticipation of an active season. With the exception of Oecrge Roberta, all of last year's championship team wUl be available, while It is reported that several new arrivals will try out f op position in the line-up. There Is a possibility of a two-team league In Smithers, with the Nstlve Sons field ing s nine among their membership. The diamond at Agricultural Park la already In a dry condition and with a little preliminary work should be In good shape for -the ball tossers to go into action. The Haselton Tennis Club was or ganised recently when about ,a down or more gathered at the Omlneca Hotel and elected the following officers: president, S. Klncald: vice-president, Mrs. Anderson; secretary, Mr. Mackle; execu tive committee, Rev. Proctor, James Tumbull. Mrs. Dawson and 8. Sharpo The membership fee for the season was set at as 00 or 97.60 for two members of the same family. The grounds will be put in shape immediately and It Is expected that at an early date an an nounoement will be made when they "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ALT I'KINCK IUTKKT jfLKCTOKAtfll DI.STItlffT NOTICE is hereby liven that I shall on Monday, the 31st day of May. 1928, at tne nour oi iu ociock in ine lore UUUIIl . bin, WWU. .-UUM.II, . 1 IUW .kM- bold s sitting of the Court of Srt, ivhion for the purpose of revising the list of voters for the ssld electoral district, and of hearing and determining any and all objections to the retention of any name on the said list, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant for registration: and for the other purpofies set forth In the "Provincial Elections Act " Dat-d at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day uf April. 1928. REGISTRAR OP VOTERS UU Prince Rupert Electors! OUtrlct. rm "lmr w'il"iWMywilwliW'11 1111 1 ir'8r'n" slS'lS ' Sgfl gkmIL M ' . ... SlMiS : First This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia will be ready for use. To show our appreciation of the splendid support given our store during its first year's service to this community, we are celebrating our second birthday with our first Anniversary Sale. This is one way in which we can convey our thanks to our many customers by saving them more money. We want you to conic and holp us celebrate our birthday. You will enjoy it. Our entire stock will be offered at Anniversary Sale Prices. Here arc only some of the many low prices: The Vanderhoof Athletic Association has elected officers for the year as follows: president , Dr. W. Ross Stone: vice-president. E. A. Mitchell; secretary. P. Q. Cook; treasurer, James H. P. Lscey. In his annual report the president. Dr. Stone, stated that there bad been much enthusiasm in the matter of tennis, there belnfJU paid up mem bers in tne ciub. TSsre naa not seen so much enthusiasm for baseball. The past winter sksting and hockey ssasoni had proved quite successful. During the past 34 hou carloads of gralii have the prairies for the A Pool's Prince Rupert Bleffci LADIES' DRESSES II Ladies' l)reets in crepe back satin', Canton crepes, flat crepes, georgettes. Sixes from 16 to 16. Regular values up to 124.50. QQ HZ Anniversary Sale Price 05 Ladies' Dresses, in georgettes, crepes and satins. Regular values up to $29.50. Anniversary Sale Price 75 S3 Ladle' I)reaes, ensembles, sports', and afternoon. Regular up to 139.60. Anniversary Sale Price $19 75 75 (.miles' Dresses. Some of these1 are original models. Regular values up to ttt.60. OH CA Anniversary Sale Price Anniversary Sale Price ieii Iff ... fePnttnlel 9CTnKp"from"r iWrtfB Wheat) lit. Rll- way o races this morning reported seventy-five carloads on the territory west of Jasper Park bound here. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE. CHIFFONIER, SEWING machine, tygwiter, dk. armchairs, Kate leg Ubie wfih; tour chairs, pictures and other articles. Phone Black 198. 104 VAitetU 25 only, Ijidjes' Taffeta Party Dretwe. Reg. value $24.50 and higher. DQ 71 Anniversary Sale Price Vse c ONE SPECIAL IS Ladies' Dresses. Some of these are regularly priced up to $36.00. ff Qff Richmond' Cash only. No C.O.I). WHAT I SAW -y;. Knrly this morning I saw The schooner Kffie M. Morrtsey muv- iim out of the harbor, leaving od her voyaite of discovery. -Very soon afterwards a few belated local residents returning home from some party. -Mayor McMordle on Third Avenue pondering over the problems of all the citizens of Prince Rupert. -S. M. Nefnon gloating over the fact thnt Another ctuzen had promised him support at the next provincial election. J. C. Mclennan on his way to the office seemingly wondering bow he would spend that six hundred dollar he la to get as aassasor. -P. O. Dawson out limping down to the office. ' -Aldermsn Collart trying to cl real mtate deal. Mcrte Craig fussing around ilupln Ior the arrival of the tourtstn and mur muring to hlmsolf, "g,y flowers.' lost up a with LAMBS' COATS 12 only, Ladies' Costs Navy blue, tailored. Regular values up to $85.00. C-f 7 CA Anniversary Sale Price 18 only, Ladies' Tweed Coats, sites 16 to 44. Regular prices up to $29.00. Anniversary Sale Price .. jQ 31 only, 1-idlen Spring Coats. Regular values up to $39.50. G94 rn Anniversary Sale Price ... 21 ladies' Costs in all colors. Regular values up to $69.50. C.90 7 Anniversary Sale Pries .... ' O 12 only. Iixcluive Model of Indices' Coats, all going at half price. MILLINERY Kvcry Hat in our Store going at Half Price LINGERIE Our whole slock of LlngerlcM going at Half Price s Louvre Mail Orders supplied at those prices. WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY ONLY, 7 and 1) p.m. HOOT GIBSON JwillsCi!f , dallopsng rmy SALLY HANI), OTIS HAHLAN, FRANK HEAL, PEl HOLMES, ntul others COMEDY Admission (iAZETI'E 35c and 10c