CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ada K you lose, advertise (or It. If you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. Vol. XVIII., No. ' ... Chartaa was at bar bed- ibt, Hty L'"1 ''-'SI'" t ETIIJX HtltTLE HON WOMENtt MAKATIION AT TOKOXTO TOKAY TORONTO. Aug, Kthal HeatJe of New Tejrk tadaf won -t- V thetea mCe' 1aWll ipjafatf V awlan for weeaen In Laho Cm- tarM today. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of 8. D. ohnaoa Co, Ltd.) The following quotations were hid Aiyanta Rufus. 3; Me. Bayetew. 0e; 7fca. B. C. Silver. tlJI; IIA. Oark PronaMs a: We. Cotton BeR, 4 So. DunweU, lie; 10. Duthle. ate; Me. Oeoraa Ooppar, aajoi HM Oeorgla Mver. Me; Me. Oladstona. sc. Ooleoraaa. Mo; Mo. Oraaalviwo, tie: sth. ZtMUaa. tti Te. Kootanay Ploraace. MVfcc Mc L. A U 10. Lcky Jm.. ate. tie. Marmont Metaia, 10 Me: ltvte. Marmot mver Sold. lOe. Mchawk. Mc: National Silver. 14ot la. Noraoda, M7 80. Pnd-Orule.; tl.M. Porter Idaho. Tlfte; 71 e. Prvtnler, M.41: M.44. Ruth Hope, Me; tc. RUver Oast, 10e. auverado. Me; Tte, Mlvenmtth. Be. unlock, ft.10; MJt. anowflaka, Mc; MH. Tarmlnue, Wo. Toptey mehfMtd. Me: sejiio. White Water. MOO; !t. woodbtne. Me: Me. OILS Dalbouale. I1M: M. De vanish, toe; Me. Pabyon. iV: ! Home. M.7; M.TO. Robert Forhe Defends Policy of Immigration Into Canada OTTAWA, Auituet 29. Hon. Itobert Forke, miltr of iraml-1 -n on, iommntel brioily today on reai: with itward.U Jm-naTi,-m into Canaoa attributed to Ixrd'Lovtl nad'M lW-TM)iIf "! mcnt Doard. Mr. Forke said: "If British ImmlRrantt won't ' mo to fanada. we cannot help It." The Uritlsh immigrant who ab!r and willing to go on the land was practically being tubtl-to , ome to Canada, the minister declared. This was not the 1 with subservient people such as were referred to by Lord t lutr. They came to Canada though given no encouragement. L"rd Lovalt wa quoted in Winnipeg as saying that the Brit-'-h P"fiile failed to understand why Canada brought 51,000 imitll. K'ants from non-preftrred countries annually and only 50,000 from Britlth Islet. tow via wm jrWTa--r- m tejw CANADIAN NATIONAL SPENDS (lOOl) CASH IN PRINCE UUPEKT Dculng the value of tb CanaUiau National Steamships to Prince Buptrt. an official of the oompany this morning men- tkmed that In addition to brlngisg a gnat many people to the city the CJlJi. eprnde a large sum In the city for gro- certea. flab, laundry and other purposes. Par, lbs period f Match 1 to July St this 4 amounted to 41948.38, some- thing that helps put money In crreulatlosi te the otty, OPERA SINGER a- "oatag" Teeawa del Rtaao b. "AUah" e. W. Ohadwlok c "Tieaa" Onear iteebaeh d. "There U no tataH.Oodfref OUarra IV. a. "Rvorfor hyler d aorte kunde- AM. llurum b. "Kan glk her vwd mla alaV Ohr. Behiot c. "tylvellnH ortr. Binding d. "Til mil hJertai dlmnln- IN FINE VOICE Ml. XOHtlfcHlAsi THhoc - ..... ..v.... ,. a "r I r IN MOOe HALL LINT ElEMMt. Crtk Bye. Norweclan orjera tanor. ana of ttve finest vocalists Pr.nce KUDtn-' muaU: lowers have had the opportunity of hearing In many a day. made a apwrKUd impression with a program m eU dUferant languages last nigh. in the asooa BaU. Mr. Bye had been heard about ten dam awe durin th. j display of the film -"Norway of Today" ana anany wno reeoiTed to bear him With no other detracting Ssaturas on hia program, he en In eaoaOem vosae and handled the dlffenett laa- with equal technical akfll aad leaUag, Bis tenor poa- Rb) audience of MO last nlaht tn- etvmt epeakers of all th atager :ngagre and there were aaneral raudrts Ha was onrnpellod to glvr oorea oath in Kncltah and Wnrwetlau The other lacruaaaa in which he sang both operatic aslsoMons and baliada were Italian. tvedtah aad Danish. Hi aortas, rtvtnc eaaaUaait mosd of hia voles, were "Hoaalng" (Teres oat Moaol; "Allali" (C. W. Ohadwlekl. "Trees" (Oaoar Boabach) and There Ho Death" (Oodfiwy OUara). re was given etteeuve hia piano aooonapanlat. Chartai htt. Bye karat tMa afternoon to tire repeat reel tale tn Juneau. Ketehl- m aad WranaaU. The ptotrani was a foUowa: le eteikr"-Arta from U Toaca Puoclnl II. e "Ash Mear1 Bahubcrt b. "ttsr Aarm" Rubinstein e. nivedgaUnf" Htohard Btrauaa it. "tUs belden Oreoadiere". Be human n III. A. B. Orondahl V. IOI.K MINCH ' a. "Aah Warmeland ehi aaona1 Bwedlah b. "Aa janta aa tag" Swedish c. "VI slabar vert lanl" naniah d. "Manden og korMet" DaoJea e. "KJerrlnan med stawan. Mwwawtan f. "A kxe rattan aa kiav aad" Norwegian f "narnrtnaisaii , tta NorlandN Odd yve the King derta took plaoe at the Anyoa aatae idurljg the Uttar far. of list week-Late Friday seeaJng Wal .er Hgnrig LUlgals sUpowaf hkA. fell into a gljrr bole, death bathf Mmut.u -.pjus. De-ssassd aa M Mart of ags aad & ratlve, of miaaal. bavin bean In able oouhtry for oaga one Ha Haves to mourn his kea a i.: ; fatrter an J i three brotharr In 'lapofgard. Platand. and one brother air. ployed at Anycx The saooad faaailty occuird the next ; afternoon when Tqrao Ru belch, a native of Juoalav. hret bis- balance i fell .to a frVry t;. ala- meeting dealt! inatantaneously. Dco-.-. 1 , was In t-is S9tk Jew s-.i bad be- a ' reeldert brro for the last year and a half. Be lee mourn hit loss; a wtfa ard tim eaVUtrn and lUa father and mtttter. an of Re-ala Safijan. JugosUvekla. The coroner's Jury .returrd a vord'et of aocldentaj death in both oaeaa. DUSOYEmOFE'ST ONGE, NEW JERSEY, LOST WITH SEPLiiE BAST OBANOK. K J, Ag 28 Or i Floyd ttorerei of this city, who is reported to have been a paaaengar on ; the airplane presumably lost In Pugrt appropriation necessary to lastal the yeesiteay alter a PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1928 le Clng of Canada brought his stay here as a guaat of the French Oovem-rtent to a close yesterday by attending a lestpOon for algnatorlea of the .ntl-waT pact gJvec by the municipality of Parj in the cMy hall. He left Paris ltet night for OenL-va where he w:U arrive tday. Porow'.ng the reception, the Preml-r fi:xed bU signature tn the citf'r fJo:!ca Book." DEVASTATED HAITI CALLS OUTSIDE AID I'OKT AU IMHXCE, Aug. 29. Intimation that outside help is needed for the rehalihtation of the hurricane stricken district of Haiti is contained in a statement issued today saying that more than 103,000 people arc facing starvation in the hurricane devastated area. All animals were killed and the crtM rfcgtreyed. U wffl take from three to six months to grow new crops. Bound sjaturday had bean travetUni ChaHee Raecker. wail known local uuTCga (Be weat since June with hit lur.k dealer, left on this morning's brcther Klmer Soverel and the letter's j Irsin fcr a trip to KlrkvUle. Kansas wife and children TUPre Itinerary ; d Ksneaa City. On his return to called for arrival at Lake Leulae yes-1 the city, be will travel via Denver tcrday. Colorado. Wreckage of Plane and Body of Woman Found Near Port Townsend Making It Certain That All of Seaplane Is Lost SEATTLE. August 28. Positive identification of leatherette upholstery found on the beach of Discovery Bay, near Tort Townend, as heing from the B.C. Airways plane which vanished lat Saturday with aeven passengers, was made today by C. C George, Seattle representative of the B.C. Airways. A wicker chair, washed up today on the northern side of Fort I'oint, is believed to definitely establish Discovery Bay as the watery grave of the plane. A woman's body, presumably that of Mrs. Alexander Mc-Galium Scott, one of the passengers on the ill-fated plane, was found in Discovery Bay later today, a message to the United States Coast (iuard reported. A brief case and diary, which belonged to the woman's husband, a former member of the British parliament, was also washed up on the same beach today. New Site to Be Chosen Fishery Fleet Floats That the dominion government has abandoned the idea of putting in new floats for the fishery fleet at Cow Bay but it making arrangements to have additional mooring accommodation provided at tome other point on the waterfront central to the city was the interesting announcement made today by J. P. FonJe, disrict engineer for the federal department of public works with headquarters at Victoria, while on a visit to the city on official duties. It has been decided, staled Mr. Forde, that the float accommodation already at Cow Bay can hardly be improved upon as it fits the site very suitably. SaaJ Cove it a little bit too far from the city centre to be suitable so negotiations are now under way to obtain some thing closer in for she. ptttpoee of building additional float accommo dation. Mr. Parte etated that the departaaeni would ask parliament ths year for abe UIiert for akMMr to wite- horse. riiuw nupn,. v"w voe apawopriaHon .w. nan oaea maoe ana taa ground . et-ettNel, Mr. Porde stajag fea he did not oare to furtlier uiaa ptaas for the project. Mr. Porde, who afsaM in the eity tU sett this afterrMMt on the Mao states Mr. Porde. i Yukon Territory, on basinets in with extensive work that Yukon River. He eapeots to be th tbe orty agate ant Monday on hei way south. Work asiag oarrisd on by his ewpart- IB this dtstttct at Is Mnety Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Frlvae Parties I'hone 457 Price Five Cents m a i i mi f i ruunsj HON J. RAMS ...... A Y MACDONALB DISCUSSES IMPERIAL UNITY ' " !"w''"','''M,'''w,','S,1s;" I Ramsey Macdonald Urges Closer Relations Between Canada and Mother Country Which Sea Joins VICTORIA, August 29,-Addressing the Men's and Women's Canadian Clubs here last night, Ramsay Macdonald declared: "We must live closer together you in ( anada and I in the old country. If the British Emnire is to be kept together, the freedom of the self-governing dominions is to be kept solid and the mother country is to be kept in its splendid status by representatives of the dominions and the mother country holding frequent per-! nal communication with each other. "We in the old country and you in Canada are divided by the sea," said the former British premier. "How ever, the sea has been the highway of the British race and we can use the sea to bring about closer unity between the mother country and Canada. The sea is our pathway and we sha'l keep it." BOX FACTORY IS DESTROYED r.uK in VANroivKR imfrn iiAtLMff? l-TWUni AT O.IAKTLK .MILLION DOLLAR VANCOUVER, Aug 38 Penned by :ud s fir In the B. O. Bin on Second Avenue Wast, yeeter-(.' .noon destroyed the company's the tannery of Pierre Parti was brought under oontsol o - ; estimated at a quarter of a (tollura aa the boa factory was at 1200.000 aod the tannery at j!nt of a the 'iri-etyed B Cuahlng Mills side of the strWt by flames which ate large plla of lumber : i it and the box factory. BROTHER OF LOCAlT LADY DIES IN EAST Mi I). v Morrtaaey ISefritrd Sad lntrllis,etMr by Hire From tieargrtwHB, I'.E.I. -I.- will sympathise with Mrs. V.' M'irrlsaey who received the sad . .eno by wire yesterday of the " death from heart dieses r of the - and only surviving brother r ramUy. William H. O 'Brian, al : n. Prince Reward Island. Th - Mr O'Brien was known to seven? Rupert people hailing from ' Edward Island His death ' - only two alatars In the family Mrrieey and Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart Oc"'-tirstr, MaaaaehuastU. The lau O'Biw-n ia aunrlved by a widow nmirioti daughter. MRS. CIIAM.IX HIKH f'lfNDMX Cel.. Aug. 28. Tbe 1 of Charles aod MM Chaplin, ' llnimah Chaplin, dtod here yea-1 ' "ml 6A. She was born IB Lon-i"l was well known on tea Bni- ! ' i: 1 4 LOST LIVES GLORY HOLE TWO MEN tUh AT ANIOX MINE ; vVBOTX HI NAME IS OOLDEX BOOK AMI DEATH WAN I.XKT.INTAMC- OP PAW CITY BEFORE LEAVING AKTOX. Aug. . Two ratal ocl-' PABIfl, Aug. 28. PrcaJer Uacken- Vancouver Ratepayers Disppointed at Report of Police Commission Plans Laid to Make it Issue and Possibly to Ask for Provincial Policing of the City VANCOUVER, August 29. Members of the Cen tral Ratepayers' Association expressed keen disappointment and disapproval of Commissioner; Lennie's finding in the police inquiry in a resolution passed at a meetiner last night. The resolution said in part: "In view of the appalling .evidence produced as to gambling and prostitution of the most sordid and despicable kind, citizens had every right to expect a report from the commissioner in accordance with the evidence which would be definite and decisive in every respect. We emphatically deny that Mayor Taylor was e!ected at the last election or any other previous election to run a wide open city." If the city council is not prepared to take vigorous action it was suggested that the attorney general be requested to take over the policing of the city. CLOSE FIGHT THE NATIONAL of tbe Bravea. Rogers Mornsby got six bits, three of them doubtee, and drove in two rune and esored four himself for the Bravea. Philadelphia regained ground they lest in the American League by taking a double-header rrarn Chicago whBe the Yankees were idle. NATIONAL I.EAGI E Boston 1-7, New York 3 -A. Philadelphia 3-7. Pittsburg 8-19. St. Louis 6. Chicago 0. "r" AMEKlCAN Ltant'E Chiua ) 0-3. Philadelphia 1.4. , Pt Louis 8. Boston S. Cleveland 4. Detroit 8. COAST LEAOI F. Los Angeles S, Seeraatente 1. Seattle 18. Missions 9. Ban Francisco 0, Oakland 3, ' Portland 14, Hollywood 6. St. Louis Chicago . LKAGlt STAMUNOS NATIONAL Brooklyn .. Boston Philadelphia Mew York . Philadelphia St. Louis ... Detroit .. Chicago Cleveland Boston . . W. Ik Pet. It 49 .SOS it 84 jin 68 M Ml 10 14 Jtt 11 M M 80 84 .444 V 77 tt 88 .364 ItlCAN 84 41 Ml 81 44 .648 61 9 MB . I 08 ' .43 IT . 08 .481 Kn , , 'So1- 71 ' .441 45 81 .347 VETERAN MOTORIST IS PRESENTED WITH CHECK FISH LANDINGS HEAVIER TODAY ONLV HALF GAME SEPARATES TIIKEE TOTAL OF 2S7.WKI POI XOK OF MALI- TEAMS I.N CONTEST FOR SECOND I'LACE HIT SOLO AT EXCHANGE MORNINO THIS NEW TOttK. Aug. 39 It's a? dog's A t0,J aSTOOO pounds of halibut fight far runner-up position In the accumui:ea over two days, waa sold National League. A half game divld , "ah Exchange this momlag. tLe (Hants in second place from Cln- B,even American veaseto received from ctnaatt and Pltteburg. tied for fourth 1'c ana c to isc and 8e for MJ0 ptaou. Chicago la. practically abreast of the Olacts. The Cardinals lncneaev their lead to five and a half gaioee by beating the Cubs yesterday white the Olaats ran into unexpected disaster at the hands pounds while Hve Canadian boata were paid lie and 7c and 11.1c and 7c for 37.800 pounds. Arrivals and saw. AMERICAN MeKmley. (4,060 pounds. Booth Fish-ertee. 10 c and 5c. Bldoredo. 41,000 pounds. r--"iP Plah and OoM Storage Co.. lOJe and Sc. Celt!, 44.000 pounds. Canadian Pish and Cold Storage Co., and te. Constitution. 38.000 pounds, A Bin Plaberiee. 10 So aad So. Daly. 18.000 pounds. Booth Ptaheriae lOJc aad 9c. Teddy J., 10.000. pounds, Atlin Fish eries, lac and Sc. Reliance (Petersburg), 11,000. Royal Plah Co.. 13.6 and 8c. Visitor. 3.000 pounds, and Reliance (Ketchikan-. 7.000 pounds. Canadian Flah and Ooid War age Co . ig .tc and 7c. Augusta, 8.000 Booth Plaberiee, 12Ac at Te. Oharloete. 5.500 pounds. Royal Plah Co, ltvte aad T. CANADIAN Kalen, 11.00 pounds and Toddle 8.000 Pounds, Canadian Flah and Cold stor age Co.. He aad 7c. Tramp. 18,000 pounds and D.8.T. SMQ pounds, Atlln Plshertee. 11.1c aad 7c. Southend. 9 000 pounds. Royal Plah Co., 11c and 7c HIGH PRICES ON STOCK MARKETS NEW VORK AND TORONTO EXCHANGE SHARED HONORS IV IU1.IIMI MOVEMENT TODAY NSW YORK. Aug. as.-Jiulllah acUv-Ity on the New -York Stock axchange today caused mere than a score of issues to bt boosted from 88 to 47 to new high prices by noon. Midland Steel Products preferred shot up 17.34; iB H. Macy. 4637, and Montsomery- TORONTO. Aug. 99. As a token of j Ward and Paramount, 48 each. nIU appreciation of what he had done to j Joined the upward movement though promote motoring In Canada, repreten- j they were slow in getting started, tatlvee of the Canadian automobile In-1 TORONTO. Aug as. International dustry presented Dr. P. 8. Doollstle. Nickel, which startled traders yesterday veters n motorist, with a check for ts.000 ( with an advance of 49, reached another at. a luncheon of the directors of the r.ew high price level at lit 7-fl today, Canadian National BUUMtlOB. 1' closed at 113 9-8, a uH gtla Qt ; 1-3,