MES LIMITED YiRST AID KITS to suit require ments of Workmen's Com. pensation Board Phones, 82 and 200 Xx NO. 155. Vol Poledo, at the ringside, July 4 Jack Dempsey won in the Ahird round here this afternoon. He entered the ring at three Peninutes to four and took his corner With his back to the sun. Big Bill Tate, his sparring partner, was with him. Willard came in a minute later, seconded by Walter Menahan, Ike O'Neill, Jack Hempell and Ray O’Ricer, his business manager. At the Ringside, Toledo, July In this greatest contest, at from the knockout in the first , 1. ged by Tex Rickard, the wea rount ; Preliminaries. conditions are ideal with a ; ° ; : 08 a in tt In the first preliminary between rature o 4 aerzrees } i i aid Will ' iat i ri fom Boyle and Sely Epstein, they ide tiiaré entered le lik - fought six rounds to a draw, in ighing 245 pounds. Dempsey hed 198 rt e al which Tom Bodkins was the ref g hed a5 1 Cost oO stag- i we nah one [ere His decision was heartily | this s#rea ign 18 Bot Willard will reesive 8100000 approved by the fans. : In the second preliminary bout i? psey will get #27,000, The ‘ | Whirlwind Wendt of Toledyu | ree is Ole Pecord, of Toledo, |. re tiectaelen ioe ial | h the alternative in Jack Skelly en ee = , , Rictinud ied ledo, in the first round, rhe ihe judges are Tex Rickard ane : : ; , — , Phe jreferee was Tom Neginly, of| — F idde Ve imer |, leveland. ‘SC RHEE T RRO RR ees \ en Barbour It has been in the third preliminary, Tom) * * ‘BROKE | d that should the judges|Long of Detroit was knocked out * THANKSGIVING FOR & teree the referee shall make|in the third round. by Johnny |* END OF THE WAR # i decision lewis of Toledo. The referce was |* ON SUNDAY NEXT « |\Johnny Dunn, of Cleveland, who|* —— * By Rounds. jreturned from overseas yesterday. \* The following message * F The fleht ypened with a left in| The fourth bout was fought be.|* was regeived' = by Arch- . tinneaais Phen | ‘Ween Johnny Rose of St. Paul;* bishop Du Vernet this * smpion'’s stoma : “ Por and Battling Beldacca, of Brook. |* morning: “Sunday next, * Rey 528 ey knocked him down win lyn. Johuny Rose, received the |* July 6, has been appointed * Fifteen Pairs of McArthur’s Best to the jaw Willard was!/decision over Beldacea in the sixth |* a day of general thanks. * Carried Away by Burglar. down twice in this fash-|round by Referee Tom Rodkin, of}* giving for the end of the * —_-—- ' ine counted on eat hyP itisburg, which was>very justly|* war against Germany and * By breaking the glass panel in arned. her allies. *ithe back door, and drawing the Then the challenger| ; | a wvittend i) : hee At the fifth preliminary beut | * You are requested to or entry was gained by some oring Willard the thir jt temperature was 115 in the * give publicity and due ob- *| Person or persons unknown some a right and left to the shade with puffy breezes. Jack|)* servance to the event. *jltime during the night into Me- Malone ef the army camp at St. |\* “THOMAS MULVEY, *\|Arthur’s Shoe Store on Third Dempsey watched carefully lp, sul Was given the decision over | * “Under Secretary of State.’ *| Avenue and several pairs of shoes round Willard. then hit|/Y4¥y Ralston of Joliet, THe The} na @ywere stolen. arou i oteaee. ab Leu. Bouman. PTR eRe ee * This morning When Mr. Me- vith three lefts in. the Pye. | | ane —e Arthur opened up his premises th closed Wiflard’s eye Wil-] Bayonet and Knife. ot TAKE JURY TRIAL for the day’s business the first | fter the preliminari¢s and be- | ' ae ° ined replied’ with a feeble upp | \ I é ar thing that he noticed upon enter- ge sat his hh chek the | Oe" the big fight there was au ing the shop was several card- hibition of bayonet, pistol and|Ols and La Franc France Cases Set poxes lying empty on the floor. Dempsey had to be called | \ 5 if, fighting in which Referee Over to the Next Assizes. There were fiteen boxes is ail , ji econ . » | ~ . ; . . into the ring in the secx il Major Biddell took part. At this | ; and fifteen corresponding holes in d as he thought he had wonj|time the 80,000 seats in the arena | Yesterday afternoon before the shelf stock, wherefrom they e fight only appeared to be half filled and Judge Young, J. Wallace Olts, jad been taken. But the shoes The Final. the only indication that there was|Who is charged with “wounding which had been in the boxes yes- wilt nie an anything extraordinary on was the| With intent to do grievous bodily terday were gone, and they were we “|bringing in of a new mat after;harm,” elected for trial by jury* among the best stock in the store. & with blood pouring |ihe preliminaries. | The case is a very serious one as Phe broken glass in the back his head and mouth He Sixty-five thousand people were | it appears from the depositions door indicated how entry had been Managed t and one stinging awaiting the fight at five minutes | that Olts assaulted F, K. Juggins gained. The hole enabled the ut | vas knocked out at|*® four. There was an aeroplane | With a razor whilst the latter was thief to pull the bolts from the | ! as » > ) « Ty £ > _ jeiveling overhead marked Toledo asleep in bed. inside and the lock, being an or- end of the round and stagger-|piade all ready to take pictures Peter La France who will an- dinary one, would present no dif- . his corner bleeding profuse-lof the fighters as they came into|Swer a charge of having carnal fieulty. The thief, whoever he The gong sounded at this|the rine. ' knowledge also elected for trial was, evidently had seme know- saving him further pun- Fifts thousand spectators|by jury. These cases will appear jedge of shoe stock, fomonly the ‘ watched the event, a new arenajOn the docket at the fall assizes, pest variety had been disturbed, ' having been erected especially to|/Unless they are re-elected for a the cheaper shoes on the shelves were many Cries 9?) accommodate them in Bay View speedy trial. showing no signs of having been and “stop it” from the|park, The building is four times ti touched. One pair had evidently ‘ the size of that in which Jack COLTS WIN been tried on and found too small the fourth round was an-|Johbnson defeated Jim Jeffries at as it was left on the counter half- ‘ aa : : Reno. way down the store i Willard failed to rally Midtein eold os high es cine Defeat Drydocks by Score of 8 to he decision Was given against the ‘red rh ex-champion made nent that he never recov: ow Wanted at Once he ea 10 Carpenters for Construction Work @pply Mr. McNEILL Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Engineering Co., Ltd. MPRES New Show Tonight METRO PRESENTS HAROLD :; LOCKWOOD AND . CARMEL MYERS ‘The Haunted Pyjamas’ Charlie Chaplin in “Behind the Screen” Universal News Gazette _ \dimission 16 and 30 cents Two Shows, 7:15 and 0 ‘ew ome i HE DEMPSEY WINS BIG FIGHT OVER JESS WILLARD TODAY IN BIG ARENA AT TOLEDO dollars and there were 176 press reserved. The various grades of seats were separated each other by barbed wire and the use of barbed wire it impossible for anyone to ‘limb the outer wall. In the construction building 1,750,0000 feet ber was used and two car seats from fences, made of the of lum. loads of nails THE POLICE COURT court this morn- ing before Magistrate MeMullin Budda Sing, a Hindu, appeared for assaulting Sextokh Singh an- other countryman, The case was adjourned for eight days. Jabour Bros. were charged with an infraction of the holiday clos In the police ing law, having kept their store open on July 1. This case was adjourned until Monday so that further evidence might be pro cured in regard to the matter. Rev, Alfred EF, Price, firmerly of Metlakatia, arrived from Port Simpson on last night's train, There will be a meeting of the lypographical Union this after noon at 5 o'eloek RK ; Shockley returned from a brief me up the line on the train DAILY N / PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. FRIDAY JULY 4, 1919, 3 at Ball Game Last Evening. baseball gaine In the last even- ing between the Colts and the Drydocks the former were vic torious by a score of 8 to 3. Ihe game was well played throughout but the winning team had the ad vantage from the time that um pire Jack Bulger said “play ball The regular teams were playing except that in the Colts count of the absence of their sta on ia pitcher, Frizzell, short stop Ge: Mitchell was brought out to the box and did the twirling for th evening. Both teams did good work flelding, but the Colts did better in the batting, which gave them the advantage. 1,000 tons Ladysmith Coal, the vest on the Pacific Coast, jus! wrived. Send your orders to the ®rince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. POLE OR ODL OLOOLOT Prince Rupert Board of Trade meet held at regular monthly ing of the Board will be in the City Hall tonight 8 p.m Il members pleas: attend COMMISSIONER last evening. HYDROPLANE MAY BE BROUGHT HERE SOON ‘Several Proposals Afoot to Have Air Service From Prince Rupert. rhe Exhibition Association making an effort to have a hydro- plane operating here during fair week. ‘That in itself is interest- as not many local people have had an opportunity of taking flier of that sort. In addition to the have here for however, there are several people talking of the possibility of es- is ine a proposal to one ltablishing a mail and passenger service to and from Vancouver and other points. At least one man has offered to put up money for the purpose and it is not at all unlikely that in the near fu ture steps will be taken with that end in view. Already the matter of costs has been in- estigated, some Use MURESCO, tary wall tinish. ine ‘great sani- . Edge Co Prince Rupert Spruce Milis,'* Ltd., can furnish you any dimen- sion In spruce notice. Agents, Oaffery, Ltd., Second Avenue. amusement, | lumber at short Albert & Mo- # if ee eee ee eee eee {For Bicycles Repairs and Parts PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue PHONE 75 new president, J. S. ‘We the in sympathy | “That insofar as we do not recognize the present strike com- lmittee as being representative of the Trades and Labor Council with whom we were affiliated, we way clear to sup- porting them until such time as the Trades and Labor Council is reorganized and goes further into the matter; “And furthermore that if there are any other locals who take the same viewpoint, we should be glad to meet with them and dis- cuss the situation.” AMERICA’S NATAL DAY IS BEING CELEBRATED New Flag Hoisted Over U. 8. Con- sulate Here to Mary the Cccasion. ldo not see our In honor of the national birth- day of the United States, Ameri- ean Consu! Wakefield this morn- ing hoisted a big new American flag over the U. 8S. Consulate in this city. That is the only inti- mation here of the big American holiday. Throughout the United States the holiday is to be celebrated mostly without fireworks. An agi- tation has been going on for some years to eliminate fireworks from the celebration and this year it is expected that it will be done. DOG AND PONY SHOW MAY COME FOR FAIR The amusement committee of the Agricultural Association is busy getting in touch with various organizations with a view to se- . curing something unusual for the big fair week. They are trying, among other things, to get Buller’s Dog and Pony cireus to some to town. The circus has been showing at Vancouver Island points and this week is at Victoria where it being well attended. It is thought that it may be induced to make a tour of the towns along the G, T. P., spending a few days here en route. is There are no fish arrivals this morning as most of the boats have gone to Ketchikan for the holi- day. CK K RHEE CHE HE * BARGAIN FOR CASH $2,500 cash will buy out- right an improved ranch, comprising 1214 acres of finest fruit and vegetable growing land in Northern B.C. A six-roomed frame house with furniture, also barn and.orchard of sixty fruit trees included, some bearing this season. Straw- berries, raspberries, goese- * * * o ~ * * * * 7 : * berries, etc., will give large * crop this year. New owner * will receive benefit of all * spring work, and will get * large share purchase price + from sale of this year's * production, Is This ranch located very close to railroad, and is \s genuine snap at this saeri- flee price, Must be sold at once, Full Partioulars from J. ©. GAVIGAN, \ ‘* * RSFSR HEHEEEHSE RETAIL CLERKS REPUDIATE LOCAL STRIKE COMMITTEE AND WITHHOLD SUPPORT —_—— ~- WANTS TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL REORGANIZED AND FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF STRIKE QUESTION BEFORE ANY ACTION I8 TAKEN BY THEM PRIGE FIVE OHNTY There was a well attended meeting of the Retail Clerks Inter- rational Association last might at the St, Andrew’s Hall with the Pudney, in the chair. lowing statement was handed out: Retail Clerks Liternational Association, | having thoroughly discussed ‘he present condition as to a strike with the men now disengaged from the G. T. P. jhave gone on record as follows: At the close the fol- Local 111, FUNERAL OF LATE JAMES MAIRS WAS HELD HERE TODAY Many Beautiful Flowers Mecorate the Casket of Boy Who Was Drowned. The funeral took place this afternoon at Haynor Bros. par- lors of James Mayers, the lad who was drowned at the Salt Lake on Wednesday evening, Rev. Dr. Grant officiating. Where was a large attendance of friends and sympathizers, Alex. Gray p:e- isided at the organ. There were a number of beau- tiful floral offerings among them being a wreath from Mr. and Mrs. RK. M. Clark, and flowers from Aunt Bella, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith, Sons of Canada, Gladys and Mabel, the family, William Smith and a large wreath from “Friends.” NAVAL RESERVE FOR PORT OF VICTORIA Meeting Being Held Tonight to Consider the Formation of Force. Victoria, July 4.—A meeting is being held here this evening for the purpose of forming a company of Royal Naval Canadian Volun- teers. Captain E. H. Martin will preside. It is hoped that a full company will be raised by the time Lord Jellicoe reaches Victoria. It would be fitting for the city to be able to furnish a naval guard of honor for such an occasion and such a sailor, said Lieut. Winsloe. Lord Jellicoe is expected some time in September, it is understood, and the intervening two months would afford sufficient time for the drilling of a body of naval re- cruits to make a striking turnout. -———-- — Carhartt’s overalis and gloves. Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. ——LLEEREEE EEE HHREHEHEH ES EERE HEE EE * * * NOTICE * * The Engineers of Local * * 510 have postponed their * * regular meeting until July * * 5 at 8 p.m. * * * SeRSERHREERR SRSA SE EST¥OLM W ence ME Federated Labor Parly will hold a MEETING here Tonight Speaker, E. T. Kingsley Subject: ‘CIVILIZATION, SLAVERY AND THE STATE.’ PICTURES, 7 to 9 Admission Free