jv '..v, September 11, 1928 THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVB CP DETAILS FINAL COUNT IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE UTMOST SECRECY AS TO THE NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS TURNED IN BY EACH CANDIDATE THIS, THE LAST PERIOD OF THE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS BIG AUTOMOBILE CAMPAIGN, THE RACE WILL BE BROUGHT TO A CLOSE UNDER A SEALED BALLOT BOX. No subscription or votes whatever will be accepted through the campaign department, this, the last period of the campaign. Candidates themselves will deposit their final collections in the SEALED BALLOT IJOX l ratpJ In the corridor of the Royal Hank of Canada, and in this way, no one, vven the Campaign Manager or the publishers can possibly know the v ting strength of the respective candidates which precludes any possibility .f favoritism and Insures fairness to the minutest detail. l ocked and sealed by the Judges, the ballot box has been placed In the - orrl-'or of the Royal Hank of Canada, where the candidates and their friends an -eposit their votes and subscriptions up to 9 p.m. Friday, September 14, When the final hour arrives the campaign will be declared closed. The judges will break the seals, unlock the box and Immediately thereafter, or :,s soon as votes can be Issued on the subscriptions contained therein, the la t count will begin. The winners will be determined by merely adding the published vote (otals which will appear for the last time in an early issue (if the Prince Hupert Dally News, to reserve votes and those contained in the ballet box. There will be no waiting; no complicated count, but simply a matter of adding tbe vote totals and announcing the winners. Read this Entire Page Over Very Carefully IMPORTANT NOTICE It is calculated that it will require some time, however, to canva-ss the findings in the box and to determine the 'winners. The official results will be bulletined in the windows of The Daily News office as soon as possible, and they will be published in the first issue of The Daily News following the completion of the final count. OUT OF TOWN CANDIDATES ATTENTION! Heretofore out-of-town candidates have had the privilege of mailing their letters containing subscriptions from their home town as late as the closing hour of the various "periods." This will not be permitted the last night of the campaign. ALL VOTES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS WITH CASH TO COVER MUST BE IN THE SEALED BOX WHEN THE RACE IS CLOSED AT 9 O'CLOCK SHARP, Friday night, September 11, 1928. Out-of-town candidates should, where it is possible to do so, arrange to deposit their envelopes in person in the sealed ballot box, but where this cannot be done, letters containing their final remittance should be addressed to CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT, The Prince Rupert Daily News, and plainly marked "FOR SEALED BALLOT BOX NOT TO BE OPENED." Particular care should be taken to potst such letters In good time to reach this, office before the final hour of 9 o'clock Friday night, September 9, 1928. All subscriptions deposited in the scaled ballot box now located in the corridor of the Royal Bank of Canada, corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street, Prince Rupert, must be accompanied by cash, money order or certified check for the full amount to cover. PERSONAL OR BUSINESS CHECKS WILL POSITIVELY NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule is made in fairness to all candidates and will be STRICTLY adhered to. Special Notice As announced In the "Rules and Regulations" published at the beginning of the campaign, the Ballot Box in The Prince Rupert Dally News campaign has been locked and sealed and placed in the corridor or The Royal Bank of Canada, corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street, Prince Rupert, where it will remain until the closing hour of the campaign 9 o'clock Friday night, September 14, 1928. No subscriptions or votes whatever will I accepted through the campaign department (his period and candidates and their friends are to drop their coupons, subscriptions and subscription money in the sealed ballot box. Candidates will have access to the sealed ballot box each day during the regular hours of this well known banking institution. The hours are 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. each day. On Friday, September 14, candidates will have access to the box from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Then through the courtesy of the bank management, the corridor of the bank will be reopened at 7 o'clock next Friday night and will remain open until 9 o'clock Friday night the final hour. You must be sure that all votes, money and subscriptions are in the ballot box nt the closing hour, as none will be accepted through the ronlls or in any other manner after 9 p.m., Friday, Septemlwr 14, 1928. Neither will any money be refunded so be sure you have everything in perfect shape. If candidates wish, the Campaign Manager will furnish them with envelopes in which to make their final deposits in the scaled ballot box. IT IS NOW OR NEVER Schedule of Votes for the Fourth Period The Inst period, terminating at 9 p.m. Friday, September 14, the following number of votes will le Issuedton subscriptions: Price by Price by No. of Yearn Carrier Mail No. of Votes 1 year . ; $ 3.00 $ 3.00 3,000 votes 2 years 10.00 COO 15,000 votes ?. years 15.00 9.00 30,000 votes I y,nrs 20.00 12.00 60.000 votes 5 yenr 25.00 15.00 100,000 votes C yeara 30.00 18.00 175,000 votes In otl U It Ion .to the nbovf volm. a ppri'lul vol crullt rmmI for loo.noo rtr voi mill I UrJ on J "lub" l IS turnrtj In for mhscrlp-lh,n. The "rlub" may He riuiM4 of mull ur lre mounts totalling $,S Xo'luWrlptloii for more tnn M jrur. In aaiWymnU will be nrrrptnl tlironjli any one candidate. 1 The aiibwrlptloii price of The outMile of Northern ami Central HC. U ffl.no prr year In ail part, of Ilif lirllMi Koiplre and the lnitr.1 stntcii to all othrr countries the price U 1M per year. MAY T HE In depositing your coupons and subscriptions in the sealed ballot box be sure that the coupons are kept entirely separate from the money and subscriptions. This will make it easier for the judges to finish the final count quickly. Before depositing any money in the sealed ballot box be sure to get slip from the Campaign Manager to put in with your deposit to show the judges how much money you have deposited In the sealed ballot box. The slips will be furnished each candidate who calls at campaign headquarters. All candidates who fail to call at this office and verify their totals will he considered as having given notice to the judges, The Prince Rupert Daily News, and the campaign department that they accept the campaign department's figures as absolutely correct as applies to votes, points and amount of cash turned in by the individual candidates. The Prince Rupert Daily News' BIG CAMPAIGN ENDS FOREVER PROMPTLY AT 9 O'CLOCK FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 11 Who will have the most votes and win the "Pontiac 6" Two-Door Sedan Value $1,200 (Purchased from Walker & Ross) or THE FORD TUDOR SEDAN Value $860 (Purchased from S. E. Parker, Ltd.) or THE $500 CASH PRIZE or One of the two $100 CASH PRIZES 11111 THE RESULTS IN THE BALLOT KOX WILL FURNISH THE ANSWER WARNING! In accordance with the rules of the campaign, only thoe candidates who make n weekly cash report will 1 eligible to share in the prizes or commissions. If your name appears in the list of candidates, as it will be published In the last count (which will appear In an early issue of The Dally News) you are eligible to share in the prizes or commission, but jou must make at least one cash report this period, to receive your prize or commission. This rule will absolutely be enforced this last period. Must Check Votes Each and every candidate is urged to get his or her vote, point and cash totals in shape to check with those of The Prince Rupert Daily News. The Campaign Manager wjll set aside Tuesday, September 11, and Wednesday, September 12, ns the time in which the candidates may come to this office and verify their records with those of the campaign department. You should get your vote, point and cash totals ready at once as this office will be ready to check with you on either Tuesday or Wednesday of this w"eelc Simply add up your vote, point and cash totals; then come to this office and certify your totals with the tctals this office has for you. If there is any difference it can be fixed up nw. NO CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER 8 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY NIGHT. SEITE3IBER 12, 1928. Any candidate who Coes not come to this office and check and verify his or her vote, point and cash totals with those of the Campaign Manager will be considered as having given notice to the Judges and The Prince Rupert Daily News that they accept the figures of the campaign department as correct and authorize the Judges to use them as the basis for the final count. In an early Issue of The Dally News (probably next Wednesday) the last count will appear and will include every subscription, every coupon and every vote which has been cast for publication up to, and including the end of the third period, on last Friday night, September 7. 1928. The votes as they will appear in the last count will remain unchanged until the final count by the Judges except in case of correction of any errors which may exist. If The Daily News account is not absolutely correct, according to your figures and records, notify this office immediately, so proper correction can be made before the end of the campaign. CAMPAIGN ENDS 9 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPT. 14 The Advisory Board of Judges Five representative business and professional men of Prince Rupert have been selected as an Advisory Board, and Irora this number two, or more, will net as judges to canvass the finding of the ballot box, and to announce the winners. The personnel of the Advisory Board of Judges . is as follows: Col. S. P. McMordie, Mayor. L. G. Calder, Bank Manager. C. II. Orme, Druggist. J. W. Scott, Hardware Merchant. , II. B., Rochester Hotel Proprietor. All 1 he,. members of thdjgldvisoryjRoard are well known to everyone in Prince Ruperand surrounding territory, and the final results as given out by them will be beyond dispute. BEST CANDIDATES WIN