March M, l!i2r! CJttthe I Cheap Power or Development For new development work, where chfap lwer is required without r;i!tt investment, Diesel tnr s moke an ideal installation. Tin investment it comparatively ?r:.iK. the cott of operating it low, tiir furl cmily transported. M:.nv r' inadian industries that are ., ,it .aic-l cloee to -hydra-daatric plant, mi- now using Fairbankt-:. ;' Dirtcl Engine with satis-t:ir-, rV results. The Premier Ookt .M-,. arc now using over 2,000 h.p., : r.. . v.;iy companies use then for . , - p imping station, towns and inv upon them for pumping : lt, !mr. In fact, Dictel Engines lly coming to the fore as -he most economical sources F .m:s Morse Diesel Engines tre ..,:, in suet lor 10 to 25 h p , ! 7 .tiiiil . tad 30 to 840 h.p. Vertical , D?K CANADIAN Fairhanlis -Morse COMPAMVCImitst tth'CsscM-M-k1M-Mtwst - ;it I'rinee Rupert of the New Chevrolet ! Mivery Chapis jmuu.oo Toii Truck ChiisHiH SMO0.00 : r SHOK.OO .. ! i- Delivery SrvflM.OO if SMifNMM MM8I.00 WI.OO StlttttHHI ' KHUMUM) 1 I .and. ui IKIItfMMHl l!um r anil Hear 'Ue itiiiidiipd eiiuip-'ii all PasHenjrer Wheels Standard ' "'lit on Imperial and iet only. On other $:t0.00 extra. Tire .uu! Tube, v'rn. Kaien Garage Phone 52 H v W ALLACE CO. LTD. I'l'KE Silk Hose ' -kIi's of Atmosphere, I'iow, Nudea, Cham-!" . Flesh and Aloma The bent $1.25 value In town. H-S.WallaceCo.Ltd. '"'Me . ard Ave. & Fulton. Men's RUBBER BOOTS '' "Kin, Dominion make $3.75 ' IMJWEN"8 FANCY RUB-IIEH IIOOT6 $1.05 1 IKS FANCY RU11UBR ROOTS tfti.85 Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Mill.- t .., .;,.,,. DISCREDITING LOCAL MEMBER moitT IKIKfl MAI.K TO "'T II. M j ,N ll W TT.W A HV HTOIIV TO l His uixncKitrr I Apparently an eIfun mRd, dl..crdlt the local member at ottaw, by Mllng atorle, ", ,K d,,.redlt, He sample ......... trom the Wf.lelij Tr.ouutr. pm.ui-ci at Vancouver: r th ''"' case or J. c. Brady or Sheen, Br wle fm r-'.n-ti in parliament displayed a jtrange 10 h:s ''"''""Kiies. a somewhat dlt-.KI' .Uhk pua,ion to ave the country at ; whatever personal coat He was In !hrt. the victim of a pronounce Median complex. Today It could be ""id i Mr Brady. as It was laid of a :'I rmcr at Westminster, that he acta! a- ; holy man might who had found Inm-eir ;I; vm.c- magical way tranaport-'' '-' a h niw or 111-lnme und wa be-Kinmn;: lj enjoy i Members ot par-llamtni Mr uncommonly discerning jl-cr-ons :.nd notwithstanding Mr. Brady's iivav.rin. fuwitj to dull and unln-""'' ,rt,''l!s hi- ;'il.W'me;:iberj auv " in lain a hu ll wa worth H'. ija t ,. veiiinn early in ''rui. a Mi Brady walked ahmK '" "''r','' ',- to hii raom. hi' "tl Mr ti c naervat!ve mem-h i in.m On'arlo Mr O-jtt's bead was Mink nixiii his rh,i nd In hlx hand-a huiff roll of 150 bill which Mr I 'icly never djnlj'.Ti were not counter- l :. .Mr OMt was counting: "Four thous-and. Ijur thuii im-.i imd fifty- forty-one hundred. :o ty-ane fifty " What i'ii ;: ' h arc you dolne?" aak- c-l Bmdv Mind y in own business. ' f.ui' .ttftlc 'Fori , -; hundred. PURCHASE anapped forty-two L'.'tcn ! mt Where did y iu tha' mo'ii'y'" Bii'iri and turned upon his col-u I k of wniic.-ing contempt MINKKAI. A(T I Form P. I fr.KTIrlrtTi; H IMPMOVKMENTH MrTICIt Prun e's Pat. L. t 43':6: Pilot. Lot 4!W7: H A.F . Lot 4368. Owrver. Lot 4818. Mineral Calms, situate in the Atlln Mm-iii'! Division of Ca ut Dlttrlet. Where I- cnied On Munro Mountain about four m:l- from the town of Atlln TAKE NOTICE tha' we. Jamte Btofces end c R Praaer. Pree Miner's Certificate Ne BBPRn-gooei. intend sixty data from diW hereof. t apply to the Mlnln R-irder lor a Ortf'icate of Improve-nirinn lor the nf obtaining a i r Mil Orant of the above claim. A'id further take mtlce that action, u io"v M-e'ion 86 must be commenced iefore th issue of such Certificate of Isnnrtv emrnf rated this Sth dav of March. A.D. 1038. ! H aleM. PRASSR. Agent SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreeerved. earvtyed Crown sandi may be pre-empted by rntlaii subject over )s year at age, and by alien oo declariaa lattntleD to Ueeome British eulijeote. eoodl-ttonal upon resudeae, oon patten, tad improvetnent tar sarlealtursj 'iUrMwe rui: informatloa aoanernlnk retri-latiune regardlnc pte-emptloat it Kivm in Bulletin N. 1. Land Herts!, How to Pre-empt Ltuxl." ooplee W tihicn caa be obtained free of ebargt ly aildrsaaing the Ueuartment ef Lands. Victoria. B.C.. er to any Oev-tmmant Areat. Heeorda will be granted oovertag only land suitable for atrrlealturaJ lm ii ii tu and wbleh it nut timber-land i.e.. carrying over 1,000 board feet nor acre weat of the '-'oast Rang and feet per aere east of tbat Hange Application! for pre-srapt Ions are i h sddresoed to tk LaBd Com- msMlooer of ah Umd Baoofdtng Division la wmob aha lead apaU4 tex it sltustad. atal e-ceysnad a prtotsd , forme, ooplee of whsob eaa be ob tained from tits lmo i MnmaawT. Pre-emption muet be oeoupted ter five years aad Improvements mads to value of S10 per aere. Including clearing and cultivating at least five ucree. before a Crown Grant oan be reuelved Kor more detailed Information it the HulletJa "Hew to Pre-empi Appllcailone are received tor pur-ehaae of vacant and uareeerved Crown not being tlrutarla4 for agricultural purposes ralnuaum nrloe for flret-elan (arable) land U teoond-olaat (graa. I acre, and psr inaT land l per acre. Further a-foStlon regarding purchase or least o7wnd. I trtvea tBW Jo U. Lena T""""' t of crown lBds Mill, factory, or innoei land, not eaoeedlng aeret. ! timber uru . lu-i iiual ths eon- i may D liun;iin - - auSo,, inoludlng payment of etumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed raa. not xeeedlag M mar be leated aa hometltta, u,n a dwetttog being Wth" nret yta. tifl. being Hiatal after reeidenee and Ira-Edition, art fulfilled IZ land hat been turvtyed. LEASES and Industrial pur-TH !S not ticlm billtid by one poa or a tnI',"r QRAZ1M0 lns U aaminUli d und.r a and the 7,llonsr. Annual rM,n .JU M Utued baaed oa numri.hedVwnen. Btcck-owner JMB!2 avaIhU.U tot eOera, Was Subject, to BRONCHIT9S Every Winter Mrt. Wm. nealey, 52 Hill Street, London, Ont., writet: "My daughter, aged fourteen, was subject tu broachitit every winter. ' ' Hhe would cough until ike wu tore I from the eiertion. ' ' IJtat wiuter a friend adrited xae to ' get a bottle of your Dr. Wood's i Norway Pine Syrup to I got a small bottle to try tod Wat dellKtted to find that before the Ud taken half of it her cough wu completely relieved. "I oertaiuly feel justified in reeom-mending Ht to those sufferiog from cougha and eolda." i Price 8Se. a bottle, large family the 0e.; put up only by The T. Mubnra Oo Liuited. Toronto. Oat "Haven't yuu got yours yet?" he aaked. Mint." eays Brady, with hit eyes oppniK out of his head. "What do you meal,, nunc'" ' Wi i: you aot your, didnt von? oer- It is not on record what Blr Clifford, then wintering In Florida, thought of this extraordinary letter, but be toon I disabused Mr. Brady's mind on the point of bribery. i Members of parliament agree that I Mr Brady It a regular fellaw now. j -OOVEILNMBNT 1JQU0K ACT." voTicr: or .tiTLicATiov roit mxk LHtNft NOTICE la hereby given that an the uth day of March nest, the Hndenugued tnteiatM to apply to the Ua nor Control Board for a license ta nttjNct of the SnuwnM ftrfBStlU. arfutmS ct Port Clements. B.C.. upon the lands deacrlbed ta Lot No. 6. Hook 44. Subdivision ot Lot 748. Quean Charlotte Island District. Map No. 1OTR. Prlnoe Rupert Laud Reglatratlon Dittrtct. In the Province of Britten Columbia, for the sale ol beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premlee dated this lath day of February. IBiM BRYDONB LOBME T1NOLET. Applicant "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTH K 111 Al'ei M'tTMIN M1K IIKI;U l.ICEMi: Notice It hereby given that on the lbi i day of March next the undersigned intend to apply vo ue uquor uonuoi Board for mlsea bet as t lice lcenoe In respect to pre known na part nan oi of the sne building ouunin Hotel Mtsnett" altuaie on en Lot isn tngni Bight 18 1. Block Fourteen (14) ite Flan DL. 7. k .. . . ... , Tnaiuii. IViwn mS - - , Queen Charlotte islands. Prlnoe Rupert Umd RegUtratlon DUtrtot in the Pro-vim of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the DATED at prince rcupert. B.C., this 16th dtv of Pebrutry. 1WM. GORDON B. DAVU8. Applicant IN PRORATE IN Till: M I'HKMK COl'ICT Of I1KITIHII COL! Mill I lit the Matter of the "Admlnlatratlon Act "; and In the Matter nf the Estate of Alexander Cameron. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of III Honor. P. McB. Young, the 0th day ot February.- AD. 1838. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alexander Cameron, deceased, and all part let having claims BKtiiuat the said estate, are hereby rettulred to furnish tame, property verified to me on or before the lot dnv of Mnreb ID. 1088. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- to pay i he nnmunt of their In-sbtedneaa. aulrerl t" nx- imthwlth Nn"v WATT. Oiriclel Adm .islrn'cr Prince 1'iipci I O c Dtted ths 10th day of Pebrutry A.U ipsa. H2 PALLT ITEW3 PAGE FT72 VANDEItHOOP Two mining machinery ouUlU are now moving Into the Mansion Creek tUttrtPt lrati here ;i.. iterMt it beln(f shown in the plaect propoaUiona in that country. The nuru dcIhk taken In for ft. C. MeOoakell will be operated by the Omlaeca Gold Dredging Co.. Inc.. a Washington company, in which Mr McCorkill retains hi Internet. I George Bnell haa tlon on Slate auppllee for Ott. tented by W. M. Oft ne his Interests at Pranoola Lake. bla deetlna- drill and eels reprc- The Nechako Liberal Aasoclatlou baa elected officers for the year 'at fnltowa: jprt&ident. I. fimith. tjtnderboof; that vtee-pmaidattt. Olueyj. Reid, iChiloo; t.cand vlc-epresldent, James II. iOraham, iftpea; . secretary-treasurer. I William a MattMaon. Lakes DUUlct: esecutlve, Ma. N. J. McBrlde, Pin-Imoore; Mrs. David Turcotte. Vander- he of: Archie Btewart. Lake District: i Thosnat KUa, Sngen: Henry C Lud-;Wtf. BraaaMe: tkof Hartman. Mopes; Otrtsa Butdette and E c. McOeachy. Vanclerboof: Tkotnas W Blair. Lake DlatMet: Barry Sogaa. Hulatt; Peter Raamuason, Sutcber Flats: Prank BeM. Chllca. and Lawtence r. Dlckmaon. Port 8t. J; -mseil Ciott "If you didn't, more fool nom 9f Mr. and Hi. David Irving last v u P:i.-,y-three. forty-three fifty." ''Way night. and For heaven sake. Clott. What do you maii " "Why. where have you been. Dont you know that there It tome Stfton money going around. Thaw want to get that bill through the Bouie. It means million to them und they don't mind spending a lew thousand to grtate the wheels. The party's going to vote for P. anyway, tu wny not pick up $6,000.00. "Bribery." breathed Brady, between his teeth. "Oh to h- with your ideals." anap-ned Oott. "Look here Brady. Have you paid your election expenses?" "No." "Mor I: but I'm gojng to." "Do you really mean It?" 'Certainly I mean it. The beat thing for you to do It to go down to the hotel tired of giving it away." TKMITATIOK Ol T. ANTIIO-VY Brady clasped his bunting forehead An en Jo) able party was lield at the The secretary of the Vandernoof Board of Trade hat received a communication from Bon. Dr. J, H. Klnjr at Ottawa la which assurance la given tha ptovieioa will be made In the supplementary esttmaiea at this set-ion of Parliaaaent for a wharf at Fort Hi. James on Stuart Lake Walter nrtrmtui, Conservative or-gaaiaer far Brttiaii Columbia, was a vial tor la Taadarhoof last weak in the courae of a tour of the Central Interior. Mat. Osorge lalwisnn of Chllco. who baa been terlouary ill. u now aankiag tattafactory prog sets toward recovery. The provincial department of get your money before they get i works Moalvaa a new tractor laat weak for There at la tbit dlttrlet. 7 pupil at the Van- with both hand and rushed to his derhoof Superior Bchool. the i Mm. Oott put the bogue mosey la his i number la Use takstory of the pocket and hurried around to a room There are piospmli that there win be opposite Brady's. Ia his excitement at least fifteen game pupils at the he-Brady forgot to pull down the bunds and i gini.lng of matt mm. Oott and hi friends beheld him paring l back and forth across ale room. The' HUKNS TiTriw.vr LAKE s im temptation of Bt. Anthony was not in , it An hour later Brady found Qatt I T Je,IrrT vlalkir here last - "I cannot do it." be said. "I can- j ' not take money. I will vote against the bill and resign my aeet in parliament " ' Loc1 lung" ladles are eonaiderlnc More fool you." replied the aophls- organlmUoa of a basketball team. nested Oott. e j ,. . JT ' Heat day Mr Brady received a letter, i tar. . C. Peter of Prancols Lake It read something like this: ju pottaat la the Burn Lake Beapltal Dear Mr. Brady I wonder If you ! rlng from a brohaa leg. would have dinner with me privately in I my apartment at the Chateau Laurler. I K Lowe made a business trip to Bn- I have business of great profit to your- I dako last weak. j self to discuss j (Sgd i Sir Clifford Buton. I Charles Wilson made a trip Into Brady's face palrd He nrmed to! Burns Lake from the Bablne laat week.! Oott I - ' "t this man t fiend" he shouted I The annual mooting of the Burns Peering, perhaps, that his powers otlLake Community Hall Association waej leslatauoe weie unequal to the teat, he nld laat night. went to hit desk and replied In this sense: The Burnt Lake Omenhouam Sir Clifford Stfton -I nhall, not meet! rapidly Bearing completion you at dinner nor In your room. 1 J " shall not accept a bribe from you or S. Long arrived laat week from Van-snyone else. 'ootrver on business in connection with J. ft. Bird of Porestdalt was a business visitor here last week. Tto Buna lAks Lttanl S ml. I ln.i staent. A M. Ruddy: aaoraury-treaaurer. Sidney pod win. tint v lot-president. Lyster Muilvany; saoand rlee-prealdent, c. SaujMtar. Pailgag: atecutivr. a r. Brown.; 0orge Lme)ttrwat. 'T. Jensen, ttrns Lage: P. tsagroU. .Dtogei Lake: Fred Ssranovlch. Shan ton: and M. A. Moore, Tschenlkut STEWART 8. F. Workman It here from Vaitcou- ' ver to take up duty, with permanent headquarters in Stewart, at chief engineer for the Canadian northeastern Railway Co. Oeorge Bacon. Ernest Mutto. William Beaanee and John Bray haw left for the Terminus mlrsr where they have been given the contract to drive a 176 toot extension of the tunnel on the property which It le expected will reach the big quart vein. daughter ef of your copy of The Daily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier Juantta B Mrs. William to Brnest kttaato. U known local miner and contractor. ! Mr, tastoae bat returned to Stewart following a trip south. C. H Mt honey Ma leased the sTatei- -nt building ilorm the Lawrence h.s elected offlcem lor the rear a Workman at the corner ol building! folk,, tatonnr. h.ia., , , W L. Markencle Ung: honorary v tee-president, Hon. Dr. J. D. McLean: pre- Fourth and Columbia Streets and It opening lt up under the name of the Portland Hotel. Winter mooes of transport In Stewart this year have Included dog (earni. horses, snowmobiles and triclur. Oeorge -Ok I'aeTi eattit,Mst Bay view Mining Co.. bat returned to Stewart tfter spending the winter in the south. He announces that the company will erect a tram just aa soon at surface conditions will permit of sur-, veys beiug made Between four audj five thousand feet of tram will reach; within two miles of the Dunwell mill and about three miles trom town. Col. Nelson Spencer of Vancouver la president of the Ravview and Jonathan Rogers is vice-president, other prominent Vancouver men being on the directorate ALICE ARM The government has no Intention of 'n,m'"M,1 ,h " Provincial Constable Lanot Pot ter ton haa returned to Stewart, following a brief trip to Vancouver. C H Talt. barrister and solicitor, lws opened ofllcea hem. H is Stewart's second lawyer. William MoC row Stewart, following a here linen whl'h much of the town Is, Mtic. ted according to Aoid Alice Arm in Word hat been received here from authoritative sources that plant are I being lormulated for bonding and con- . , . selidation of several wU known allver has returned M to , . P"'1"" l'M "PP ""taault ooun- Ulp wip to 10 Vancouvw vancouw d(tU1( mn K)t J. Double. Homer PtckJln and-dHMC McLeod aace sin one laosJ issiiiiilltaTOsat for puolication lt la a'.tted that the deal would rank among one of the ' lW"e"1 mM" ln " Provlno' ,n nceni turning Imt week from trips eou& ..iyeart, J M Morrison Is Idvntlfled with An interesting though quiet wedding llw an' took place In Hydejr at tha end of laat PAIN in BLADDER Promptli Cited b 8ANTAL MIDY Bt turt to (st ths Otnulas tttl r i e "ssiur- 014 WU 4U 4(utstt A tunnel was commenced ia the Kaperanr mine lsst week to encounter the ore vein that is now being worked la the Baldy tunnel tt t distance of about 16 feet William McLean to Prince Hupert. I on buHne trip AdvtrtUe ia The DaU Mwt paid in advance will briny? it to you every night for a year" Keep Yourself i Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OP THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! aaQsaeViCl. Special- :: Offering of COATS for - LAUIBS, .MISSES AND CHILDREN COATS FOR CHILDREN up tq 1LH.00. Svwcisl price BasrjHlJ. AND MISSES Kejrular value up to $25.00. Special price . JiS.75 Sill. 75 Have your choice (if these splendid g-armentft while they laat, for they will not laat long at thexe priced. B. C. Fur Company Third .Avenue All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 I'ER CENT HUI1I1BUH. aisea 6 and 7, rrirulor (2.25, now H."5 Khoe Sale Continue. Every pair must go. TH0R JOHNSON HBSMSMHkMHSSVMMSMSBBWnaBMMSk I! -i 1 11 ' 1 ' 1 ' ii- To Every Woman I who ! eager for new ideas In home decoration new color combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme for baby's room, now color beauty everywhere in the house "61" Brushing Lacquer come as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. . .Telephone 3