,.rf;,v, June 2G, 1928 ' if (Ci V4 ."lni Ainuo " r T41 Nothing to Slip Nothing to Bind! THE May Belle Combination Brassiere Top Bloomer is much loved because of its real comfort and competency! Held firmly in place at the waist by the no-elastic bloomer, the brassiere can neither slip nor catch and bind. Smartly cut and beautifully tailored, of soft, lovely lockstitch rayon, in fascinating pasts! had, moderately priced and durable, this dainty undie is indeed a treasure and is typical of all May flelle Lingerie. Let the hUy Belle label inside each garment be your guarantee for assart, desirable lingerie. The adorable May Bells Junior Lingerie ranges from 2 to 14 years. Qntaft fgfcttk, I fssSjfTlIlT Teweflts, CtMfeie. JUuicfew ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE MODE M ay Belle Lingerie THE NEW MAY 1JELLE IIOBETTE BLOOMEU T.uHurd Uyk, in shades oi Sky, Nile, Coral, Peach, Crabapple, with contrast trim. " C't CJA Special t pt-r pair (U K SPECIAL MAY BBLLK BLOOMER . 1) !: 'ilicttf ami ordinary style, beautifully finished with double V i Totch. lu shades of Sky, Nile, Peach, Crabapple, Coral, All .sizes. g-j OS I'. r n.iir Fraser & Payne Universal Trading- Co. Now is ooa ime KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. Films left liefore 12 noon, print! ready 6 p.m. same day rimes Ltd. yfic Pioneer Dmooisls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES tt?,200 f Washes and Dries Without a Wringer HE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to lino in 14 minutes Wasliecl. KIiumI. Rinsed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 City Meat Market ........ . r ...I. uU ..'I I ritiknft i I iiims.i Phone 7C5 MEAT. PHI!. VK(JETAHI.E8 and . .,,,., AM. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN I'KOIIUCIP at low prices, arid Immediatf delivery ObHcrvel All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Advertise in "The Daily News" Local and Personal 4 a Taxi l'hone 4. Illj 4 Taxi. tl Dentist. Dr. J. It. Qh. Phone 680 For a Tail Phone WO. Oscar Hanson, tand, .Central Hate;. ., ... t. tl Mtt&fMuJL ssJL evening I o onjf ig by theBat-lp to VaBou- Mrs. H. Mutrle and daughter soiled last flight by the Prince Rupert lor Vancouver. 9 1; Hyde Transter for Bo Cuttings, double load S3 50 Good value tor your money. Phone 500. tl Miss Dorothy Bdenshaw aaUed last night on the Prinoe Charles for her home In Massett. H. M Blake sailed last night on tht Prince Charles tor Stewart where he r planning on locating. The city council last night decided to sell to Canon W. P. Rushbrook Lot 64, Block 3. Section 7 for 100. George Mc Ale manager of the Big Bay Lumber Co.. sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on a business trip to Vancouver. Passengers sailing this evening on the Catala for Vancouver will include P McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cornish and Mrs. P. Brochu. Imperial OH Co. 'a tanker Mlna Brea is due In port today or tomorrow fronr. Icco with a cargo of fuel oil for the company's local tanks. Father Godfrey. OM.I sailed on th? Princess Kathleen tht morning fo Bkagway enroute to the Atlla district where he win spend tl next few week on ecclesiastical duties. The report of the fire chief to the city council last night for Use month of May showed a total loss from fire of SUO and the cost of the departmen y in wages $1,087.90. J. H. Arnott of the C.NJI. general TuprrUlendent's office here sailed by tiie Prince Charles last night to make the round trip to Anyox, Stewart and Massett Inlet. T. W. Falconer, of Alice Arm. Con strvat.ve for Atlln riding, arrived In he city this morning from Alloa Ann on the Catala. He Is enroute to th' Atlln district with J. C. Brady, MP Mr. and Mr, p. O Dawson, aeeom panled by Mrs. Dawaon'a house atlas Vara Bollinger of North are making the round trip on the Prince Charles to Stewart. Anyox and Massett. guest Dakota Capt. Oaltner. United States Arm? ')Acer from Baltimore. Maryland, ar-ived In the city from the Baat by train and sailed this morning by tne Princess Kathleen for Haines. Alaska, to Join the post at Fort W.Ulam H. Seward. Passengers salting from here for the north on tne Princess Kathleen thl: morning Included Capt. Oaither. tor Haines: H. Williams, for Atlln: Mr. and Mrs R. H. Collins, for Wrangell: Father Oodftwjr and Mam A. J. Williams, for Skagway, and Mrs. Lome, for Ketchi- Oonslderable Interest la being taken in the caee at the Supreme Ccurt As- diss In which Ham- Smith of Massett Is charged with the murder of ht ather. All the pub'le section of the courtroom was taken up and a f persons were standing when the raw opened this morning. Many of then' were women. On and after July 9. 1999. Borden Street, will be closed tor construction of mscsdam road from Taylor Street to Bigger Place. All Interacted kindly ke provisions for approximately alx weeks supplies. H. A. McLBAN. 1S1 City Baglneer . 4 e. 4 4' ANNOUKCBMBNTS Moose Picnic. June 94. Pioneer' Picnic. July 8. She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mrs. A. Ttiohl, Borstall, Bask., writes i "I was troubled with very severe headaches, and sometimes I could net do mv work. "One day a frlei.d told me about sml ailvistd ms to give It a trial. I decided to iiu so, ami after taking a few bottles I found it had done me a world of good, and I haven't had any headaches jfor a long tiais now.", Man ufae tared only by Tie X. Hilbura Qo, f-'mititd. Toronto. pr TE DAILY NEWS PA OK THRF.K W. J. Oner reursflj the city this morning on the Oati'ftrirora Anyox. Mrs. Algy Hunter arrived In town this morning from Stewart on the Catala. R. L. Mcintosh went out on today's train returning to hie summer home it Kalum. Clarence Thomaon will sail by the Oataia this evening, ' for Vancouver on a lollday trip, Moonlight excursion to Chatham Sound, July 6. 88. Princess Royal selling at B pjn. 183 Mrs. II. Rochford was a through passenger on the Oataia this morning roml J tew art to Vancouver. Mrs. H. 8. Parker of the "Exclusive" ieady-to-wea- will leave for the south st the end of the week on a buying trip. Mr. and Mra. R. F. McNaughton sailed aat night on the Prince Charles to .nake the round trip to Anyox. Stewart ind Massett Inlet paints. Roaa Petrle. travelling auditor for the Premier Ocld Mining Co. was aboard the Catala this morning on his way outh after a visit to the mine. L. W. Pa Una re has been appointed gent for Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister if lands and Liberal candidate for this liatrlct for the Provincial Legislature. Paddy Dolan srrlvwd In the city on last nlght'a train bom the east to rejoin tne mechanical staff of the Dally Sews of which he was for.r -ly a Moonlight excursion tickets can b-1 bad from the CP.B. office or any m m-ser of the Has' Lodge. Thjeae to be exchanged for reguW 86. tickets. Fare, 1.SS. '.SI A rock slide in tne mountains this iide of Jasper Park was the cause of he delay of yesterday afternapn'a regu-ar train from the Bast which finally irrtved about 9 o'ekaek last evening. Wat. Smith of the Detroit Western Ulnlng Co. of Vancouver which la lucres ted in Khutnt Inlet, returned to Vancouver on the Oataia this after-icon after spending a few days in the iistrtct on bust Mra. A. B. ChambtrUn was among the ssssngers arriving In town this morning by the Princess Kathleen and was net here by Mra. Jamas Brown of Port Gaslngton, with whom Mra. Chamberlin vlll apend the summer on the Kcrtall. M. McDonald, netce of Mm. Wo. Millar, of Sixth Avenue Bast, arrived in the city thu morning by the Princess Xatiileen. Mlas McDonald came to B.C. llrect from New Zealand on the orangl. where she made an extended lait since leaving her home In South frlca some elgh; en months ago. Mlas McDonald will enjoy a visit to Prince lupert for an Indefinite period. PRAIRIERAIN HELPS CROPS rVHKAT Hfc.tlllMi Ol'T AT (INK OK TWO I'OINTfi AM) ALL I'OMl.NU O.X WELL WINNIPEG. June 94. Despite heavy xnd almost continuous aain over the vbole of western Canada during the past week condttione continue to re-.naln highly promising, aecordlng to the eighth weekly crop repot t of the Janadian National Railways, Issued to-Jay. Bxcept for a small area of low ly- .ug ground immediately east of Win-alpsg where farms have) bean badly ilooded. in some cssss to a depth of :wo feet, no point reporta any damage whatever from the heavy downfiour, on .be contrary, optimism still remains nigh and as wheat has now reached .ufflcient height to shade the ground i. id prevent excessive evaporation of .nolsture In the event of a hot spell, It s generally considered that the rainy period hau vraatically aaaured one of :he biggest" crops In the history of the srest. Ail that is required now kt .avorabls growing conditions as there Is plenty of moisture in she ground to .sat from three to five weeks. Wheat has reached the shot blade tage In most sections of the country. A few point in central Saakatchewan and northern Alberts retort wheat be ginning to head out As at the moment 3t writing, clear sunny weather, with light cool brecse prevslle over the whole of the weat. wheat should reach the shot blade stage everywhere within the next few dsys. In the vicinity of Prince Albert, oat end barley are reported to be 13 inches high and In good i-nrtluon. Som trouble from wild oats Is re-lo'ted about Langham, Saek., and It n:s been necessary to 9fOW In a few :: id-i of wiieat Pig weed was causing i 1irilrulty around KamtUck.' Bsek., but ju la thougnf the rslrik ft help ovsr I 'unif of this trouble. ' These are the inly two points repotting 'w$ed trouble. NOTICE. Edwin L. Clapp announce that he Iisn acquired tlx- Inteatst of C. J Steven in the Beaver bottling Works and that alter thin data, will be res-pon-ihii for only Mich business as he ') inu'ted personally on behalf of the .ml He.iVTr BottUnn Works. t i -il' Edwin L. Clapp. 1S1 'I (-' ., U III IIMI f I .1 " I - ' . I IH l I III III' Watch lo FINE STEAMER I'KINCKHH KATIII.KEN 1 1 K It i: THIS JKIIIMM) liKLIKVINd ON AUVSK.V lll'N KMC I'ltl.NCLHS LOl HE The palatial new Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Kathleen, Capt. Arthur later, making a special trip north hi place of the Princess Louise, which is In dry dock at Victoria following a recent accident, called at Prince Rupert tor the first time this morning. With a large group of tourist passengers, the vessel arrived from Vancouver at 10:16 and silled an aour later for Skagway. She Is due back on Saturday afternoon aouthtnund. Usually operated In the Triangle run between Vancouver, Victoria and tie. the Princess Kathleen and her ter ship. Princess Marguerite, arc the largest and finest passenger shlpn now operating in the Brltlah Columbia eoast service. The vessel is of 8675 gross tonnage, a quarter as big again as the Princess Louise, next largest vessel on the coast, and has leaping and dining saloon accommodation -for 336 flrat- otass passengers, with a day capacity of 1600. She la the laat word on this eoast in elaborate fittings and The Princess Kathleen turned In a new record In making the trip from Vancouver to Prinoe Rupert, making the run of nearly 800 miles in exactly j twenty-four hours at an average spsed if twenty knots per hour. The nearest approach to this was made scene years ago when the steamer Prince Rupert did the trip In a Mttle over 94 hours. FIREWORKS EXPLODED RESULT OF CIGARETTE THOMPSON VILLK. Conn., June 36 One man and three boys were Instantly killed when a small fireworks factory sxplrded from a cigarette thrown by somebdy outside. HUGE SUM IS PAID ALICE IN WONDERLAND PHILADELPHIA. June 96 The orig inal manuscript of Alice In Wonderland recently purchased by a dealer for 477.000 waa sold to an unnamed collect or for 6160,000. j Market Prices LAUD Pure 9Sc Compound 30c toils B.C. Freeh pullets S6r B.C. Fresh first 40c BC Fresh extras ec Local new laid loc 1111 Smoked kippers, lb lie Kippered salmon, lb 3So Smoked black cod. lb 80c Finnan baddies, lb 34c MEATS No. 1, lb 90c and 40c Roasting ohiukeu. lb 4M Broilers".... c , I Item, siloed, first grade '900 Ham, whole, first grade 96c ( Ham. picnic, lb 99tfcc Cottage rolls, lb .. 99J, Bacon, back, sliced NM, Bacon, side 4Sc to 66c Pee, arjr ssit 35c j Ayrshire bacon, lb SSc Veal, shoulder 36c Veal loin 40o Vesl. leg , Pork, shoulder 38c1 Pork, loin 409' aV!l Iodk 4L. Treasure morrow Paper For IIEALTHF0U.0WS CNIRvMKTICC99CTS mSSUHONSPMAl stsvts IN WSWHJ Of THCFetlOWIMOKJKl WtntAW lilPWKM JCtTtMACH vLvJ Ksawm fTZ sowrjj r WVAWist 'fXsiAoeM Ceiail bkusu imtl t ItciNADIANl Vacific Ultt New and Gay Anna ftae Frinta. Fast Colors. 3G inches wide, per yard o(0 9 '"'Off Y:j . l If! . Night s ometninfir eren Quaint Patterns, Delightful Colors in dainty voiles. 36 inches wide Wif Printed Silks and Georgettes in dresslentrths to form a charming frock at a reasonable price. 40 inches wide, yard .. $!!.1r Celanese in neat stripes and plaids. Correct for sport wear. 38 inches wide, yd. $l.i0 3rd Avenue Lovely floral Rayons in dainty p a's t e I shades. 86 inches wide, per yard $1.00 Nobby Federal llli.ck Phone Green 241 or HUtck 28S W. C. ASPIAL CHIKOPItACTOK G and 7 lixchaiujie llluck, Prince Ilupert, I1.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krttiilkait. IVraugrll ami Mkagway-lane II. IS, IS, 32. 33, 30. To Vanemner. Victoria and Mettle June 9. 18, 30, 3U. 31. 30. BUJS. I'ltlNCKM! ItOYAL lor llulrttale. btH llelte Delia, tx-euii rall. Naniu. Alert Hay. Canmltell UUer Slid Vanrouver every t'rhkt). Ill U.U). Agency for all rltraiiwliln tjnes. Full Infwrnwlloii front W. C. OIICIIAKI1. OeHeral Ageat. turner of 4lh Ntrett end 3rd Avenue, rrliu-e Ituprrt, ILC. Plwoe 31 I CURE' DKKKCTlVi: VISION, DEFECTIVE IIBAIt- IN0, CATAUIUI and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wullace HlocL Phone UU Open Evenings