Page THE DAILY NEWS. Friday Jul | S ZAM-BUK stops the burn- ing and pre- ventsblistering. Just as good for tender or blis- tered feet, aching muscles, mosquito bites, cuts, bruises, and allskin injuries. A sure cure for ecze- ma and = skin dis- - All druggists UNBURN “Mirro” | Aluminum Reflects Good Housekeeping Fred Stork’s Specially FEED HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 SEEDS! For the Garden Suited for Rupert soil. Prince rarere re For the CHICKENS P. P.O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. R.FEED Co. | Mrs. Smeeton’s Lunch & Tea Rooms Select 309 Second Avenue, West. , Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, Home - Made Bread, Cakes, Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, Marmalades, Famous Melton Mowbray Picnic Soft Drinks. Chutney, Etc. Parties Catered for of 1 has b. of lo no | the GENTLEMEN —n well chooses, until he injures jure lived up to that belief. , at your price experience has proved be nme Hoomes K. Freeman HONE BLACK 400 PF. 0. Box 108 the Canadiar Jury, believe that every man the right to do as he or threatens to someone else. | in- have he launch Narbeth#@ng is service for a price $3.50 per hour, which necessary. There is variation. Square deal- pays. Therefore, it is motto I have adopted. SIR DONALD IS ; | GONE TO SEE BIG MISSOURI /if ft Looks All Right He Will | Send New York Expert To Stewart. . “T should not be going to Stew- art unless I expected that there would be something there for remarked Sir Donald evening after hi the east his first i me although visit to Ru. me to Mann arrival trip over nol pert. “Lam going up to ai the Big Missouri. No, it not mine but a very good prospect, he continued. “I am not in position to say anything about it yet, but if it looks good enough 1 shall send an expert all the way from New York to examine it and report.” Sir Donald went that he did not contemplate develop- ing any of his other properties at Stewart or of operating the r@il- se, last soon from the first on p his Prince look 18 a on to say way which was built some years ago, and in regard to the Big Missouri he could not be sure what he would do until it was proved that the ore was there in sufficient quantity” and of high enough value to make its working worth while. Sir Donald with his trip along the not because of the fine which so many people admire, but because of the good land en route which will be cultivated in the near future. He said he expected ten years would make an immense difference in that country. Asked if he was through with his railway building Sir Donald said eniphatically that he was. He had become stale at the work, which reqygired men of energy and perserv®rence with all the resiliancy of youth to them. It is forty years this month sinee I tirst started wor: the C. P. KR.” he remarkec reminiscently. Yes, | did littl before that Grand Trunk years building is a long time. | thought | should tire of it, though. | thought that at sixty-five | should be just keen as ever, but | am not. The keenness has worn off and I do not care about it any more.” Sir Donald left for Stewart this morning on the Grier Starrett and pleased a. F..2., scenery was very aid ago on a the railway neve! on of Forty as proposes to return at the end of next week and go south on the G. T. P. steamer. BUILDING PERMITS FOR MONTH OF JUNE Houses to sale of $@2,000 com- menced and Many More Will Be Erected. . great past This un- There has not been so activity in building this month as there was in May. due in great part to the settled state of labor owing to jstrike conditions which have ex- | isted throughout the whole coun itry. However many of the build ings which were begun in April fand May are rapidly nearing com pletion. The stores for R. L. Me- iIntosh have been plastered and ishelving has been put in one and jis jit is practically ready for oecu- jpation except that there is no plate glass here yet. The large stores of Geo. J. Frizzell have been finished on the exterior and the tinsmiths are now at work putting on the cornice. The work of insulating the cold storage at the back of the store which will be occupied by Frizzell’s Meal Market .is proceeding apace now that shavings have arrived from Edmonton. The addition to the Government building has bgan plastered and the forestry depart! TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. General Contractors and Phone 547 -- VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail! Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. P.O, Box 725 ———- ‘The Board by Month or Week. “Gartiand’ Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Phone Ked 245 were ment will soon be moved. During the month of June ‘building permits to the extent of 812,000 were issued from the of the city engineer. The following is the list: Harry Atkins $5,000; H. R. Love, $1,000; Db Yarelli, 8500; G. H. Munro, #1, 600; J. W. Chadwiek Dunes, $200; \kerberg Thomson, $2,500; Miss Tillet, $500; F. W. Hart, $1,000; H. Leaper, 8800; -A. T. Bailey, #1,000, and Cheng Yeng, $600, \leeady there are indications that there will be some further construction of residences, pecially under the Returned diers’ Housing Scheme. oftice Cp Bol : =e If you have something to sel! andwewant more than it is worth, | dvertise in some other paper, the News cannot sell it. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE rAkI Ottawa, NOTIG that M. RA, Lillico, Ont, Whose address is care win, | B. Hood, Atlin, B C., Will apply for a licence to take and use four eubie feet per second of water out of Spruce Creek, which flows east to west and drains into Pine Creek, about two and one half miles om Lake Atlin The water will Stream at a point Cassidy Group on be diverted from the about 150 ft. below Jas. Nedved’s ground, and will be used for placer mining pur- poses upon the Calder Bench Lease de seribed as Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease No. 387. This notice was posted on on the 27th day of May, 1019, \ copy of this notice and an @ pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” Will be fied in the oMce of the) Water Recorder at Atlin, B,C Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Reeorder or with | the Comptrotier of Water Rights, Parlia ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper M. BR. LILLICO, Applicant, Ottawa, Ont Hood, Atlin, B. C,, Agent first publication of this 1919 the ground plication B the 23, By rhe tice wm dat is of ne June IN THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA, MATTER QI ACT and OF THE McKENZIb INTESTATE NOTICE Honour F. McB of June, A.D Administrator to Mckenzie Logan, Or BRITISH ADMINISTRA N rHE THE TION IN OF DE rHE MATTER WILLIAM CEASED, ESTATE LUGAN, order of His the 9th day appointed TAKE that in Young, made 1919, | was the estate of deceased, and all parties DATED this 1919 26th day of June, The Portable GasolineSaw With a real Clutch LIGHT, STRONG, PAST, BASY TO OPERATE | Cuts Wood in rain or shine 8c a Cord. waa | bo | | ; | | t | | iy ELECTRIC CO. ELECRTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIES Agents for Rege!, Caille and Evinrude Engines Parkin Ward Electric Co, Phone 125 Night Phones, Black 148, Red 403, Red 513 William | having claims against the said estate are hereby required tg furnish same, properly verified, to me, om or before the 23 day or July, A.D. 1919, and all parties in debted to the estate are required to pay) the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith JOHN Li, MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator | DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D. 1919 IN THE SUPREME COURT UF BRITISH COLUMBIA. - | IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. | TION ACT | 4 and } IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF | ANNTI SAIKKONEN, OTHERWISE | KNOWN AS ANDREW LEIVO; DE-| CEASED, INTESTATE } rAkI NOTICE that in order of His) Honour F. McB, Young, made the 9th day} f, June A.D i919, | Was appointed) Administrator to the estate of Annti Satk konen, otherwise known as Andrew Leivo, | deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required | to furnish same, properly verified, to me, | m or before the 23rd day of July, A. D.| 1919, and all parties indebted to the es-| tate are required to pay the amount of | their indebtedness “to me forthwith | JOUN H. MeMULLIN, | OMeial Adminiserator. | DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D. 1019.) } IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH) COLUMBIA } IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. | TION ACT and - IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF} LARS OLSEN THUNE, DECEASED, IN rESTATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon. | Mr. Justice Clement, made the 24th day June A. D. 1919, | Was appointed Ad- | ministrator to the estate of Lars Olsen} rhune deceased, and all parties having | claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or before the 26th day of July, A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith JOHN H. McMULLIN, OMicial Administrator DATED this 26th day of June, 1919. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT — and — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, IQTES TATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon Mr. Justice Clement, made the 24th day of June A. D. 1919, I was appointed Ad ministrator to the estate of Albert Cole, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are fereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 26th day of July, A. D 1919, and all parties indebted t the es tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith JOMUN H. MeMULLIN, OMecial Administrator loans. stoc ow Everyone Can Help HE Government has developed a liberal and broad plan to help soldiers settle on farn It is granting substant) It is securing k, land. farming supervision. That is as It is obtaining advantageous equipment, implements, building materials It is providing agricultural training an rices $s and much as the Government itself can do. It needs But the plan needs more. a con munity spirit of co-operation. Already Provincial Governments, Universities, Farm Associations, and Veterans’ Associations are givitig o assistance Many manufacturers and sellers of farm sup, have agreed to allow the soldier settlers special prices. } successful farmers have -willingly worked on Oualif Committees which have to pass on the applicant who have hadvexps — in lending money on farm pr are serving on Advis: “Tt ds at once a privilege and an chitgilion fo ren der service to those men etter wh have rendered service to garantie than can ever ‘ bestpeid’ help ~Grsin Growers’ frien Guide. . But even such They can tn] at’ seeding ot diy, neieliborty, In this-»way Canada is performing a double duty discharging, suldiers ; count fai as and it vive as is adding to the 's chief industry y Loan Committees, judging practical harvest pos a time, sible, body competent, willing pretucers and re e Full information loans for soldier ichte Set Veme about » willbe sent on ” »the Provincial Superintend nt Be arc, Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C - (W. J. BLACK, Chairman) Union Bank Building Soldier Settlement Board assistance 1S each community farmers ean ‘be of real service to the so! him advice They can lend him an extra horse or plough, give him a d: and extend resnectful spirit which he deserves t f lands land not enough about local conditi to him | It i he debt we owe to ou: of "The distribution soldeer settlers in rural commumntls | i be of material asst | the less expertence | im that they car j getan 14 wsstsh j from (herr neighbor | ry i Parm and Dairy, | loronto g, OTTAW MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jim | Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Fraction! Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—On the west side Granby Bay, near Anyox. TAKE NOTICE that |, H. N. Clague of the city of Dunean, B. C., acting as agen! for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt ing and Power Company, Limited, Fre« Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C, imtend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must he commenced before the issuance of such certificate of Im provements, Dated this Srd day of July, A.D H. N. CLAGUE, B.C. 1 of 1919 5 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of of an application for the issue of 4 fresh certificate of title to Lots 45 and 46, New i, = 5, City of Prince Rupert (Map NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN “that it is my intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a fresh certificate of title w the above mentioned jands in the name of Donald Koss and Robert MacKay, which certificate is dated 2ist day of January, 1915, and is numbered 7115-1. FF, MACLEOD, District Kegistrar of Titles. DATED at the Lan Registry Office, Prince Sapens B. C., this 25th day of June, bee Rees LAND ACT jottee of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen. Charlotte mis Land District, tecording District of Skeens, and situate nm Langara Island, ‘Take notice that Hume B. Babington of rince Rupert, B. C., occupation master mariner, intends to apply for rinission to Iese the following deseri lands :- Commencing at 4 post planted about 8 chains it @ fo.ulwasterly direetion from the 5. W.. corner of Lot 094; thence south aiong high water 500 feet; thence west about 200 feet to low water; thence north westerly about 4 Chains along low water © 4& point due south of the 8. W. corner of Lot 908; thence north about 8 chains to the 8.W. corner of lot 908; thence southeasterly along high water to post and containing five acres, more or tess. . B, BABINGTON. Dated May 7, 1019. IN THE suPname COURT LUMBIA. Between MILES HENDERSON, Pilainti, and PAUL NELSON, Defendant TAKE NOTICE that @ Writ of Summons bearing date the twenty-first of May, 1919, has issued out of this Honourable -Court claiming against the defendant cancella tion Of an Agreement of Sale of Lot Fif teen (15), Block Fifteen (15), Seetion Five (5), (Map 923) in the City of Prinee , in the Province of British Cotum- that all monies paid thereunder ‘the Defendant be forfeited to the Plaintift as liquidated « 8; AND FURTHER TA NOTICE that by Orde? of the Honoura ¢ Mr. Justice Cle ment made herein on the twenty-seventh day of June, 1019, the Defendant should eause an &ppearance Ww be entered herein within thirty (30) days from the date of the last publication of this notice, which said last publication will be on the third day of July, 1919, and that should thx defendant fail to enter an appearance the Piaimtifl shall be at liberty to ny with the action and apply for judgment é at Prince Rupert, B.C., this @7m ay OF BRITISH of Jnne, 1019 W. EB. BURRITT, MINERAL At CERTIFICATE OF NO" TIC bk Bug, Blue Ja 1, John Bul Fraction Minera Naas Mining iron Hull No Lutmmon in the District Where located mites up Falls Creek, Gr TAKE NOTICE that 1, the city of Duncan, ing and Power Miner's Certificate sixty days from the to the Mining Kecorder of improvements, for the taining a Crown Grant of And further take der the issuance provements Dated this 3rd day N No date of such or CLAGL sealed Minister the tenders will be of Lands not la ivth day of July, chase of Licence feet of Spruce and 6)02, Kitimat Hiver, District Two years will be tinmbe: Further particulars of er, Victoria, B.C., or Prince Kupert, B. C. of Sealed tenders will be Minister the 22nd day of July, chase of Licence X 1649, feet of Spruce, Cedar trea situated op Kiidalia Hange 2, Coast District of timber er, Vietoria, Prince Rupert, De ne B. &. or Sealed tenders will be Minister of Lands not la the Sth day of July, chase of Licence feet of Fir timber vortion of Harrison Lake, District. One year be of timber. will er, Victoria, B. C., Vancouver, B.C, or Minister the 10th day chase feet of Spruce and Ceda joining T. 8. X 1208, Range 8, Coast District. of July, of timber. er, Vietorla, B.C., or Prince Rupert, B.C. Sealed tenders will the 10th day of July, chase feet of Spruce of timber er, Vietoria, B.C., or District Registrar. Supreme Court } Prince Rupert, B.C "No ®. C., for the Granby Consolidated Mining Company, hotice section 85, must be commenced before certificate 1919, X 1719, aud Hemiock, on Lots 6001 ange V., TIMBER SALE X 1762. 1919, X 1762, fNoating of Lands not later 1919, of Licence X 1200 and Hemlock John 3, af | Claims, Division of Approximately > N. C anby Ba i acting Limite 32188-C, hereof for a ¢ the abo that ac July, JE, A Be B.C. 1 IMPROVEMENTS ai “ Drum siluate (assia two lague of a5 agent Simelt Pree intend appl) to ertinica te JU TP pose of ob ve claim tion. un or im D. 1919 . 8 TIMBER SALE X 1719. received by the ter than for to cut the Chie District noon on the pur 805,000 Coast allowed for re-moval f Porest Forester, TIMBER SALE X 1649. received by the for to cut and Hemlock, Bay, fv of Lands not later than noon on 1919, the pur 1,412,000 on an ers Inlet Two years will be allowed for re-moval Further particulars of the Chief Forest District Forester, received by the than for two cut in ter noon on the pur 700,000 Northerly New Westminster allowed for District receive than for removal Further particulars of the Chief Porest Forester, TIMBER. SALE x 1209, Sealed tenders will, be ad by the noon on the pur tw cut 960,000 r on an Ellerslie District TIMBER SALE x 16650. . be area ad Channel}, Two years will be allowed for removal Purtner particulars of the Chief Forest Forester, a received by the for eut on District Minister of Lands fot later than neon on 1019, of Licence X 1650, the pur 886,000 an area adjoining Lot 505, Chuck-Walla ‘River, Range 2, Coast District. Two years will be allowed for re-moval Further particulars of the Chief Forest Forester, } Job | ane The Salvation Arm Red Shield Campaign STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY IN HAZELTON And continues all this mont! along all points of the G.T.! The Salvation Army Did Its Bit, Let Us Do Ours. Support the Army behin the Army as well as the Army at Home. First to Serve, Last to Appeal. NOTE—-Prince Rupert cam paign will start in July an all other places on the coast FFE ELL BELLE LOLOL OLA LALAL ALA ALLL LOL LL Le Harry : Hanson The Reliable Piumber Having a year’s lease on Westenhaver'’s store, next Westenhaver’s oflice, will sublet part of this to others, either for offiee purposes or for show or sample rooms. Kent Yeasonable. HARRY HANSON The Reliable Piumber Phone 489. P.O. box 139 Second Avenue. + 305 FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddell Phones BLACK 367 -— GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. look Page 6. Never the forget to Classified list on throug