:nday, April 1C, 1928 Notking to Slip Nothing to Bind! THE May Belle Combination Brassiere Top Bloomer hp much loved became of its realF ; comfort and competency! Held ' firmly in place at the waist by the no-elastic bloomer, the r brassiere can neither slip nor catch and bind. Smartly cut and beautifully tailored, of toft, lovely lockstitch rayon, in fascinating pastel hades, moderately priced and durabje, this dainty undie it indeed a tree-sure and is typical' of all May Belle Lingerie. Let the May Belle label inside each garment be your guarantee for smart, desirable lingerie. The adorable May Belle Junior Lingerie ranges from 2 to 14 years. Ontario Sillcmt, Limited Toronto, Canada. XimJe ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE MODE rsyiirn7riromiTii.TiMinfn 'n. rr mmmii For 1 his Week I .NKX The Sanitary Cold Cream ttemover J45f? and IMf 0 M.T1NK The Wonder Sleep Producer, two gjie ..' . v L 'tH i ' mi $" iff 7 ... , . Tl'KKMT HATH TOWEIS 7r,p il HKMT WASH CLOTHS " yfic Pioneer Druafists jTHIPD AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES W b200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST MtBAKKAST I'OOO." j Smoked Daily by Canadian psli & Cold Storage (X Lf1. Prince Ituperl. H.C. Canadian National Steamships Co. L:miled Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD Operating CTA 20,000 Ton Floallng Dry Dock Engineers. Machinists, liollermaKfrs. IJIacksmulm. I'allern makers, Founders, Woodworkers. Klc. BLEGTHIC AMI) ACirm.HNHWKI.IIMS. Our plant ia equipped to handle all kinds ot MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 Local and Personal Dentist. Dr. J. H. Qosse. days with D'Arcy nether, Sixth Ave. V Phone 888. Skating dally, a to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Clet the Big 4 oabit Tail, phone-4 When thinking tf Why mothers ,gt grey. Everyone la tolng a? the pk'a dance. Friday In the Moow Hall. Mm. D. E. Murphy and daughter returned to the city on yesterday after noon's train from a trip to the Mlae Caroline Mitchell returned to the city on yesterday afternoon' train from Bmltbers where she spent the aster holiday week visiting with Mies Hazel Cunningham. Imperial Oil Co.'a tanker Imperial, Capt. Oeddes. arrived In port at 140 yesterday afternoon from loop with a cargo of bulk and parcel good for the company's local tanks. Miss Jessie Rothwell returned to the city oa yesterday afternoon's train from Regina where she was called on account of the recent death of her mother, the late Mrs. "Wllllim Rothwell. H. B. Rochester returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Port Islington where he went to meet Mrs. Rochester who had spent a week Waiting .there with her mother. Mrs. James A. Brown. Ted Richards, teacher at the Kln- oollth public school returned home last night abcard the steamer Catala. He had been spending the Easter holi Marsh and his Mrs. va Healy and children. Bdward and Patricia, arrived In the city on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon from Juneau, proceeding In the evening to Ar.ycx. where Mr. Healy Is In the employ of the O ran by Co. 4- e. 4.4-4 ajANNOUNlT.MBNTS 4 Me Royal Society of St. Oeorge Whist Drive and Dance. April St. Prince Rupert Danes April 3T. Ridley day. May S, Ojrro Hoedown, May 11. CUrls' Drill Team Moose Hall, Friday, CAl)Q!!T BAD COLD WHILE OUT PLAYIKQ NOT PROPERLY DRESSED Mrs. U Mantie, Millet. Alta., writes: "My youmreet child had a verv hn.l .THE PAILYNEWB PAGE- THREE 1 EJks Annual Dane. April 20. duties. 64 The dance with the kick, featuring the Elk 'a Moonlight orchestra, Friday in the Moose Hall. Inspector James M.Tuppor, R.C.M.P. officer commanding, left on this morn ing's train for the interior on official Motors hip BeUlngham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived light from Ketchikan at 0 o'clock tbia morning and is loading tin plate for Alaskan canneries. Passengers aauMng last night on the Catala for the north Included Mr And Mrs. M. Buwn for Anyox and L. ,H. Minton slid A. Buntell for Alice Arm. Alex Austin, who has been 111 for time. safX Hat night on the Prince Rupert fee Medical Uke, Washington, where be will reeelve treatment. Albert Suiter, for drunkeBneas, was fined 431 with the option of thirty days' imprisonmnent', by Magistrate Mc- Clymont in city potles court this morning. W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's trali following a trip Cast as far as Edmonton on official duties. Harold Mclwen. C.N.R. division freight agent, returned to the city on the Princess Alice yesterday afternoon from a trip to Wrangell, Alaska, on company busiass. Mrs. O. C. Arseneau, who has been visiting here for the past three weeks with her parents. Mr. snd Mrs. W. Oratton, left Saturday night for her home at Premier Mine. Another local firm will participate In the building of theatre on Third the new AlvaaofT Avenue, Smith Sc Mallett having been awarded the con tract for the plumbing and beating installation. Miss Jean West, after having spent the Raster holiday week visiting with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. John A. West, Fourth Avenue West, sailea by the Miss S. A. Mercer, O. H. Blocks, Miss prince Rupert last night to resume her Hartln. Miss B. Rogers, Mrs. B. Walker a.udlea in Vancouver. and Donald Rosa were among the local I school teachers returning to the city Over the week-end. about twenty car-on the Oatala yesterday afternoon after loads of gram arrived from the prairie having spent th.- Raster holidays In for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Ru-Vancouver. Inert elevator. Rallvsav oAcea Oil. morn. ling reported some 100 cars on the John a Wilson, vice-principal of division bound here. Booth Memorial Schoool. who went to I Vancouver ot attend the convention of Prank Water house frclchter Robert H. the B.C. Teachers' Federation, will re- Merrick sailed yesterday afternoon at 4 turn to the city on Wednesday. He ha o'clock for New Weestmlnstar with a to remain away a few extra days so cargo of Terrace Cottonwood logs loaded mat MS young son, who is with him, at the dry fee for the. Laminated ma seseiva treatment at the bands of Materials rsaest aalll. sn ejts, specialist. j, R.CH.P. Constables Patrick Clear? Union sterner Catala. Capt. B A. and Archie Ourrle of Whiteboree were Dickson, arrive, .In port at & o'clock passengers aboard the Princess Alice yesterday afteraden frtm the south an.1 going ac-.ith. having in their charge an aalled at pjn. tftt 4nyc. Stewart insane man who Is to be placed In the and other northern1! Jptllnts of rail, mental hospital at Essondale. Passengers aboard the petals Included I A Cartoon. O. H. Stocks. Msa Hartln. I Walter Uraen. for drunkenness, was Mlas E. A. Mercer. Miss B. Rtafers. Mrs fined $2t, with option of thirty days-Walker. J. L Christie. Robert! Clark, imprisonment. In city nolle court this Mr. Olsbigan. M. Cadlar. J. Carter. O. nomine, an additional fine of $10 P. Daring. B. Webb. John Dybhavn and attd damage being Imposed for wilful son. T. J. Powers. Mrs. Lewis. Donald damage In breaking windows la the Rosa and James Jack tor Prince Ru- prsmlses ot Xeo Sprinkle. pert: Ocrdon Chutter. Mrs. O. W. j . Smith. P. Lewis, Mr Appleyard. Thos. Mr. and Mrs. D C. Stuart are marina son. J. K. Miller. H. A. Heywoodand from Fifth Avenue West Into the llsya J 3. Frumento for Stewart: Mrs. H Block apartment vacated by Dr. and McDonald. Mrs. A McLean. C. K Ime- Mm. H. E. Trcmayne who have moved son, C. M. Bu scorn be, w. Slnton. Mr. to William Heed. Mrs. Tremayne and aqd Mrs. W. H. Parker. W. Blackburn, daughters sailed last night on the Miss Hamilton. Miss Orifflths, Miss A. Prince Rupert for Victoria. Leigh ton. Miss McWhlnney and D. J. j ' Hartley for Anyox: Mr. ar.d Mrs. Bran- Joseph 8. Sogers, sales manager for eton. O. I. Hayes and W. O. McMorrla. the Rupert Marine Products Ltd.. sail- fOT Alice Arm. tori a whence he will proceed on his annual business trip to Montreal, New York and other Beater centres.. Mrs. Metbeson. lady superintendent of the Hawlton hospital, and Provin cial Constable A. Pairbalrn of Telkwa a woman mental patent for New West- Annual Baaaar. Thurs-1mlllter 'lxxm- In Moese Hall. ... , , Pacific Ooyle Navigation Co.'s log Tennis Club Annual Ball. Friday. May crr5',n ' Blngamon. after havlne . Moose Hall. (ll-icharaed one million feet of loss esxly this momlnK for Msssett in tow of the tug Lorne II Oreen of Port Bsstngton. Kva Douglas of Port Slmoson snd David Douglas, also of Port Saslngton Isach fined IIS and 3.M costs, under the Indian Act. for drunkenness In this morning. Cecil cold which she got bv going out play- city ' police TLT court 1. s rtro0E,8co.d wina L proft X ST dreaacd. v ana cost or M.so won was BStasaed 126 with option of thirty "She got so hoarse she could hardly ,or hvln nuot m hl P- speak, and her throat and chest were "lon' very sore, J 'I nsed evrtM. . n. v... steamer Princess Alice, Capt. ajte received ho relief until flnallr I Arthur Slater, southbound from Alaska Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup anu .,- first few doses certainly did her jrwm. Xt ! woaderrul hov? it can help so quick i,,. , "fir. 'W.Mld't" . .,. Pin. H,r,,n is 3.V. hotllr, lar(ri- tiu.'i, itn,. put up only by The T. iUiuuia vZ Limited! Toronto, Oat, points to Vancouver and victoria, was In port from 3:45 to 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The veattel brought a light list of 37 passengers south Including the following who disembarked here: airs. Kva Healy, Mlas Patricia Healy and Master Edward Healy from Juneau: William H. Atkinson, Mlnto. VT.; Harold MrEwen from Wrangell: Sum Leptlch. Ketchikan restaurant proprietor, and Frank Preuitchof. Peters-burn fox rnrmer The Princess Alice will make iior next mil here northbound on Saturday morning of this Vt'fi. Fven Oerdon Kerr sailed last night by the Prince Rupert tor a trip to Vancouver. H. S. Parker aalled Saturday night by the Prince Rupert on a business trip to Stewart. J. A. Klrkpa trick sailed GtUrtta; night by the Prince Rupert on a brief trip to Stewart. Walter LongwUl sailed by the Prince mipen Daturas; night on a trip to Stewart. S. E. Parker sailed Saturday night by toe prince Rupert for Stewart on a brief business trip. W. H. Waldorf aalled Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for Stewart where he has taken a position. T. left J. Shenlon. Inspector of on this morning's train Bmltbers on official business. in connection mine. Better I I COLO SSAL 13 VI CVAylTtE Ijl A utnmctim (uiunu U Befors you purchane floor -corln4 look for tht Golt Seal on thtiurfact-U is your only positive atsur-ancs of fenuineCon-goleum. Ths Gold Seal stands for our (luarante of RatUrsttlon and (ha bsst value your mosey can buy. CON'GOLEIJM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL for W. W. Wright sailed Saturday night ed yesterday afternoon aboard the on the Prince Rupert for Stewart on Princess Alice for Vancouver and Vic- .Conservative organisation work. M. L. Stepp, United States customs officer here, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert for s brief trip south. Argus McDonald sailed last night on the Prince Rupert fcr Vancouver and solved In the city on yesterday after-Jotner P'nU In the south on business noon's train from the Ulterior and step snout smtertatament sad Camp- ""d lMt nlht on ,he Prtnc Rupert Ore. Anrll ST I l,or souin. naving in tneir chargr with the Bsperenaa John Watklns, pioneer Stewart pros pector, who hss been 111 for a few weeks here, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday night on his return north. from the Queen Charlo't Islands for Dr H- T- Jmes, resident mining en the Ble Bav LumiK-r Co s wwmlll a' l,l,wr- Saturday night on the Seel Cove, was moved down to the ''rl"oc upsrt for Stewart to pay a ocean dock vesterclav momlne and leftivl" OI inspection to mines In the Portland Canal district. Miss Lillian Worsfold aa led Isst night by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a holiday trip. She plans sDsndlns part of the time as a gueat of Rev. and Mrs. O. O. Hacker at Vernon and expect to be away about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Halcrow aalled iast night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they will teke up residence, Mr. Halcrow, late of the local dry dock staff, having taken a position with the Hoffar-Beechlng shipyard In the southern city. Advertise In thi Dally News. soothes SMOKERS COUGH e s satelii llCANADIAN Vacific ''XssiiwirX in these, beautiful, lotV'Vrtced ruqs THRIFTY housew'ves will be quick to recognize the unprecedented values now offered in Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs at the new, Iower-than-ever prices . . . prices that offer tremendous savings. Patterns. . . the new 1928 range now at your dealer' tit the most beautiful you have ever seen . . . new French ruj patterns . . . Ceramic Tile effects and gorgeous Oriental Motifs are well represented in these easy-to-clean rugs. Improved Quality The new, Multicote surface is the greatest Improvement In years . . . longer wear is built right into, and throughout, the thick long -wearing surface. . .of course, Congoleum Gold Seat Rugs are all Guaranteed by the Gold Seal on the surface. Just fiance at the sating! these lower prices oiler you : Vill feet else Formerly I1S.SS Now IMJ sli'j 10 " 12.24 s 7'j V.7 S.SS l 7.M " 7.SS I 4', 8.75 " iM Other sizes are reduced In proportion. ONG OLEUM GOLD SEAL Rugs 1270 St. Pitrick Street. MoatresL Conioleum CbsU Limited, 66B , Seed me, without cost or obligation, a copy ol your . 1 latest booklet earitled "Charmiag Colour Scheraea That 1 Cost So Little." I Name . , 1 1 Asdress I City Ptov Ran ad ian National Oftc Largefl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE KITEKT for VAXCOlVF.lt. VICTORIA. SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Till 'IIMlAY and SUNDAY at 11 p.m. Por KKTCIIIKAN and ANYOX. each 1VEONEMMY, pjn. Por HTLWAKT each SATl KDAY at 10 pm. For NORTH and SOl'TII Jl F.EN CI1A IU.OTTE IM.tMlS, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TUAI.VS LEAVE I'KINCE RUI'EItT Bach MONDAY, IVEDNESIMY and SAllUIMY at UJ0 ajn. for PKINCE OEOKOE. EDMONTON. WINNII'LU. all poinU Bsstern Oaaada, United States. 4OBN0Y AM. OCEAN HTE-VslHIIIP LINES. l'e Canadian Natlnnal Evprens for Mmtey Older, Foreign Cheques, etc alo fur your nut shipment. 'ITY TICKET OFFICE. Ms Tlllllll t... PRINt T KITEKT. Plfine ZRt Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krlrlilkan. IVraiigell, Juneau, and Kkagway Marrh 31, April II, tt. Tu Vsiiruutrr, Victoria ami Seattle April 4, IS, tl. l'KINCDSS ROYAL l or llutetlale, I'm llellu Holla, Ocean tall. N'amu. Alert lUy. CanijilxHI Klter and Vsnrouver riery Irldav. is u.in. A grney IW all MeamIilii l.lnen. Full Infsrmallon from U. ('. OKI II Altl. (irnrral Agent. Corner of 4lli street and 3rd Avenue, 1Tln-e RuimtI. B.C. l'ltene 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prlnre Kunert. lor VAMOIVKK. VKTOItlA. Swsiihmi lUy. Iluledulr, Alert Ikt). He. TuvmIiii. .1 p.m. 1 (r YAM Ol'VUt, VICTOKIA, llutedule, Alert Hay. etc. Saturday, tt sjii. lor I'OUT SIMPSON and NAAS KIVKK lOINTs. rrldai. lor Al.lf'K A KM. ANYOX, STEWAKT. WALES ISLAND, POKT SIMPSON', siiikIiiv, H p.m. lil tiil Atrnur. K. M. SMITH. Arcnt. Prince Uu pert, II C. Throuth tlrkrt Mtld to Vlrtorla end Seattle, and luggage cheeked tliruuili to dentlnatlor SPECIAL SALE , 320 PAIR OF SILK KNIT M.OOMBIIS , Values up to $2.95 pair. ;i In shftfjlss of Ashes of Roses, Maiee, Dep Rose, P1J : Harvest, ftawft, lavender, Peach, Black, White; AH'siMftr Per pair $1.50 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.