fHE DAILY Friday, July 4. 191 G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public FOR Easy terms. A two-storey apartment dwelling on Let us explain this to you. SALE Third Avenue. We think we can convince you that it is better business to buy this house than to pay rent. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Phone 96 216 6th St. Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Boats of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. ll |i Several boats can Fe docked together on one small section, making fees light. Large stock of repair iW? materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. > . . Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds ib Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. : Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. . a RED CROSS LIBRARY yh annatigis yee The ‘library in the Red Cross ep ens hut on Third Avenue will be open on Tuesday evenings regularly wi! . wovany oun from 7 to 8 and on Fridays from he peace aR ema 3 to 5 in the afternoons and from FOR SALE _ 7 to 8 in the evenings. tf 6-Roomed modern house and Men's, women’s and children’s lot English Hill, $2,625, white shoes on sale.—Wallace’s. terms. ‘ ee | 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Children’s shoes greatly re- it Ave., East, built in buffet, gj/duced in price. Family Shoe { fireplace, etc., %3,500— Store. i terms. ‘ eee pln S.Reoned heube Sth Ave. Spec.al for Fishermen. Swivels, We WF. modetn, 08.900 terme. 50c. dozen; hooks 3¢ each, Ful- Double Corner Sixth Avenue ler's, Ltd. Phone 45. tf and Tatlow * oo Archie Watt, the locomotive One as lot near Drydoe superintendent, was among those “ SO a ai lt ,arriving from up the line on the i ‘train last night. Mr. Watt will : M. M. Stephens look into matters in regard to the local shops before returning to LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE $ siiithers. } eee | Provincial Government Em- FOR SALE A fine seven-room house with bath, excellent harbor view, in Section Seven. This house is plastered, has elec- trie lights and furnace heat. It cost $3,100 to build it a few years ago, exclusive of wide lot. For a cash sale we are permitted to offer this property for $2500.00 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. For Your UMBER PLASTER CEMENT Building Materials Albert & McCaffery, Ltd, Phone 116 and 664. Office, Second Avenue, Next Westholme Theatre, sjloyment Bureau and Soldiers’ tivil Re-establishment; ry office 621 Second Avenue, | *rince Rupert. Employers having jyacancies for men and women in slerical, factory, domestic or »ther work should apply to above —Phone 553. tf Biggest bargains for Saturday. Family Shoe Store. A New Edison Diamond Dise gramaphone will be raffled after the first show at the Westholme Theatre Saturday night. The machine is almost new and there is with it the finest collection of records in town, the whole being worth $450. It may be seen at the Prince Rupert Pool Room, wirere tickets are on sale at $4 each. tempor- Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Biock. LAND ACT PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTAICT——DIS TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queen Charlotte City, occupation teac her, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the south shore of Maude Island, about 700 feet @ast of the 8. E. corner post P. R. No 1284, thence north 20 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence west 20 chains to point of commencement. EDIT Date June 14, MAUD LAUDER. 1919. A. 30 St. Regis Cafe (J. C, GAVIGAN, Prop.) Is It the Cook? Or is it the Baker? fhese American visitors who spent four days in town last week positively state they are coming back by way af Rupert, so that they can enjoy another meal at the Si. Regis. Some say our cook is a wonder. Others say it is the baker. Which? Just Arrived. Perrin's Biscuits ASSORTED— in 5 lb tins with hinged lid, special $2.00 O0 per tin Rupert Table Supply Co PHONES 211, 212 Money saving bargains in wo men's shoes.— Wallace's. 56 7 . M. P. McCaffery returned last evening from a business trip up the line, . . * Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., are expecting two scows of building material within the next two weeks. tf . . . N. Lando, a local fur buyer, was among those returning from the upper country by the train last night, . . . Melyille Ray arrived in this city the Prince and registered at Rupert Hotel. . . . Among those arriving from the interior on the train last evening were J, Willman, Einor Berge and is John Reid of Usk. * * . The regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade is to be held in the City Council chamber tonight at 8. . . . Among those arriving from the north by launch yesterday were G. E. Windsor and H. A, Cleve- land of Wales Island. * * Mr. and Mrs. McAfee, of Georgetown, are visiting in the city, having arrived from the saw mill by boat last evening. . . . Church of England Sunday School pienie to Digby Island on Saturday, July 5th. Boats leave Prince Rupert Boat House at t0 a.m., 141 a.m., and 2 p. m. Church of England children free. Child- ren are asked to bring their own cups. Geo. 55 cece HH eR ER RE RE RD * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * Ce RARER eC Ree REQUIRED BY LOCAL BANK services of competent stenog- rapher. Apply post office box 1714. Previous experience ne- cessary. tf — —_ = — Wenn ME TONIGHT Federated Labor Party MEETING Speaker - E. T. Kingsley PICTURES, 7 to 9 Admission Free SATURDAY --- MATINEE AND NIGHT. Norma Talmadge “‘Her Only Way’’ WESTHOLME ORCHESTRA Admission -- 30c and l5c Two Shows, 7 and 9.15. The Norfolk Rooms 6th Ave. and Fulton Street Nice large Furnished Rooms for Gentlemen or Married Couples. Every Convenience from Prince George last evening}, Local News Notes 4 ee ee te | ! os ieictesataiadaaeilll Po Girls’ running shoes 95 cents. Wallace's. 156 E. G, D. butter, 65c.—Fuller's. Phone 45. tf . . . A, Stainsby of Anyox is a visitor in the city. * 7 7. Running shoes at cost. Shoe Store. Family Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board. A. W. Edge Co., distribu- tors. tf 7 . * Passenger travel from the east was very light on yesterday's train. @ . * o All material for any kind of a uilding*can be furnished by Al- vert & McCaffery, Ltd. tf . . . Joseph A, Rogers returned from a fur buying expedition up the line by the train last night. * 7 * Brown sandalls and strap slip- pers. Sizes to 2, $1.25 to $1.70 per pair. Family Shoe Store. Mrs. George Little and daugh- ter of Terrace are in the city, having arrived by the train last night, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson of Skeena Crossing were among the new arrivals in the city by the train yesterday evening. * . * Victory Bonds taken on pianos, sewing machines and phono- graphs. Singer Shop. The home of the Gerhard Heintzman piano. 329 Second Avenue. M.W.F. > e * Returned soldiers, widows and dependents can obtain drawings and specifications for homes at greatly reduced rates from Wil- liam Bruce, Architect, Smith Blk. Phone 127. tf . . . The repairs to the pipe line be tween Woodworth Lake and the power house have now been com pleted and it will be longer necessary to run the pumping station at Shawatlans. ne . . * Sapper Wilfrid DesRochers, of the Canadian Engineers, arrived in town last evening from To ronto, He is stopping over in Prince Rupért to visit his mother, Mrs. at the St. on his way to Vancouver. . . . There will be at least two Iy- dian bands at the fair this year if the plans of the Agricultural Association materialize. One of these is to be the Greenville band but arrangements have not been made regarding the other. .* >. . Deshochers, Kimo, Special reductions Saturday. Family Shoe Store. > . . | Chas, Shaver who stole a pair of shoes from the Family Shoe Store was this morning sentenced by Judge Young to three months’ imprisonment at Okalla Prison Farm and also to pay a fine of $100 or in default of payment of the fine to serve another three months in prison. . . 7 Women's dress shoes, $3.35 to $6.45.—-Weallace’s. 56 >. . . Provincial Government Employ- nent Bureau and Soldiers’ Civil te-Establishment, temporary of- flee 624 Second Avenue, Prince \upert. Returned soldiers, men nd women requiring ¢mploy- nent of any kind should register vith the above. No fees charged. Phone 553. P. O. drawer 1674. * . . Men's strong work boots, to $8.50.—Wallace's. . . * A number of people were over to the quarantine hospital last evening to pay a visit to Mr. Smith who is again convalescent Flowers are blooming beautifully over there and the lilac bushes mare just one mass of blossoms. The hot house plants are a show in themselves as they af. all flowering at this time. * . . Stock up in shoes at these fire $5.85 56 sale prices. Family Shoe Spore. 7 . * W. J. Harris who passed through the city a short time ago on his way to Stewart with a number of horses, is again here on hts way home to Hazelton. The horses were taken up to Al. Harris in Stewart and can be put to good use there, on account of the rapid development in the vieinity during the last few months. Albert & MeCesers, | Ltd., have on hand 700 tons Nanaimo Wel. lington coal. if Ask for ‘Atkine’ Coens uf M42 your money work and earn something. Sixteen Thrift Stamps are exchangeable for a $4.00 War Savings Stamp, and for every War Savings Stamp you accumulate the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay you $5.00 in 1924. @ Invest the interest on your Victory Bonds and make it work and earn for you. NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTER (British Columbia Division) Vancouver, B.C, Buy THRIFT STAMPS BiG FIRE SALE CHNNQNGGNGNEGGUEUDEUUONE —EHADRDODODOODOODOTOLUEODODGYQUUEUUSUAUUUUUUAAAANANUANNNN) STARTS EACH DAY at 9.30 Be There Early! Tremendous Bargains! Everything Sold for Cash Only No Approvals FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 No Exchanges REGLAR TEALERS \ THINK IT WAS THIS ONE, MAXBE (T WAS THIS ONE OUCH « HURTS TERRIBLE re “BYRNES REGLAR FEALERS WHY ROBBIE IM AsHAMED OF a 4 (OU = iTS HALF WELL PAST SEVEN AND? LooKs YOU Re, ores oe WHAT DIRTY N PEDS (Ney Ute wae HANE An? wus ? aa THEN LOOK HOURS o> ES oT