LingtheTailor Phone 619 Clothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth keep- Ladles' or Gentlemen's Suits -team, pre Md Overcoat 75 1 Trousers Xt Skirts Boys' Suits ."Of SUITS. Dry Cleaned and steam pressed .... $-.00 Overcoats $2.00 Trousers t Skirts ... 7i0 Boys' Suits SI. 00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201- -Night Phone: Red 317. DRY BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Not $11.25 Alberta Sootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of eoal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK ILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EAKLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57. Or TULLE BURNS LAKE Major Robot Low local hard wars dealer, president ol the Burnt Lake Board of Trade and chairman of vil lage oommlsslonsrt returned tent weak lrom Vancouver with his bride ebo was formerly Mies Bertha Mahal Rob-.nson. daughter of airs. M. B Jtobm- con. Hollyburn, wcat Vanoourer. Duncan McOlbbon. while oa trip to bis mining property in the TaktM dietrlct. nearly tost tale Ufa at the bead of Oot Lake when storm arose suddenly. Hla boat was swamped and all tne supplies it contained were lost but McOibbon managed to make ahorc safely. Mr. and Mrs. Oecrge F. T. W. Brewer of the st Smithes was a week on official dutsts. of Ooua Lake left last weak for Bocbast er, Minnesota, where Mr. Benson undergo treatment at Mayo They expect to return boga two months' tune. - ' Oust Bjorkbom has aoM bis farm at Roue Lake to Mr. Been and Is lea ring for Port Albernl where he Intend to eogaaw in flahing. Mr. Bjork-bom has resided at Rose Lake for many years and Is well known In the district. Branch here last L. r .doles of VsneouTer baa been s business visitor in this district. Oust Weetburg week on business. was in town last Mr and Mrs. I. B. Honklqs, who were recently married la Vancouver -pent pan: of their boneyatoon her. Mrs. O. F .Lee hss arrived from Vancouver for an extended visit hare with her daughter. Mrs. A. H. Silk. SMnilKRS - 81-11. Reftkma.' government agent, has left for sn extended trip Into the Manson Crrek country to look Into the placer situation. He want in by way of Stuart Lake and will travel most of the distance by saddle hone. It Is reported that several patron of the government liquor store here have been getting bottles of water In steed of whiskey. The bottles were iwpiaeed and an investlgatlaa Is to be H H. Ollchnst of CakjM. Alberts. apent -everal days in ami then recently on business. He stated that negotiations were pending far resumption of opralons at the sawmill west of town. The new High School building here was formally opened to the public on Saturday afternoon, many ertleens calling during the afternoon to inspect th' -innlsis. Light refreshments C. L Dlmoek, municipal utrk. ac-rrnpanlyl hjr Mrs. .D'.mock and fam- turn motoring through t the Laks dletrtet. In connection with the formation of organlrattoa to encourage the growing of pure seed and the eradication or weeds, Cecil Tloe, provincial agronomist, recently visited thl district In the course of a tour of the prortnee. A. L. EvtU has moved hla eleetrleal supply tad photography business to the build In on Main Street formerly loeoupled by the Municipal Hall. The lAilldlng formerly occupied by Mr. 0 Vy 1m1 Fmiot rTin. Ia. " c"'' " wwe' Krltt has been purchased Stewart who will use It as aat. ( I I JOjT JUT LOVE-THlO LOVE. THIS DHE.S-BOT DHE.S-BOT I ( MOTHER- LIKEfoW JEWELED I OONJT OONT THINJK TWINJK IT IT GOE-b COK WELL WELLVJITM VMTW POIRETTE COWM QCTTER- IT ) I MY MY SLUE SLUE HAT- HAT-IT IT MEEOf-A MEEOt A TOUCH TOUCH NV1LL MATCH YOUR" C A TO PERFECT- Provincial CMMfable and Mrs. O. A. Wyman of Haseiton ware visitors In Smttben for a day or so last week. ALICE ARM bjr b. r a restaur- Vancouver Board of Trade escurslon- Isu, hen an unday. were taken up the Dotty Varden Railway to the Tort-mine where they Inspected the mine and concentrating mill. The lsttor mam rested mash Interest In this camp . . ' j i I There was a spe-nw an w-ai u O. W. Sruggys old store for the oc- ruiori. The final provincial election count la AUln riding was as saoawt Clliueju. r. Kergta. Uhent. Ml; T. W .ikoVlralHnsff. Ouagsiittw. 041: W. H fMoutt. " r-jaependetrt, SS. John B. Stark eotet'aUned at a bouse warming party i n nev nsl-tfence oa Valley Vkw Oelfhta last Wednesday evening. The toast to the health of the heat was proposed by A. C. H. Oerhardl and there were many IsUdtatloas. Thrtty-three guest were W. A. Talbot, assistant district en- guvEr ' for the provinoUl department ;of paMlc works, was In town from Anyox the tatter part of last week . official duties. here. w m jenninfla of the Anvil- eaa mission boat Northern Cross boM servleee here last ftshoay. Mrs. S. Beaton aad wid arrived eaatenlav from Prince Bupert to Joli Mr. Banton who is relieving in charge of the Oovsrnmeat Tsiegrapa onice J. c. MeCotelMwa, who has been on tew staff of the Tone mine nere for the past two months, left last wer' tor Provincial of Anyox was lai dutsta. Another gaturday WOllam Smith on offlc- wes held bw la the Alice Arm A son was bom last Wednesday to Mr. aad Mm. William Stephen of Alter Arm. G0LDBL00M HAVING 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION NOW William Ooldmsom. the pioneer fur dealer. Vi oejebraung the twentieth anniversary of Ms entry into business In Ptinoe Rupert. During these twenty years be has sold thousands of dollars' worth of fur coata and defies complaint. He does not sell electric an'. for seel ooaU nor dogskins for rat ooata. Everything in hie stort has th OoM bloom guarantee If goods are not satisfactory, you get your money back. Fair dealing with all. both buying and selluut has been the secret of sueoes- ' in the Ooldbloom business. Duy your fur coate from the full 1 Ooldbloom -took at little more than wholesale prices. We have a full stock jot ail kinds of fur and are agenta for me of the largest fur houses on th continent. If we havt not what you desire, we can get iw-and get It quick! j The Old Reliable Fur House. MM, (Hl.iml.OO.M Advt. VN anted For Sale For Ror t SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreserved, survsred Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over II years ef age, and by aliens on declaring Intsntlea to become British subjects, oeadl tlenal upon residence, occupation, uid tmprovtraent for agricultural urposee. Full Information concerning regulations regarding pre-emptions Is given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. "Hew to Pre-empt Land," copies of vihlcb can be obtained free of charge tr addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C or to any Oov-srnment Agent neoords wttl be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land. l.e.. oarrylnx over t.m board feet ter acre west of the Coat Range and .M feet per acre east of tbat Hangs. Applications for rr'-'mptlons are to be addresssd to ths Land Com-mleeloner of tgte Land Reobrdlag Division. In whleh the land spelled for Is situatsd. and are made so printed forms, copies of which oaa bs eh tained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must bs oeoupted fer five years and Imr-rovements msds to valus of 110 per aers. Including clearing and cultivating it least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more dstslled Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt PURCHASE Applications are received for pur. chase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not bslng tlrubsrland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land is IS psr acre, and seoond-elsss (gras lng) land tt.SO per acre. Further In. formation rerardlng purchase or lease of Crown lande Is given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Series. "Purchase and Lsass of Crown Lands." MHL factory, or Industrial sites oa Umber land, not saxeedlng 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of turn pegs. HOMESITE LEASES Unsur-Ted areas, not exceeding It acres, ti.y be leased as homesltee, conditional upon a dwelling being ereoted m the first yar. title being obtainable after residence and tm. provemeot oohdltlons are fulfilled and land has been survsysd. LEASES For grating and Industrial psr posse areas not exceeding t4 acres may bs Isased by one perscet or a "n","ir QRAZIHO I Undsr ths Orating Act the Ftwt. Inoe Is divided into araxlng dlstrtoU and the rejigs administered under a Orating Commissioner. " grating psnntts ars Issued based oa aumbsrs ranged, priority being gtvea to esubllshed owners. Stock-owners may form aiewlallons for range managsment Frse. er partly tree, permits ars avvJlahU for J- aaoprs and travellnra, a s te f Y GOLLY-THE MORS f A "WOME.M TALK ABOUT -J CLOTHED THE FUMNHBR THEY LOOK I'M CLAO MEM DON'T , Pi rn FOOLISH' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lei than 50c WANTED JCCAVATIJfO wanted. Bock or any kind. BY fey or by con tract. K Ho-sang. . ? 107 FOR SALE FOR BALB. SMALL OBSK. BsTDROOM scr-wn, step! rider, two house ladders, amajr7 table, eoal scuttles, pictures, plants, kettles and fruit Jars, wtckar bassinette and dressing table. Phone MS. MM OLD NCWBPAPBPel MAT BB OMtO fM-stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on tne floor Oct speelal pttoe on large quantities. Dally POm SALB LAUNCH OWKM. POTJB Horet power Bsatbope englnf. all complete and In good running oon-dioon. Apply Pnllrn. Pally Hews, tf aOOSS. six rooms and bath; full -lard basement, for sale or sent. Fully mo-den; wired for electric range. U.0O M Sixth Avenue Bast U FOIt HUNT FOR BCHT MOOEBJt FLAT". PHONE OR BBHT. OLAPP8BTON ROUSB Ninth Avenue Bsst Rent reasoneWi Apply qty Treaiurer. Clty Hall. tt OR RrT--PIAlOS, PLATBB-PIANOS. Ponographs and Sewing Msehlnee. Wslser-s Music Store. tf FOR BBHT. FtlRNISHKD roomed spart-nent with bath, paid. Phone 847 Water tt FOR RBHT. POUB BOOM APART-j ment hot water heated. Apply Smith' b Msllett, Ltd. t( ANYOX KNIFING ! BOUT REPORTED OM: MAN IIOVKKIMi BrlTHKKN IH: AMI m tTII AMI ANOTHER IS JAIL ArroRtHMl T REINtllT From Anyox Is received word of a stabbing affair in the course of a re-cm t drinking buot aa a result of which one man Ilea near death's door in a hospital at the smelter town while I FOB BBNT Hw dern house. Full Phone Red 790. Article Lost rind Found, &e heated mo- Close 11- FOR RENT Furnished hmisasf snlns I rooms by the day. week, or month. Phone Red SOT tf SALVAGE AND TOWING l'rince Rupert Snlvasc & Towlnu Co. Ltd. HAH rtAIKl.tlNH IK (J AS HOATn agents for Baathope Bnglnee, OootMae Propellers, aud Tuxlube Otl HmsIs ef all det-rflpHen fer Cbartrr Salt Lakes Ferry service week days oa the hours I pm. till pa. Sundays and Holidays. 11 aat. till 8 pm. lima Afi4 F U R N IT UH B A N D 1 1 A N 0 KS . OOOD ASSORTMBHT OF UMOUOM and Unolem rugs, inlaid 1 mots urn and Barry-more Carpsrta. also Simmon's Beds and Bedding Including the Osurmoor Mattress. A ale, Furniture. Phone 776. AUCTIONBSRS. rUIM'K Kt'PKKT AtCTIOM MAKT retinal iHnrk Furniture of all kind bought, sold or exchanged. Orating and packing done. Ooods sold on CommlMtoo . J. DAWES. Auctlonter. Illsrk IM CHIROl'RACTIC 1)11. K. E. KYOITSON Chlreprartor sn Third Aveauc. Talepbune for appointment now la BIu S. Residenea phone Black H. Acute and Chronic Disorders s oaten, fullv treated, astsblisbea IM4 HOUSES FOR SAI.II WWth" J"; th. darthi, ROOMS snd Bath. SecUon S. Wm. rijf tj? fffjr'yi7 roou6 " 500rtUl-,T , XL 1 4 BOOMS. Ssml-Modern. See. . 1.CM. aawek 4 viaV hlsaa Asia al alkv. n WSSW VI WU llfBBUa l H fBYaTlU I ' ROOMS, modem, e-irwaet reported. In the course of the melee, drew a knife and stabbed Use other severely m the tndomen. Three oper ations. it la said, have already been performed on the Injured man aad good location, tton 6. W.5O0 TERMS. O. F. TINKSR C, Phone ST. tf DANCING etui be is in a condition between We nm J-vr.WWY CAMPliKI.L snd death. Aooordlna to renort. after Tearbrr of Claeeleal lUnrlnr. the one man had stabbed the .Operatic, Toe Dancing. Ofwslan, Bus. more men that were la the party! lan' ITPtten, etc. lumped on the assailant and. with A1 Fhyalcal Culture their fists and fores, lnflleuas mh ..'' I'bene Itlatk IJ 'rjZL'lU. -1 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS icrasy siiernoon mat they pad not yet bten of the affair. , FRINGE RUI'KUT TIDES . . KUNBSOAY, At'ODST Right 0 06 in. Mai pjb. low 44 ajn. U.T pjn. I High Low High Low THlIltKllAVi AlOtXT .4ajn 7.IS i IMS pm. I HIIIAY. AUOPST SI UJS ML. 19.7 ft. 11.3 M .7 -7.4 - i M4 ft. OS " SA " s " IU it. S0J - ; u 4,t I'or Vsiwotn Monday as. Prince Oecrge .... 4 pm. Tuesday as Oatsls S pjn Thursday ss Frlnoe Charles . . 4 p m. Friday- aa princess Royal pjn. Saturday ss Cardena 7 a.m. Saturday as. Prtnee Rupert .. S pm. IroHi Vancouver Sunday st. Catala i pm Monday sa. Ptinoe Charles it 30 ajn. Wseasey p,1Oeoit;,10d9 mm Fjr)Uy--ssl Cafdena , Friday ss Prlhee nvpert 10-90 Friday as. Prteaeaa Boyal . . 4 pm. Aug. 97 ea. Prince John pjn. Aug. S7-s. Prtiiusn Louise . . am. Aug. as. Princess OhaHott. . . . am. Iinr Port Slmpon and N lllvrr Sunday sa. Catala 8 pxa. Friday aa Cardena .... in iTom Port lnipmi and Nans Hlver TVsadiy sa. Oatsls U30 ajn. ' Saturday as. Gardens 0 a m. V In- BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns " n i r- r ,-z, in j p.. ;: , ? y ; HEAVENS ALA, HI GHT-MAGGIE" I ' ;: .....I,-....- Ifj,.-,. p t DIO YOU iit. LL. PUT -bO1 THAT i rv f MO! BpT I'M j Hllfc I TME ROSES - BEAUTIFUL M V, I PITCHER? -wi .... I I I -n: . -Jl v 1 ' Ji!i J , . r j-jj-Jto J hL . tor Anjev snd Stewart Sunday- ss. Catila Monday as Prinoe c;. r . Friday as. Prince Kin- I'rvtii Atyei snd Mewart Tuesday ss. Cauls Thursday ss. Prin v Saturday ss Prinrr R . lor Nnrlli turn t' Prince .!..- lrMi Nwrlh qurrn Chiir:tit Thursday as. Prlnr ( : - I'er f-oulh ()uen ftosrioi'i August 87 as. Prim .' September 10- !'r ; Tram rulh (joreii ( h.irl'.n.--Septamher t ss. Pr i. ; : rW Aftk Wednesday as. Prinrc r,..-., Aug. 27 as. Prlncvv, ! Aug. SI Prince C'l. . I rem Aaka Monday- -ss. Prince MAIL SCHEDULE I'nr the rt Mondays. Wednesday- F closer I veto the DsM Mondays. Wednesday mall due re Vseufr ttwdays Mondays Tueedayi Wednesdays Thursdays Saturdays Saturdays swrurdays I 'rt-ai Venroa?- Sundays Fridays Saturdays OPJL Aug. 10. IS. 17 i pm 4 ?i 4 -rz 1 la Iwr Any at aad (tirwsrl Seustase mall cloa-i t Mondays Prtaaya rreaH Anjat snd Mr art Tussday Thursdays Saturdays rn lllvrr Point- Friday lrM Vast Rltrr Points Baturdayt r rn ISXke Points Aug 10. It. 17. 10. 27 i H " rriMH AUtks Poind Wednesdays Saturdays To Nk1Ii iren Charlollf Monday Oraham St Atlln Ave 1st Ave 9th St eth Ave. Pulton St 9th Ave. Thompson St tlth Ave. te Sherbrooke Uth Ave. tt Conrad jut. aM a. n.n rVve Avr flth Ave." At Have Cove Circle 8th Ave. ft Cotton St tb Ave. ft Oreen St. (Haptl) 9th Ave. fe McBrM St Prov. Oovt. Dulldlng Prov. Oovt. Whsrf Q.T.P. Wharf O T P. fltetleo Ind Ave. Ic 2nd St. ... Srd Ave. Ss Fulton St. . . 3rd Ave. ft eth St -uni.n rmm nnlleetlon 1- sa '53 tilpa 4 '? 4 p 10 SO aA . J pi 7 1 Item Xwrth (Jufvn CharloltM- 1051 " ThuHdays nr ftoulli llrn Chartollr- Aug IS. n. Sept 10. Ir-ma tHilh ijiirrn CharloUr- ,! Aug. XI. Sept 3 I.KTTEK BOX COlXr.CII0N Ai. 9.15 tin 0 35 1 81X1 o4H 1133 10 10 10 15 10 W ly same pin. collection. C.N.R. TRAINS Tor the J)nt Dally tieept Sunday t -M irom the laat- Tuesday t 9 V Dally xpt ri-i I.ia t 5 ;i 13 i pi V p ffl- 3 P 8 0(1 9i5 Ifl sin I 74) IS" I1 803 7 815 (4.1 9 SO I5 8P (1 00 10 05 T I