April 16, 192K f3B DAILY NZT73 PAGE 1TV3 r in ; at Prince Rupert of the New DISTRICT NOTES AND NEWS Ch evrolet ANYOX, STEWART, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS & INTERIOR POINTS i Lip-lit Delivery ChaMls 0.11.00 v l 1 , Ton Truck Chassis 8KO0.OO :'-U'r $808.00 , ..! ter Delivery XOS.OO I . i' i'ltr , $808.00 '' $0:11.00 $031.00 l;in .$10.S0.00 ' ahrioiet .$10:10.00. Tmperinl Landau $1080.00 1'i'int (lumper and Rear i: impi-rettes standard erjuijv- r; ! on all Passenger Models. l)ic Wheel Standard luipmeiit on Imperial anil I'.ibriolet only. On other p. .dels fcifl.OO extra. vpire Tire and Tube. !'t 00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 RICHMOND'S Louvs e FAMOUS FOR VALUE in Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses i s. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY I I'LL FASHIONED SILK HOSE 1 ' f n and Service Wetjrht '.unmetal, Black, Atmse- ! Nude. Evenglow, Mer- ida, Flesh, etc. 'rum $1.75 to $2.50 'J lie Hose fur Satisfaction MallaceCoitd. J'hone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. NOBLE FIVE MINES Miller, Court & Co. spon-"X'll and placed before the 'iiliiic smh well known pro-I ' l tics as Cork Province at . Whitewater at 25c, Pend M-eille at 2Rc, and now they ii.t NOBLE FIVE MINES I I'D. at Mc a share. Ivor three quarters of a million dollars haa been P 'iit on development, power i ""it and mill. This is a proven property. Subscrip-t ions taken by S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller. Court & Co. Ltd. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialise In Plnno and Furoituro Moving. "SKBtlBASKEIBAlL Lawyer anil Mining listl Is Also Presl- I ' ilcn I id Native Sons smithem, Apm i6.-l. b. mcgm, 1 who has been active in Native Bens of ' Canada circle since iu inception in 8m It hen. was elected president of the Iseai branch at the annual general meeting. Other officers were elected aa follows: Fast prenident Vernon OrockeU. l.t Vice-President- Oeo. Oulton. 2nd Vice-President P. Fowler. tergcant-at-Arm Dr. Bamferd. Ciiapleln N. H. Kllpetrtck. HeereUu-y-Treaaurer -H. a. Wludt Inner Ouard -E C. Dawson Ouur Ouard -Wllliera Oarr. Historian Jamei Diwnev. A number of appiii :uit. re HtUnitteJ : raembenhlp. Th treasurer present-' 0 a Krau.'ying tinncial statement, : and sll Indications paint to a record ; yar of growth and a-r.ievenvtnt by this eiiterprlalng order. ! STEWART Mrs. 1. H. Stevens, pioneer mining, j woman, has returned to the camp after having spent the winter in Vancouver. John Rochiort. who spent the winter In Vancouver, ha gone to the Mayo Clinic In Rochester. Minnesota, to receive treatment for an old war wound. He was accompanied by his slater of Toronto. Development of the Titsn property on ruh Creek wiu be returned this under the direction of Ja:k Pltagerald MacAulay arrived here last week !ro Anyoa. Bb Keith, pioneer restaurant sun of the camp. Is back In low Ray Smalley. Vancauver carpenter, has arrived here from the scuth to fol-law his trade. James H. lfrtbltt and O. Moreau. who I have t-.ee n at the Ruth and Francis for ! off vhen they left for home on Batur- week, returned tc town about the day and Terraee residents enjoyed their middle of last week I visit quite a much as tbey appeared 1 to do themselves. Their chaperon. Mrs. Arrivals frcm Prince Rupert last week I Lewis, received many compliments oB included J H. Hmly. Ous Petersen. T.jthe apartsmsiuike bunch she had under H. Aiken. B Oalbsfblnt. A. Shields, her wing." The Bmitben teams wUI Charles Undsr.rom. A. Poreabsrf and Denny Dwyer. well known pioneer prospect or and miner of tills district. died last week In Vsncourer. The Hyder lead Mine property near the brad of the wast fork of Texas Creek has been taken over by a aewly-;rgan.apd company known as the Amalgamated Mines Ud. capital ired at W-000.000. who. It 1 learned, will derelip the property on an estenMve scale, at the sanae tinvs aoqulrii.c other pro- gettsss of merit. Directors of the com- panf re: President. A C. Burdick. Victoria; Oeortie r. Tull. Calgary: Andrew O. Larseh. Spokane: Henry B. Thomp- on. Ladrunlth, and R. B Lennle. Van- A contract far the extending of the 'unncl for 100 feet on the Ben All vela of the Dun well mine has been let to WUUam Salo and partner), who are now pi sparing the camp with a view to ataru ing the work. William Anderson of Vancouver, pro- mlncnt hydraulic engineer, ta the purpose of eaamlning the water power the Dalnousle MHUng Oo. has acquired on Bear River and string out plans tor Its d slgpunt- Mesjiwhlle, ttie flrwmr rtattn warfcrhf'sinael f being pushed with iwn sblfu and It u expected the objective will be reached he fore the end tyf the month. A memorial service was held In the Opera House here by the Iccsl Moose Lodge lat evening. "1'KOVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT PNIM'i: HI PKKTlcm TOIMI, IIISIHK I NOTICE U hereby given that I shall, jn Monday, the aut day of May. 1S. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Court-house, Prince Rupert, hald s .-it ting of the Court of Revltion for the purpose of revising ih. im nt voier.s for the said electoral district, and ot hearing and detarmlnlsV , unv mtllt all ODierll'lll IU V"" ewmw af any mmr 01: the Hiid list, or to l-.u..... - - n rn ir OI flllY IUD CUl i"1'". ." . .' .rt (nr ior i other ' for registration; ann Provincial sureosss m i 1ur1.11 in n,v elections Act " n.rt at Prince Rupert B.C., this 5lh '&2i&TiT VOTERS. 110 Prince Rupert Electoral District. MINERAL ACT (Form F.) CEKTII ICATK OF IMI'KOVBMENTS Princess Pat. Lot 4M! Pilo' ,' miles from the town of Atui' TAKlSoTlCr. tlm- wr mtA P 1 n i Ml Free Miners I ertiiicaie 55 iSSr Kd sixty day. from ti apply to Jn Mim" reVcreVer the date hereof, tor a Certificate of linpw. mtrn for the DlirD.i' of oouining a Crowh Grant of the above cla m that ""ion And further Use noti.-e enmmenced , under section ' , r,rimcate fertlllcaie oi of )i K.fra tha Issue of su' ImrovemenU. , ,, . n inji Dated '''''';V VV. , A.ant. Al TERRACE xmiiiieuh hoy am iuhlh tkamh VIWlT NTKAH IlhKllY TVIItl: AMI auk royally knti:ktaim:i TIED ON GAMES TKMIt.trB IKOI-Li:- EXTBMi TIIK.M - hi Li fe ix ltfokt to hxaki: THE VOl THI I L YlftlTOU I. .. i . . . . Bui9 uuKisui wm imurneo vo the e renins ' the Interior on Baturdav after amin.!"'.."" a series r, of , runes wKh the local , '. hlsn :,: I vhool teaau in which each team lost 'J-:- name and w:n dja other. How -v'r- iKlb Tenaoe tsajfcwwere ahead In hv t ill "I point ffetjlBd. On Thurs- ay niU'1 loe Terrace girls lost to ml'-hers with a eore of 15-17 while Terrace beys won over the Tlslting '"' by 33-19. o rnrt.. .i h J1 rented, the local girls wlnolng with re of ao to IS while the home boys nt down to defeat, the score being 18-21. This msde the total score for both nights: Otris Terrace 85, Smitbers 30. Boys Terrace SO. Smitbers 40. All the gassed were welt played and were a good eihibiUon of basketball klll. All uanvi m wltn.i. fmr manv enthusiastic fan. .nd .uinrteral and the total rir,. .n( v danoe exceeded even the hoa. or the home team lltVtX IX IKIVOIt PoUowlrta Ptldav nutht's easna a nub. lie dance was held in O.W.VA. hall in honor of the visitors and was attended by one of the largest dance crowds ever assembled here. A splendid feeling of sood letlowihlD and snort nsnshlD mm-: t ailed among the young people and ail aacered to thorsuahlv enlov them elves. The miui; was rhrnihi iw Mn. Von Hees' orchejitra and refresh- menu were furnished by the basket- ball team members. The visitors were given a great sand- receive a hearty at any tutor ture date they may return here another game. The line-up was a follows: Olrli Buiithers: Centre. Vivian Graham. Dolly Carpenter: forward. Marjorte Roberts (captain). Avis Warl. Mabel Me- ; Intyre: guards. Vina Bby. Agnes Rrtck-a an Twrrace: Oemry. Penny Mtssren ! icaptalni: forward. Helen Orelg. N. Malloi. Margaret Olasa: guards. Bess I Mccre, Mons Orelg. Bjys Smtthers: Centre. Wllmer lewis (captain): forwards. Prank Suit. Cardan hMHh: guards. Bill Hoadley. Oswald Bo.tl.tna. Tarraee: Centre prank Hepp: forwards. Alva Moore. Jam Bmltn. Chas. Oauthara: guards. Bert Walters, A Hclmwoxl Wllmer Lewis waa coach for the' Smltnara teams wltti A. Hoimwood and Bert Walters for the locali. Dr. Brum-mltt and A. Hounwood acted aa referees for the game. The Mtasees tveae Metotyre. Marjorle and Jerry Warner and Jim Stiver accompanied the earthen teems to Terraee. Following their arrival on Thursday the Smitbers visitors were taken on a motor drive around the district returning to Mrs. C. ft. outset's home tor afternoen tea. Mra. Gilbert waa aeatst-ed In serving tit guests by Mrs. Head and Mra. gfcndal. . -Buei MajMdvadd raeslie'(Srn,'eeTe I winners of a contest stared during the afUrnoon. Refreshment were served to the vii-tora and local pUyers at the home of Mrs. W. H. Burnett afur Thursday ' ' ,, ,k... . 'lOeorge exchaned United Church night's games slated by Mrs Mooie and Mra. Mc Laren. On Friday afternoon Mra. Oeq. Little and Mite Blderkln were Joint hostesees si a reception In honor of the visitors bald at the home of the former and at Which about forty yuung pe. pie were present. Under the direction of Rev. and Mra. A. W. Robinson a most Interesting and enjoyable program, of games and atunta 1 was earned through amid muoh merrl- I I Prtftrwinners In the contest were Kathleen Burnett ano B. Hoadley of Bmsthers. Mrs. Dover assisted the hut. easas in the asrvtng of refmhnaenti. after which appreciation of the hospitality extended in their behalf was voiced by B. Headley or Smttber and the crowd sang "For They are Judy Good Fallows" before dispersing. Subscribe for the Dally New. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an MWlleatlOH for the laaua Af SymilalnMl cVuhmIa n Title for Lot sixteen (181. Btoek atxtsen 18t. Town ot Stewart, Map 1SA. satisfactory proof of the leas of the certificate of Title covering the above! land having been produced to me, It la mf laWmtlon to issue, after (be eipU- .ilVlrSons? of Title to the abbve land In the name of W II VICKBR8. The orlelnsl Oartlfl- cat of Title Is dated the feth October. , 1910. and Is numbered 3711 Lend Betlstrr p'ne Runert.i H F MCt,TOD 87 Begtotrax of XUlea. Father entities formerly in charge of i the Roman Catholic parish here re- turned to Terrace on Saturday to hold linaas on Sunday. A compressor is being taken Into the Diadem group of mining claims at Hanall, the property of Butkley Shannon f Oak. OHn to tha basfcethall nn Thn.. U.. k- -.v.i- . .... Patent Teachers' Association was postponed for on week and will be held at the school on Thursday, Apr 11 19 mi. a. W. Robinson will be the speaker of when she will elve a t n "The Bast Mr. sod Mrs. A. Rgan and baby daughter of Rosewood armed trnu the lake on Saturday and will spend oome time In town. Matt Allan) and partner arrived In town at the end of the week from their " 81 Katsumkalum Uke with a i"" bMnch of lnc,udln Pendul fisher. They disposed of the catch to B' A. O. Small of Prince Rupert visitor here during the week. L. M. Helntyre was an arrival here this week from Paris. Ooroon IttJe returned borne on Sat- urdsy after spending hi Caster vacs Uoa wlth Mr. H iutowtu In Prince Buperf . Vernon Olaaa arrived home on Satur- to Pencl k nd at his home Mm. Akerberc and daughter returned to Prince Rupert on Thursday after "P1"11" vaoaaswn with Mrs. V. Soucl MUs Mies all0T Kenney returned to Prince Rupert tan Sunday to studies si 1st apertdlng her her home here. VANDERII00F The Central British Columbia Teachers. Institute, at its first annual con-vedVlon in Prince George hut week, e'-ected affloam as follows. President. Ocrdon II. Ooeaar. Prince Oeorae: see- retary treasurer. A. Armour. The Port C. JeiBM Plah at flssni Grub has been formed at Port St. Jaasas with a membenhip ut about thirty piyffMt Off learn ware elected as follows: Presi dent. Herbert Suttan: secretary. Bdward Porlar. AtfUiatlan will be sought with '.he British Columbia Anglers' Club. The manager of the Royal B..:k of Canada at Lawson. Saskatehew ,.n written to George Ogtton. sect jry of i .be Vanderhoof Board of Trade that he la urging settlers lee1 hi district to go to Central British c uro- I bta rather than the Peace Rive illey.' The Port St. James Conaerrv .. As sociation has elected offloara for the year as follows: President, A. C. Murray: vice-president. John Gregg: sect- tary-tiesfurer. Alex. Kynoctf: executive. B. . Forfar. W. D Praser. A. H. Huffman. S.j RoAsettl. B. O. By all and S. Snoakl A KllllHtnD hlflaa, 1. K.ln. dnfM r Vanderhoof by the village eemm las (oners The Vanderhoof Boy BsouU' :nmlt- ' tee haa aliossd offloers for 'ur M follows: Psesldcif. Oearar Ok-' -i loe-l prertdent, Mr. Holt: Mirr'at-'r ,,,r) B. Roberts, K BekeoU has recel ved a Isaence fresni ... .. .. Archdeacon O A. Rlx ilw to act as 1 lay reader In the dioce.se of Caledonia. Rev. J T Smceton of Vanderhoof and Rev. S. T Gitlbralth of Prince; pul- plu yesterday. Oeorge 8trlegler. who hsa been ill recently, was taken to the Prince Oeorge Hospital laal week 8mlu1' Mrv Warren Juhnion wa taken III during the week nod la now confined Miss B. Hill Is here from Shelley to her home. .visiting with her sister. Mra J. T. Steele. On account of o much Ulneas In the, community, the Ladle' Aid Society has d -elded to po-rtpone lu meetings Indefln- Italy Leslie Brain, who apent the Easter vacation in Vanderhoof. stated that his Tamily intended returning to the dls- trlct In the near future. ; JJUJCNS LAKE While WUllion Ellison waa attending the Crnatrvat:ve nominating convention here last week bis store and resiaenoe at Ootaa Lake was oaanleUiv destrosed fey fire! the leas Including 100 la ufhlrk, bail kaan naehad nn tha J""01 tor th Repose of buying ,furs . .,. a, MM VJ, lUT m,T)ll IIWWI a, hwiiiwi !f ssvd Mrs, R. a. Stnams ot Tlnla - be -rrh! e. Ma, 10 at har home to Harry NlrhoUa of Uncha Val i... ' Mms Nettn Clark. school teacher at f ike. t.'Ut the Beater holidsy bete us tUe guet of list. A An- TheD of every night by paid in advance Keep about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS - deeson. A son was born at the first of lsst Jweek In the Burns Lake Hoaplul to Mr. and Mra. B. BiaekweU of Wls- urla. AUce Plllabury returned here yesterday enroute to Francois Lake WhOSe She Will school teaching duties after having spent the 'Raster holidays at Prince Rupert with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. yt Pilia- bury. C. D. Haven left on Thursday tor iTopley where be wlU ibis ctaiaas , m VK. m91 both of 1Ml jwtth hu son at Bden. Manitoba, before proceeding to the United States. Miss Olive Nourse spent the Xastor holidays here vlsitteg with her parenUj Mr. and Mrs M. P. Nourse. T. W. Brewer of the Forest Branch was s visitor nere .i wa .run. - r. ana airs. a. ocnrcioer 01 up- putcott Bay were visitors In town last i I William Held la engad in construe- Hon work of the new garage for the Burns Lake Hardware. j 7 Krosst Howard, who has been working "l i-ranowi ixe ior j. n. wewr the conclusion of the Great War. is ,bout to 'v tn Albert J R Walker of Francois Lake was a in town last week. I , J . ,, 1 'r v -- " lnuraasy ior urarae wnrnrj Mr. Hartley has accepted a position In j a general store. otiuit ......r y denoe at Ol.coms. Mrs Hartley and' . f"mllT " 1U VJSIl ior a ew w.vu d. at Dewey. SMITHERS An Interesting wedding took place. 'iere recti; !. Anen Rev Oeorne Tur- pin united in aurrlign Mies Dorothy your copy of aily News Posted having it delivered to your will bring it to you every Yourself Well IT WILL PAY YOU! IN PROBATE in tih: ti rni;Mi: iiii kt or ititnisii COLI'MIUA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Kstate of Benedict Steffan Johnson. Deceased, Intesutc. TAKB NOTICE that by order of H1- Honor F. McB. Young, the aand day of March, laai. I waa appointed administrator at the estate oj Benedict Steffan Johnson, daeeaaad. and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 4Sth day of April, legs, and all parties Indebted to the esUU are required to pay the amount of their indebted-neat to me forthwith. . . NORMAN A. WatT .' f Official AdmtnUtrstor. Prswoe Rupert. BjC I tDevoln, daughter of Loi ula Dvotn, and Wkaisn h waa-. known restden is rl'JaitM'.iriiisiii ornBViverv. i ' tone Si Knight, well known Spokane diamond drilling concern, haa been awarded the contract to drill tea deep I m the TopleT.Kchflad propert,. The crew wlU arrive this month to Institute the work. A dUrodil tea waa held In the Soouti Hall on Saturday afternoon by the Women. Auxiliary to St. Jamas Angli- aM CylxttlA About fifty Smitbers people were in attendance at an Raster Monday dance ,n Xelkwa Recent warm weather haa resulted In s number of sales and enquiries. 8mUhori au' umoblle dealers report, j The fallowing were among out of 'town vial tors In Smlthera durtng the wwk: JkmM Tura,,. HUton; I. c,rU)oni oadarvaU: J. P. Cole. Houston; H. W. Bnarpe. Hazel ten: oeorge Wil son. Sea ton: Oeorge Hipp, Terrace. Miss K. McKay of Prince Rupert visited here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Russell. Wright (Shorty) Devttt ot Topleywasi a visitor in town last week to be mit-l laterf a meBihar of tha Inr.l assembly of the Native Sous of Canada. George A. Benson and Maik Oaorge of Haaaltoa were busl vial torn In Smlthera lsst week. Mm. Harvey Davlra and daughter. Maude, of wi-.e visitors ui town last ik address by carrier night for a year Selling i Out Our whole stock must be dknewei' ef qaPJdy COME EARLY AND GET YOURBHAIIE OF THE I1AKGALN8 Montreal Importers Thin) Avenue J. H. Miller, Proprietor. City Meat Market (SELVIG I1ROS.) Third Ave. 1'hone 7GS KJOT FWK , GRONSAKER GJKTOST f NOKKELOST I'TIYSOST GAMMELOST FI8KKR0LLER FLATHROI) MULTKH Oi?.V. lnt U, mrcr. UHllge priser. Ilurtlf ombrinjrelse. i i IS