Saturn. -..v. "I'lr JJ') IP'-?, INEW SAWMILL FOR INTERIOR T t it. craHii nwterinl for it pin iff ai Mtnirjt. Oniiiilti, whr Rpin ..liH.Tly lli'tt-Mii million feet of iui'U iuii.jtr i urfed sn- iually, the General Motors of Canada 9 contemplating the erec- Jon of a sawmill somewhere along the line of the Canadian National fpnilwrys near Prince George. Representatives of the company Save been looking over the Rround and are reported to have tiaile arrangements wftleh will rr ult in the building of a saw- ni; of fiO.000 feet dally capacity Kn,iin the next few months. Man in the Moon alio funs are hutring a lot' 1 l fv rolitlcal MVwQhw and ejection day will be fed up fi politic, i . . i I f m , iere uoe noover maim I ;ul how does Al Smith lie? ,r.v-c ,.ru questions onen asked T be answered by and by. Jake says he know a woman tan talk just as unlntelli-twiHtirjt ny mn. K ' (! I'llTll Xlll tixlh) ;-.-ftl . ,,. lit iriy U.t I Afvi . :,.iKi' a luiiune by Interning a Da ; seal urive car. Ten. Years Ago In Prlnco Rupert October 20, 1918 Tu campaign for the sale of i Bonds in Priwre Rupert l)cn on October 28. Prwnin-'i.ens will participate In an :iKing. Alaska jagjjnjlit r Alaskan went on the rocks f fwankn Bay yesterday, u.-sengers were taken off by t amer Chelohsiu, Capt. Ed-whirh later pulled the i f the rocks. I t hurches bing closed uiit of the epidemic of in-a, local clergymen are pub-r.g sermons in the Daily ews, among them being Father 111 Grath. Canon Rix, Rev. II. R. Jraat, and Rev. V. S. A. Cruix. (iluti usLand Isn't It apalling? ft- insists on taking those htd iat everywhere we w Traveller Does she i uu put them out at night? 'and Invariably. i w Traveller Take her to LOVERN.MK.Vr I. AQT HHK OF WI'l.tOATION FOR l.HF.Ncr: I' K IK HKIlgllT OIVBW that! Wl . i Novembar. Ivfs. the ua- . -ends to apply to the Lteruor r t it licence In resnait tieni nan of the bulMlni t' Queen's Hotel. Maaaett. Ofahaat i at Maenett, Graham ! .'!''" thelantie oeacrlbtd aa Lot I)' k No. 14. 8udlvlalon of L?t niaMotte Islands. Plan No. ' r. i,sit. prince Rupert Land a ' i D.Mrict. in the Province ot r innibnt. for the sale of over : ' -.- or by me open bottle lor . "ii tin: premlaen. J - i .i imy ..f Oi tober 101. POH1KK 8IN0ER. (A Bad Case of Eczema Are you reading the weekly Canadian letters, telling stories of suffering from skin dlsessss now relief was eflectedl ., ll'" la port of a UtUr frsm Mrs. Uo Hi. Mldlsnil, Oat. J. rlie nor If yau dislrs. "I had a ; ' uf Knmi an mr fc 1 I-.. slHiMip. Could not Dad ' ;i i HI. ofcf'u b. t me f 1 11 rhf, au then I cortd a f ' lil... sad I sm now without a " ' !lh." In pr.0.0, cf Pudding Is tMh? '". When a prescrlp. ' i for skin dlssass haa letters er endorsmn tmm irely It a enourh to cor "-. the most skeptical i ' ueaiaa; lormeat is mmediate. Try one 11.00 botUe k'i !.; U-,,0.d!n ,h Positive Sj-Jantim. And p. p. p. p0ap. too. v ' Wcct TCilP.rt'Sf, llHKltilU ..vcrim-rprr r.. ,12.20 p.m. 11.8 ft. Monday, October 22 HJht . 8.27 a.m. ICO ft. f 2Q.02 p.m. 1G.7 ft. Low , 1.29 a.m. 7.9 ft. . 13.54 p.m. 11.8 XL, Tuesday, October 23. High .... 9.35 a.m. 1C.9 ft. 21.10 p.m. 17.3 ft. Low 2.38 a.m. 7.7 ft. 15.14 p.m. 10.7 ft. W' jtlrMlay, (M-ImImt 'ii. Hlh o.-2 .,. ft. ii m 1U ft i v i Iw 3.39 a.m. 7.0 ft' 16.21 p..m 9.1 ft. Thursday, October 25 , 11.02 a.m. 195 ft. 23.12 p.m. 19,3 ft Iaw 4-13 a.m. 6.2 ft. 17 19 r. n. "JtJ ft I p.m. Friday, October 26 mh ..11.41 a.m. 90.6 ft Low i . 5.22 a.m. 1& ft 17.&7 n.m. 34 ft IN PROBATE IN THE Ml PHKMK ( Ot KT OI' llHITIoll COI.lMltlA. In the Matter of the Admlnlatratlon Act: and ' In the Matter of the Ealate of Halph Tyaon, Deceaaed. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla ! Honor, r. UcB. Youac. the 10th day of Sxptemcer. AD. IMS. X waa (appointed , AommuKrator aaiAAJeWa avui V4 or we ataaT tcsvMivQr eataie .m foi fie naipa , Tyaon. oeoeaaed. and all partle. hating el!m aaJnat the aald. eate are heretiy required to rumian aamc, propeny Ten fled, to me on or before the lath day of November AD. 1A3S, and. all partle ln-debted to the eatate are required to pay the amount of their tndebtedneai to me forthwith. TllEO, OOLLART. Admlnlatrator. Prince Rupert. BC. Dated the 17th day of October. A.D. itnw BRINGING UP FOR RENT FOR RENT f urnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT House 893 P.orden Street. Phone Black 512 after 5 o'clock. tf mished or un- room house, j Atlln Avenue. Phone Blue 272. j 247 FOR RENT Pianos. Player-PltnoH, Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT Heated room, fur-J nished. in private residence. Five minutes from City Hall., Phone Blue 506. 240 1 WANTED . I WANTED Kitchen help Witfl I some cooking experience. The Inlander, P.O. Box 987. tf M'.KNTS NTKI 2t)l- KoK u'csi KlrfLTlNM rr- li ... .... iikious literature nail man r woman: srare or full tlm Write Mr. Conrad, Tower Build ing, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED To take or-ders for Canada's finest line of Personal Greeting Cards. Regal Art Company, Manufacturers, S10 Spadina, Toronto. MAN OR WOMAN to travel, and appoint local representatives. Poaition permanent. Yearly guarantee $1092 (being $21 wewkly average) and expense. Winston Coi Tower building, Toronto. CALENDAR Salman: You can make a success handling our line as our samples are specially designed to suit every class of business. Calendar season commences shortly. Reply at once and state territory can cover. Give references. Apply Box 148 Daily News. WANTED Side line salesman to sell on commission, Counter Sales Books and Business r . rorma in northern lirilisn CO- liimhii. from I'rin.. I!niu.rl Kuiwri In to I ol ! . n Prince George. State line car- i i ... . i.. , i , iicu. uuu uu iiriueimi itrn- tory covered. Splendid oppor-1 tunity. 247 FATHER THE aimt ew& PAGE SEVE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNI TTTT.S T? TTJR TAC!E WTIICiT 10?T PEOPLE READ HEM'SB It TS FTTTJ." OF TUTSAN WTSTNESS INTEREST TO YrtTTNrT 'AJftV (Irjt." ' PRINCE KUl'BJiT TIDES Saturday, October 20 High R.52 a.m. 16.1 ft. 17.06 p.m. 17.8 Low 11.20 a.m. 11.1 ft. Sunday, October 21. High 7.18 a.m. 15.G ft. 18.28 p.m. 1C.8 ft. Low 0.1C a.m 7.-1 ft. .High ft.;Fojl RENT Fur: j furh ven REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot or, Third Ave-nue opposite First Street, $2,100 Easy terms. Box 137 Daily News Office. FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 21 22, 23. block 7, Section 5, fronting on McBride Street Price $1,000.00; $400 cash; balance $200 yearly at 7 per cent Apply owner, W. Arnett, Dauphin, Man. 24) FOR SALE Seven roomed modern house on Fifth Avenue West, at corner Emmerson Place. $3,000.00. Small .i'cash payment with balance monthly like rent. Phone Black 291. 247 FOR SALE FOR SALE Bedroom furniture. Phone Black 714. 247 FOR SALE- -Player piano in good rA,l!ilnn A bargain. Phone Blue 348. tf FOR SALE Fireco Brick lir.ed htr. Apply 721 Fifth Avenue Kill: .3aI.R Pilrfr-,.i fi.,tN'n - iHJlice tiuu ouooies fifirii weeka i . ... ., i ti a,. Oid. Price $35.00. Phone Red 392. 251 FOR SALE Winchester Rifle. fine condition, 30 cal. long range. Cost $65. What offers? I'hone Ke1 409. 246 FOR SALE 45 h.p. Universal marine engine with reduction gear. Apply Dr. Large, Port Simpson. B.C. 249 FOR SALE UnpreceIented val ues in used Trucks 1925 Fisher Fast Freight IVt ton truck; 1926 DaV-Elder Worm Drive 2 ton truck? IV ton Reo Speed Wagon; l1 ton Minom ineej 1 Patriot and others east terms arrange Send for complete particulars. Hayes-Anderson Motor Co., Limited, 1256 Granville Street, Vancou ver, B. C. 243 TIMBER SALE X-10549 Sealed Tender wUl he received Vy the Diatrlct Foreeter, Frtnc . Rupert, SjC not later than noon on. th 1st da.y of November. 192S. for the purohae of licence X10S4A LahouolMT Channel. I r? n .M 1 1 ...AAA fMt luuufe j. to ot i.ioo.ukj len rv,, Maure of Oedar. Hemlock. Spruce. Balaam and Fir Sawlotrs. wo )2) W1U' a5,;:ed for removal of timber. Ftirther particulars, of the Chief For eater. Victoria. BC. the DMtrlet Fores ter. Prince Rupert, B.C.. or Ranger L. B. Webster. Ocean Fall, B.C. SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Easthope ' Engines, Coolidge Propellers and , Texlube Oil Boats of all description for j I Charter j i Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week ! Days on the hours 1 p.m. till P i p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 1) a.m. till 8 p.m. . 561 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. lvjro OIIEiEil HlFilrtU WORKS (Established 1909) Agents for the Hull Dog Pioel'rs KurilbMr Easy Payments. Arrives st up. xt-njr- fur iii.'ti.lllrii'. i' Jttn I Virile 0 call .1 lor :4U- ,0Ue logue. 1 n ty 1 1 m . ' Phone 340. Box 467. - i THE SHAMROCK ROOMS I gth SUttt and Second Avenue T Tn rla natif rnsniirnmanf Ptann single and double housekeeping rooms . Mrs. John Dalberg : WEEK END SPECIALS IN BEDS .! I As a special inducement to an- . , nounce my commencement in the i Retail Furniture business. I am rr i .li in. I oiiering tniriy oniy, & in. woniin - 1 uous Post Beds with 00 coil spring Non-sway attachment and all-felt mattress, guaranteed, Complete for $28.00 ' Higher grade Mattresses such! as as Fxealda, lixceiaa,. Retmoreret ueimoreresi, anrl ana ths xne famous "Nachmtn Spring-filled .1 , ! n aianress, ijbu in toci. uarry- ' more Carpets and Ranges. Easy . , . , terms arranged. Get my prices. trp GEO. J. DAWES : Prince Rupert Auction Mart, Federal Block. CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASPINALL, Chirooractor and Electro Thera- peutist. Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 241 or Black 283. CHIROPRACTOR DR. R. E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue ! The right adjustment at the ; right time produces the best re j suits. Our new ANALYTE Indi-1 cates the right adjustment Phone Blue 85 I Residence Phone, Black 252 Form No. 18 (Section 80) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOK LEASE OF FORESHORE In tnc Skeena Land recording D-trlct, and altuate. fronting on Lot 187, age. TA AKE NOTICE that the Erltuh Col umbia Flanlng & Packing C Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Flatting and Packing. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described foreebore: Oommencln at a post planted at the northern comer of aald Lot 127; thence TAKE NOTICE that the Brltlah Ool-wwt. twenty ehntna. more or lem. to . nmMa FUhlng FatektBc C. Ltd.. uf an lntervirtlon . with the wt ootin- Vancouver, B.C. occupation "lhing nary of Ut 127 'produced mxtti: thenoe Packing. lntnd to apptv for it foiiowtnc a -ir- ot Lut u, is. 12V uuUi uui t tu mean mean Qig'i mg'i ' araier air mr mara. n.emt tnence esueriy. eseri)f. louowim louuwmj (he mean hlgU waiei mark to point cf oumumKcmcni, muu vuutaiuiug icu r aerea. more or leaa. I BRITISH COLOMBIA FI8HINO Si , PACKINQ CO. LTD. By Jamea Henry Buannr,. Agent, pated AUgun 2. ivzb 2a Komi No. 16 (Section 36) LAND ACT. 1 ' "" XOTrK or INTENTION TO APrLY FOR leise of fokesiiokc In the Skeena Land Recording DU-I trlct. and attuate. fronting on part of Lot 3. Range b. Coaat Dlatnet, Telegraph PaAaage. take nutick tnat tne umian oh-mnbla Flahlni & PacktM C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fishing and Packing. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described forethore: Commencing' at a peat planted about .twenty chain northwesterly from the aouthweat corner ot aald Lot 38: thence twet. ten chatm: thence northwesterly. parallel to the general run cf the ahere line, fifteen chains; thence eaav to mean blgh water mark, ten chain, more or hr ..TX.tT mean n h!gr water mark to point of com- mencement, containing mteen acres, more or leaa. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING FACKIriQ CO.. liTU. By Jamea Henry Buahnell. Agent Dated August 34. IMS 268 Re-Certlflcate of Tide No 144396-1 to Lot 8. Block 8. Subdivision of Lot 83C8, Range 9. Coast Diatrlct. Map liaj. WHEREAS proof of io&a ol (he above Certificate of Title iaa.ued la the name of curries cordon, ha bw filed in thta office, notice is hereby given that I ihall. at the expiration of one month th. daM oi nTat Bublicatlon ! hereof. lsoe a provisional Certificate ol I Title In "" lieu of the aald lost Certificate, V5.' "11.1 ums m the meantime valid -CJiT! objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office Prince Rupert. B.C., this 2nd day of October. A.D. 1H6. It. F. MACLEOD. j S50 Regiatiar. I j rvt.'i' kio U E TA1.KI N 1 ( J AND THEV SEALED 7 f IN A UTTLE SPANISH ) f PSHAWtT- MOUt 1 THSRNOPUCEUKE. it WITH A KISS SI I TOWM-TWONA LIKE UOCOMOTlJE J HOME ITULDO MtCOOD ina J! L Id NlCHT UKE, VJOKiTHAM IT r? TO STAY HOME f ' Vj J Jfr a;vAj. N ( j THIS- J M , UKE HOME' ( I MOW WHAT T 1 Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. SOTICli OF IXTF.XTION TO APPLtf FOB LEASE OF FORESHORE In the Skeena Land ireeordiag District, situate and frontlrig on Lot U. Range 8, Cbart District. Oxtail Elver. TAKE NOTICE that th British. Col umbia Fishing ii PaeKtng c. Lte , of Vancouver, a.v., occupation Pishing and r-ac4lnc. r-acatng. Intend Intend! to apply for a lease af the foUowtng deacrt1 need foreshore: planted northwest corner of aald Lot 11; thence treat, ten chains; thence south forty chain, mere or los. to an intersection wttb the aouth boundary of Lot 11 produced west: thence east, following aid production of the aouth boundary of Lot 11. tlx c. alna. more or leaa. to mean high water mark: tnence northerly, following the mean high water mark to polr.t of commencement, and coriiuin- ; Ing thirty acrea. more or leas ! BRITISH COLUMBIA F1SH1NO Si PACIfJNO CO. LTD By James Henry Buahnell. Agent. Dated Auguat 16. :MB uao Form No. 18 (Beetlon SB) LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY FCU LKt.SK OF lOKHMIOKE In the Skeena Land Recording Du- trlct. attuate and frontlnc on Lot 3. Ranee 4 Coaat Diatrlct. Lowe Inlet. oauunenclnf fct a pjm plantea t foucneaat imuaeut ct.Tr eo.Tr ui oj i:a l:a uoi iov a: : tne ineii -e- aevtli. two cnalua; meAOt waav forts cotuu, more icw, 10 an inwnK- tlon with the et tamftalarr Lot produced aouth: tbtnoe aprth aevra cnslna. more or lea, to the vouthweat corner, of Lot 2; thence easterly, follow the mean high water mark to the xm: oi- commencement, ans contam-ng eighteen acres, more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FUMINO J . PACKING CO.. LTD By James Hear buahnell Agect. Dated August 28. 1M. aaa Form No. 16- (Gecttot. no) LAND ACT. MITICF. or INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LKASK OF FOHKSIIORI: Iii the Skeena Land 'Recdrdlng DM-rlct. altuate and fronting on Lot of the Brltlah Columbia Ptahmg . Pack-ng Co s Cannery site, Townatte of Port Csalncton. Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE the British Columbia FUhlng & Packing C Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fishing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease f the following deucribed fombore : - .Commencing at a post planted at the -tortheaat comer of the aald Cannery it: thence northerly, following the Production of the easterly boundary of he B.C. Fishing & Pacattajg Ca.'s property, six hundred feet; HMnce westerly, at right angles t the .(aid easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to an Intersection with the westerly boundary of the B.C. Flatting Ac PacXIi Co.'a property produced northerly; thenoe toutherly, foDowlng -.-","",r"" aava weerteny Dounaixy produced six . to mean high lJer mark; thence easrlv. following he mean high water mark to point of sommencement. and containing six acrea. more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FI8HINO & PACKING) CO,. LTD. By James Henry Buahnell. Agent. Dated August 27. IMS 3M By George McMahus iiW rmrK " f&Y'0ds irl I . I W SKffiK i I faW rit:ttjdT;uV . rfP T OJTV " "V V h. 1 II J .!fHH3-ffiaw i I I : - -. - " - ntffll wANTroo-ro;orqvfTrsll I f ( t mate to let the I . Vho are tou a.n' what I WKBMMT f Bi Couut- it never I i. fowl AMD FIRE THE COOK AND POOR ClftLCO.BUTI QQ O'VOO WANT? bP6.f OP IBSH RAINb, BUT VJHAT KfP I OON'T COME BEFORE ME i COTTA 5AVC ME- I nfk I'LU QOUNCE A f-) jjTjrrrTl V tT POOR?)-I'Nf l W&$f.r- "SHE HA'3 LEFT S SSlF FROM A vtKlLUET OPF WmUk GONNA CIT W'ls THE HOUSE. OR l-LU U BE ATI N J W TO OR NUT I I , Mg-EKa X "L BEAT up' Tyv ATTEND TO TOO J f J j )