TACE SIX THE DAILY NEWS BUY : Where you can Save Money ! Fresh Killed Chickens. , i 1 Pwft, 'M, Veal, lis!?, and) Smoked Meats at all times. VEGETABLE SPHCIALS Vegetable Marrow, 6 Iba. 2."f Fresh Green Peas, 3 lbs. 23c? Green and Yellow Beans, S lbs 25 Cabbage, 5 lbs -? Prompt Delivery Mussailem Grocery , CO. LTD. Phone 84 and 18 HAVE YOU TRIED? Our $ Leader in Silk If Hose 11 A wonderful Hose in a nice range of colors. H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton "Demers" The Latest Thing Butterfly Phone 27 SKIRT Sizes 14 to 20. P.O. 327 COAL Your choice EDFON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Ilulkley liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hue J Flour. Phone 53 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Alexander NIONE 575 BKfcNKK ULOCK DENTIST DAS en SOIC Simrcmcs n elegance "le Nobby" CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation ot the City of Prince Rupert intends to construct a concrete aide walk seventeen feet wide on the south tide ot Second Avenue commencing at a point ten feet east or the westerly boundary ot Fourth Street and extending alone the south side of Second Avenue to a point seventeen fee: west ot the east boundary of Seventh Street, excepting therefrom the Intersection of 8th Street and the concrete walks already built and abutting on Lots 0. 10. .11 and 12, took as. Section 1, as a local Improve ment, and Intends to specially assess the oast upon Um land abutting direetiy on the work, except such portion of the cost as is Incurred at street 3. The estimated east of the work is S3.298.50. cf which S311.S0 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated nnual special rate per foot frontage it $.3841. The special assessment Is to be paid In 20 annual Instalments. 3. Person desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or before the 28th day of September, 1928. D. J. MATHB60.V, Acting City Clerk Dated this 23rd day of August. 1938. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT." R. S. C. 140 Porter Idaho Mining Company Lira-ted hereby gives notice that It has. under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of public Works Ottwa. and lr. the office of the District uegltrer ol the Land Registration District of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert. B C, a description ol the site and the plans of the wharf and dolphins proposed to be built on the foreshore near he mouth of the Marmot River, Port land Canal, In front of Lot Number Four Hundred Sixty-seven (487). Casslar District, British Columbia; AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex piration of one (1) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Porter Idaho Mining Company Limited wlU. under Section 7 of the a!d Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City ,1 Ottawa, for approval of the said site aud plans and and for leave to construct he said wharf and dolphins. Dated at Vancouver. British Columbia, his 30th day ot July. 1998. PORTER IDAHO MINING COMPANY LIMITED. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The CouncU of the Corporation of he City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct a concrete sidewalk ten feet wide on the east tide of Third Street commencing at a point seventeen feet north ot the southerly boundary of Sac- jnd Avenue and extending along the east aide of Third Street to the north boundary ot Third Avenue, as a local .mpruvement. and intends to specially isiess the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work, except such por- ion of the cost as Is Incurred at street intersections. 2. The estimated oost of the work is 88.no. of which 8688.00 Is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated innual special rate per foot frontage Is 1.3068. The special assessment la to be paid In 20 annual instalments. 3. Persons desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or efore the 28tb day of September, 193t D. J. MATH EBON, Acting City Clerk Dated this 23rd day of August. 1998. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION- TO APPLY TO LKAM1 LVM In Smlthers Land Recording Dlstrlc nd situate adjoining Lot 6180 on Bast ide of 8keena River. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Oorley. f Pacific. B.C.. married woman, lntenoa o apply for a lease of the following de- cribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 8180, Range 6. Toast District: thence north 80 chains. hence east 20 chains; thence, south 80 ha ins: thence west 30 chains, and con- alnlng 160 acres, more or leas. CHRISTINA OORLEY, Applicant Dsted May 38 1938 N THE MATTER of an application for the issue or a Duplicate certificate of Title tor Lot nineteen hundred and eighty-three (1983). Range live (8). Coast District. Satisfactory proof of the loas of the rtlflcate of Title covering the above anda having been produced to me, it la ny intention to issue, after the ex ilration of one month frcm the first publication hereof, a Duplicate Oertlfl- ate of Title to the above land in the tame of Joel Pillsbury. The original .artuicate or Title is dated tne 7tn teptember, 1910. and Is numbered S09R Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert C. 23rd July. 1938. H. F. MsetSOD. to Registrar of Title TIMBER SALE X923S Sealed Tenders will be received by lot later than noon on the 8th dsy if September, 1938, for the purchase of Jcenoe XB238. to cut 19,28&000 F.BM f Spruce, Hemlock, and Cedar on an rea aaioining tne west ocuni 3TI.. 6836 p. in the vicinity of t dsn ot Skids- ;ate Lake. Moresby Island, Queen Char- otte isunoti Land District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed tor Tmovm oi iimoer. Further particulars ot the Chief For ter. Victoria. B.C , or District Forester, er. Prince Rupert, B.C Tl.MRER SALE X.5J828 There will be otfesed for sale at Pub ic Auction, at noon on the twent; Mghth 1 28th) day of August, 1926, in he office of the Forest Ranger at Burn Uke. B.C.. the License X-9838. to out 71,430 Hewn Jackplne ties, on an area iltuated six (6) miles down Tchesinkut Lake on the south bank, Range 8' Coast District. Three 13) years will be allowed tor removal of ties. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particular!- of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B. 0.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. I Local Items Fred Joudry returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver sod jther points in the south. Provincial Constable A. Dryden at Ocean Fails arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the fr town ss escort of a prisoner who Is facing a statutory charge. J. H. Plllsbury. manager of the Pa cific Stevedoring is Contracting Co., sailed last evening by the Oatala on a business trip to Vancouver. Divisional v.edqurters of the pro vincial police report the resignation of Constable Hay of Fort St. John on Stuart Lake. sirs. C. J. Graham leaves on Satur day morning's train for Winnipeg wber.-she will spend a few weeks visiting friends. Imperial Oil Oo.'a tanker Imperial. rapt. Oeddee, arrived in port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Iooo with a cargo of package good tor the com pany's local station. I. A. Mill, principal of Bor den Street School, who has been spend ing the summer vacation in Vaneouve. sod Victoria, returned,. to the eRy on the Prince Rupert this morning. Trial Is proceeding in County Court this afternoon before Judge Young of a man from Stewart who Is charged wit statutory offence and who was brought to the city several days ago. O. E. Heywerd. Edmonton lumber man and owner of Use Canada Prod-. ucts Mill at Use. arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and proceeded East v tram. As the C.P.R. steamer Princess Royal was going south last Sunday from Prince Rupert to Vancouver a Chinaman died, on board. He was Chong On Young, a cannery employee. who had boarded the vessel at Hardy Bay. Junior Football. Junior lacrosse nail driving competition ate of the attractions at me Labo- Day Sports on Monday. Also prize for the largest families on the ground a fine prtse list. Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young, who have been spending a sis weeks' va-'ounar. cation fn the south, most of the time at Vancouver with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Oarmlrhael, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning. J. C. Oavisjen arrives .em the Prince Rupert ttus morning from Vaneouvu-and will be here for the nest few weeks cleaning up has local business affairs. He has purchased a home lr Point Orey. Vancouver, and Mrs. Oevl-gan snd family are now in residence there. Miss R. MsNmbb, R-N'.. formerly a member of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, arriv ed in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning for a brief visit. She will be met here by Miss K. Conn. R N. also a former local nurse, who has been on a trip to Winnipeg and with whom she will return south. Miss Conn arrives from the East on this afternoon's train. FINE PROGRAM AT FALL FAIR TEX YOl'Ml ONE Of HOLLYWOOD'S st.uis, m couiMt rou week An excellent program of entertaip- ment in connection with this year exhibition has been secured. The people of Prince Rupert and district wUI have the unprecedented opportun ity of beanc entertained by one of Hollywoods' etan in the person of Tex Young, the 30th century cowboy Shorty" as he Is called has ap peared in many first class film pro ductions such as "aiding Pretty." Universal production, and In the "Ac? of Spades" where he ably supported the famous BUI Desmond; Tex appeared vltta Hoot CHbeon In the caste playing "Rartn to Oo." Many locsl Movie fans will retnetnber htm In the film which appeared In the. city a few months ago. In "The Calgary Stampede" where he swelled himself. This same celebrity will appear in person at the coming fair direct from the Paramount Studios at Hollywood It la highly probable thai be wUI per form at the afternoon of the a tarn pads as "Tea." will be right in his enent sarong the Brondhoa aStd Steers. Tne Dossal of Director are con Generating all their energies to maklni this years fair and rodeo an out standing suoreas. and have lined up a program of entertainment that has never been equalled in the history, ol the city. AUSTRALIAN TENNIS PLAYERS BEAT U.S BROOK LINE. Man, Aug. 3.-lack Wright and Wlllard Crocker wore de rested by Harry Hoptnan and Jack Cradtord. Australians. 8-6. i-t la yesterday. A HARD GAME OF FOOTBALL TEUMIXALS AND THISTLES I'LAVEH TO 1-1 IIKAIV L.VT NUillT Terminals and Thutles played a hard game to a l-l draw in the Gilouly Foot ball jup ,!., eeuiug. before a jyjod. ecowd ( speggsjtors who aay a very iu- terung,ge. Curb m promlucn for Terminals but Half cleared Dyer centred and Ourvieh had to punch away. Haddon was clever. CtoeficAiil was In the picture, -too, but Oyer robbed him. HUi headed away al.ne pass trim Halg. Dyer stopped Qbcucskl after Warren had given tike" Utier a nice opening. StJes uas rocky tj clear. Comadlna! centred Mil. Strachan tried a first tune shot that went too high. Skmnei beaded away tn an attack. Farqubar used his speed to catch a ball that the defence, tssoustvt would go behind and Ourvioh was 'tacky to scramble It away. They Had a' narrower escape when Braklnt came In fast to touch the ball past Ourvtch tout it hit the upright. Stiles cleared well and then Howe was nnlucky to handle in the penally area and from the spot Xrsklne put Thistles a goal up. Terminals came right back but Stiles eseervd. Farqubar made a splendid ran basting man after man but Comadma pu. the ball over the open gcal. Play was at the other end in a flash and after Dickens hit the crossbar Warren put the teams level. Ourvieh caught a fine centre from W. MltoheU and Bleared. Play In the second half opened fast and Alex. Mtftabell put over. Halg cleared and Woods stopped Dickens. Slocombe punched away a high shov Cume. Warren and Dickens showed neat football but Haddon cleared. Then Dickens hit the upright, and later headed over from Currle's well taken free kick. MaoDonald made a good run Dyer gave' W. Mitchell a good opening but he shot far over from wail out The light was now poor and mistakes were frequent but no goals were scored though Halg was lucky to clear from Ilarrtoon. Play was even to the end swinging from one goat to th-other but no further goals were scored. Teams: Terminals fi. Ourvieh; Howe. Skln-nsr: HUI, Ourrte. MacPonsld: Harrison Strachan. Disks. Warren, Chenoski. Thirties Stoeombe; StUes. Hair. Dyer. Haddon. woods: Comadlna, a. Ersklne. A. Mitchell, w. Mitchell, Far- Belsrce W. Wuliscroft. Clappertoa. Burdett. Soccer Comment In the foothalt match last nigh Ourvieh kept a good goal for Termlu- Howe was unlucky to give away the penalty and otherwise kicked well. Currle was the best halfback both In constructive and defensive play. MaeDonald tackled well and combined well with his forwards. HUI pi vert his usual fast gams and used his head to great advantage in hptte of getting a nasty knock early In tb-mateh. Terminal forwards played s fast game but found Thistle detract sound. Harrison was fair. Strachan al ways fast and keen was a constan-soutee of dsnger. Dackans should lean- to shoot. The OsUy way tp control baH kt to keep the knee over the foot the ball ig struck If Albert prac tlted this he would get many more goals but he skies too many. Warren knows how to bit s ball and playes att stover gOM. Chsnoskl swunr across many dsjafsrous centres. Thistle were welt served by mocombr in goal but he avast heap his eye on the ball not on the opposing player he should field every shot with his hands, only kicking the ball when be cannot possibly catch it. Hal was tha best book on the field hl tackling snd positioning being of th- hlghest standard. SUM is Improving but found Chenoski a hard proMsm. Haddon turned in a sptsndld game snd well suDDorted by Dyer. This youth is one of the finds of the see- Woods was not so good s usual The forwards were wswk. Ales Mitchell had an off night. Willie as not up to his standard snd tried too many long shout that usually went wide Oomadtna made a fairly good start and Is well worth persevering with. Brsklne had hard luck not to score when h had the bail neatly out ot Ourvtcha hand. Bat for an . Inside forward he did not get bask at times enough. Parquhar stade the best run of the game and his centre was well worth a goal. Altogether TermlnsJs were lucky to be on even terms st the finish SPORT CHAT :1S Jack Campbell, chairman of the snorts oonunlUee of the Trades aud Labor Council's Labor Day celebration nest Monday, . uiaounoss that grounds wiu be properly marked and that records In the various boys' events wUI be kept uid compared with records of junior sporta at btamfor i Bridge. England, and High School sports at Vancouver. A good program of boys' sports has been lined up for Labor bay ai.d a number ot lad:, are practising nxsiduoualy with a view to participating Tbs card Is an Wednesday, August 29, i928 Phone 547 Phone jtfj Rf RntrWs & flrnr.ftrs I. til S JkwabVaaVA V W Jk v w s va JUiVil : im ; " DATES Choice, per lb 9c KICK No. 1, per lb. . . . V. ..v.L'-r. .4 9c APRICOTS and PEACIIES-U's, per tin 20C WHITE FIGS Per lb. 9C TOMATQES 2's, choice pack J4C ROYAL CITY PORK & BEANS 18 oz. fo SCRIBHLERS Special, 10 for ; .!. 25c FRESH KILLED FOWL Arriving Wednesday, per lb. . . 3c Phone 45 B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT etd and the whole days proeednijH hould be a great success. A poet-league series of baseba'l ,smes is now in progress st Anyox. In uhe first game, the Bka. manv g.-ne-i heart In the league, defeated trie oncea orator by a score of s to the second match, tbs Bks also i but by a closer score, 6 to 4 There will be five games in the serto. number of hoys, sbrmeriy in Prmct Rupert, have been pssying naui at Anyox this season Including Chenoski MeOoU. Cavalier and Meagher. Vanoouver cricket paayera last week nistTihvH s worse defeat st the bands f the batsmen from HMB Durban nan dad the locals when they pUyeri vith tbs omeors from the warship mtly. Vancouver's best ptoysrs lost; by sa innings snd 31s runs wniie ; Prince Rupert's defeat was by an in-' nlng and 8 runs, 'tricksters from ; the visiting warship gave a Vancouver NB a thrilling emblbition of how he game should be played." comment ed the Vancouver Province on the tch. Lieut. Commander Agnew and Midstolpman Merraman save the finest liapiay of forceful and polished bat tin; ver seen on the local ground." i.( HiM'e rKArTirE tomoiit Lacrosse practice tonight at 6J0. All -levers are requested to turn Out t- et Into shape for series to be played ith the Indians during the fair EGGS! t'owichan 1'gKf. Fresh Extras, It doz 81.10 Eggs, Fresh Firsts, S dot. 81. .'HI Eggs, Fresh Seconds, 3 doi. $1.1." Butter, Golden Churn, 3 lb. brick 81.15 Butter, Fraaer Valley or E.C.D., lb ."Ot Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. .. 10? Muffets. 2 pkgs :tTr Braid's Best Coffee, l's, tin 05t Baker's Cocoanut, pkg U0f Bird's Custard Powder, 2 pkgs. rftithr :trr Malkin's Best Honey, 4 lb. tin lH)f Blue Label Catchup, bottle . . ;!." Worcester Sauce, bottle l.'Oi Rowat's Sour Pickles, quart bot tle rof. Rowat's Sweet Pickles, quart bottle OOf Certo, per bottle '.Kit ! Libby'a Corn rWf. l's, tin . . 'J.'f Llbby's Roast Beef, l's, tin . . :trf j Clark's) Beef Steak and Onions, l'a, tin :r,f Clark's Potted Meats, 8 tins IT.f Swift's Picnic liam, lb U.".f Swift's Cooked Ham, lb 00? Grapes, Malagas or Tokays, 2 lbs. !." ouse Tomatoes, basket . . (lor ge Pears, dozen 10? Preserving Pears, per box 82.0(1 Alberta Market P. GAMUI.A, Pioprktor Fifth Street. phone 208 interesting one anal. If weather remaini good. U evenM should be keenly con- ftjmiiitffli Phone 547 GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your fir-' ,-scription, this coupon will start you in the race fr (hi - nificent Daily News gifts with the grand total of mur: : 25,000 votes. This coupon may be used only once ami . - . only when accompanied by a subscription remittance Name of Subscriber v Candidate's Name Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 10,000 extra vote vw,. turned to the Campaign Manager at the eampaign :: the Prince Rupert Dally News, together with the fir scription you obtain. It must be accompanied by t;.o . and the subscription must be for a period of one longer. The 10.000 free votes are IN ADDITION to o ber given on the subscription as per the regular vute f 7 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors lllGREIt THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uges for Kvery Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY I1ETTEK (1UICKEH CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED Northern IMrlfle Irrliht liulullng llrsnrh Ofllor 910 Mallmi (Hlrrrt lperM)n lllnck VAMOLVKIt, IL C. NKIXIN, II. C etter : Lady Assistant PLATES thnt glvo you a natural ap pearance and lend b'-.'y r the contour of the fai c Dr. Maguire LIVi: IJCBNHIIH Dog Catcher Do your Over Ormcs dogs have licenses? Hmaii Boy Yss sir. they art Just covered with them Dixia Dog Ntws. phone 52j INI'M'TOl' He I tell you. darling you Is dnvusg me tvad. HaeWeil. keep quiet f" '' having the same effect on n i tOQS,