. ONE OF PLRKIERS STABBED BY JUVENILES FROM VANCOIVER .j AT KAMLOOPS REVEITOKE, Sept. 11. Apprehended when they allegedly attempted to get away with art automobile which Ihey found parked on the west road fiw miiea from here, two juvenile, said to b from Vancouver, were caught after a thrilling chcae ir. which Dar- ra'gh smythe of Rmistoae. ore c: the, " irrof'o" :tatv 0 ' nL TouthT-i,n The two are held In Ja.l FIRB- I'BEVENTION VICEK - OTTAWA. 8-pt 11 Cy v'.ri t of a proclamation, the wreV- x-n.n.?n;lng Octrber 7 and aodMi tti thirteenth la designated a Arc-prevention week. gASSiFlDl'ABIT Boston Grill LARGE CABARET reads the Clarified Ad. Everyone Special Dinner Thuradaya and U you lose, advertise lor It. v Saturday Dancing every Baturday night locate the find, owner. If you from 9 to It. Whatever you need, advertise tor It Dante Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Prlvae Parties GET THE CLASSIFIED HAI1IT. I'hone 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XVIII., No. 2) V. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1928 Price Five Cent? A Ramsay aid Had Nothing But Good Impressions of Canada He Says as He Prepares to Go Fixed Price for Canadian Wheat in Old Country is one of Cherished Ideas of Labor Party, Leader Declares MONTREAL, September 11. "I am going home to j tx: upon the government the necessity of appointing; a commission which should be half British and half Can-: adian .. to go into the whole question of Canadian immigra-! .?r n i u I '11. e Uon said Ramsay Macdonald upon hisamval here from Of tav. a. He is about to conclude a month s tour of the dominion and sails today. "My impressions have Vr British Labor leader, in discussing his tour. "This is a wonderful country antMs developing very rapidly but v hat strikes one is how much richer you might be withi a larger popu.anon maning use oi me aimost unioiu possibilities your land offers." A minrnntpwl fivPfl nriff for fJnnnrlirm wriPfit. in the ..WV- I ' - ., . . .... - UIU LUUIHIV l ami an mca of Britain, Macdonald said, Is uimutc imu jui, ucc.i uuuc members nau the idea unaer GIANTS BACK IN THICK OF THE RUNNING TOOK DOI BI.E HEADER FROM BOSTON YENTEHDAV PHILADELPHIA' YANKKB OAMK TOMOKROM" NEW YORK. Sept. IX. The Oianu -..'ird tliemaHvea back Into the k of the National League running -.j,iy by taMevg a jlouWe header Boston. I'.d cardinala lost the third atralghi nu: ui the first series with Cincinnati - K pt the two and btlf game lead f'hicago, whlak dropped one to T '-:mri( riniadelphla and New York resume crucial Anertoa League settee NATIONAL UltdlE Cn. Klyn 9-7. Phllsoelphl 11-2. N. York 4-IX: Boston 1-0. t' tuburg TS OttlMfo I. ( :irtiuiatl T. Bt. LOUU 2. AMERICAN LKAOt'K Bton S; Washington 3. Louis 5: Otevetand. 3. ( 'Micsgo. 6; Detroit 4. I COAT LEA (I IE Itoilywood 6-1; Sa rrancleco 1-0. M w.oni 9-8; Los Angsts 1-4. Su ramento S-J; Oakland 1-1. I.EAOtlj MTANDINOH NATIONAL W. L. Pet. Ft Louis 81 M .800 .'lU'so 60 96 .STfl w York n M .T8 r .burn w ei 86 ;r. mnati , 7 SI Mi ("oklyn 07 S9 I -l in 44 87 1 t' . l.ulrlphla .... 41 M jOQ AMERICAN n.-w York 09 4T .687 f i lHdMphl .84 Iiul 78 61 54 I'liH'ugo ......... 8S 7t 1474 Wellington T8 .484 ' ' i roit 81 78 .446 'V.Und 88 ' BO .484 IW't'ni 48 80 861 D!ycd by loading canned salmon In " N River, Union itamer oatlala, ' M" E. A. Dlekaon. I due at 880 this 'iinKJii from Anyw, Stowart and ": port of call and will sail aoen iir,!ftrr fot Vancouver and way. PUIII.IC HOLIDAY In order that all citizens milV linvn nn ntnArlnnltv nf visiting the Prince Rupert Exhibition, I hereby declare the afternoon of Thursday, 'September 13, to be a public holiday. S. P. McMORDlE, Mayor. 4 t been nothing but good," said .!.. inuniw, m.l., lor mnce u- w ' ' . . - ' i ilxi t t liiui innuu ujr uic jjouui yai and added that while nothing oU fliof lino fV,n T nVinv , aiuiis nw iu- w.v iiw. serious consideration. DEFENCE MADE nTtvrir nrnnir KI rWtLL J11X1E (iKVNT MAKES OIUrX'TION-ABI.E HEMAKKH WHICH ARE REPENTED BY CONSUL MATTEK OF HISTORY MATTER TO BE TAKE.VTO MINISTER OF JCKTICE NTATHN filtEEK REPRESENTATIVE VANCOUVER. Bewt. It. -Peter Ban-' croft, consul for Oreec. cam to the defence of his countrymen in to nat-i uraUcatton court here yesterday wnn ' Judge DvM Orant made remark whlth , Mr. Bancroft Interpreted a casting a reflection on them. During the application for nattirall- netwn oi earn Kanuiiw. a mi DONC A8TER, Sept. XX The Oham-welte. Jadge Orant recnarked that I psgnc atakes for two year olda of tlx court looked with a groat deal of aua- j frlongs was won by Lieut Col. Olle pteton on Oreeks. "NUMteen hundred j Led,, . Arabella. Rtecamouth Cam yeara ago.- he added. "It waa said that L, u,a tne niack Abbott third. Ten all Cretan who were Ore wre liars j started. and that oMirvatlon ha not been con- j Uadloted since then." He stated that he had found Oreeks engaged In tfce whhe stave Iraff le. ' "Without clean womanhood you cannot have clean manhood." said Judfe Orant. "Your honor, oh behalf of my oo unify I would like to state that you are mist ken In such word against the oreotsn reot." said Mr. Hancron. "I am speaking only a I found them her.' leplled Ma honor. "I have reotwainended some Orrek for cltlaen-ship and I always do whan I find them worthy." The argument olosed with the Judge's remark that he refused to discus th matter further. Mb Bancroft stated iubnnnty that he Intended to write to the minister of JtMtlc at Ottawa about the Incident. The application of Ksmllle wm jgg'atood over until inquiry had been made Into the case by the police. OBSEQUIES FOR I SERVICES HELD FOR JOB NEION AT Bl'TZK RAPIDS UNDER SAI.- VATION AHMV AlsriCES Mentors of the family and friends, to the number of about twenty. jr tardsy aftornoon attended obsequies which were held ovor the scene In Butse Rapid where Job Nelson. Mette-katla native, lost hi life by drowning In the whirlpool lt Monday. Deceased was a Salvation Army worker at Metlaktlbv and the- .senile,, was token 'by Ensign S. Joyce, local commandant, ' , . ...w uatu hv and Mrs. jojwv. 11 - - rtlifton of Metlakaua. iner iWM , brief sermon as wtll aa prayer and to the fastnesses of the desolate hill around, went the sound 01 tne hymn "Jew Hver of My Soul" and "Lead Kindly ugnt. i notion war weighted and eent down to the depth of water near the point where the fatality ooouitsq. , Mia L. M. Dodd will ll on the Princes Louise tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. REPUBLICANS WIN ELECTION wi-land. p'. h - By the tut: majority ever given a 4jubemtortI ; cand le m mic wm. t o.rdiner,; .'lepuMv.:'!. -;): Int. lflr? yesterday over Edward C. Moran. Jr., Dsuoc.-at. Ti.e let uu Air: n vl tcry was decisive In every c-jntert. -nDKBO rntiv ruKmfcS MIiMdlLK mviM or LNDS TO VISIT HIS NATIVE HOME IN EAST . . I M , .pert, arrived last evening on the, char, from vicuna and. to-' "eUler :th Mayor S. P. McMordle.l ;wlI, 0,rlcUte tonight at the opening of the Prince Rupert Kx position On I Thunday morning, the former minuter; of lands will leave by train for the Kat on a bualnesi trip. Beeldes his native hpme In Woodstock. Ontario. Mr Puttullo will visit Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal. Chicago' and New Tork. SALYATION ARMY YOUNG PEOPLE TO ENJOY BADMINTON The Salvation Army Young People's Leg Km at its regular weekly meeting 1 nlfht. dVcldfd jf engage thla wn: ter In the playing of badminton. The hall will be prepared as a court and -equipment ordered shortly. lne meeting oi tne legion next week w, take the form of a paper ehase. t rtit nin IPVP PT 1 VTJC LIlrtllirlUML Jlll 3 WON BY ARABELLA PRIZECARS MY BE SEEN Pontlac Six and Ford Tudor Itoth on Exhibition in City The two prize cars to be awarded Friday night In connection with the Daily News campaign are now on view In the city. The Ford Tudor is on view at S. V.. Parker's stall at the exhibition and the 2-door Pontlac Six Is In the new showrooms jut opened hy Walker & Ross, on Second Avenue, corner of Fourth Street. ROYAL BANK SOON TO BUILD AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Si)t. 11 -The Royal Bunk of email will construct head office building lie. c shortly to cost between a million and a halt and two million dLllura. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL EMII.ISH I.KAC11E Division 1. Birmingham 1. Leicester City 0. Burnley 4, Newcastle United 3. Cardiff 8. West Ham 3. Sheffield United I, Liverpool 3. DATES ARE SET F0R B.C. BY-ELECTIONS VICTORIA, Sept. XI The datei for nine by-election for members, of the cabinet, if these are ncccmary, are set Mr Ootober 6 with nomination on Sep tember 36. A sale of work and home cooking will be held at St. Peter'e Church. Seal Cove on Wednesday, October 34. YOUTHS CAUGHT. STEALING CAR Forty Men Employed Today on Steel Car Barge at Drydock and Numbir Will be Increased There are for y men oip'oyed o i the big new steel car barge being eons'ru't'ed i.l 'he Ury:lonk shipyard here, the actual steel work 1 ivi..g Lx.n in hand for just a week. This number will be gradually increased until by the end of the month from 76 to 75 will be employed. Of these about seventy per cent are skilled men. In all there are ninety men on the payroll at the Drydock, the other departments there being rather quiet just now with the exception, of repaint to a few small fishing boats. Pilots at Victoria Use Speed t Boats andRtibWth Each Other to Meet Incoming Steamships Evidence Given lie 'ore Royal Commission is Against Compulsory Pilotage and in Favor of Present System VICTORIA, September 11. British Columbia leading to long coming ships was described to Mr. age commission met here yesterday, when telling of the fight to get business, Captain Percy Shadforth claimed the right of the pilots to deal direct with the master of the boat, ignoring completely the ship's agent. He vigorously defended his action in going over the heads of the agents and securing the pilotage, for efficiency of service was generally agreed upon. W. M. Allan, agent here of the- Pacific Salvage Co. had no desire to change-' the present pilotage system although a system of examination would be agree- able. Captain C. D. Neuroutaoe said while his company was not interested In the main, they were in teres led in having first class pilots on other ships aa if not, the ship became a menace, eapec- (ally In the fog. He favored Oovern- SHOT IN BACK " BY A BANDIT , SECOND-HAND DEALER AT VANCOU-J VER INJURED AS HE FLED FROM DESPERADO VANCOUVER, Sept. 11 Nathan renaon. second hand dealer of Powell '.treet waa shot In the back by un - j identified bandit early last night a he wa looting up hi hop when be re- fused command of the robber to lie on ' tt floor. Arer.cn fled to the door and wM h " IUtUrT "tarjn eacaoed . j DIED NEW HEHTMIVHTER I ' JTW WT3TJHTT8TB?. Bnpt. 11. A T. AugU'tAe 45 year of age, coe.1 mer - ' t. d.cd yesterday of lnlan'Ue par - -1- s'n. I j Keen competition among pilots in races in speed boats to meet in Justice Morrison when the pilot ment supervision and examination of pilot. Xlke .Allen, he did not favor compulsory payment of pilotage. Captain J. W. Troup, late manager of the B. C. coast service of the O.P.R. testified at yesterday afternoon'! aeselon that the shipping men of Victoria were satisfied with the present pilotage system. He strongly wa agalnat com- pulsory pilotage. PROGRAM FOR THE FAIR WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Ilig Procession, starting from the Court House at 1 p.m., marching along 2nd Ave. to 7th St., back on 3rd Ave. to City Hall, then to Ball Grounds. All children are specially invited to take part in the procession, alto cjtisens with care. Kverybody get in on this and make It a parade worth remembering. ' Wednesday Afternoon, Children's Day Children free to the building in tae afternoon. Other afternoons, admission for children, lue. Rodeo starts at S p.m. sharp. Admission: Adults, $1.00; children, 50c; clatldnn in arms free. No extra charge for grandstand. Special feature, Tex Young- in his best at the Stampede. Indian Football at 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING Fxhibition HuiWIiig, 8 p.m. Admission: Crtlldr'n, SsSc; Adults, 50c. ' . - Program Tex Young, the funny little Cowboy CortIan, in hta wonderful lariat twirling act, as well as his humorous Cowboy earned)-. (A laugh a minute). Ruth and Maloy, in their big comedy hit and dancing act. (You'll laugh your head off). The Two Kings of Nonsense, in their monologues, rope twisting and step dancing. (They are a scream). hand selections by the Boys' Italid. The longest and best entertainment ever had in Prince Rupert for the-money. Big Airplane Failed Arrive Last Night Nothing Heard of It 1 .,, ' . Digby Island wireless station this morning i was attempting i to get in touch with the big Fairchild seaplane carrying Squadron Leader Earl Godfrey and companions who are reported missing on a flight from Vancouver to Prince Rupert. It had been raining neavjit. thf8 morning with visibility very poor, at times it being im- PO3ibie to see a mile over the water. It is assumed that Major God trey ran into unfavorable weather yesterday and was compelled 10 Jana inuugn up ui noun tuuay mcic wen nu lawn huvivo of him. it;.; r OtxIfrey"a companions on the flight irom Vancouver, which com- fhencr-d t 11.30 yesterday morning, it Vlng Ctxr-aarKSer J L. Gordon Jtr.d L F Ureedner. from Air Force readqttartera at Ottawa, who recently 'conducted an Investigation at Victoria into the disaster a couple of week ago .to the B. C. Alrwsys passenger .plane in Ipugct Sound, and Sergeant Major Or sham, mechanic. Godfrey and Ora- hetn last week few from Ottawa to Vancouver. While flying conditions on thla part of the coast since yesterday have been vary unfavorable. It is orr.fi den tly hoped that Major Godfrey Is safely landed somewhere on the. five hundred mile distance between h, re and Vancouver Formerly la command of Jericho Beach air station at Varcouver. Majcr Godfrey Is weti c mstomed to flying on this coast, having made the flight between Van couver and Prince Rupert on several occasion previously. A general call wa sent out today for all shipping to keep on the look out for the missing plane and It 1 probable that aerial and other form of search may be Instituted for the nyuz units their safety becomes soon aaauiod. Opinion wa growing today that Major Godfrey bad made a forced landtag tn some remote harbor where be had been unable to communicate eettser w4tir VaBooaver' or. Prince Rupert Meantime, anxiety 1 being feK and many inquiries have been received herej from Vancouver as to any newa of the nln. that mlsht h farthfinmifur ' VANCOUVER. Sept. 11 No word has been received here from Godfrey since be passed Powell River 55 minutes after leaving Vancouver for Prince Rupert. VANCOUVER, Sept. 11. It la believed here that Godfrey and hi companion came down on one of the numerous waters along the coast because of the foggy and smoky weather. "No fear of "disaster is entertained here." Lieut. A. H. Hull, officer commanding the Jericho station said here. PRINCESS IS IN TROUBLE Slipped off Ways at Victoria and Cannot be Moved VICTORIA, Sept. 11. The C.P.R. motor ferry Princess Elaine slipped off the rails as she was being put back into the water after a general overhaul and is stuck on the ways at the Ray Street plant of the Victoria Machinery Depot. She cannot be moved off or entirely on and may be in that position for a month or more until a launching device or cradle is built under the ship. HUGE WHEAT CROP IS LATEST ESTIMATE JJ WINNIPEO. Sept. ll.--Wheat mod j 884.000.000 bushels Is est lms ted for the prairies in a report published tn the Pree Press today. TOLMii: premhent VA vmirVRH Sant 1 1 Prxnlar Tol b slMtnl mHt at the P. O.K. i at the first meeting of tht new board 1 of director Monday. Blake Wilson was I elected Vies-President. ) I , , o t DIED OP PARVI.VJJI8., j MISSION CTTY. Sept. !l.-Alicen u Lean, eleven-year-old daughter of Mr I and Mrs. William MeMea, Mixion tniy. " yaterdsy from Infantile paralyat. CARD OP THANKS . Mr. and Mr. C. Possum wish to t tkmnV thlr frlMvrts fmnMisllv the Odd follow', for their kind expressions of avmnathv and kindness shown In their bertavament. DINNER GIVEN BY CANADIANS TO THE LEAGUE PREMIER MACKENZIE KINO AND ' ASSOCIATES ENTERTAIN ALL PROMINENT VISITORS GaNEVA. Sept. 11. Premier King of inada and other msabers of the Canadian delegation to the assembly of tht League of Nations were boats at a brilliant Sinner last night; The guest Included aa array of brUliant tt men from every nation lasorHtert tn any way wsth the league. Owing to. problems tJtpaeted to de-etop before the committee on technical reduction of armament Wednesday and Thursday in which awn. C. A. Dunning. Oanadian minister of railway and aanaU la IntsttcatM. Vrtnlar King altered bU plant lor the tear and will -tmaln within call of KOOTEN AY RESIDENT DIES rlFIER ILLNESS NELSON. Sept 11. Fred R. Covert Moffatt. alnce 187 a resident of the Kootenays associated with tbe newspaper and legal professions. Is dead, after an illness of thro years. He wa born in Toronto In 1835 editor of the Rossi and Dally Miner and later editor of the Nelson New untU In 1809 be wa called to the war. KINGSFORD SMITH IN NEW ZE4LAND FLIGHT WNOT0N. NZ . Sept. it.- Captain Ktngsford Smith and two companions in Us p.ane Southern Croas In which he flew from Oakland to Sydney across the Pacific, successfully completed hi first flight from Syeney aero the Ta- man Sea to New aealand today. BOXING! MOOSE HALL Tuesday, Sep. 11, at 8.30 p.m. Young Italy Howie Keefe Victor Reese (Port Simpson) vs. Tommie De Marco (Prince Rupert) Victor Robinson (Metlakatla) V3. Curly NVWton (Prince Rupert) t . Chris Nelson (Port Simpson) vs. Nick Gurvich iPrince Rupert) Jimmy Ryan (Metlakatla) vs. Fred Boulter (Prince Rupi-rt) Man Events 10 Rounds Madison Dix (Seattle) vs. Alf Harding (Calgary) Ladies specially invited j, . n.pvall w. R I General Admission, $1.10 Tickets on sale at Joe Brown's, Grotto Cigar Store, . . ...... . . uranci terminal 1 iud, ana Empress Club,