Save Money The cbespent way to buy the Daily New l to sut rlbe by the year The cost U 15.00 and your copy m delivered to your address M h evening. Just figure out the (inall cost to you for this dally service for twelve monthi t ' V' Will., No. 89. New York Ranger&'Win KOV M. i : MM M5NH.ITIONM. KIKE Of In U WH KH ON EANTEKN ;xmMir ioi'onto. AprU 16 Canadian ' made tne meat spectacular .. a their hlatory on tat i oiid Twrte vteosr whang as Bat-The greatest advance was aaan R yi.i Bank which, opening at MS points np and running rapidly ' and falling again to 430 made vi of 643 over Friday's close the past fortnight the gain In ' k has basil $70 n-e is credited in some quarters ,. numerous .tmj by a United States . ::i trunt association. EARL'S SON IS AUTO VICTIM (Ml KANIIKO INTO THEE AMI II I l OVV STIUENT KILLED IMMt-MATKI.Y I. K VILLI . BUR - 8AON. France, id. Viscount Tremsti'ii. only -'u !"':r of the Bar! of Athione. Oov-Oeneral of 8 ulh Africa, and of Queen Mary, died Sunday injuries suffered in a motor accl-jii April 1, aged 31 i Vlwvunt was driving s car ac-aa rd by two fellow Cambridge stu- when the car crashed into a tree i Keimcth Madackc. oive of the The otlr escaped with lies. TWENTY KILLED IN EARTHQUAKE MM IX tl'KII TIIHOI (Ml l T THAT IT UAH IIOLIUAY IN Mil lllLIlN III I.OAHIA sorlA. April IS. Twenty pepole are i'ad and about one hundred Injured In hii rHrthquahe Baturday In southern B'llKarta. Tbe amallness of the cssualty list i due to the fact ttlat the quake" oK-uricd on a public holiday when most "i tlx- opulaoe were out on the streets in Hit- various towns or plcntokuig In 'he country. There were twelve killed ''I tirty injured at Tchlrpan and eight Kiii.'tl in tlie surrounding villages. RUH0USE OTTAWA BURNS tlMTIt MKT Or' 111 ILIUM) ALMOST fo.Mi'i.KTKi.Y ii:ntkovi:i AMI LOWI It HI I H I1KII OTTAWA, April 16. - Russell House, which in former years was Ottawa's lead uiK hotel, was damaged by fire yesterday The top three floors were almost tompletely destroyed and the three lower aunered considerably. The loss Is astl in sk1 at about ao0,000. drew down several major penalties. DISHWASHERS IN LOGGING CAMPS ARE UNDER MINIMUM WAGE VAWOOUVKR. April 18. -flunkies and dtahwaatters in logging csmp comr within tne male minimum was nrt accord In to the court of appeal which sllowed the sppc-al of H E Field from the Judgment In the county couit ( Judge Cayley. dlsmUuiin the action recover MJ from the Intmui lion a 1 Timber Oo ' Leave to appeal will be nought by tlx timber company at the June i"iw " Victoria. PERSONAL CANVASS TO BE MADE ON BEHALF OF WAR CENOTAPH DRIVE At a meeting of the cenotaph committee yesterday It was 'arranged to rfivid the city Into nine sections lor ,ths purpose of making a personal can-jvaas on behalf of the fund The fol lowing were each sppointea to tsur charge of a district: C. V. Kvltt Kx-Msyor 8 M. Newton. Willism Brass. A b ainclslr, J J Dorr. Aid O P Tinker. D. C. Patterson, N. A. Watt and r. V. a. LePlne. NEW STEAMER FOR THE YUKON RIVER LAUNCHED SEATTLE SEATTLk. April 16 - Uotorshlp Bnsee was launched Baturday and will leavt Uay 15 to ply on the Yukon River be- a, ui-hui and uuetreem poinU freight and mall carrier as a passenger, She Is a 73 feet twin screw vessel, falued . t, sTUf vf wateir. at $90,000 drwing -m VANTAGEBELL WAS WINNER OF RACE 18, -V.ntage DeH. MBWBOTIV. April nonsri he D. M aim. w.. i bury sprutg eup Baturday. IIOTIX MAN 'KS 86, K M BUt- MW YORK, April ilernk. 65 years or age, r- - jhotal owner, died uei. tutlay. April in. The Stanley Cup, that old battered! piece of silverware, emblematic of the pro. hockey cham-niunahlti nf ih.i U'nrlll in uon tlu ftniln.4 u.. ' ,' - .".v. vu wis; wiutvw .iMsicn 1UI bile "ri(i time in it long and colorful hiatory. Seattle won the trophy l'.M7 but the following year it returned to Canada and wan held : i .1 : u r!ii i saturaay nigm wnen me ixew xorK nangers scored a two .nr v ictory over tne Montreal Maroons in the fifth and deciding oi me i9zs worm series. Lister Patrick's buttling Rangers put the skids under the powerful Maroon team, which, after RAPID RISE BANK STOCKS coring a decisive a to 0 victory m the first game wa picked by experts to breeze through to the championship. But the Rsngars. after one of the moat ! stubbornly fought hockey batUes in ! the history of the cup were returned j victors by a three to two game margin, i Saturday night's game wax the most exening and thrill.!:;; match of the titular fixtures The Marconi, while j beaten In the final game, were by no I meant disgusted and In their defeat stamped themselves as a team of 111-prcoM fighting qualities. r. nwiatjjwr aaarad Ukt fjJ seal tot the nsngi ii after 17 mXnntea and I aac-ptaf m Ike (Mat pertod. TtMfe was no score in the seooad period. Boucher sored the second goal for the lartfera in the third period after IS minute. 16 seconds play, and J minute 4 ascends later Phillips tallied the only counter for the Maroons. Play was strenuous throughout and the penal- Bill Cook of the Bangers KILLFD RESULT STRUCK BY AUTO I.VHIAN AHKCSTKH AM) t'HAHUKil WI1M MAXHUtKlHTEH MHJ)-LMI tBAUSHY , vmo&vm, ajWii is,, jiiiasisvi wu- ott was fatally Injured yesterday when he was struck by an auts In charge It is alleged, of a hit-nd-run driver ai the corner of Abbott and C-rd-va Streets a he was about tj burd a iitreet car Later the p. lice arrested an Intftnii named Alex Peter who ws charged wth insnsliiBh:er Fl'iott died an hniir after bring Mriick World Championship in Hockey Beating Maroons Kouiher Scored Twice for Winning Team and Phillips Once fori Montreal in Inciting and Thrilling Game I Will TKADKIt IIOI1S 'Aloysulus Horn."d 224uvbgkq vbgkq The old man who tnld thin story to a literary lady with the result that it was published and became one of 'fhe best sellers of the past winter season. The book was published in the States as "Trader Horn' and In Bngland as "Aloy-alus Moru." It deals with early life In equatorial Africa. Horn la la the United States from Africa to attend the first birthday of the Literary Oulld of America. Whan he was discovered he was peddling lfrKl.,JU w " I" comfortable clrcumstsnoes from the proceeds of his book. REV. CAPTAIN GERRIE DIED AT EDMONTON EDMONTON, April 16. Rev. Captain J. P. Oerrte, 97 yesrs of age, padre of the Bdmonton Branch of the Canadian Legion, died yesterday. He was well known In church, military and Journalistic circles throughout Canada. lie served with the Y.M.C.A. camps dur-'luf 1 the war. PLANE FACED ANELECTRIC STORM SAEFLY I'K AVLI.I.KII AIX NH11IT All.tlXHT IILAII WIMtS IKOtI MILAN TO (it.K MAN Y STOI.P. GfMiuny. April 16. -Ocneral fill bet to N:ib;' hrought his polar dirigible Otal.a :hroinih a night of head winds and cImth storms landing at Ueodln a'rdrome th.s morning. He was 30 hours 40 ml'.ul. coming from Milan 600 miles by airline . Apparently the 'cit damage was the f'.nbllii-cr. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1928 j . , iiMiirnr FINK SNAPSHOT OI' A SPECTACULAR SPILL: S.riking action picture taken at the moment three riders in the steeplechase event for the Newton Challenge Cup at Oxford staged a joint upset. Huge Shark Seen to Attack Man in Rowhoat in Vancouver Harbor While ' Rower Frantically Made for Shore V ANCOUVEIL April 16. Flashing out of the water with the speed of a rapier thrust, a huge shark attacked a nan In. . NwWal m Hurrard Inlet, a few feet east of (Be eOndkrrsrtirwtf -hrftge Saturday, The" monter'"vTas' neaily twelve feet longhand adcmpled to board the boat as (he rower' frantically made for idiore. The shark afterward disappeared and then later was Keen (swimming up the inlet. The shark'ti onslaught was witnesiised from shore but the identity f Ihe man was now learned. ASSESSMENT MINING STOCK MIII IN KINO AM) U:USMITII BOTH MAKE ( ALLS ON MIIAKMIOLIICHtS OK CAMI VICTORIA. April 16 -John B. White, treasurer of the Sloe an King and Lead- sm!!!i rain'ng companies announced that holders of Leadsmlth stock would: U messed one cent a (hare and holders of Sloran King two cenu a share. He guve notioe tnat no stoca in tne two companies wUl be transferred after April 14 unless the assessment la paid srd If the assessment la not paid by May 10 the stock will become delta- tearing off of the ,queut ,no wU1 u forfeited OFFICE MANAGER OF ELEATOR IS MOVED A. I.. 1'iillrrsuii Adlfcrtl r TrHfrr l olRury III lie sueewlnl l L. lliiMurri t A. L. Patter-'in. who has been of floe j UNIVERSITY BEAT REGINA AM Ol VEK IIAKKETIIALL TEAM SOW ENTITLED TO MEET TOILEKH IN t ISsTEKN I I.N A I J8 manager or th- Alberta Wheat Pool's j Prince Ru;iert elevator since the plant; RBOINA, April 16. The University of was taken over by the oranlaation . British Columbia defeated Retina Athle-about two years has been notified I tics here last night 40 to II, taking of his transfer to headquarters in Cal- : the round by a total of 10S to 61. gsry In snout a month's time, he will ' The University boys are now entitled be leaving the city with his wife and to meet, the Winnipeg Toilers In the family. I Western Canada basketball finals. ' Mr. -Patten, u's aucevsor here will Vancouver used a team composed al-be L. Howard front Calgary. I tnnst entirely of subs. Prompt Action Captain of S.S. Montrose Saved Passengers and j Ship from Certain Destruction r. (Courtesy 8. O. Argents B C Silver , Berview Big Missouri Cork Province .... I Dunwell Oeorge Copper . . Ohcler Oladstont Olssler ' Oolconda Independence Indian Intercoal Kootenay Florence L. ft L Lake view Leadsmlth Lucky Jim Marmot Metals . . . National Silver Pend Oreille Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Ruth Hope Selkirk Silver Crest Silverado Bloesn King Sunloch Silversmith Terminus 'Torlc Whitewater Woodbine 0cton Belt Oeargia Alver T IVERrnOL, April 1C Seamen todar credited Captain Landy Clranflview I of the Canadian Pacific liner Montroae, with havintr avoiusd a major disaster by quick manoeuvring when the ship en countered two icebergs three days out of St. John, N B. To have run between them would have resulted in rlppinjg the sides Of the ship and at' nding; her to the bottom. The captain headed the ship for the smaller berg- towering 100 feet over the ship. The bow was crushed in 20 feet, two of the members of the crew being killed and two passengers slightly injured. The lifeboats were swung out and the lifebelts put on but there was no panto. has 4kMtfes .seal ANOTHER HARDWARE MERCH ANT IS CHOSEN KAUIOOP8. AprU 16. John B. Michel, a hardware man. was chosen Conservative candidate to content this riding. The. nomination took plaeo at a convention called for that purpaaw Nmhi STOCK QUOTATIONS Closing I "lire Teatay s Vi ver KsehaMge Co.. Ltd.) I Ashed .44 ut OS',4 M .40 M 3.00 0&S .07 .31 as .18 M", .38 S J0V .15 .04 i .06 .40 .13 .18 ' 16.60 1.27 M .60 .03 .10 M 8.40 1S4 306 166 .40 .46 614 1.10 1 70 .10 .as .41 M .00 JS M 19 .08 H .40 il .lb .06 .41 .18 .184 IS.T6 2 35 .70 .IS M .084 104 B0 340 .1 .33 360 346 .43 .80 .474 .604 1.30 RAILWAY WORKER KILLED BY TRAIN F8RNIX. April 14. Joseph Belanger, j 33, a member of a railway extra gang. , was found dead In the O P R. yards ! here yesterday morning. He Is believed ' to have been run down by the eastbotind lrclght trata. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid danclriK floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN The latest and best for the least. I'hone 457 OF CAPTAIN SA VES 55. MONTROSE L Filzmaurice Left tor New York in Airplane; Germans to Remain Attempt Will lie .Made to Complete Trip in Hremen to Destined i Port When I'lane is Repaired ;Q' LKBEC, April 16. It is learned by wireless operators at Clarke City thin afternoon that Colonel FiUmaurice of tbe plane Bremen left Greenly Island in a Canadian Transcontinental Airway Company's plane which flew there yesterday from Murray Bay. Fitzmaurice will be flown either to Father i'oini or Quebec, ! as weather permits, proceeding from there to New York. Baron liuenfeld and Captain Koehl will remain at Greenly to attempt to repair the plane ho as to complete their New York flight. The intrepid Canadian flyers who went to Greenly Island made a .safe landing on the ice-bound island were C. A. (Duke) Schiller , and Dr. Louis Cuisiner. MA UV EUXN HMITII (HOl!N Tl) rtlNTEMT EMlllMALT KIOINd 4 VICTORIA. April IS. At the len Smith waa unanimously elected as candidate to contest the constituency of BsqulmaUt. the seat mem staM .hf &, ,H- Mr.- Pookry since th death of his father. who also held It for many years. there being but one interruption s when John Jardlne was elected 4 there a an Independent Liberal. 4. a Liberal nominating convention 4 here yesterday evening Mrs. K- 4 jEN ROUTE TO PRINCE RUPERT Al AILIAKV HtlKMlNEK MTIC .L MOUItlHMKV NOW AT SEATTLE. Ill li EMI Of VYBKK BBATTUL AptU JS. Bat faate W la an attempt to rlUemir th of Um fisst asest bettered ta have crossed from Asia and Inhabited North America, the two-masted British suxtllsry cruiser. Bffle M. Morrlsaey, operating on behalf of the American Museum of Natural History, arrived hare Saturday from New York. The Aleutian Inlands will be the scene of operation!) where archeologlcal research w.ll be made in an effort to discover entombed mummies, aeld to be older than those In the pyramids of Bgypt. Members of the expedition are now en route to Prince Rupert from New York to Join the Morrlsaey and are due there Sunday. THIRTEEN LOSE LIFE IN FIRE IMilllE AMI) liKOOM IMTII I'KltlSII DIHINO (KLMSUATION Ol HEDUIMl I ALTOONA. Penn.. AprU 16. Thirteen persons wot burned to death at Blair-four, 30 miles south of here early today when fliWf destroyed the home of Ambro Krepachslk. The death include the mother and six children, another dsughter whose marriage wax being celebrated, tbe daughter's hueband and four others. I Krepachslk waa the only one to at- be being on the lowir floor. DRAYTON TO LIQUOR JOB ONE Ol' roNKEItVATIVE LEADLIt IN IIOISE OF t'OHMONH CIIAIH.MAN E ONTAKIO ItOtKIt TORONTO. April 16. - Premier Fertilise n announces that D B. Hanua, who is retiring from tlw chairmanship of the Ontario Liquor Control Board, will be auooeedod by Hon. Sir Henry Drayton. IIP. for West York. Sir Henry will resign his aoat In the Hcus of Commons, It la HIT ICEBERG TfOlILLED LIVERPOOL. April 18- Two men were killed whan tbe Canadian Pacific steamer Montrose graved an iceberg last Monday en route to Liverpool from Bi. John. N B. On was Jsck Walker, the ship's electrician. The bow of the vessel was badly aged snd the anchors lost. No ktrs v.. infected.