THE DAIY NEWS PAGE TWO TOPSY AND EVA NEGRO COMEDY 1 iLe foods you tat to live I Wle Tom's I'nbln nrniiRht I -to-ll:itp In .Mid-Week Piiture 1 Infinite pains hours of study and thought to every small particular- the most carefully trained tea organization In the world, buying the best tens, blending most skilfulSy packing the best way. So Is "SALADA'S" delicious flavour guarded. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES My i :ui was often the tray of a theatrical trunk. So how could you expect me to grow up Into anything Ijui trouper? "Whon my slater Josephine and 1 v:e rubles and our father and mother avert an enuaitement. thej couldn't 1 Well leave us at the hotel alone. Therefore we went alone to the dreas-ftsg Dm and were left among the Bsektlds, Vealan. Handkerchiefs and ex-Ira bate. I eras too young to notice atosely, hut t don't remember howllm; say protest at the housing plan. 1 alept in worse places since "But when I grew older I might c.-.s:i hare developed into a proir-slonai inv -ball player Charley horse. World Si:.' money and the rest of it. "X played on a gcod many sc.. il teams In my youth all the way fr.:-i North Mrookfield. Mass.. to Orange. NJ., but my eligibility was never under cloud on that account. My sht!t In a Hag Is ace were not due to proaclyi -1 lng. I simply had to follow the family 1 hnoklnn "I might : i -1 1 li.m- ilrt eleil Into i n City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 ror lesser period, paiu in advance, er momn ou Ily mail to all parts of Northern and Central Britixh Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $:'..00 Or four months for $1.00: By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00: By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 ! Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch . $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 1 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION WHAT I MIGHT HAVE BEEN As Told to Harold C. Hurr By GEORGE M. COHAN "I was more or lei crary about the VJ'L'ilL game and when I took to the tsRc my- Jugt tne ,flm, wr ,,t lot of aelf I wstered that love to kwp It ,,, cut ot u and lt vtu. a wholc lof green. My compan'e nlway boa-u-d of ,han notH i0bby-g-lr.g. a baseball team - of which we didn't ul- ways boast. I was the pitcher and we 1 ... ,u ke my but i 0Ught played afternoons wherever we hup- to MVtM gamet ln vhlttK pened to be and didn't have a matinee. and ,-.,. .... got BO , do.t dare to speak to '.he fan sitting next to "Fifteen years ago. before everybody meI'm sfrald he'll have a ball club became a golfer, there wn r- ai! up ln nU ,.,, hp. wan. w Mll me and down Broadway among chorus men that If you wanu.l. t., work for OeorOT vonan you naq u oe mile u; Pj.i thp RfDeU, mllM UaSVIiajl. m,kif iad ll..cfv Hnmr ljmtnc ?ri the the ine A in fllirHii on le unua- ml for that type 01 pictuf. tP" nd Eva" Is a black and white study ' laughter. potseslng tnet coionui hnnriful of characters wnlcn Mamel iBeechrr Stow drew In "Oncle TonV Cabin" but sendng Uioae characters jthrcugh adventures thai have never 'been imprisoned In the covers of a ibook. j In the film little "Bvs" doesn't go to heaven for medical science baa advanced since 1852. "Blmon Legree" dorian t always have the beat of thing. even If 'ths law Is on hla tide." "Topsy" nee. over snow, not cake of tee, and 1 WLEK AT TIIKATKK. Monday "The Law of the Range." Comedy "Our Oang" Paramount News. Tuesday. "Nevada." Comedy: "Short Sock." Paramount New. WmlneMtay The Duncan Sisters In and Eva" Comedy: "Oh. what a man! Pathe Review. Topsy ITNtsy and Saturday. "The Olri from Chicago." Comedy "Chicken Peethers." Metro Ooldwyn Mews. iber fiery steed has snowsboes to boot. - - Strange hands leap from mouldy Monday, April 16. 1928 I Zl- "J . "Tonav's" ankles and "OnJtle Tom li a lovable fellow, who lets .he Utttlt ones play "plgty-back" with him in tbt parlor. I The old south, "befq' de wa'." U strangely covered with anow In some scenes, while ln others lt la a land of great wooden bouses fronted by massive, white, southern colonial pillar I and spacious porticos. Lake Taboe Cal . Wilmington, Cal., San Pedro, Oil. and Hcllywocd. Cal.. are the origins places to which the Duncans repaired for filming of their Initial screen ven jture. They managed to find anow capped mountains. pre-Clvtl War cabin and a southern colonial mansion, al' ( within fifty miles of Hollywood. In , tenors were filmed at the United Arums Studio. MELODRAMA IS HERE FOR WEEKEND SHOWING "The Qlrl from Chicago." here to the week-end showing is a hrlUtan of the underworld basec on the story of Arthur Ssmera Roche It recount the hair-raising adventure of a Southern girl, who leaves net father on the old plantation to com to the city for the purpose of freetag brother from the sang who machinations have placed him ln the shadow of the chair. "The Qlrl front Chicago." Is one of the authentic melodramas, which have power to held the imaginations and tnriU trie spine of beholders. But there 1 glamour too, and humor and warm humanity. ZANE GREY NOVEL "NEVADA" IS FILMED ItftHre to Itr llnmn liere Tomorrow Night orlr4" t'renller Mty A sviDDlns story of the western frontier, written by a deseendent el watt frontiersmen that's "Nevada" Cane If I make an innocent remark that;arev., l4teit whlcn Yiaen ploturlz good "money ed , atlrrln( fMhlon by Paramount here tomorrow night oonciUKinr. tnat I want to duv .n th. "And that wa, the first question. ..ire the ' mm' flallrhlw, and the nt day ,nrth hm . Dt ,k. VZT k ,1 "k ,U", Ti!'"Mn,-,.,BUthI P" c,,rry th ,tory ,-w "Iw,dy boen! Ore, .Undard and also contain. - - " k"'""" soia uie nut sox. biuc niras ana ryg could nil just could he Hold a bat miM and wear a glove Und-r tl.u llve-and- ilJlteen 'has ,Ventually. taken full advantage let-live system I as mnnaiter, found my- . . I L. . wfL. of red-blooded - - western ,,. . Pollowers Tni !1 ., ',, ' ' ST "Bl" ,1W"y' MW l 80 ',r!creen storle,. which Include, ninety- t i Z WP beeM Wt to UURh 11 n ' h0P"nin, per cent of all plcturegoer. will -, , acre ve.. versatile la, ,-,e diamond. mT luck hold. You've got to be a to know t 0ary Cooper. we ii-. V ' !i: ik up in every around." tutu- our t.v.w.-: : trail rossed. No- on? uld iie p:?krd us up ft r pr3b.iU Next Harold Lloyd b!r I cm i - ! lit!- - peakli.i! fot my- Copyright by Public Ledger wl buyer "Fi 'd S ;i: iial a t.-o. and There's so Soft food makes soft children Baked crisp and brown to compel chewing and insure digestion, Eat it with whole milK. MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS ' manv novel twists snd dramatic situ If it keen UD I'll own the whole , ,,,iv. mt t.v,n In the baseball market raJlgy jyng ,Ur pUy, tbc hero role, much Imitation ivory lg th alng horseman, under : contract to Paramount, who has been ! gaining tremendous popularity In the 'last tew months. Opposite 1 him in the play la Thelma J No western feature was ever made Monday, a add YIAST at the Metro-Ooldwyn-Heyer studios ft which had so many thrills as "The Law of the Range" here tonight. Mc-1 Coy and Rex Lease, who plsys the part of the "BolltalM Kid" risked their Uvea! WiosataCJftyF',, mi I r jcr DieaLihful living! EVER have "that tired feeling? Heavy? Listless? Food uninteresting? Not getting any enjoyment and very little real nourishment from your meals?" Our hurrying habits of living make It difficult now-a-days to get full benefit from food. We eat soft, fibcrlcss food where palate-tickltngflavors replace the stimulating nutritive stuff of nature. Chronic constipation with its dismal companions, indigestion, skin disorders, and rundown condition is almost inevitably the result. Often it is the cause of "that tired feeling". One single food added to your normal diet helps to correct this condition. Fleischmann's Yeast is a healthful, vegetable food in concentrated form, millions of the tiny yeast plants being contained in each dainty cake. Yeasc stimulates the digestive processes, and aids your system to get the elements of real value in other foods. It conditions and cleans the in- "Fsr yean I had been troeUed with tick heaJ-aches far waica conttipadoa was ondobatu rapnaattir. Wksn I ant heard o Heiscbsaaao'i Yeast I aisMs't fceUcre thaw k would really M p sat. a wfcea I Icarnesl kow it had btacnted seviral paapk I lasew, I cast to the conclasi n that there was hope (or sk. I begao drinking it ia hoc water before csck saesl and ootioed that I Mt better. Ahtr tern aaoarhs I was rid of coa- tdpatioB. My headache had bteoaae less rrsapjcat sad it is a long time oow since I nave had one." Bra Bwae-Mmrf , VioacMei, t. Q. Man in the Moon " " aSBtaaaxss - countless times during the fllmrtig ol Br"' i ' the various sequences. Director William A OOLLKW prolessor is said to be a High and hla oameraatan, Clyde de person who talks while others sleep. Vinna, took their lives In their hsnds ee they followed the actors, under the what does your son expect to do hooves of sumpedtng cattle, up and tor a living? inquired a friend of the down pmelptoee. and at the last Into graduate of one c: the universities. te midst of a biasing prairie fire Kea no good tot busily. ..nd he ha las which covered 8.600 acre of ground to work, so I suppose he. tve to try , l . . ... Anil whlrh aiirtljm ohancre of wltwl . M, - lumuhu in iml..niu iTodd. blonde heroine oi exceptional - - -K . - iwerw ln lmo,t nJr ctlon. beauty who 1. looked upon as one or1B,ht , In McCoy AST 1 all right but not when ithe most promising young Actresses bnj one spectacular scene. sp. (the screen. The menace of the story, ieatw hi horse. "Sage." over a racing plied to the trlgli; Is of people under 'Is supplied largely by that admirable Une of stampeding cattle four deep. In U-.lrty. i villain. William Powell. The comedy w am mejs ; element reals In the handa of Ernie 8. sequences ever filmed. In another shot. 1 Adama. ' the actor stages a backward summer-, i The story transpires in the South- ealt from a second story window to the , 'west cattle country at the time when ock of a horse thst Is reminiscent or .the cltlxeiu'y was solidly rising up to tH excels the famous stunt, of Doug- Isnit an end to the reign at terror , " w r lpread by two-gun men and cattle luatlera. It la replete with fast riding, quick gttn play, moments of dramatic euapenae and broad humor. A splendid love story winds through the action. THRILLS GALORE IN "LAW OF THE RANGE" McCoy and the Solitaire Kll IK Some (I rent Kliinln In Picture. HIS picture may be homely And ugly rumors rife But If his Income handsome Is She'll hook to him for life. TO settle a contest, I want to know LoVs and romance receive a far which Is the windiest part of the higher place in the, "Laa- ol tfc Range" oountry, the prsirsss where taey' ha than la usual in prodectlons of a west- bllacards, ths coast towns where they ern type. Joan Crawford has the lead- orate on things that aint, or the city lng feminine role and her love scenes of Ottawa where Parliament meet wltri McCoy are staged with a fervor and spirit. ki kp A iii: i: Constable How did you come by that pot of honey? Tramp Well, I admit I ddnt keep nn bees, but wot's to atop a Moko squeerln' It out of the flowers 'Isnclf? The Beekeeper. STOWS will be at dlacount soon and the price of white pants will advance. HE took bim U the tetuiis court Twa a the hill above And th-Uiil) he went there often all He p!.tj d up there wua love. Advertise ln the Dally News. It pays) testioal tract, promotes regular elimination, helping to clear up cemttipation, and keeps the intestinal muscles functioning in the regular maimer that means glowing vigorous health. Give it a fair trial say ninety days. Remember you expect it to condition the intestinal muscles, the muscles of the arm cannot be conditioned with only a few clays' exercise. Start eating three cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast every day, before or between meals, an' you will notice how much better you feel, how clear your complexion has become, how much greater your enjoyment of life. Tell your grocer to add your name to his lisr for regular delivery; three cakes for each member of your family. A very interesting booklet on "Regaining Health" will be sent to you, gladly. Write u The Fleinchmann Co., Dept. 169 G., 1 135 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. "I have btea do tag nfttt work far the paw five yean. During this tine sty intern hectSM ma down, aeohabr? irea the Deed of exercise. I lost all appetite for rood. "I was advised to take Fletschmsaa'i Yeast. After eating three csket a day for aeariy a month, I found my condition had certainly istproved. Now I wouki not pax a dsy wirhoot it. I appreciate what Fkischnann't Yeast hst done to Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert AI'HIl, III, lIH A deputation from the Trades A j Labor Council consisting of W. 1. Thompson. St. T. J. Rose and W. Hammond last night explained to the clt) council that the wage scale at the local dry dock waa lower than that prevailing in Vancouver shipyard. Sir Robert Borden, Premier of Canada, had stated thst wages here were higher. i O. L. Thompson, who has returned to the rlty from Haselton. reports that 'some very high grade ore has been en countered on the SWcher ds Boule mine. About ninety men are employed Ion the property end It Is expected that 'large quantities of ore wUl be shipped 'this summer. Dr. JrT Cnde. medical health of fleer, rlpoed at last nlght'a council meeting that there had been St birth-and 11 deaths her during the first three months of the year. There were twelve caaea of Infectious diseases during the same period. Tin: iiih:hi;n(t. Oountry Nleos lla a teddermlst any thing to do with a taxlcab? Town Uncle Br--no. A tnxlOsrmli.1 skins only the lower animals - mp" sse regain ny neaim and vigor, and so with to recom- i it lor anyone m ran down condittoo or with indigo tiua. WituaM Mauav, Muasl, P. Q, FLEIS CHMANN' S YMTkiMfrlkM man rc DRY : BIRCH JACKPINB AM) CEDAB Single load SVi' Double Load So " Larpre Sack "i COAL .'KICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Km $V Pembina Washed Nuts Sll 1 Alberta Sootlesn Ejtk SI ""1 Alberta Lump $l::.0 Alio all other cIiimhpm ol HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Seccnd Avenue s Dr. Alexander Smith niock Phone 75 DENTIST aMiUWI'"