I I fAGF! SIX THE DAILT, NEWS Laundry Washed GIotheS-Are Not Rubbed YOU know how you douse your dainty lingerie up and down in a bowl of sudsy water . . that's the way your clothes are washed in a modern laundry. They arc not rubbed or scrubbed but are gently swished back and forth in warm filtered rainsoft water until the pure soap actually foams. Every particle of dirt is loosened without unduly leadening the tensile strength of the fabric. Then come many rinses of rainsoft water so that your laundry washed clothes not only look and feel clean but are scientifically clean. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cfeaners l'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS amrKKmtm mam m twua kwu in mutter mnurmttnu ftps .SaY'TtMsClt "lUittl Is your child ready for the next School season, equipped with health, to take best advantage of the instruction ? Your Nerves Control Your Health W. C. ASPINALL CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Block Green 211 NavySiiits and Ensemble Suits yemers MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 637. Radio Radio Aa well ss specialising on the No. 17 Radiola, we wish to draw your attention to the Radiola No. 18. It Is another of the up-to-date, last alx months models, a "sis tube receiver. Price, less Radiotrons .... S 8S.0I) Price, with Radlotrona . . (111.88 Price, complete with Radio-trous and 100A Loudspeaker 8133.78 t W. CHANDLER Exclusive Wholesale Dealer tor Office: 116 Sixth St. Box 048 Iftete Ka pert, B.C. Santageof ! national line AMi;itICAN SIIII'S HAVE TO LOWtlt KATKtt TO COMPETE WITH CANADIAN'S NEW YORK, April 16. Reduction o rates $1.00 a ton on T automobile ped from New York to Australia was nounoed by the Roosevelt Steamship Lines, operating the American-Austra lian Line for the Shipping Board: by Punch. Ed ye & 'Company, operating the Ounard cervloe, and by Norton. Lllley & Company, agents (or the Ellerman Line. It waa Indicated that a further reduction will be made If competition with the Canadian Merchant Marine demands it. The revision of rate la the result of a preferential tariff in effect In Australia, under which the port of shipment U considered the point of origin of motor cars so long as the port la In British territory, while the city in which the cars are manufactured is the point of origin when the city la In territory other than British Detroit manufacturers, the American shipping man say. ship their can across tne Can adlan border at a small charge, and thence to Montreal, where they are load ed aboard ships of the Canadian Mer chant Marina. (UKioiir is Allium Were these cars shipped to New Yore, the logical paint, and then loaded ou ahlpa for transfer to Australia. the freight cost from Detroit to New York would be added to the cost of the car a estimated for the tariff at Australia. it Is ssld. When shipped via Montreal the freight cost from Detroit Is not considered. The carriers operating from New York estimate that the difference brought about by this condition Is about 11.00 a ton. and with no chanxe In the basis of the tariff apparent they have agreed that a lower freight rate 1 tte solution. HALIBUT PRICES ARE STILL LOW TOTAL OF :jtM) rolNUS M01.ll AT ITSII EXfTIIANCIE WITH lOJc AMI Sc 111(111 Kill Halibut price at the local Pish Exchange this morning averaged. If anything, a little lower than those! which were paid on 8aturdsy. Then American vessels sold 161.500 pound at bids ranging from 9 7c ard 5c to 10 Be and 8c while four Canadians disposed of 464)00 pounds at from 7.6c and 5c to 8.8c and Sc. Four Canadian vessels are holding over with 57.000 pounds In the hope that the morrow will bring TOXEMIA MONDAY HEALTH TALK by R. E. EY0LPS0N, D.C, rh.c. Toxemia is brought on from enervation, which checks the elimination of the waste-products of tissue-change the broken-down waste-products of the body are retained in the blood. This we call Toxemia. When the accumulated toxin up to the saturation point, a crisis takes place; which means that a vicarious elimination occurs. We call these crisis: colds, tonsilitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, or some of the other of the four hundred so-called diseases. The enervation that checks elimination is brought on by a disturbance in balance of nerve energy. The primary cause is pressure on spinal and sympathetic nerve trunks, inhibiting the normal amount of nerve impulses to the internal organs and glands. Therefor, normal distribution of nerve energy means HEALTH. Disturbed balance of nerve energy spells SICKNESS, in which ease CONSULT R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 623 Third Avenue West l'hone! Office: Illue 85. Residence: Ulack 252. For Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertilizer and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Sick Headaches! Heart Weakness! Dizziness! Ended by "Fruit-a-tives" MRS. FRANCOIS VALCOtRT St. Gabriel I-.i.r, P.O. "I v.ish to inform you how grateful I am for your wonderful "Fruit -;i-tives." 1 was always bothered with dizziness, weakness of the heart and terrible headaches. After taking only three boxes I was entirely relieved and now feci like a new person." Mrs. Francois Yalcourt. No other medicine corrects the action of bowels, stomach, liver and kidneys in the same natural and lasting way, because Fruit-a-tives is made only of fresh fruit juices blended with health-building tonics. You cannot help but benefit from using it. Give it a trial. 25c and 50c at all druggists. better prices. Arrivals today were as follows: A.MF.KICAN Yakutat, 36.000 pounds, and Arctic, 16,000 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 9.7c and Sc. Rainier. 36.000 pounds. Atlln Fisher ies. 9 8c and 5c. Brunvcl. 11.600 pounds, Booth Fish eries. 10.4c and 6c. Coolidge. 18,000 pounds. Atlln FUh- crtcs. 10.4c and 6c. Bravo, 8.000 pounds. Pacific Fisher lea. 104c and 6c. Star, 11.000 pounda, and Betty. 11 ,000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 10.5c and 6c. Reliance I.. 17.060 pounds, and Caroline. 6.000 pounda. Booth FUbertsa. 104c and Sc. CANADIAN Cape Beale. 16.000 pounds. Canadian Plata at Cold Storage Co, 74c and Sc. Livingstone II., 15.000 pounds, and impereure. 10.000 pounds. Canadian Fish at Cold Storage Co.. 84c and 5c. Zeballos. 5.500 pounds, Canadian Fish at Cold Storage Co . 84c and 6c. IIOUHMl OVFK Tramp. 18400 pounds; Verna. 7.000 pounds'. Be una. 8.000 pounds; Prosperity A. 24.008 pcundv HKI) SALMON Ads 2,700 pounds. Atlln Fisheries 17.1c. Prince Rupert Salvage at Towing Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess arrived In port this mcrninjr from the North Arm of Porcher Island with a boom of k for the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill at Seal Cove. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK. WICKBR BABY CAB rlage. clean, Ouoo painted, good Ursa and springs, perfect condition, 81644. Apply Mrs. Pack. Phone Black 166. TIMBER SALE X9693. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 80th day oi April, 1828. in the office of the District Forester. Prince Rupert, the Licence X8083,to cut 3,003.000 F.BJ.1 of Spruce. Hemlock'. Balsam and Cedar on an area situated at head of Kynoch Bay. Kynoch Inlet, being a portion of Lot 800, Range I, Coast District. Three tS) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief Forester Victoria B.C or District Pores-ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X378G Sesled Tenders will be received by l he Minister of Lands st Victoria. B.C., not later than noon on the XSrd day of April. 1838. for the purchase of License 3(8786. to cut 3.120.000 F.B M of Balsam. Hemlock. Spruce and Oedsr on an area situated on Rosooe Inlet, mouth of Noota River. Range 3. Coast District. Three (3i years will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, Ptinee Rupert. B.C. "ituiid at." Mrs. Linfoot's Letter f IT TT1 i T Iff 1 JtoMMTEt, "l fiad Pacific Milk is the best 1 evai fftfed And I have tried all briim. It is tl cal. Ek use where milk Is Mrs. Lin foot, d." nomi rything Rose Cottage, Elkins Point. Gambler Island, Bent this letter in the recent contest. Many thanks. PACIFIC MILK tartrle i AbboUford ,inl LUurr, 11.1'. nulla iu ." Moose lodges hold memorial Mi:.MOItY OF l)E(XASKI) MEMIiEKS IIOVOICCI) AT I.MPKKSSlVi: VU'i: YLSTEItlIVY Local lodges of the L yal Order of Moase and Women of t lie Mooseheart Icgun participated In fu!l strength ;.rterdk.y afternoou t mi Impressive :iiemcrul service for deceased members 0. ' both organizations 16 late members nf the Mooe Lodge and four of the Muoaehenrt Legion. The program was o a large extent alaag ritualistic line with a number of appropriate muslr-J.i 1. umbers. The ceremonies took place in '.lie Moose Hall. L. .R. Parry, dictator. m:d Jack Judge, prelate, duly opened tlie service, the feature of which was the flower ceremony In which the secretary. Percy Cameron, called the names of the deceased members three times. When no reply waa made, the rgeaat-at-arms. D. C. Schubert, placed a flower In the liter In each case. The oration was j given by B. U. Simpson and the pro-! gram Included vocal 'H by Mrs. F. I W. Allen. 8. 'A. McPher.vjn. and Mrs. Swanson; a trombone sulo by W. H. Derry. a violin and plana duet by Misses J Holly and Nellie Lawrence. Hymns; were "Lead. Kindly Light" and "Nearer My Qod to Thee." The order of service for the Women of Mooseheart Legion wss In charge of the senior regent, Mrs. Helen Nlckeraon, ' and chaplain, Mrs. Bllzabeth Slaggard. : Miss Bessie Derry contributed to the program with a vocal solo ss well as other artists. Mrs. H- O. Braser was accom panist and hymns were "When Our Heads are Boned" and'Ablde With Me." There was also the flower ceremony. In the evening, member of both men' and women's lodges hsd their annual church parade from the hall to First United Church Where Rev. A. Wilson preached an appropriate sermon. About fifty members participated in the ?hurch parade which was marshalled by O. C. Schubert. FIRE AT CASA LOMASATURDAY IVi: LOST I.IVKM AMI OTIIKKS MAY HIE UI1 XT OF APARTMENT I 1 IILAZE WINNIPEG April 16 The death list from Caaa Loma fire of Saturday stood yesterday at five with seven injured tn the hospital, one probably fatally and many outers. Including men. women and ebUdren recervinf minor injuries. The dead are W F McNeil. Oregorou Reeks. Mm. p. Hamilton. Mrs. W. F. Oasler and Oeorge Douglas. Mrs. Heake. whose husband Is dead, is not espected to survive. She fractured both her legs and rt is possible her back Is broken The seriously Injured In addition to Mrs. K. Heake. were Qecrge Thorpe. 87. caretaker: David Teddkau. district fire chief: Mrs. R. Vandewater. L. C. Brown, Oeorge Douglas. SO: Mrs. M. McNeil. SO; Mrs. O Alea. Originating in the straight elevator shaft at the rear of the building, the flames quickly spreadkto ' the top floor and many tenants fere trapped ou third, fourth and fifth floors. Boon the exits were completely cut off and heavy black, smoke filled the hall-' way and rooms Caught in a building not equipped with fire escapes the tenants were fored to the windows. LOGGING DEALS SOUTHERN B.C. TIMUKIt AT IIWtltlMIV LAKE AMI AT COWICIIAN LAKE Ml Lit IOK III UE SIMS VANCOUVRR. April 18 A B. Craw ford Lodging Co. Ltd. has purchased from the Harrison Lake Timber Co. 780.000.000 feet of standing fir in the vicinity of Harrison Lake at a cost of approximately two million dollars, ac cording to an announcement made Saturday. O. S. Morrison of Seattle Is the secrtaary of the purchasing com pany. Cutting rights on timber in Lot 78 Cowlchan Lake estimated, to contain be tween alx and seven Sundred million board feet, has been purchased by the McDonaM-Murpby Logging Co. in con junction with John Sehroeder Lumber Co. of Milwaukee from the North Amerl can Timber Holding Company of Chi tago. Approximately two million dollars u involved In the deal. IVIItlXllftH ItKI'OKT K a-m. Dlgby Island Overeatt. calm; barometer, 38.70; temperature. 44; ses smooth. Deed Tree Point Raining. Mght southeast wind; barometer, 88.62; . temperature. 44; ses smooth. Bull Harbor- Part cloudy, light southwest wind; barometer, 98.54; , tempera ture. 48; light swell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Uar.uma. View Cove for Seattle. 880 miles from Seattle; 8 pa. spoke steamer Admiral Sogers, Ketchikan for Seattle. 880 miles from Seattle; S pa. spoke steamer Oriffoo. Slubber Bay for Anyox. 480 miles from Anyos; 8 p.m. spuni steamer Indian CWj. bound tor Prince Rupert. 748 mile from Prince Report; 8 pm. spoke steamer Yukon. Seattle for Ketchikan. 807 miles from Ketchikan; 4 aja. spoke steamer Princess I WHIM I III 1 I I I H. S. Wall Tuesday and Wednesday ST.A1'LB DEPARTMENT Table Oilcloth, 2 yards for " Oilcloth Squares for table !" Unbleached Cotton, 3G in, 5 yards 1K? Striped Flannelette, good quality, 35 - inches wide, 4 yards for Heavy grade Middy Twill, White. Khaki, Navy, 2 yards for Khaki Shining Flannel. Vn yarda". ... IWf Ture Linen Towelling, Striped Border, 5 yarda for I-V ( heck Tea Towelling, 6 yards for Of Cretonnes in new designs, 3 yards for l)."5f Japanese Cotton Crepes in a full range of colors, 5 yards for Ginghams in a nice range of Plaids and Stripes, 34 in., 4 yards for i"f Krinkle Colored Crepe tn plain or figured in White, reach, link. etc.. 3 IKc Colored Dress Voiles in Pink, Blue, Peach, Sand, etc., yards for l-"0 Hemstitched Pillow Slips, full bleached, 42 inch, pair !"P SCAKVBS Creiw de Chine Figured Scarves in Mauve. Copenhagen, Peach, Pink, Jade, etc., 12 by 45, each ."f Ladies' and Gent's Silknit Scarves in various colorings, each 1" CORSET DEPARTMENT Children's Ferris Waists, sites 7 to 12 years, each !)" Ladies' Corsets Some lines we are clearing 2 for D-'r 95c Phone J Alice, sbeam North Island, southbound. 8 am. spoke steamer Princess Sua, si Cast Inlet, southbound. NOOX Olgby Island. Overcast, calm: temperature, SS: barometer. 8870; ses smooth: 8 ajn. epoke molorsblp Salvage Prlnceas, abeam Oenn Island, bound for Prince Rupert wltt. logs: 10:80 am. spoke steamer Catala. left Atycx, northbound. Dead Tree Point. Overcast, calm; barometer, 3948: temperature. 44; sea smooth. Bull Harbor -Cloudy, light north wind; barometer. 28.50; temperature. 88; sea moderate; 8 ajn. apo er Prince Joan. Allison Marber Harbor. ao miles from Rose Harbor. S ajn. spofte steamer ntnoa stuperv m Mllbank Sound, southbound. 1VEATIIF.K liEI'illlT. Prince Ru pert . Overoast, calm. temp. Ha yi port. Light wind, raining. Port Simpson Part cloudy. tamp. 0. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. Rosswood. cloudy, ealm, Aiyansh. Cloudy, calm. Alice Arm. Clear, calm. temp. 40. 41. 41. temp. 48. Stewart. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 6. Rase! ton. Cloudy, windy, temp. 88 Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp. 88. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm. temp. 80 (Ighth Cabin. Cloudy, south wind temp. 80. Echo Lake. Cloudy, south wind. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, north wind, temp. 30. SO. Atlln Clear. North wind, temp 13 Whitehorse. Clear, south wind, temp Oarmacks Cloudy, north wind, temp 18. Dawson. Clear, calm. 4 below. Of the passengers who leave American continental porta for Burope, It is found that -nearly 11 are Canadians, nearly 10 are foreigners iwturnlng to Europe after a visit to America and Canada, nearly 88 are immigrants returning to their native lauds and a little over 80 are strictly American tourists. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS John L. Christie returaisl to t! on the Catala yesl a bmlnees trip W D. Smith of the C.N.R. electrics) department arrived In the city from Smlthera on yesterday afternoon 'a train. Monday, Aj-rij if ace Co. Ltd. TUESDAY AND DRAPERY SUCTION Curtain Nets in 5 different designs. nice quality, 3 yard for K, Curtain Scrims and Voiles, i'lnin uml Colored Borders, Cream or Ecru. 6 yards 0.V Lace Curtain Panels in several new (! sitfii' , frinjred ends, each u. Washable Ku$r in several color; njrs. J7 by 54. Very e ii-.l. each ' , Window Sha.Us, ( ;eam or Creer.. "S in wide, spring roller LADIES' DEPARTMENT Ladies' Crepe House Dresses, prcttih trimmed, all new colors and size . each Indies' Sleeveless Combination, mcii um or spring weight, each !).. Ladies' Summer Vents, Sleevele.-.x style. :l for !r Ladies' Flannelette Gowns '." Ladies' Silk Bloomers in Peach, Yellow. Mauve, pair !" Silk Knit Vests and Uplifts O.v HOSIERY Pure Silk , only a few dark sh-uic originally $1.75 per pair, to clei.r. 2 pairs for !". Ladies' Cotton Hose, Brown, Itlack or White, 4 pairs for 0". Children's Cotton Hose, Brown, lllack. White, 4 pairs for iv Boys' Hercules Hose, sizes ''j to II. Black only. 3 pairs for 0- Boys' or Girls' Turn Top Rib l.i.s'f Hose. 2 pairs for !). WEDNESDAY 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street 95. WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. The Law of the Range" A first-class Western thriller. Tennis! thjftllsJ t(BD'an(flvX , I f m m a The grain ship Indian City should arrive bete by Wednesday. Last night at 8 o'clock the vessel wss 7 ft) mUes distant. CJ.R. steamer Prince John, from Vancouver, via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Is due here Wrdiieoday oi Thursday of this weak. 0? TIM JleCOY, JOAN CRAWFORD. REX LEASE. ROSING, TEN EN HOLT and others. U'tiiJ -OUR GANG" COMEDY "YALE VERSUS HARVARD. PARAMOUNT NEWS slj Admission - 35c and 10c I CURE DIH ElTiVE VISION. DEFECTIVE III LNG. CATARRH and other organic troubles by natui. methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Block. Open Evenin Tennis! SEE OUR NEW RACKETS $7J() to $U).0(I 1!28 Balls arc in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE EI.SE DOES . Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear is now h. f. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to l "that spring suit." tailored to your measure by Canada' f i most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse Do It Today THOR JOHNSON