THE DAILX NEWS fAGK FIX Laundry Washed flotlies Are Not Rubbed YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up and down in a bowl of sudsy water . . that's the way your clothes are washed in a modern laundry. They are not rubbed or scrubbed but are gently swished back and forth in warm filtered rainsoft water until the pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly lessening the tensile strength of the fabric Then come many rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feel clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners l'lione 8 The Endless Chain The nervoua By stem is like an endless chain. From, the brain every act of the body, conscious or unconscious, is directed. Out of the brain, through the spine, to organ or limb, goes a command, together with the vital energy the motive power necessary to performance. Back from limb or organ, over a sensory nerve, conies word that the command has been obeyed, or that its performance is impossible. The latter is usually a pain wave, and comes always when a spinal bone is pressing upon the nerve concerned. Its message is "See your Chiropractor!" By my chiropractic health method I correct diseases of. the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. YOUK APPOINTMENT for health can be made by telephoning Green 241 Consult W.Gispioell,D.G. 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Residence: 1037 1st Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith lllock Phone 575 DENTIST MiLr.-:-PRICE 5 "Reife?d to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 1 1th St. Telephone 637. ADDRESS ON HEREDITY BY MISS HARRISON AT LADIES' AID MEETING There was a larse attendance ol ladles at the Presbyterian Church Ha! yesterday afternoon to hear an interesting address by Miss Jean Harrison, R.N. lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, on the sub)ec, of "Heredity." The speaker handled her subject In a splendid manner awl the Information she Imparted was much appreciated. Mrs. T. McClymont. president of the .Ladles' Aid. presided and those contri-.buttng to the musical program Included Mrs. P. W. Allen. Mrs. II. C. Praser. Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and Mrs. Morn-Blott. Mrs. W. Anderson had charge of the tea table and Mrs. J. R. Frlisell. Mrs Samuel Massey. and Mrs. D. McLeocl. pqured. Serviteurs were Mrs. McRob-ble, Mrs. J. Watson. Mrs. L. W. Pat-more, Mrs. D. Jabour. Mrs. W. L. Sand I-; son. Mrs. J. L. Lee. Mrs. H. M. Poole. Mrs. B. Dalgarno and Miss Kathleen , Stork. Mrs. J. O. Steen acted as An entertainment and Camp Fire will be held tonight at 8 p.m. in the Elks' Hall, in aid of the 3rd PJl. Troop Boy Scouts. Interesting program Mayor McMord'e wlU be In the chair. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" I'ltlM K ' IUTKUT ll.KCTOU.U. DISTRICT NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall, on Monday, the 21st day of May. 1938. a, the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon at the Court-house, prince Ru rt. hold a sitting of the Court of evltlon for the purpose of revising the list of voters for the said electoral district, and of hearing and determining any and all objections to the retention of any name on the said list, or to the registration as a voter of any applicant for registration; and for the other purposes set forth In the " Elections Act." Dated st Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 5th day of Aprlt. 1938 REGISTRAR OP VOTERS. 1 19 Prince Rupert Electoral District. I' II1IMI MI'WI P i i "Chickens" CHICKEN POT PIE WEEK Arriving Wednesday Choice Roiling Fowl, per lb. Choice Milk-fed Fowl, fresh killed, '' per lb :W? Heinz Pork & Deans, small, 5 for o."( Asparagus, Libby's, square, 3 for i.-r Corn Aylmer, 2 for .'lot' Mixed Vegetables, 2's, Nabob. 2 for Uiicuits, choice stock, 4 pkgs. for Toilet Paper, per doi tut Choice Fancy Biscuits, large se lection, per lb Peas. No. 4, 2 tins for Malt Vinegar, Nabob, ier bottle -2U , Tea, Al brands in pkg., per lb. 70( See our window for Tea special Royal Crown Soap, per carton, 0 bars iir,C Royal Crown Oatmeal Toilet Soap, per bar 5f Strawberry Jam, Malkin's Rest, 2's, per tin Raspberry Jam, Malkin's Rest, 2's, per tin C Pineapple, Singapore, 2's, 7 tins for -SI. 00 Oranges, 3 dosen for l5f Corn Flakes, any brand, per pkg. 11? Cpwan's Instant Cocoa, Mi's. UUC Pabst Malt, large tins, each Rhubarb, extra special for weekend, '4 lbs. for -oO Rice, choice iuajity, 3 lbs. for Split Peas. 3 lbs. for U."C Pot Rarley, 3 lb, for 2? Vegetables arriving this week- Lettuce, Celery. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Green Onions, Leeks, Spinach, Tomatoes, New Potatoes, Watercress, Asparagus, Parsley. Radishes, Hunch Carrots, Cucumbers. Green Peas, We carry a full line of Fresh nnd ! Citrus Fruits "WATCH OUR WINDOWS" B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited For Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertilizer and COAL, call up 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co. CAMPAIGN BY ARMY MAKES FINE START sum l $I'M Taken in first li.iy of Self DenUI Drive Yesterday Will Continue u Week The annual Self Denial campaign of the local Salvation Army got off to a good start on the opening day venter-day when the sum of $121 was collected. The objective ol the campaign, which will be continued during the next week. Is 1.000. A tag days will be held in connection with the drive which 1 l.eing conducted by Major Walter Cartuthers of WrangeU; Capt. Alex Parkinson of Ketchikan, and Capt. J. Stobart of this city. E. E. Oregg. assistant district forester, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace and Usk whew he addressed the school children tlon campaign. DEPARTMENT OF PUI5L1C WORKS NOTICE TO I'ONTIt.U'TOIW Cleanup; anil (minlilng ITInre Uuprrt Highway. .Mile 3 to Mile 10 SEALED TPNDERS endorsed "Tender for Prince Rupert Highway will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon y. Thursday, the 3rd day ol for clearing and grubbing Phone 7 ions, co (arm of tender msy be obtained at the Public Works Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. and plans may be. seen st the Locating Engineer's camp near Phelan. B.C. Fanh tnrtr mn1 h cnomnAllU.'d bV MEN WHO ARE PRINCIPALS THE HIG LEGAL BATTLE (continued page one) Canadian Ccrpa." From then on the Canadians delivered bl"v. after blow .it the Germans, at Anas in the latter lay of August. 1B1H. the Canal dU, Nord In September, captured by the Canadians early m October, and so on to Valenciennes Mons where the war ended on Nivembii II. "148. Following thje War the Canadian gov-'ininent appointed Sir Arthur Currte io the post of Inspector General of the I'orces, a pot! t Ion whi.-ti was abolished v. hen 8ir Arthur to become Principal of MoOIll University. This i unction he has fllkd slw-e 1930 when he succeeded 81r Auckland Cleddes.then apxmtl British anibiuwudor to Washington. V. T. It. I'UIISTON "In the last two k'ade of the' 19th "ti.tiiry. now sunk' t.y 30 years neath time's horizon, all Canadians i no tiok an Interest In tlie country's politics, a definition which Included neuily everybody, knew W. T. B. Pie, ten or knew about him." In these icrms John W. Dafoe. editor of the Manitoba Free Frees, Introduces his review of the recently published book by Mr. Preston: "My Generation of Polities and Politicians." Mr. Preston Is another of the principals In the libel action, and It la of an article written by him and published In the Port Hope Guide in June 1037 that complaint Is made. Mr. Preston is In his 77th year, and those years have been replete with activity. He was born In Byiowu six years before It was picked to be the capital of Canada and renamed Ottawa He was present when the foundation stone of the Parliament Buildings was laid by the Prince of Wales in 1880 and his interest In politics begins in those pre-ConfeeVeretton years of Can ada. He started his political career a, a speaker on behalf of the Liberal party in 1878 and It Was his -Immediate suc cess that determined his career. "For the nest 30 years." continues Mr, Dafoe "be was In the thick of the political battle. Then followed 16 years of service abroad in various of ficial capacities. First, In the lmmlgra tlon department, and afterwards as in connection with the Forest Pro tec- commissioner of trade to Japan, and later to the continent of Europe." Mr. Preston remained in England In 1911 when the government of Sir WU- 'rld Laurler was defeated In Canada and he wee employed In some Import' ant capacities by the British govern ment, with the coming of the Union government during the war, Mr. Pres ton returned to Canadian politics as the representative overseas of the Can sdlan Liberals In the war-tune elec tions. "He returned to Canada shortly afterwards," continues Mr. Dafoe, "was a figure of some prominence In the Liberal convention of 1S19. contested a constituency unsuccessfully In lttl. was charged by the Liberal government with various Important commissions with respect to freight rates on the Oreat Lakes and the North Atlantic. an accepted bank cheoue on a chartered -between 1031 and IMS. then retired to bank of Canada, made payable to tbeinu old home in Port Hope to write his Minister of Public Works, for the sum I ,,-- .. of 113000.001 Three Thousand Dollar , reminiscences. which shall be forfeited If the party I It is however In his role of Liberal 'enderUHj decl'ne t: enter into contract organlrer that Mr. Preston Is best when celled upnn to d-j so. The cheque of the suecesiful tenderer will be re-jkwn- talned as eeurlt.y for the due and "Tens of thousands of people. noted 'aithful performance of the wk Mil hta m .ctton." ' ssys the review, "and the satisfactory completion of the con- rict. . leame to know him and his characterte- Tenders will not be considered unlesi tlci. tna alight, wiry active figure, alive made jut on the fcrms supplied, signed comoativeness, mh.tivenei the tne rsold rapm flow how oi of with the actual signature of the ten- ierer, and encloef In the envelope words In a somewhat high-pitched acid furnished. The lowest or any tender, w, uncompromising unqualified not necessarily ilU)ry of tne , ttJ District Engineer Public Works wholly good or nearly so and one PrinoIRuoert BC trembling on the brink of perdlUon. Prlnoe Rupert. B.C.. April 28th. 1928 MINERAL ACT (Purm F.) CEUTIKICATi; OP IMPKOVEMKNTS VnTII'K Jttoofioa : the refusal to give or ask quarter, i Preston, the organizer, the platform de bater, the pamphleteer, the planner of party strategy, was a personiflcstlon of the Libera! fighting spirit, as It snowed Itself in the long and never-ending Princess Pat. Lot 4336; Pilot, Lot 4SS7: campaign stretching from the disaster B.A.P.. Lot 4398; Observer, Lot 408. 0f g78 to the crowning mercies of Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln mit- .. , 1898 " became tha tne oea known Known ana na in. rtiui.irm nt Ps-xinr niitrirt Where i,wtd- On Munro Mountain about four ceruinlv the bent abused of all the miles firm the town of Atlln. Liberal champions of that time." TAKE NOTICE that we. James Stokes ; nrt r r Fruir Free Miner's Certificate Mr. Preston s 77 years present --,, No. S9M0-03061. Intend, sixty day from kaleidoscope In which the great polltl-&co?der Tori SrW&Wrol.! cs. figure, of the psst rU up and live ments. for the purpose or ontaining a agsin. Crown Ornnt of the above claim. flic volume referred to Is Mr AUd IUrtlier taxe notire iimi ntnun, ... k tint halni Ma nit work, the first being ..Jy" ..,. ,...., mmnunwii ton second before the issue of nu n Certificate of , "The Life and Times of Lord Strath-Imnrovemcn's cons" Dated this 5th d,v of Marrh. A D. 1928. H. M'N. rilASER. 1 1. . u MILM) imiiv -'nt- v,n the past half century T. W, cjjtis Vi and i Vincent Lope IAN'11' i f'hotu Orctvctra Mo. 3835 15c Ca MacLAREN'S MUSIC HOUSE EXCLUSIVE HHUNSWICIi DEALERS Third Avenue A. Williams Fourth Charter, TB lOriginal Royal Charter of the Bank of Montreal, bearing the seal of William the Fourth, and renewing the charter previously grant Legislature of Lower Canada, is well the Bank's, museum. Circle "8" Picnic Ham, lb. . . UOf Premium Bacon, lb V-t Premium Hack Racon, lb. . . iWt Premium Ham. lb 51-? I Premium Boneless Ham, Hiked, lb. I0f Premium Cooked Ham, sliced, lb. ."0? Empire Bacon, lb tt-f Empire Back Bacon, lb IWf Silver Leaf Lard, 3 lb tin . . (tff 5 lb. tin .5 l.or. 10 lb. tin ?2.I0 E.C.D. Butter, 2 lb IWf Fraser Valley Butter. 2 lb. . . ."( Fine Ontario Cheese, lb. . . rt-V Kggs, Freeh Extras, 3 doz. $1.10 Macaroni, over 20 different shapes to choose from. Best quality. 2 lbs. for 20 lb. box S2.S5 Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. . . Bowntree's Cocoa, lb. tin -!7Mi Wild Hose Flour, 10 lb. sack .V.f-Puffed Wheat, per pkR I. "CI Puffed Rice, per pkg-. .... 17 Shredded Wheat, pkg 11! He Dina-Mite Breakfast Food, pkg. ifif Knox GeUtine, pkg 22 0 Nabob Red Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin r)f Heinz Baked Beans, small size, 9 tins for 81.00 Medium sise, 7 tins for $1.00 Quaker Peas, size 6 tin .... l.'r 7 tins for $1.00 Lux Toilet Soap. 4 bars 2.r Yellow Newton Apples, 2 lbs. 2.'r per box $;l0 Sunklst Oranges, dos. for $1.00 Large sizes, per dozen no?, one, ."( Ripe Bananas, per lb Alberta Market P. (iAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20.S Wilson has been a "country editor," in that period advancing through all the stages of a small provincial newspaper. from "printer's devil" to proprietor. Mr. Wilson, the third principal in thla cause celebre, waa born In Port Dover 68 years ago. He has been In the newspaper business sll bis life. The Port Hope Oulde. whose destinies he directs. Is one of the oldest newspapers In Canada, having been founded In 1831 by William Plrbie. Interesting in this connection Is the fact that some of the type and fixtures employed to set up the paier nearly a century age were purchssed from William Lyon Mackenzie, grandfather of the present Prime Minister, at a time when the leader of the revolt of "37 was Issuing "The Patriot" in Toronto. Some earlier experiences of newspaper work were obtained by Mr. Wilson In Hamilton. Ont., but at the age of 17 he settled In Port Hope and with his father engaged In producing the Port Hope Oulde. "I had all the upe nd jfewns of the country newspaprf said Mrl:i wil,' Mr. Wilson has made frequent tripe to Burope, but In general has not wandered far afield from Port Hope, He Is nine years younger than Mr Preston, with whom he Is co-defendant In the suit. Union steamer Cardena, Cant. A Johnstone, arrived In port at 11:80 this morning from the south and left after noon tor the Naaa River wltence she will return to sail from here at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning on her return preserved in Qg During more than one hundred years since it was first incorporated, the Bank of Montreal has gone steadily on its course, serving the people of Canada and enjoying the unshaken confidence of successive generations. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l'7 Total Assets In excess of $830,000,000 BUY YOUK HAM AND HACON IIY THE PIECE AND SAVE MONEY Friday, April 27, WESTHOLME THEATRE FBI DAY AND SATURDAY. 7 and J p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. RONALD C0I MAN AND VILMA HANKY IN "The Magic of Fame An absorbing, colorful story of the circus and royal u life with the screen's greatest dramatic team in the IimiI i roles. (JUSTAVE VON SEYFFERTITZ, HARVEY CLARKE. COSMK KYRLE HHLLEW, AUC2UHTINB iTRlUiATE, GEORGE DAVIS, ANDRE C1IKR0N. SHIRLEY PALMER and many others. AESOI'S FILM FAIJLKS Admission 50c and 2."c. METKO-GOLDWY NEWS D Ladles' Silk Dresses, reg. $15.00. Sale 8 Uetter value Dresses, reg. $17.86. Sale 5 Silk Dreaaes.Hxtrn Offer, to clear for 7 Ladles' Flannel Dresses, reg. 113.50. Sal Matinee, 35c and 1 LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOES Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear is now h. . Hundreds of Briton's finest woollenn from which to i ti "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada'- ii most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do it Today TH0R JOHNSON LADIES' DRESSES, COATS AND HATS On April 150, 1S27. we held a general sale which prow! : be the most successful sale ever held In the City of ' Rupert. No such values had been offered. Today we are offering similar valuas which you will i predate and that will save you money. This Sale is confined to Ladies' Ready-to-Wear i Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Hats are offered at ridiculou -h low prices. Sale Starts Friday Morning, April 27th, find Continues till Saturday Night, May Sth' ALL C00DS ON SALE ARK 1!M8 STOCK 4 Young Ladles' Sport Suits, site 34 and 36, reg. fi:i.5 Sale K7.M.1 SI).""' Sl.!'" $-."' A New Shipment of I-ndiea' Drvsmw which wo jut received will he included in thla Sale. Value 'rom $15.00 to $25.00. Sale Price $HM- 2 only, Knitted Suits, reg. $16.00. Sale ' " 2 Ladies' Spring Suits, reg. $17.50. Sale ............ S0 !'r 7 Ladles' Spring Coats, reg. $20.00. Sale ..' DH5 C Ladies' Spring Coats, reg. $26.00. Sale $17.0"' J Ladles' Navy Illue Coats, reg. $22.60. Sale st ,'""5 20 Qoata, values up to $15,00, to sell at 20 per cent discoum-LADIES' HATS 4 All our stock is offered, no reserve (My Hot, vitoe up to $5,95. Sale .. .& Any Hnt, vjfcfc up to $8.50. Sale . Sl.D"' A furtMw reduction of $2.00 will be allowed to t li fir.-t five customers who purchase $10.00 worth f foods, and l 1,8 reduction to the second five. ALL SALES FOR CASH Jabour Bros., ltd. Phone 015. tj Vuucouvei and waypolnu. sjBHhSJHBeiKSMlHssiSiM Corner 3rd nnd ilh J