t the most hgrlicular taste THE ACME'S Annual ( ontinuM with nn unabated flow of the Biggest Bargain in ILL'. MEN'S OVFRCOATS lit tore onr Temptation iSale rlu.He.H, we art making a very offer on Men's Overcoat.. The regular value of these i m up to $45 each. They come in single and double-breasted well tailored from heavy weight pure wool tweed, well i ';, and revealing for the most part the appealing check '.nk muli-rials at their best. Here goes every Overcoat in mutation Sale Price, each vu,ww 1K)YS- SWEATERS I'" y' Jersey Sweaters the famou S;. Margaret's brand, ' '' in Kngiand. Made of pure Cashmere Vmi with polo col-11 They come in all shades and in all size. Thin in the, most Mi. .ruble irarnient for any boy and what he like J-f AC - v, too. Temptation- Sale Price ?JLOU HOYS' STOCKINGS ISoys' Double Knee and Diamond Knee Stinking, made in "ntrland. the famous St. Margaret's brand. These are pure ""I and for boys' extraordinary hitrd wear, can't be beat. H -izea. QC l niptation Sale Price VIKING AND WOLSKY UNDERWEAR The f I neat Underwear for Men in Pure Wool. Reirular " and $7.60 values. fl QR ''-'"p.tioii-8a!e Price w w Acme e fflDorters No I .0.1). Orders Strict Iv Canh No Charge Accounts Mail Order I'-ornr.'ed Express Prepaid SPECIAL Trial OFFER For 26c and without any further obligation on your part, we will give vou one of the famous DUR- , H AM DUPLEX Razors (exactly the same as those l'Mfiljyifir regular $1 fiO sets) with one blade, l. yjnjior.aliaving. The number of Razora.we can ,i?ive away at this price is strictly limited. GET YOURS TODAY rotes IM. 7c Pioneer Drttggriste THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. - - TELEPHONES 8-?,200 Local and Persoaal B.O. Undertskers. Phone l Dentist. Dr. J. a. amu. Phone BBS, Skating dully. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Tommy 'a Taxi. Phone 790. Zenith Cafe. -Wv tf Zenith Ca:e, the place to ault every body' pocket. " tl Price ot Daily Neva M centa a month to city reacted or earn a year tor out of town residents 6 Mr. and Mrs. a. h. Woodland returned to the city on Um Prince Ruoert thin morning Ironl a week's trip to Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howe, after having spent the pant three weeka In the city, returned on the Prince Rupert this morning to Vancouver. The price of the Da. y News 1 now 50c a month, payable In advance, for Prince Rupert subscriber or 85 a year. Those wishing the paper delivered will please call ut ;:ie otllce or telephone 08. 8 Mskliu; the round trip to the Pacific coast, Mr. H. Cope and son. F. Cope, of Carlyle. Saskatchewan, arrived in the city from the east on yesterday after-noon't train, sailing this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mlas Llnnea Hanson returned by the Prince Rupert this morning to Victoria where she will resume her studies after having tpent the Christmas and Hew Year holiday season visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mra. O. Hanson. 768 Sixth Avenue West. Dale Wit. manager of the Premier Mine. was a passenger on the Prince Rupert this morning bound south on business. Accompanying him was his daughter. Miss Elizabeth Pitt, who if returning to ber studies at Taeoma after having spent the holiday season at home. P. B. Tsylor. discoverer and operator of the famous Topley mine aa well as other mining properties in the central interior, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon t train, accompanied by airs. Taylor, and sailed this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver and other points In the south on a months' business trip. There was an enthusiastic crowd of local youthful basketball players at the government wharf yesteruay alternoon to give the Ocean Palls team an en-:ius:n stlc send-off as It left on the Prioress Mary returning home, 'ollow In the Inter-High School series here The beys from the' paper town mack tb trip here in charge of William PlenCbrielth. At the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday at the Covmodort cafe. James Code of Camraee. Athena, member of tl-e Rotary club at that point, jfe a guent. He empassasia to the club- the value of the Peaoe River and the desirability of awestern o.itlet to Prince Rupert. City Engineer McLean gave a brief addreas and vecal soles were ren-rkred by Mrs Jervls McUod and 8. A ' M rP hereon Colonel J. W. Nltbolls pre sided , f C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt Arthiu- Slater, southbound from Alaska ports to Vancouver and Victoria, ar rived in port at 3:15 yesterday afternoon frcm Ketchikan, tailing at S for CV-can falls Passengers arriving nr from Alaska on the Mary Included M'rhae Busen. Mr and Mrs. Murdo McDonald. Miss Ha rash McDonald. Miss Nelllna McDonald. Mrs. Helga Johnstone Jrmes C langley. Phyllis Brudle. Mrs. Florence Hlcka. Mrs. Jeanne Stewart. Jrhn A. Freeman, Marcus Peterson. Mrs. Mary Uiwler and Mrs. Elsie Prince The vessel had r total lift of about fifty passengers bound south. Elk A N NOU NCCM RNT8 's leap-yenr Dance. January 90. U-glon Novelty Danes January 37 Pr:uce Rupe.-t Olrls' Drill Team cance February 8. Elk's Annual Dance. February 17. OlUt GHKAT CLOSING out SALE MBN-S ATs'D T50YS ("1.0T1IING AND FURNISHINGS is UII on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller. Proprietor Had a Severe Gold Coughed Incessantly Mrs. C. Fehrman, Selkirk, Out, vrritet; "Last winter I suffered from a very severe cold. I coughed Incessantly which irritated the glands and caused sore throat "I tried several medicines without any luck, but one dy t picked u your almanac and read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "I get ft bottle and after taking couple of dose'i felt much relieved and vrheu I bad finished it my cold had simply disappeared.'' f "Dr. Wood's" i 5e- bottle, lergt fatally site 60e.; far tale at all drug-(fists and dealerij put up only by The T. Mflbuxa Co., limited, Toronto, Out Oct the Big 4 habit) When thinking of a Text phone, 4. v r For a selection jM chocolates and smoking sundries. "Federal Newt Co., Tulrd and Fulton. tl Mrs. W. P. Armour is a patient in the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital Buffering from ail unpleasant attack ol lnfluenaa. W. 1. Fisher, who has been confined to his borne for three or four weeks with a severe attack of pleurisy, is low able to return to his law omce. Miss H. MlddteUm. who has been Visiting with her slater. Mrs. J. S. Wll- rxm. 81 Tatlow Street, returned by the rlnce Rupert this morning to Vancou ver. Edgar Anderson, OPR. agent at Ket thlkan. waa a passenger on the Prin cess Mary yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle Oh a brief holiday trip Mrs. r. O. Dawson will addreas the Fireside Club, Monoay evening. Janu ary 8 at the Baptist Church. Subject: "An Evening with Kipling." Everyone welcome. 6 Miss Tyler, who has been on a visit to her sister. Mrs. Adam Mackle. Waf- dran Apartments, tailed this morning by the Prince Rupert on her return to Vancouver. Capt. W. P. Armour, manager V D C Towage and Lighterage ' .Ml tc morrow morning by t or Vancouver On a. busln ;. II will be .away for a week .M . Mrs. Harry Hicks of s-, iv.,:- ni... een on s trip to .... c city frcm the n :. . f MuO' yeuterdsy n 'roceed on Ber t--.h, . -. , .'Irit boat bound t B . a , Miss B. Barrett . . . . . . i - years' training ! s .m;).-m rjeneral HosplU ... :i. ::. i on the Prince ke -. - : - : V. i; -.me where she will taki ..: !i qualifies. ion for a . v..., couver General Hospi; . tl. Campbell of England :. nil -tie city from the East on yestercLiy .: t-uoon's train and. tfssr havln -pent the night as a guest at the Central Hotel, continued by the Prince Rupert this morning to Vancouver wher be will embark for Autralla. J. R. Oaudln. superintendent en gmeer for the White Pass Railway and Navigation Co. at Whlvehoree. and Mm Oaudln were passengera bound south on the Princess Mary yesterday after noon. They will spend the remainder of the winter In Seattle and Victoria Arthur cade sailed ftai morning on the Prince Rupert for Vanosuver where he will resume his studies at the University of Btltlsh Columbia after having spent the Christmas and New Tear holiday season v tailing here with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cads. M7 Fourth Avenue West At s meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club yeaterdsy afternoon January S8 was set at the date of the organization's annual ball. Motifs Blott bain appc:! ted general chairman. The Installation of the olub's 1898 officers will take place at a banquet on January 38. At the school board meeting last night Chairman Rochester mentioned that an effort would be made to have the estimates In early In February This would comply with the law which said they should br submitted be fori February 18. They will be dealt with at the neat meeting of the Board. On New Year's Eve, one of the un occupied apartments la the Washington Blcck. Second Avenue, froee up and as a result, nsrt of the Bra Oooda and 'ovelty Shop'a stork 'uwMedlatery un der, waa damaMdrJtsdr. - An nhla atock. which otherwise;,,. first el quality goods, will be " sold at cost price Sale now on Terms, cash only. ENTERTAINMENT AT KISPIOX MISSION l.nhls lime ppeut at Event l iulrr Inlteil Churrli Autplres HAZE1.TON, Jan 0 ha Tuesday. De- j ifmber 37, the Kispiok Indian Mission I ..i the United Clitu .lt held lu anuuul I Phone C 15 social meeting The Ladle A.d of the congregation provided tea for nearly two hundred people. After . tea was served the school children rendered a flue program of Christmas carols rejecting great credit on their teacher, Mia L. Morris. The Klsplox Baud played four selections of Christmas music under the leadership of Joe Btarr, while the choir sang two selection. "The Lofd is King," and 'Silent Night." with Moses Morrlsjn aa conductor and Walter Scultr p.uyiug the accompaniment At U-.e end of the program a fine Uhriatinat tree was given when over ilxty children were made happy with gilts. During the evening a-i !erlng waa taken up tor the M E. Band when over one hundred and sixty dollars was raised for rhiirrh purp -.wes. The Rev. Mr. Y.uinn Hsselton. snd Mr. and Mrs. Tom-1 INon. old friends of the congregation. mc present rad added much to the uc-e "f 'In- evening. , The mil. later. A. A. Burrctt. after ex-presMii his gratitude tor tlie generous. r: j':; i . cloteU with tlie Bcucllctluu. Annual January (CANADIAN? niiv Commencing Friday, January G, and Closing Saturday, January 21. . Following is a list of only a few items of our stock, but everything is reduced. Satisfaction is attained by seeing for yourselves, and you are cordially invited. Linen Towelling, reg. M5c yard. Clearance Sale 25? Kitchen Towelling, reg. 25c. Sale 7 yafds for $1.00 Canton Flannel, reg. 40c. Sale 3 yards for $1.00 32 ifi. Flannel, assorted colors, on Sale for peVjwd 7,-;f C4 in. Flannel, assorted colors, on Sale for per yard 1.50 Heavy Caating, assorted stripes and checks. Reg. $3.00. Sale, per yard $ I.O. White Flannelette, very good quality. Sale 5 yards for $1.00 30 fa. "White Flannelette, very good quality. Iieg. 36c. Sale 4 yards $1.00 Striped Flannelette, 36in. wide, 4 yds. $1.00 Pillow Tubing, 40, 42, 44 in. wide. Reg. 60c yard. Sale per yard I Of 90 in. Sheeting. Reg. l'.00. Sale (Kit IlemnanU of Sheeting 72, 82 and 90 in. wide. Sale 2 yards $1.00 White Cotton, 36 in. wide, reg. 40c. Sale 3 yards $1.00 White Cotton, .16 in. wide. Sale 7 yards for $1.00 Grey Cotton on Sale for 7 yards for. . $1.00 Urey Cotton, reg. 36c. Sale 4 f or . . $1.00 Cretonne, 36 in. wide. Sale 3 yards . . $1.00 Ladies' Brown and Black Cashmere Hose, reg. $1.25 Sale 75 I-adien good quality Cashmere Ho, assorted colors. Sale (tot Ladles' Wool Bloomers, assorted colors, good quality. Reg. $2.75 to clear at Sale $1.6." Ladies' Wool Gauntlet Gloves, reg. -51.50 to clear at Sale IKi 25 Ladies' Aprons, reg. $1.50 to clear at Sale each '. $1.10 Ladies' Pink, Blue and White Nightgowns, reg. $1.65 to clear at Sale $1.00 6 Ladies' Flannel D"esses. to clear at Sale each $4.85 20 Ladiea' Silk Dresses, all colors and styles, reg. from $18.00 to $20.00 to clear at Sale $10.J5 16 Ladies' Flat-crepe Dresses, reg. $26.00 and np for $11.05 8 Ladies' Coats, reg. $30.00 to clear at Sale for $1.05 1 Ladies' Coats, reg. $40.00 to clear at Sale for $21.05 Ladies' Combs, Health Brand, short sleeves, all sixei, to clear at Sale $1.05 16 per rent off on all Ladies' Watson's Wool and Silk and Wool Underwear. Children's Mitts and Gloves to clear at 3 pair $1.00 Children's Gay and White Waists, reg. 66c. Sale 500 Children's Sleepers, site 1, 2, 3 to clear at Sale $1.00 Children's Sleeper, large aizes to clear at at Sal $1.26 Girls' Wool Hose, black only, sizes from7Va to 10, to clear at Sale G5 Girls Wool Colored, sizes from 6 to 8, reg. $1.00 to Clear at Sale Girls' Wool Gloves, reg. $1.00 to clear at 70f Girls' White Flanelette Nightgowns, good quality, reg. $1.50 to clear at Sale $1.00 Girls' Combs, long sleeves, ankle length, reg. up to $2.50 to clear at Sale $1.25 Girls' Drawers, long, reg. $1.00 to clear at Sale 250 9 only Girls' Winter Dresses, sizes 8 to 12, to clear at Sale $1.05 15 Heavy Flannel Dresses to clear at Sale $3.05 25 per cent off on all Girls' Winter Coats. 20 Children's Felt Slippers, leather soles, reg. $1.66 to clear at Sale $1.00 18 Ladies' Felt Slippers, to clear at Sale o $1.00 66 pr. Ladies' Slippers, low and medium heels values up to $7.60 to clear at Sale $2-85 24 pair Ladies' Leather Slippers, assorted, to clear at Sale 506 16 per cent off on all Ladies' and Children's shoes from stock. Boys' Flannel Shirts, assorted colors, reg. $1.36 Sale $1.00 Beys' Shirts and Drawers, reg. 90c each, on Sale per Suit $1.25 Boys' Felt Slippers, reg. $1.40 to clear at Sale $1.00 Youths' rubber Boots, knee length, first quality, to clear at Sale $2.75 Boys' Rubber Boots, sizes 1 to 5, to clear at Sale $:i.75 Boys' Pyjamas, all sizes, to clear at Sale $1.85 Boys' Flannelette Nightshirts, to clear at $1.45 18 paid Men's Felt Slippers, reg. $1.60. Sale $1.10 20 pair Men's Felt Slippers, good quality, reg. $2.00 Sale $1.50 Men's Knee Rubber Boots, good quality, reg. $5.75 Sale $1.05 Men's Overalls, blue stripe, reg. $2.66. Sale $1.75 Men's Flannelette Nightshirts to clear at Sale $1.05 Men's Turnbull's Combinations to clear at Sale $.'.85 Scotch Fingering Wool, reg. 10c skein. Sale 3 for $1,00 Shetland Floss, all colors, Sale 8 for $1.00 Double Knitting wool, reg. 40c. Sale S for $1.00 Ready Made Sheets, 82 in. wide, to clear at Sale Pillow Slips, to clear at 25c each. THIS SALE FOR CASH ONLY Jabour B ros. LiixL $1.25 3rd Ave. and 7th St, Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings fromPrince Rupert To Ketchikan, IVrangell, Juneau and skagwaj DeeeHiber 31, JanHar II, 38 To Vsnrouvrr, Victoria and Seattle January 4. is. PUIM'LSS. BEATRICE. Fur Batedale, East Bella Bella. Ocean Falls. INemu. Alert ruvafjif Campbell Itlvrr, and Vanruuicr every Saturday, II sJWSUBxaV- Agency for all steamship tines. rull InforuUtleitTfrorn- W. C. OKCUAKI). (ieneral Agent. 'UK Corner of 4tb Slreet and 3rd Aveuue, I'rlnce Rupert. U.C. Phone II UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Safllnrt from rrlnre Rupert, lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanton Bay. Alert Bay, etc Tuesday, t p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Itutednle. tlert Mat. etc. Saturday 8 a.m. lor PORT SIMPSON. NAA9 KIVtM TOINT8. ALICE ARM. AN VOX, 8THWAUT, Wales Inland. Sunday. 8 p-in. It tnd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Agent. Prlnr Hupert, nc. Through tli ket sold lo Victoria and Seattle, and baggage cherked through to destination