rf;,v. Autrust 29, 1928 Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral! Surfaced Shingles Koll Hoofing- Huilding Tapers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Clastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors-Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 City Meat Market Seivlg Ilros. Third Ave. Phone 7C5 KJOT MSK ft RON'S A KK Alio sorter norsk ont Norske fiskekonserver Vrske sukkerkavrlnger Norske hveteskonrokker Norske rugskonroklter Norske knekkebrod Norske flatbrod Mutter o.s.v. 1st ky. varer. Ilillige prlser. Iiurtig ombringelse MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon clos-.-.jr prices on Vancouver -rock Exchange on our oc k-list board daily. We can give Instant ser- ' in buying and selling r ing Stocks on Vancouver k Exchange. VV also have facilities for fpHng Wheat orders on W mij peg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and ON nbuting, Team or Motor Service. onl Snnd and Gravel. We Snrci.'tlire In Piano and Fnrnilur Moving. THE DAILY NEWS PAGI FIVE " - r in m lawiiniin awiisia'aaimmammi isa: FALL CANNING SECOND PERIOD ON NEXT WEEK CLOSES FRIDAY rin:si:uviN(j pkujikn and peaks TIIKX AVAIiaitl.K MMS HTII'-I'tN AM) kki:mii Vi:li;T.l!I.Ktf DKOP Housewives will start tall canning nst week when preserving pca&wi, prunes, etc., go on Mle in locaEfifcrta. By tpSt ttnMsvample stocks wftL'ttie arirea and &'3m& r not lapeoted "be out SiKiWp. bo far. jWehes nd peers aveeen selling -by the down for fresh tabl use. Pall caoners will welcome a drop In the price of sugar during the pact few day. White iuar U down 40c per hundred and yellow hits dropped :crreipondlngly. With local supply now becoming available, fresh vegetable! are taking the customary seasonal drop In price, almost all lines being down somewhat. There haa beeo a stiffening In the price of eggs, all varieties being up 5c a doren. This is the time that egg prices usually commence to rise. has been during recent weeks. FKi'ir California assorted plum, lb 16c Per basket 75c to 90c California peaches, dosen 40c to Sft. Apricots, lb 12c Apricots, crate 11.60 Oranges. Valencia, dcewn ., 40 to 88o Lemons, gunklst, docen .... 40c to 80c Imperial Valley grapefruit 2 (or Uc Bananas. 2 lb : 35c Kstratted hooey., patter 30 Comb hooey its Dates, bulk. 2 lbs. tor i 25c Raisin, balk, per lb 15c California Dainty Dates, psekage .. 2Sc Cantaloupes lie, 0c and 35c CocoanuU 24c Wenatelile Ora-ve ostein Apples, lb... lOr Oreen Cooking Apples (BO, S 'lbs 2c Beadiest graoe, lb. , 70e Pears, down . ..- 40c Preserving, crate itJW Prunes, crate 11.50 UKIMI ritllTS Lemon and oraage peel 80c Citron peel 50o Black cooking figs, lb. 90s White rigs. 2 lb. ase Currants. 2 lbs S5 Apples .. ... 25a Peaches, peeled 2se Apricot lb 20 Prunes. M-1M. 4-UM Me 25 lb. box A HM Prunes. S0-T0 Ik 2 lb, for Me 80-4O. lb. 1M 40-50. 2 lbs 263 16 16. box UM) Evaporated pears, kalves, lb. .... M M lb bos ISM VEdETAIILES lb ; Bsets. sack Carrots, lb P-Hstoes., each 'Paisley, bunch Oarllc. Imported, pet Ik. .... New cabbage. Ik new green onions, par buneh Turnips, a lbs. Crated onlona, Ik. City Meat Market (SELVIG RROS.) 3rd Avenue Phone 765 MEAT. FISH. VECETAUI.es and AM. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obsene! All articles arc of superior quality and absolutely fresh. FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 25 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Wins" Grnnd Prize Campaign I hereby cast 25 FREE VOTES to the credit of Mi, Mr. or Mrs Ailiin.ua . .. 4e This coupon, NHATLY1 CLIPPED OUT, name and address ! "io candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to the ' arupaign Department of the Prince Rupert Dally News, will unt as 25 FREE VOTES- It does not cost anything to ast these coupons for your favorite candidate, and you are nut restricted in any sense In voting them. Get all you ' an and send them in they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must be voted on or before 8 pm. 'Pt.'mbor 5, 1928. u.w .. 4 MM . 05a . Mo .. .. 50 . 15C .. 5c Rhubarb. 5 lbs. 25c Bunch carrot. (or Mc Bunch bests. 3 tor 26c Bunch white turnips lOe Fresh mint 5c Vancouver loe4 testate, 3 tar .... Mc Oieen peppers, lb. 26c Hcthous tnmataii. lb 20c F:eld Cukes 1 ice BC Oskry 2 tor 26c Cautiftoww 2B sad Uc L'p-rlver groan peas, S lb. .-. Mc Oreen Beans. Ik 10c wax Beans, lb 10c Hubbard Squash. Ik 10c Field Tomatoes. Ik 15c White pickling Onlona, t (as Uc Pickling Cukes. 2 lb 16c Vegetable Marrow, lb Ss Watermelon, lb 8C Csssba Melon, lb 10c Hontydew melon, lb 10c Pumpkin, lb 10c Sweet potatoes. 2 lbs 25c TWO I1AVH I.KIT TO CINCH CHOICE OK 111(1 PHIZES IN DAILY NEWS CAMI'AKJN With the last big vote period of the (4.000 Gift Distribution ending at 9 o'clock Friday and with the points onj special aide competition for extra cash prlre decreasing the same dsy and hour, candldar.es are straining every nerve In thetr final efforts for supremacy as the end looms In sight. The two big, beautiful, luxurious motor ears are ready in all their newness and splendor, waiting for their new owners to take a delightful spin. The extra cash prize san be won at the same time and with the same subscriptions. Two days are left of this b4g period. Two days only remain of the big point for the speeial prlre. 9 p.m. Friday the next final period schedule will be in effect and the second period opportunities win be gone forever. Truly these next few days are oppor The price of butter Is the same as It 1 tunity days. Candidates should bear in mind that the difference in value be tween the greatest and the least of the awe included in the price list Is 340. Understand this li net the price of a car but just the difference in value between the car of greatest value and the other pruw car. Certainly, just the difference of more than S3O0 is worth striving for, to say nothing of the value of the prices themselves. KK.IL rilOKT HILL WIN' As close ss the race steads today any candidate can win bis or her choice of these mammoth prises w'.th some real effort these last days. The fact, It. each Individual candidate's success or failure, dependa upon what each candidate is able to accomplish to the limited time left. Cvery day, every hour, of the short time that remains should be utilised to the raltest eateat ky the earnest hostlers who really wast to take advantage of what may prove to be une of the rret test events in their lives. It's "Do or Die" these nest two days of the last vote period. At S pat. Friday the vote schedule Is sharply reduced snd the salary check offer ends. Two days and two dsys only remain of the biggest and best vote offer left. Watch than go In the few hours which remain. It will be Interesting iaaesd. to we which candidates will get to the top sad stay there. The wide-awake candidate can. before 9 Fri day. pile up such an enormous number of voles that the advantage cannot be ttbaaaptlooe see eapeeiaUy valuable until the final hoar Friday. Aad every eubacrtpuon credits points toward the eatra salary ehsak to be aaasaed at the and of the period. Osrtaiavy. rt wtti pap you well to concentres on ss sen alon these final days. A sufrwlp- Man far one year is worth afcaost twice as many votes as a subscription far the saave length of time after Friday. 8" 8 Man in the Moon n g It would be aaout as difficult for a visitor from Msrs to distinguish cae man from another in this country as It is for the ordinary parson to distinguish one sheep tram another la a big ftatk. la anglsnd whan nan sp salts of "corn" he probably means wheat, in Panada he means mala or Indian corn. la tha Bui tea be means a brand of -feaotlaj whiskey. Jim Kills covered a gal ts Labor Day lor atme peo ple Jafc says that every day a labor day with him. There arc a number of eaterprMag beauty shops in town but not one an tar has Invented a i asm mint neck shave. is reported to have U- alaag the Sferen River, somewhere this side of Terrace. He made a trip there a faw days ago and brought mane a nugget and a lot of lumps on his hands aad arms and neck and legs. He saya the gold mine has a lot of giltalij bears guarding It. The first thing be had to do was to drive out the bears and then he got a piece of gold. Just enough to show his friends that he really meant bttsuvns. when the bears began to return and he left. He says grtm1y beam are all right but be prefers ther in moderate numbers. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Oeorge Bruggy and . daughters who have been spending the summer at their home In Alice Arm. were pas sengers aboard the Oatala yesterday af ternoon bound for Vancouver where the girls will return V school. CN R. steamer Prince Rupert. Oapt. D. Donald, from Vancouver, Poweri River and Ocean Falls, arrived at 10,45 this morning and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Skagwey. making her last trip of the season on the Skagway run. The company's final Alaska tourist sailing this year will be that of the steamer Prmee Oeorge nest weak. The service will then revert to fall schedule in connection with which there will be some ohanges from the Mme-table which was In effect last fU. 1 w POMS Have You lowards The Extra In Cash By Mail By at .00 MM 1.00 8.00 tt.00 9 Anyone who paM ANY sot Wot woo MOT wot 1 year I yaw I year l year AMY MORE m Cash DIVIDED INTO TWO PRIZES One Prize for District No. 1. of $100.00 in Cash. One Prize for District No. 2. of $100.00 in Cash. HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS Up to and Including Friday, August 81, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions t Prom Saturday, Sept. 1, up to and including Friday, Sept. 7, the following number of points will be issued on subscriptions: 1 year .... 8 points 1 year .... 6 points 2 years ... 16 points 2 years ... 12 points 8 years ... 24 points I 3 years ... 18 points 4 years ... 82 points 4 years . ..24 points 5 years ... 40 points 5 years ... 30 points 8 years ... 48 points I 6 years ... 86 points The above schedule shows "HOW SUBSCRIPTIONS COUNT IN POINTS" In the new campaign for the $200 COMPETITION which ha been announced. You will notice that subscriptions turned in by Friday night, August 31, count more points than they will if not turned in until the following week. New, arrearage, renewal or second payment subscriptions each count the same number of points in the $200 COMPETITION. EACH candidate in the $4,000 Prize Campaign now has the opportunity of entering the $200 COMPETITION, and any subscriptions they secure and turn in now will count votes in the $4,000 prize campaign and points in the $200 Competition. Is Your Name In? Phone 534 THE PRINCE KUPEUT DAILY NEWS Campaign Department Open Dally 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phone 534 Nomination Blank in The Prince Kupert Daily News "Everybody Wins Campaign. I hereby enter and cast 5,000 vote for Miss, Mr. or Mrs. as a candidate in The Prince Rupert Daily News "Everybody Wins" Prise Distribution. Address Phone Note Only one nomination blank will he credited lo each candidate IF NOT ENTER TODAY DAYS In which to Secure Big Votes and Points on Second; Period Schedule 10W Subscriptions Count Votes 20 1-year subscriptions, count 1W.000 If from new subscribers, add 400,000 This constitutes 6 "clubs," or 600,000 Total 1460,000 OR Four G-year subscriptions, count 1,200,000 If from new subscribers, add 480,060 This constitutes 8 "Hubs," or 800,000 Total" 2480,000 How Many $200 HOW SECOND PAYMENTS COUNT Making oandidaas In the Float And who now pays subaerlBOoa Farted: their en tire to: payment By Mai By Darter By ByearrWc I 30 . I SJ0O I toe no oo 9.09 tlSJOO tlS.00 34V.00 115.00 HMO I S0..l0e a years t ao..lbO 3 yews 118.00.. WeO 4 Teem tlS-00. .VtSO S yean I1SA0. .Me.00 6 years The OsmHaatu reeetv-bag the "feeamt Pay 16660 1SS.080 sseo 84060 win reaawe: In addition to the above votes, lOOJlsts and they wui not parucipaw in toe vates If subscription KBW when " Payment" With tba all-Important second period ending forever promptly at 9 o'clock next Prtdsy nlgbt, it is only natural to expect every candidate, who expects to win either one of the big prizes originally announced, or one of tba . two 100 casta prtaes in the new I3O0 ' competition, to do their very best during ttie short time that remains. TO make It easier on the campaign department to Handle the volume of subscriptions which are expected to come 'from the "live" candidates before this period ends, every candidate is urged to make frequent reports to campaign headquarters. By doing this we wUl be able to. give van more time than we ill If all the rsnithlatss watt until the closing hours of this period to make their reports Out-of-town candidates are urged to mall their subscriptions on each mail coming to Prince Rupert and not bold them untU the end of the week. In addition to lessening your work and ours, frequent reports to campaign baadqaartera wUl often be the means of your securing' some information which will enable you to make your campaign more highly successful. No candidate will be permitted to eater The DaUy News office after 9 o'clock Friday night. August 31 for tha purpose of turning in subscriptions ta apply on the big votes and points of the second period. AU -candidates in tha office by that time, however. wUl be waited on and their subscription will count on the present Dig vote and paint soiled ales. ANT subscriptions mailed in ANT postatYlee ANTWWtBE which are postmarked not later than IS pm. (midnight) Friday. August 31. will also count on the big votes in effect until Friday nlgbt only, even though they do not reach this office uatu Saturday or even later. Those candidates who live in towns where the mall is not poet-marked frequently will be given second period points and votes on all subscriptions p os smarted for the first maU after mtdalatit next Friday. August 31. Campaign headquarters located on the second floor of Tha Hews Building. J4t Third Avenue, are open each day from 9 am. until s pm. (next Friday night until t pm.) Came in today or this evening and receive full particulars. -TOO JA W1N-HBK - For the benefit of tba city candidates we have complied a list shewing the name and expiration date of every subscriber. These lists thould prove a real benefit to smbitioos csndldsts sad may be had by calling at headquarters. MirSt KEEP ACTIVE Candidates are again warned that numlMr 17 of the Bules and Bsgula-tioas governing tha campaign, provides that ha order to participate in the prtssi and commissions a candidate must make a weekly cash report. The turning ta of coapoas does not constitute a cash report. We have already been mora than fair in tha enforcing of this rule, bat any candidate who dose not maka thetr weekly cash report hi the future wul be dropped from tha UsU and they will not participate In the distribution of the prises or the commission. One cash report a week is lHUe enough tor any one. who Is active, to secure. As long ss your name appears la the list of candidates you are eHgtbje to stasia in the. asrara. But any candidate who does not make thetr weakly report by Friday night wll be dropped. A week, la seven days tram the time of your last cash report. This I final and fair warning. the Candidate resMv-lag the "Seaand Pay-meat" wUl receive: 48,000 ... 103,000 ... 298400 ... 88.000 ... 48.000 ... votes 'club" of I KM turned In. Oka be composed of small or large amounts totalling 118 00. The !fend Payments" Arrsngeaient mil net be In effret during the lat week of the campaign. Also the tallowing number of points In the NSW 8900 competition: 8 paints 10 points 84 . points tt points 40 paints A "erub" HOW TO GET A MILLION VOTES BY FRIDAY EVENING . Four IffijrSPP-YEAR subscriptions, including "clubs." count 2.480.000 votes. Five NEW tlons, inclufflWw'' count 3,100,000 votes. Eight NEW SIX-YEAR subscriptions, including flubsoTip-v t i dunt uuu votes. One hundred nd fifty dollars (ten clubs of 100.000 votes each) made up of any she subscriptions, means 1,-000,000 votes besides the regular number of votes credited to each subscription. secured candidate after the SECOND PA MENTS-that i extensions of A million votes can easily be by any subscriptions received earlier In the campaign. Thousands of extra additional votes can be seeured in this way and many new "clubs" made up. This arrangement of "Second Payments" will not be in effect during the last period of the campaign.