RED'S Transfer I I Fifteen years' experience Jn FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So U our Service Phone us and Save Mone." and Time DAY & NIGIIT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Ling the Tailor Phone 619 i Clothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth keep-in? in mlad! Ladies' or Gentlemen's Suits steam preeted 75f Overcoats 75 f Trousers Sdrts XT,? Bnjrs' Suits oOf SUITS, Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $2.00 Overcoats $2.00 Trousers 75 c Skirts 7."e Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladles' Fa&ey work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to II parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on j New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We SpeclAllze in Piano and Furniture; Moving. If Mas5rJT0UT W Builds Up Your Health m 1 fCAithe! I I service I i Supplies and Equipment Adequate stocks, high trade tools and supplies, and courteous service are what we offer at each of our branches. Here are just a few of toe lines that we can supply : Graten Is Knight Leather Belting. DicVi Balata Belting. Yale Chain Hoists. Norton Grinding Wheels. Strong Steam Traps. Hyatt Roller Bearings. Oneida Steel Pulleys. Wettlaufer Concrete Mixers. When you are in the market for shop supplies of tools of any kind, refer to our general catalogue, or, better still, visit our warehouse. Ofo CANADIAN raiiLanks-Morse COMPAXYilbnitti JLrWW-nt-asnntwt . PRINCE RUPERT TUBS TlT.MAVk SEPT. 11 High 12.03 pjn lb.9 ft. .5T pjn. 307 " Um 5.43 s.m 8.7 18.08 pjn. 12 " wtiixemiav, mipt. I I Ugh 13.43 pjn. 1S.8 ft. v 8. SB ajn. S.l -5.9 18.40 pjn. " rss I ADIFI Come n an et one LflUlLJ. t;S2 marvelous full size 10-piece Souvenir Sets of Genuine WAV" KetlonsUy Advertised In Saturday Evening Poet. Harpers Baaaar. etc. Q j f ' to retail for a total of S10-00. Yours STk I for the Olft Oerttflcate below and a amaU aervlcc charge of NOTHING COME BARLY else to pat GOOD ONLY SEITEMBBR 11, 12, 13, 1 and 15 at ORMES LIMITED - Prince Rupert, M, Each Set Contains the Following Ten Full Size Exquisite Toiletries Nationally Advertised at Prices Listed Below 1. Vlvanl Exceptionnel Face Powder $1.00 2. Vlvanl Exceptionnel Tissue Cream 1.00 3. Vlvanl Exceptionnel Rouge (Waterproof) .75 4. Vlvanl Exceptionnel Deodorant v 5. Vivani Bxe ptionnel Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 7." 6. Vlvanl Exceptionnel Toilet Water .' . 1.25 7. Vlvanl Exceptionnel, Skin Whitener ,. 75 -&Vivnl Exeeptionnel Perfume 2.75 9. Vivani Exceptionnel Bath Salts 50 10. Vivani Exceptionnel Brilllantine 50 TOTAL 10.00 After the Distribution of Complete Sets the Individual Items will be on Sale at the Above Prices. Positively Only One Set to a Customer. BRING THIS CERTIFICATE WITH YOU GOOD ONLY SEPTEMBER 11. 12, 13, 14 and 15 Gift Certificate duB CrrKitCair, entitles A hUtt to on complete i"- immeloul furWI, aJerhW Viuonl M o 10 M S utfdonncl tuaj ProducU exactly u dacr&td ertwi. W.Wt cS.rj. hoUm efAls ""Jr'v.Ual TrtS ISTail Orders Accepted add postage 35c in British Columbia only NAME . . . ADDRESS " -te: : An.r !wvs News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Ills Gold Vein on Outland Silver Bar Holding Sensational Discovery in Telkwa Field Uabine Silver King Showing up Weil A property near the head of Salmon River glacier, which is being developed by the Outland-Silver Bar Mining Co., is showing a big vein of gold bearing ore that : twenty-five feet wide and entirely different from any other mineral vain o far discovered on the hill. A tunnel has been started and the ore on the faoe assays $20.80 in gold and four ounces silver. While development of this new vein is proceeding, work is continuing h the promising silver-lead showings that have already placed the -Jutland-Silver Bar in the class of a potential big mine. The big vein, which was the objective of the long tunnel driven on tbe Terminus mine at Stewart, haa been en-oouneesed and carriea some surprise. Tt om. so far a she vein Is pene-tmted. Is a quarts-porphrjr with a yeneron amount of fine grained galena and silver aphides. On the surface tt showed aaoatly stae-Maswie In a gangue of quarts and beitte. Ttte Ms vein Sanaa true as to dip with a clean hanging wall and a smalt streak, of pure galena In the gouge. H. A. Hrood. managing director, aeys that tk miners have panetrated the vain tor eleven feet and Um foot wail la not expected for sonsa tune yet. The tunnel. whleh crossed tbe high grade vein ansae time ago. H now in SIS feet and gives a depth on the vats of ITS feet. The Telkwa River field sprang into renewed mining promlneatce recently when Meaars. Ooodwlll & WUson returned to Tetkwt with .sensational samplea of galesas ore taken from a hew group they have discovered arid staked on Boaanea Mountain, south of the Kitchener group. A massive showing Bt ore la Indicated at one end of the vein which haa been stripped on the surface for about 600 feet. Tbe vein la approximately sight teat wide and n bth lunging and foatwalla there la said by the locators to be a width of one or two feet of clean ore. On tbe other end there Is a large outcrop of copper. The owner are carrying on ad- Exceptionnel Beauty Products I dlttotsal was to dtrermlne width of ore and values The new ore has caused considerable stir at Telkwa. Tbe BaMkse Silver King property In the Babine Range, 19 miles northeast of Sntwhaaa. has oeen yielding good results tfma development this summer, tn the mala tunnel a cross-cut re-aantly driven shows up twenty-one feet of ore aald by the management to assay over SSI in all values. Surface trending aad stripping on another vein has Msbllahod a length of 1000 feet with 5 -ad oso In all cuss. This vain averages tour feet in wldtb and runs in .he direction of tbe Cronm property. A. J. Oasti. MI., is at prevent In cnacge oi operasiona. On tbe Victoria group P. J. Hlfgtna snd crew of men have been extendvne; tbe work on the main vein whleh la opened up for aome three Uioawastd feet in length on the surface. Kew work sn the main tunnel has im-severed ore with values of 9 In gold. ITS on boss sliver and 17 percent lead. v J. Bergattin. In Smlthers recently. Aptofed setae ore samples taken frets a new discovery he has made In the Perow section, west of Toptey. The new etelms are on McAvoy Creek In the general Topiey hrmatlon and are but a short distance west of tbe Jack Rabbit group which Is giving splendid remits from development carried on by Frank T. Taylor. Several claims were staked by tbe locators and others are staked In tbe new strike. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert S KtMKVIIUiU W. Itls W. P. HUrton. pisatdint and general ..imager of, the Orand Trunk ratHfle railway, in the city this morning :ated that ths Mullen Construction Co. making arrangemenu for contraction Of Snips to be started at aa arly date at the local dry dock. Chief A. C- Mlnty of tbe provincial police waa advised last night hat .rank Martin, government road superintendent. Lad be shot and killed at :amp Point near Stewart. A man at :eportsd to have been arrested In oon- section with tbe affair. A million tone of ore a rear la now being mined and treated by tbe Qsnnby Co at Anyoa. It Is by far the biggest snd moat Important mining -satnp in tbe north today. CANADIAN NATIONAL COASr STEAMSHIPS FALL SCHEDULE With tbe arrival of tbe SB. "Prlnoe Rupert" front Vancouver Wednesday. September 12. tbe Pall Schedule will be effective. The big boats will arrive from Vancouver and intermediate points each Wednesday ard Saturday at 1040 am-sailing for Vancouver each Thursday and Sunday 11.00 pjn.; aallini tot i Stewart Wednesday 10.00 pjn.; tor Anyox . and Ketchikan Saturdays 400 pjn. Note particularly change In sailing days for Ibtewart and Anyox. Effective Septetn-j ber 33. fortniafetly service will be re-j stored via Queen Charlotte lalanda, boat sailing from Prince- Hepert fertnlghtly i for Vancouver, aalltsg all Island potnU jen route. Pull particulars from City ! Ticket Office Phone 360. 314 GOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF LADIES' FUR COATS Would y-jx like a fur cost? And would ,ou like to get It at one third leas than ' ie rtni 1 1 1 r maS m MUn. m whim Who woulcfn'tf Ttie thing to do, then. - to visit OeldMoatn's the old reliable 'nr dealer. Oodbl00tw la having a sale ; furs before he leaves for New York He j-ea next week to arrange for his :ir(-hftset of raw furs and antU he eivcs. ever;, arstete in his stare la b inn oifered - real sale prioss one-third below the dlnary price. After bed g twenty years tn business ii. Prince Rupert, Ooldbloam prides himself on the number of bis satisfied customers. He guagantess every article he sella tu be as represented and to give sstlsfacttoa with a money back guarantee. And no one can do much better than tbttl So see Ooldbloom this week about that fur coat. Wets he leaves for the east. MM. ffcrl.!lMMM i The Pioneer I'ur liealrr ! Advt 33A 1 1 - - l Subscribe for the DsUy Ksws. BURNS LAKE The highway In the vicinity of Ferow has been greatly improved as" a result of considerable work carried out by the provincial department of public works Widening and elimination of curves has KYtatty fectwed tbe haaesds to tratfla. Miss E. U Malaea, R.N lsdy super- httendeat of tbe Sums Lake has left for a nolMay trip whleh wUl take her to Sfeeway and Vancouver Alias Dorothy MoOowan left Jast week lor Prince George where she will attend, High School. There were eighty pupils in attend ance when schools reopened in Burns Lake. School taacbera In this district thiol m Include: Mlas Allot PUlsbury. yraneola Lake; Miss Llndland. South- bank; Mlas H. Harrison, Perow; Mlas Mohr. Palling: Miss Oynn. Borsatdaie: Miss Stone. Wlstara: Mlas Detne. TJncha; Miss Alleen Stephens. Nadtna River; Miss Nette, asrk. Driftwood Creek. There are the same number of schools In tbe district as last yesr: N-dlna River being opened while Decker Lake has been closed. John Berg haa returned to Burns Lake after having been a patient tor come time In the Prlnoe Rupert Oenaral Hospital. After leoetvlng trottnasnt in ttte Bums Lake Hospital. Mis. R. 3. Jan-nack returned to her home at Topley last week. SMITHERS The Uve rooms of ths Bmithsrs public school ant overt roa-dsd with catse to 200 pupils, there also being a good attendance in tbe new High School building. Oato are being bought by local merchants at It. If per hnsatttd bare whUe wheat to bringing ttVM. Prank H. Taylor.- naanagr f the Topley-Rlebtletd. returned last was n-otn a business trip to Vancouver, ac companied by O. O roves wno takes over tbe position of mining englnsser at mine. Mr. Taylor states that Interest is nsnning high In Vancouver in attars in this district. Ray Ouiton and A. E. have taken over the niaiisgssai of the Ouiton dairy harnv Mr and Ouiton now taking wp nsdtbers. Crops hare bean maturing esosOently under the protracted span of I weather which has been experienced la tbe Bulkier Vailsy. Thar will be a satisfactory crop of rains In all m aa sad the hay harvest win be much tetter than waa at first expected. May Lovasstb of Prlnoe Osorge wss la own last week, being on his way to Prlnoe SMpert. NEW HAZEI..T0N Mr. and Mrs. Alton Benson am sank- tag a motor trip to Vancouver aad Roaa work on the main sngktway telow losed down for tbe winter. Mkw Ethel Tomllnscm left last week lor Prince Rupert where aha will resume ber school and musical studies. A daughter waa born at the lltatfloii Hospital last Monday to sir. and Mrs. Cooper H. Written. Mrs. T. H. Wright has left tor Win nipeg where she win attend the general council of tbe United Church of Oan- i. On bar return from the Bast. she will attend a provincial oon van than of the W.O.T.0. at Kam loops. MI.MHTF.U I INVITKK . The Omlneca branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mutes at Smith ars has eent an Inviatlon to Hon. W. A. MacKanale, new minister of mines. to visit the district this fall and gain first hand knowledge of Use nttnlna possibilities. TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS WOMAN BENEFITED Praises Lydla E Pinldiam'i Vegetable Compound Asbestos Mines. Quebec. "After the birth of my second child, I was lalwavtieelingtired, nervous and weak and bad headaches, backache and trr. mm . jsi rible pains every month. I tuuered two years before I tried Lydit E. Pinkham'a Vv.. liable Compound. l jot (our bottles at first and it did me a world of good. f U'r.i.11 ... 1 ... . , , "VV.IU nut us without it in the house now, and htvt another six bottles in. I reeommend it to every woman I know." -Mrs. T. Bakritt, Box 1H, Asbestos Mines. Quebec Classified : Ads. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK WISHES position as csjbd ooolu Apply Box ISJWlSa DallyVNewi dPs 89317 years experience. Capable of taking full charge. First class references. P J W. D. Oenaral delivery, 'Stewart. B. C. 313 WANTED A REAL LIVE MAN TO take over the sale of our products, supplying hundreds ef satisfied customers in Prince Rupert and district. Real opportunity tar good man. rnr further tnIormUon apply The J. R. Watkins Company, 8M. Hornby St.. Vancouver. B. O. tf FOK 3AI.E FOR SALE MONARCH RANOB; Cheap. Phone Black lit. 212 FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN UQHT horse, five years old. with saddle. Apply Manas Bros. U FOR SALS A DOUBLE BONK SIMILAR to steamer berth, for children. tlOjOO Phone Oreen 13. ail FOB SALE TWO BABT BUM. BABY sleigh, bread miser and galvanised tub. Phone Bed 34g. lis FOR SALE LAUNCH OWE. FOUB Horsepower Baotbope engtee, an complete and In good ranking condition Apply Futlen. Dally News, tl FOR RRNT BOARD AND ROOM ttt A MONTH. Phone Orean 101. HI THIRTY-THREE HOOM HOTEL FOR rent. Partly furnished. Apply J, a. 11 tHt IWNi. - CLAPPtmTOK HOCJBtV. Ninth Avenne Bast Rent rmaonnMr Apply City Treasurer. City Ban. if OR RENT riAJSOB, PLATBR.PIA.N06. rnsonographa and ssrwisg'' Uaesunes. --Walkers Muetc JWare. tf FOR BENT FtnUnSHBD." POOR roomed apartment with batk. Water paid. Phone HI. tf for Rgarr. roo room eabt. merit, hat water heated. Apssy 8mRk Sc MaBett, Ltd. tt FOR RENT Furnished houssknplna rocsm ay she dkf.wesk. or sutth. ' Phone Wed SOT tf SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. HAS IllKO.tlNH IN OtS IU1.ITS , AgenH torEasthope Engines. OaoUdge Propellers, aud Tuxhrbe Oil Hosts of all description tor Charter Stilt Lakes Ferry service week dsn on the bouts 1 pnv till pjn. Sundays and Holidays. II am tin 8 pjn. rixme SSI AUCTIONEERS. PRINtr. Kl'PEKT AltTION MtUT Trderal niork Pu ml tore of an kinds houiht. sold or esahaaged. Orattag and paeklag, done. Go sold on Cosamtsslon G. J. DAWES, tuetleneer. Riart lt DANCING mim MvrtNWY ctvinir.iL Teaeher of risers I Danrlng Operatic Tae Dane lag. Orsetan. Rua-alea, BgypUan. eta. Also Phyaleal Culture P. O. Ito vm. rhenr IUsrk 13 TUITION A. P. VYH.I.IAM". Vlonlnl.t of tVeotlMtlme Theatre FALL CLtsSM roil VIOLIN' THTION Studio. 313 PottTth Avesuie Bast Pupils now betng enrolled Hot turns Phone Blue 489 CHIROPRACTIC DR. R. F. KYOI.ISON Chiropractor est Tbld Avenue, relephvnt ft. appoinuncat now to Blue 83. Residence phone Black 333, Acute and ChroLia Disorders successfully treated. Established 1331. FURNITURE AND RANGES A OCOD ASSORTMENT OP LINOLEUM and Linolem , rugs, Inlaid linoleum and Barry-more Carper le, also Sim mon's Beds and Bedding including the OMrmaor Mattiess. A. Macken-xle, Furniture. Phone TM. IN THE MATTER of an application for tbe issue ! a DupHoate Certificate of i i'lile ifi: Lot nineteen hundred and eighty-three (1033), Range five (S, Coast District. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the I Certificate of title covering the above! lands having boea produced to me, it li uiy intention to Issue, alter the ex 1 piratlon of one month from the first I publication hereof, a Duplicate Oertlfl- rate of Title to the above land la th , name of Joel PUlsbury. The origins) Oertlfloate e( Title la dated the 7th I September, 1U10 and Is numbered 309R. B C, 33rd July, 1938. H. F MacLEOD, 301 RegUtrar of V;t--, Tuetaa TIMBEIt SALE XlMa. Sealed Tenders wui h. . ' District rwS'pj 'wjivw later than noon oT ""Kn'S September, 1938 rL M os 3 Moence xiam Kum PurcC J Inlet. QOX. to JK 47 oBo'-'Sy Cedar tolas .i i.,.'10 lineal iZ. erte. VsttJK. TrT"J" Chief eeter. Prince Rupen Vf LAND ACT 1 XOTICK or lv7Ri..... TAKE tnnrr T' . tian Bunker lm... . ' D !- - OtnW Oosnmencing at a not m Iweat 30 chains; thence souVX thence east 40 chains Loe J chains; thence west 30 chait? uatea August SO, .gjg -tim "NAVIfiAULE WATErtWp? TECTI0N ACT."-U .?c.S- Porter Mslv i,... - ""Lesrorrv ited with ths uinc,.- ... 'Lt- 1 .ottws.snTirrAr.r' "u?11" . "ana li:-siion ' inos es rnnee sun .1 i 0.. a txttcrtption uf the Blans of the siun ...h ... posed to be built on the krihT 2 tbe amauth at th. u land Canal, in front 01 Lot UZ Pour Hundrad But en uai, a2 rnstriot, British cxuinbis; . s saaus ntn ic that itter Piratlop Of one tli month iroeTS date at the tint pubiir.tion T Z wnios. saiiat Idaho Min:ni Cxm LUaUAed UL under 9ect n 7 '2 flr to the Mln.ster ol hist Works st bla nrrio in .v.. J" Ottawa, tgr spproval of the uui Lj the said wharf tad dolphins sasssi s wanev'uver. Bntuh Colgate this Ifjjh Sjsy Qt July, 1928 KtoAHO MINING 00WOI INI) AIT Notiri: or intention to tmi TO H RHti; L.lU In BaaaaflgxaBi 4. CfaUt Tslsif I aa. aordhsg Sbitrtct of Prlnoe Kuprt as srtusse Mean s mae trosa tae swat Of the KhUtai Hirer TAKE MOTTCX THAT Frederick rsitj Wiiastl af Vancouver. B C . oerupatk Civil Basrlswer. inunda to lonlT t perm teal ah to purchaw '.he folloeu SiyttidkUjdb at s post pkurtss as ths nortkaat corner of Lo! 447 tosai went M StjaWSt; thence north at eases tbanee east 80 chain, thence touts ( chains, and containing 130 arm an er less. PABDOS WILIOS Applkv so, ltss a I-VND ACT. NOTICK tir IVTBNTIto TO .IrftT I UUC LI SI) la Smlthers Land Becurdinf OHM snd eftsaate adlotnina Lot im oa si aide af tHrana Blver TAKE awjTICK that Christina 0O of Fkclfic. BC mamed samsn mast tiy apply for a lease of the iollivts Oaamei.e'is at a Doat oUr.x) it t soutoaast eornei c Lot mw Rsap I Ceam Dtstrtot; tkeuct n rth to rua thence east SO chains, thence sou&l chslna; Hienee west 30 cha:r. iiidst tslning ISC acres more or im CHRISTINA CVP,rr AppDsat Dated Msy 38 1918 MINING Stocks Noon and kfternoin clo-ing pricps on Vancouver Stock Exchsnge on our stock-list bosrd daily. We can jHt Instant service In buying and MiolB? Stofksion Vancouver Stockl Bxchsnc.' We alto hate facilities for accentinc Wheat orders os WiBiilpT Stock Excf sngs. HeprewntlnR .Miller, Court Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D.JohnslonCo.Llii. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B-C- Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced KooiM Mineral Surfaced Shlngie Roll Roofing Ilulldlng Papers and rem Everjet Elattlc Pain' Plostlc Elntieum Shlnjlo Stains Creosote Oils Marine Senm Pilch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Umited Phones 116 ap 117