Friday, July 4, 1919 TUE DAILY NEWB. Page 5 | y eo i | | TWTES | iH Al WEIRD LOVE STORY THE DAILY NEWS Ce : e - HELO! AT EMPRESS THEATRE Classified : Advertsing fenesne a PARALYSIS Dick Hudson, a wealthy young p WANTED, scenic clubman, receives from a friend | x $100 CASH or ore f worth it ; in China a pair of magie pajamas paid for 25 more, wot 7 Every tenth package of Tea displayed - our P “Pritt. a- tives” Quickly They change the personality of | must be in good condition. Ap-| window contains a fountain pen ; : anyone who puts them on. When 7 : : | ply. box 277 Daily News Office. fn » i all . Relieved This Chronic Trouble [Pick dons them he becomes «| | ne PICK THEM OUT | aie si 7 1G shinaman. A boy friend who | WANTED TO RENT, ‘Small house a yori ral ge nae ace | wears them takes on the appear. | | of four or five rooms. Apply j Py opinic . scdlic ~ . b 4 ! is $0 saintiee oa Senalhtaian een lance of a beautiful young girl, | Daily News Office, box 275. tf Regular Price, 60c per pound Indigestion as ‘PF ruita-rtives’. ¥ lina ace oe | IW ANTED Young woman as We guarantee this tea to be Our Own Special Blend Tea , ee ee ee ee lwhit ae ie couied nrg a house-maid. Apply to matron at usual price of 60¢ per lb., and we know that you will be . e in his ene ’ a, € ; ; ; : ; : a for five years, and my | makes Jove to hers ae hada ' PP. KR. Gen. Hospital. uf surprised at its quality. Our customers using it regularly iry oecupation, Music, brought — : 7 7S far j srs for whic re 't The ’ . A Of Fatewine! Porat, \8t first, but finally @ecides thet BERRY PICKERS WANTED—Ap- prefer it to others for which we get 75e per Ib. nasty ITeadaches, belching gas, she could forgive a Hat vard man | ply “The Ark,” corner McBride SATISFACTION GI ARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ;’ : after eating 1 pain in |#! most anything Dick has been | | and Third Avenue. tf the bast misled about her name He asks |-——— — - — jo a ee ly nduced to try ‘Fruit-a-tives’ the wrong father for her hand |), inate, ¢ tects acahesien ths teoeeiie WANTED—Caretaker for Rocher - and t six months I fave been |i marriage, and is accepted amt . | de Boule Mine. Apply Patmore i = against this possibility, and the ® Fult tf ‘ A _ROSI NBuRG, |for the wrong girl. These and) int, duction of such an amend.| _ we . 6 for $2.50, tria! size 25¢ other complications, all the re- |p, nt Dy me was calculated te | FOR SALE Two Stores. Phones 44, 45 and 534 oS OF wont 1 aid by (sult of those haunted pajamas,|make the by-law automaticall; |--——— ein ag . Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, make up a fascinating story fair to all licensees irrespective |FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma- — ™ * ™iwhich ends to everybody ® satis- f Ass j : +) affnc ; tree le ‘ dre e! BRE I a a ction e ‘en _ » : Myr an i deal in in an Gittins a 3) : ' le 1 efliciency of the by-law orig close im, , — TLL LLL It is showing tonight at the jinally proposed | Also Sunbeam Oak heater neat HAVANT ENUEADON NPR UNUU EAL EASAUAE! EEC) LH LH tant til} ‘EYNNUUTNNLEE! PALA i proj Empress | do not wish any impression| !y new. Cheap. Apply boy 276 to exist that I am not on the best] Daily News Office s ul ttt et + et = tt + o * m + » = * * = = . * = ; : = “ = rms wit ec ss rs = = 5 Screened 2 { oe oie aaa ae : a FOR SALE—Furnished house and = = * » ° In the Letter Box oe lot 18, block 42, Section Five. |= = * Sacked * / i promise them the strongest pos = = + tte eee | Price $1,200. $100 cash, bal-| = Delivered z sible support in any effort they| ance term Apply on premises | = = Editor, Daily News ' ake : ans oo ; ' = = * . ; 3 may make for the suppression of| ‘ fae 97t ‘ lawe |= ’ . = t 13 00 x in fairness to the Police Com- professional gambling which is a | ae Ree ae a ae = DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! = ql : —_- * * | missioners I would like to correct terrible vice in our midst at the at “= = * » . — faci =S ° ~ & statement appearing in the! present time. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT on build- = One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your = : *\press of yesterday's issue rela- My position is that people| ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru-)= Efficienc r= r ton * _ PP! = = : es 2m! : tive to the stand | took in the/should be allowed to enjoy a game| pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W.) a = t ——— {matter of licenses and gambling|of poker or any other card-game| Nickerson, Secretary. tii = = - % |at Monday's council meeting. Tie Iwith the fullest moh lee — = = $ Terminal Coal Co. 5 press makes it appear that I/anywhere, but the elimination of |FOR SALE—Gramophone cabinet |= = * * would not trust the Police Com-|professional card sharping (by| %!2@, With forty-six records.| aS i= * Office Phone, Piack 86 * ‘ | Ano) a — Dow — . = x Yard Phone, Biack 618 a missioners. This is erroneous, sharks who travel the country to} Alle y rince uper 0 ta = r= for I never said I would not trust bleed susceptible embers {| ey. oS OFFICE HOURS: = 7 >» i pti memp 0 ‘ = (IIIT ROTOR TOTO IO It . Thaee wintlenten ose ha “ ; : , ' them. : _ — - : - 2 eee 8) from otherwise in-|poR gs AL E—Gerhard Heintzman|ss Morning, § to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to §.30, Saturdays, § to 12 only; = persona riends ane velleve teresting games is necessary to} Piano. Splendid conditicn. Ap-|= ; . = : their principles and integrity to|the maintenance of the moral and| sty thee > teetian Oh Gaetan Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 We are offering for sale our be beyond reproach. }social standards we desire in this | Stre ret. tf = : It is possible the press repre- |eity. | --—-—-——— --—---— —-—|= Dental Nurse in attendance. = New Bun alow sentatives at the meeting did not Yours respectfully, iL OR SALE 7-room house and = Phone 109 for appointment == closely follow my remarks, and I CHARLES ©. PERRY. lot, section 5, price $1,200 = = ; — beg the liberty of correcting what} ——— — ———__ ; cash Apply on premises 215] S35 = \ nice complete little house , eS a M trlan : ; ate edad en tt inay be a false impression. Clause rhree more car loads of lumber | 7th Ave. est ee HAE ELULAUDERDED SY HG RGDARE HUE SG EL EEDA ETAT PEELE : . ’ of the proposed new by-law/for the city have arrived from up| : ' eotle as tettawe Dae. giver end ese waiting. 40-1 FOR SALE—Household furniture, —— : ; , * a , ”" "| carpets, linoleums 1 stoves. F. W. HART In case it shall appear to thejunloaded. The work of replank —_ ee oe oy ¥ E nguire at Ric *hmond Rooms ( SULISTACLION O11 Lilie hnenibers oOo 1Z ie streets is goime aheat . — a - eee 0. o 601 9th Avenue West lisfact ul menil fling tl t t head | the Board of Police Commisgion-|very rapidly and the roadways|FOR SALE—-New Home Portable § ers, after due inquiry (which in-|which were formerly death traps Electric Sewing Machine. Never : enenesitl a leiaieiideaiiinntd uiry the Board is hereby au-\|have now become srfectly safe 1ee se $35.00. 1one 262: on Oty uated to make) Shat any brosc! ae Sastahgem—iatesienth, ooltenc antic eee ta a PHONES 130 ang 423. P. 0. BOX 1632 ; wm Au “ i . é i ‘ reach oo ¥ : ? as of this by-law has been commit- NOTICE |} FURNITURE FOR ais — Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. C. ; SMITH & MALLETT ed, it shall be lawful for the said IN THE MATTER of an application for} 222 Fifth Avenue est. DO FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY : board to report to Gouncil, and | he issue of @ fresh Certificate of Title for MISCELLANEOUS > Lot nineteen 19 Block twenty-three | | tne Gounet shall thereupon navel, ace at fy SP PRG SPRUCE FIR CEDAR $ P ' et. vy (pert, (Map 923 : TE & REDS ; Ee. ae aaate the power after considering ee NOTICE is hereby given that it is my Mc = WAN on eae i. ay a a Consult Us. ‘ eport ‘ evok ‘ense Oo intention to issue after the expiration of nadian Motor yeies ant y- 5 ‘ : “ : ’ ; the ae ome me nih from the rst publication vel G n > key sut b . ; Es lates furnished any licensee so reported agaimst, |nereof, a fresh Certificate of Title to the Cycres ae your Keys cu y 2 wane . r o Trades | above mentioned land im the name of ur new key ac » No s~ ‘ is «pe authority ,. 2 rade © | stan ‘Skjiiium, tan” attenen eens our new key machine ‘ mi ; Address, Srd Avenue, head License Amending Bylaw No. | issued 6th December, 1912, and is num | fits. Gramaphones and Sewing { of Second Street. 26 Poe H. F. MACLEOD, | machine Sages. SoS Serene Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 . a . n ~ - District Registrar of Titles Avenue. Phone 489. tf ich ie peak ccenciliesinesiaiilinica ied Sia , Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 My amendment to th above | rang Registry OMce | Avenue. Paone 6 cicada as Prince Kupert, B. ¢ ' : a . c . : ne * . lt the record f the 19th June, 1919 $2 CHE NORTON The place for @ For Comfort, Courtesy and Ser vice . OP LOL! ODLOLLLOE POLL LG case . s of ‘ Ara Loe police court show that subse- WATER NOTICE | et ee go to uently to the issuance of a DIVERSION AND USE treatment, 210 Fourth Street. — “se | Open 10 a. m. or by appoint- T SAI E license any breach of this by-laW| TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Olsen, whose mest Siete 200 tf wai i has been committed, the Board of lor a Mennee oe ake om us 10 setous | : — yee ee F. T. BOWNESS, Manager | Seven-roome rolice ssi ers t ‘e ° feet of water out of Tumble Greek, aiso |. 2 1. AN ST r 3 : . ‘ } med house with Police Commissioners shall report heown af Goal Gresk. quien Been west- | 480 READING AND PALMISTRY Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. bath and finished basement to Gouncil and the Council there- | erty and drains ito the Aitsault River, Daily 2 till 5 p.m. Parties at- Newly painted. 8th Ave., W upon shall have the power after /#boul tt gt By mney: 48 ‘RRRE Of tended. 1057 7th Avenue, E vast, | onsidering such report to revoke The water will be diverted from the} Opposite Conrad Street. tf Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water . ; stream at a point about 20 chains easterly he | f any-licensee so re f t : Lot 3106, Cassiar Di the wense of ¢ sensee ¢ ‘=I from S.E. corner Lo 6, Cassiar s —_____- —__—_-_- ; » ° ric 4 ll be used f mining purpose . : i. hasy T rms ported against, ete., ete. Upon the grime Geseribed as the North er We put pep into our printing My reason fen the above amend-| Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar District.| siness al The News Pr int Shop DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND tw upported by the a This notices : was Post d on tk ground) “1 are men Was supp ? ? S—ion the 20th day o une v i 523 Third Ave um f a ease wherein the! A copy of this notice and an application ; sumption of a ease : pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act 4 possibility was shown of On@] 1914," will be fied in the office of the | MISS M. A. WAY Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. | ‘ i commissioner being in favor of] "})), as “ie. toe application may be | TSACHER OF MUSIC | 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 : » ie i ate ecorder or Wit ‘ cancelling a license, the second one Sees ee te — < Sa Goncah Guten | A GOOD PLAC E TO EAT. against it and the mayor stand. = ae aan EE.) Taking with ctudents thes llabus of the Home Cooking. Open Day and/Night. WwW i e ing neutral, in which event the this notice in a local newspaper. — Toronto Conserv.totre of Music, from ' DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c. Dessert at every meal. » oposed by-law would we at ne The date of “ie ret ahaa 7 this eentpesdbitiantinnaaes Phone Biue 12 | Short orders at any time. THIRD AVENUE effect and discrimination may be' notice is June 26, 1919 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ————EEe == ‘ae Gene Byrnes Says:— ‘Here’ s the Music—Write Your Den WwW nda | Cigars and Tobaccos QO er ere ee ree ere eer | DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: © a.m. to 12; 1:80 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST OMce: Smith Blook, Third Avenue. Phone 464. Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. - FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Carte. St. James Hotel (LATE “QUEENS") FIRST CLASS ROOMS— Hot and Gold Water. — — a | Poaeeenes