PAGE TWO THE DAILY Buy Canadian Products SCIENTIFIC PARTY HERE lor.w. nei.KiiATioN 01 t to mh;i 1iaisoi.ii md'kat kkn ami otiikkh who ooino north - STT'DKNT INDIAN LORE - rm wmi mi tti sibi i ran nrwn can t- t 1 8r way could he 1 there now i without result Canada i world." The I ni! Canada for !oi and increasing HT.'" I ' EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK April 21-28 today be appropriate and A Canadian food made of Canadian Wheat In our beautiful new, sun-lit Canadian Factory at Niagara Falls, Canada. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PEACE AND PRINCE RUPERT tioh. We hae he, l.ARDKR OF - yetting l(, In Following are .-.nine 1927: .rain anil in ll kingdom (liiell(l Is and ihe I'liiled the ulume o' il- '. the I' mam t ilu i- meats, $:i.Vi.'i',.:;.-1 ; ilne-e. S'j canned vejreiahlt . ML'.itio.o;:;; ; 'JO.'!: condensed milk. JM.-'om.'it. OG:!. The total vailic of 0(10. and of this, pin i haes ot ; 000.000 and the Cnited Stal.- .' every corner of the jrlnhe. T! .IllM l t led. VALI'E The value of lioxir a a OF port of a good deal of i ntici-ni. (i j today are brutal and deradi made that the race i tending to I I I', i,ai. ; . Iiutter. few i:eni lie l'ni;iil ;7I ..'(io oiio :i'!e -i.. e ' It - ex;. ,."iit : 9S 86 SURSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all ports of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period , $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year . . . Jfi.00 By" mail to all other countries, per year $7.5u Friday, April 27, 1928 -Mug for it for some time but THE WORM) mi! M t he "larder of the able extent upon ending the variety from the Dominion. 1 orN of Canada in fi-h. 32.786.516: i.v ;ni- .nmn.i .. 20,70fl,68l; ! 1 i.V.vW. fr.i. milk, $7,860,-i i. oils. (tin; and eggs, $168,-:s ai proMiiiately $592,000,-KiiiK'loni i . presented $820,- I he remainder went into ''der of the World" would i teas than real manly sport. Men must . train . i themselves . . to endurance. l hey must he a lilt IIOXIM. I .n. ;li.a has been the subject I -mad the exhibitions staged! "ii 'l.e other hand the claim is! :lji soft and more iriven to sink! i wlllm; Z3'.:-. v IT KITUANOA TO T 1KB or tilt: UHKXia ttN iikhk nn;ninv Tbfte v.aj g good delegation of loco Mimical :he Irain yesterday aftsrnoc. ' IMS the ' MfCrai.kcn explorutioi puny who arrived here to Jots th ier tir M Usirlsaey prior t e.irlj next week. Milton Oan :?e-j:rWnt. sud A- B6ok b..nfc. aeirt'tary of the baord of trade P K H bertion and Jee Scott, enter ta.:m;vnt committee of the board. B. jNai ;ht jii, -reure-entlng the railway m v. :ai oti.ers, including Captaii Bar. let :. of the Msrriaaey. 'ih train yesterday stopped at 'Kl'a long enough fur the party to t 'hrut.h the village where nso lug plrturea were taken. Mr. M Cracken himself oelnx an experience, mcvli'g picture operator. It wan llm "vewlng acquaintances fcr him to b .u Kitwanga for he spent two week :hrr not lengog) with Harlan I. Smith Dominion archeiiloglit, studying th Tndlar totems at that place and neighborhood. Mr. McCracken is taking with him i et of moving pictures of life In Alrlc shew the Esklma In th far north were taken for scientific pur ;,ac by the Crown Prluoe of Swede: end some of theak have never been ev eblted to the general public, the can; ..tttre of the native making them cen-"rafcle lor genent audiences. The leader of the expedition ha tlslt-A Alalka before but hat not stopped a: J-r.nce Wpert. He Is familiar with th' native 11 (e of the coast. ThV group Is an Interesting one. each of the party having special qualifica tions for the work to be done. Id. M The season is dragging along and Htill nothing is the being done, j weyrr. arsheolcgist. spent a year ui ir.i.-. ui me mjiium. in imn Up mme Kupert and Peace River country. IVor aie voinv intr the country in large numbers and next year will m. a . r vaiiv increased acreage of land under cultivation. Each year this will haw increased. Bv the time a rail- wilt, the ..input unuhl l. very large. What is needed i Luxor where the famous - Tutenk- hamen tomb was opened Ed Manley the wlrelcu man. was on the Morrtwty on her trip to Baffin Land: F. L. Jaque 1-. an art lit of renown, and Andrew Johnston Is an expert taxidermist. Dr Anthony, the naturalist, la following on 'tie next train arriving Sunday. One of the interesting members ol 'ne party hitherto not mentioned tr preaa denpatchet is "Tough." an Kng- 'Uh bulldog, owned by ar McCracken out adopted by all members of th' party and humored and honored as aiuch a any. He Is making the round trip to the polar regions. This ?vcntng the party will be guests rf the board of trade at a dinner In he Commrdure Cafe at 630 and tomor row afternoon they will be entertained r-y the women a Canadian Club, PRINCE RUPERT NEEDS TIMBER tVITIIOIT II. ii:nH.K VKKtitsOV AH, CITY f.XS NKVtiK JVPIC'T TO lllOMi: (1NKAT Without the development of the tlat- to give and take punishment if they are to succeed , w. ...T and il the race is not to deteriorate and disappear before the inroads ! r;ri o w sicker. in addrauing of the colored races. j the H:Ury clUD tt lt, mncheon meet- DKrlng tends to harden a man and to teach him. to keep his ! " yesterday. The value of such men tamper and not squal when he is hurt. It t rain h the perception it'c Olof Knueon to the dutrict u wrjr advocates gay. ever increaaing numbers and the sport is every day becoming more popular. I IUJAUTIFYIMJ OTTAWA i'htrt Is no objection to spending a certain amount of monev I great. rut. All the people were in the timber business for four . million dollars of revenue was derived by the province fr m It nut of a total revenue of nineteen millions. There was an annual on th capital city of Canada but why the rest of the countrv should ! ryru" ' fnrt m"ll01 ta B c ,nd tb tu taxoA fnf unv a4an.,'.. u..v.. ... 4 ,1. ...... ; total Income to the province derived v. ..., -,..r. . ovireiu c iiiiiui but. n e agree witn i ,tr- .. w.. ,,-,-t ..-- R. B. Bennett, leader h mMMltl .Ui.i . frcBl lmbw WM , - . . minions. me coal and to see that all other places have their share. Prince Rupert needs a post office and until we get that necessary improvement we shall object strenuously to a policy such as that being backed by the present government at Ottawa. NEW WHEAT LANDS An Interesting feature of the Canadian National nsarweeMtsmncirxfeai 9 ! 'H lit "J taatKansSMaiii It wan ntlmated that in B.C. the miie of which lie. ooo w ntni in the handa ot the people. The output for the province was SSO 000,000 000 board feet; as to how fast the timber was ae- tug used, there were some who said It renort and .n , ... .., one which affects us materially, that which very is mentions the fact who -aid there would be more hers m that In Alberta during last year 410,000 acres of land had been i 100 years than there u now What they broken in Alberta contiguous to their lines and 190,000 acres in Sas- dld uw was that it was an advantage katchewan. If that land in Alberta yields twentv bushels to theit0 Protw,t ' 'rem fire acre It will give a gross production of over eight million bushels this year. Doubtless this bringing in of new land will continue this year so that it i easily seen how the production of the country from which Prince Rupert draws its supply will continue to produce more and more and we should get an ever increasing share of the product. The speaker urged campers and others to see that fires were put out In order that Mil valuable asset might be conserved. President Rorle naked all to give good heed to Mr. Nlrkerson' advice. i slue ribsqn 60N I : SI ft m Steel Cut COFFEE CANADA'S FINEST COFFEE Roasted and Packed by the makers of the famous Blue Ribbon Ten. O 8 m H 0 8 I III ft I ID I! Vacuum Packed 1j ji III HI . , . i Q 'ij : til .i 'il .1' . :i- ,i .H Ol caSBacMaaaeMBBaaaejBHsBaMB5aSJBBBBCs3ai MIIITH lOI.K MUST "1 see red when 1 bear some of the crltutams of faery. Tbey do not bread .T.any such men.' declared Captain Bart-. i'.i at the Botary Club luncheon ys-tarday afternoon at the conclusion of a brief address The captain told of a number of th? UUloultlaa Peary eaoauntered In firian-ctug and of bU aaahorli m using the Bjbilniai to ae. to. um Nearth Fota. cowflng to the oaptaia, Peary learned the hablU of the HeJUraos and followed thorn wltb tlit reeult that where other explorers starveeL be sucoaeded. BartWi is a Newfoundwnder and in telling the club that be expreeaod tru hope that Newfoundland would soon be a part of Caaada. ' He told of maeting prominent British people In the Old Country with his oosnmaadar and how eventually Sir Attrcd Harmawortb, later Lord Nerthoiiff, had made thorn a pre 'cut of the Wind ware aad had the boat delivered to them In New York. Peary started to learnthe polar gam Juat as a banker learns to do banklof at an early age. and kept It up throughout life. Be got to know the Bklmoa, lived their waa. used the same kind ot igloo, the Eik una 4mm. aad by adopting tne northern customs lived comfort-i'bly and was able to do more than any who preceded him. CATHOLIC REVIVAL FATHER IS COMING I'atlHT Jlwlurlv. O.M.I., line Twtrrew I'rnttl Yaiiroiiter lo 0mm tleek'a lammlgu llrrr Father Morlaety. QMS., well known and of Umber covered 149.000 square ! millenary and revrrdllit tether of the Roman catholic CBurcn, wnr arrive in the city ea the Prtatec Rupert tomorrow nvarnlng from VanoOwMr and on Sunday will open a week's series of lectures in the local church. These lectures anil bc given twice on Sundav and once each day next week. Father Morlarty was here four years ago when he conducted a similar cam paign prom here he will go to Any ox Stewart and Interior points. HEALS ECZEMA IN 7 DAYS OR LESS i Hare 1 a surgeon's wonderful prescription now dispensed by pharmaolsta at trifling ooat. that will do more to-wants helping you get rid of unslghtiy spots and skin diseases than anything you've ever used. Mot only does this great healing an-tsMSptlc oil promote rapht and healthy healing in open sores and wounds, but boa, abscesses aaVa Hi SMS that are dU-ehafglng are almost mwetf lately re-llevid and cleanly healed. Is skin disease Its aeUoit, la , little lessf than 'fiigftal.1 The Ucjiing o: ecaema la inatantfy stdphed; the erup tion dry up unci scale off in a very few deys The same la true of barbers' itch, git rheum and other Irritating and iinatghtly akin trouble. You can obtain Moone'a Bmeral Oil In the original bottle St any modern drug "tore it la safe to use. and failure in any of the ailment noted above la iifi ta impossible. Drugghts can supply you at iiny time. Tins tremendous Sigure Is the INCREASE ONLY in the sale of SALADA TEA in the last two years. It means that over a million more people have been converted to SALADA because they have been convinced it Is the most delicious tea that they can buy. SALADA is sold by all grocers in a wide assortment of blends and prices to please every taste and every purse. Buy a package ol SALADA and enjoy a new tea delight. ('opens In I playing the towns along the Medlter 1 ranean where Blanca. the tight rope walker and parachute artist, la In love 1 with Tito, the down j ' Prince Vlttorlo. of tllyrla. travelling! . inctgnlto. meets Blanc as she laiJla 'rem a parachute jump and Immediately : ills In love with her. Be 'haunts the circus and Incite the antagonism of Tito. When Blanra refuses to succumb .j the charms of the Prince, he enticfe by a forged note to come to his room at the hotel. Resisting his ad-. nnces. she escapes by making an acrostic leap from the window to the limb :i a tree. Not knowing that the girl has escaped, ato gcaa to her rescue. In the fight hat ensues, the Prince. In leaping at -r:to. plunges through the window and :ver the cliffs into the sea below. Tito, panlc-strtchen. escapee from the hotel by making use of his remarkable re-".mblauce to the Prince and donning his uniform. At the door of the hotel, ha tt met y see ret agents of the Illyrlan govern - ii ent who. mistaking htan for the Prince, "unounce that the King u dead and iiat he la now King. Despite Tito's, pro testations, mild because vehemence r nild establish him as the murderer of he Prince, they take him back to liiyna. '.:tvlng aianca to think that the mur-'.'rcd man la Tito. In revenge, aianca leaves the circus nd goes to Ulyrla, where she attempts .o kill the King. Her recognition of the King as Tito, her lover, and the method of their eeeape unbanned from I.lyrla despite the animosity of trie old Prime Minuter constitutes vivid drama) which Henry King has woven lute tsB4avraigMig)t .of ..the ctacaa. Tne story ends with Blanea and Tito happily djing tnetr "turn again In the little circus of the Mediterranean Adrertlae In the Dalle Nw ... . . j . . . DEPARTMENT OF MINKS XOII'JK. rr X?5uon of u: 1 operator of metalliferous mines s " to the re quirements of the Mi:i..rou Mine MBuwtiva acv oi Hr:i.i:i Columbia ffiLPSl., th" 'Kround blawtlng operations must i.. periormed i)wii u wno noia a certificate of competency ;oi ihla work, as follows: 111 I K ti ' Permane.1'. blasting certificate shall be obtained from an Inspector of Mines. Provisional blasting certificate valid fer a period not exceeding ninety days, or until the first visit of the Inspector of Mines, may be granted by Che mine superintendent or a qualified person authorised by the minb superintendent. No more than cm provisional certificate shall be granted to one and the aame person. Suoh certificate may be ob-bJt?1 form trom the office 2L .Chlf ,niPct"r Mines.' A Ru'SiL0', ?f Pvttlenal blasting ceitlfierM liunaid mnxt forwarded of "7 uTT. Mines. ,57. Victoria, . B.C." inspector Notification regarding the oDenl lllr nf a new mine or the re-openlng of an pld mine should be made to the Chief Inspector f Mlnea. Vlrtoiia, or to the tnapectoi f Mine for the district before work 1 oniiiieuced. On bel is notified of th . mSnt of m'B1Bt operations the Inspector Will auoclv a oodv of th Mi.mV..n... Mine Res nation Act. ROBT DUNN Vlctorlu, B.C.. lBth April, 1028. j03 Friday, a,,,. BARTLETTAND ! MAGIC FLAME PEARY CRITICS' IS ODD THEME r.UTAIN Ol' MOHKNftKY TKIA! The story of The Magic Flame," MXIIET ill T1IKIK ItKACIIlNn j -'"ture film tonight and tomorrow I a tiny one-ring Italian circuit J Canadian National Steamships Co, Limited Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating (,.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enujneera. Machinist, nollermakera. Blacksmiths. I'aiirm maLerM, Pounders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETVLENE WELDIN0. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONBS 43 and 38S (canadianT Naiuwiv Canadian Pacific Railway B. C, Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Ketchikan. HrangHI. Juneau, and Vkngwaf llarth 31. April U 1 To taneoHter. Victoria ami Seattle pr tt t Ui .. .. . . . PHISTKHH ItOYAI. r,,r.J;':.t...':,!-a!l.: .-.-" .:-'. . lert U.v Ageiiey W all Kteam.hlp I.lne,. 'rJii . .iL......n f m ... . . .in. uinii. iienerai Aient. Corner of 41 ll Slrm and 3rd Arnue. Prince ltu,rt ac. r' Gity Meat Market 3rd Avenue (SELVIG BROS.) MEAT. FISH. VRfiRTAIlI.RS "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" 0 . BEST PROCURABLE BSTTU0 SUlRANTItO moduci or SCOT LAND in 1 1 Sml Nil I LIJJmVgLJiJgeiJWsglUaMlfl mm-m TI -iIf " iaSjssBpml -1 its . . r Phone and AM. KINDS OF "NORWEfJIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Obaene! All articles arc of superior quality and al. fresh. GRANT'S "BEST PROCURALLE" This advertlment U not publhhod or displayed by he Liquor Control Board or by the Government of iriunn tojumbla