Save Money riicspcat way to buy th Dl,jy News l.i to subscribe by tbe Tiie cot is $8.00 and your ','pv :. delivered to your address 'f,.h ..veiling. Just figure out the ...,11 oxt to you for thU dally . s, , lor twelve month I CONSTRUCTION flew Theatre - h. t. Will Be Built Here OUO person. It d' wlU be sane 74 by 190 feet Figure art be in obtained today frjm local contractor!. fur I be exeat atiun and tbe construction ;f tbe buildup will follow immedlatc-'.)- upon thi ark ving completed. The principals of the project will rjbabty erect tbe buUging Uaeaaaeim i though thi u not yet definitely de-ated H Baaw1 s law .ouse. which primarily be a marie picture tlieatre though there will mj be ample lage acrtJtnmedaUor. tor ad show ard auch entertainments. ady ft r bu.n before the end of .i year In connection with the project. Mr. ivanl! alo t:ed that It bad no- ung f d i with the Prince Rupert unuotmrnt Co which has announced .at it the erection of a theatre .1 the Turner of S'cond Avenue and iixth Sfret next spring. Construction of the theatre wUt be treonaily aupervlsei by e.thor M. T. Vlvaxofl or Paul Alvaaoff. one or tbe .her being here all the time. The far-jer will return m a day or to to Vancouver while the latter will remain here a IJ '!. HIIIPPKII TO PltlM K HI l' KT IIV IMMKHIII. HI' Ttl-KU.t Tlie flrnt carload of alfalla ever t-i be shipped from the ulkiry Valley arrived in Prince r.upen rerently consigned to Brackman-Ker Co The alfalfa . l;tj'ped by P M Dockrlll of Telkwa and was high-cles teed. COAL WAS ORDERED FROM LOCAL FIRM FOR CITY SCHOOLS AT MEETING At 'lie meeting of the school board laat night It wtr ih-ndco to order thirty tiui. uf LartVMiillli mine run coul from Evltt At CM al U 10 deliver- I lower than Albert M.caffery who offered Wellington tor 1 1 .1 5 prlnoe Rupert Peed C offered Ed-son coul at SI0.40 and Telkwa .it 10.10. Wli'le Hunters offered Albert coal for I0.O, 10.3 and SU.S0 m car VANCOUVKK BCI!AN(iB Wheat B.C Sliver . . Bti! Missouri . Coai Copper Cork Province Otacler Olatlat' ne Independence . I Indian L and L Leadamlth Lucky Jim Pr(imir I porter Idaho i Richmond gilvereresl nilversinlth . . 'tjiinlwli Torl- Bid- Aoked I 47 1 1.35 150 SS1 39 37 00 38.00 .19 ta 05 ,12'i .14 .10 11 .06 'j .07 la .ISV 05l .30, S a a 31 35 30 10 IA'h Otl' j 07 .ai ii aa 1 43 4.0c Northern and TO COMMENCE Commencing Tomorrow on 3rd Ave. Site Purchased from Wm. Denholme Building will be of concrete with 75 feet ronC-! age and will oe designed to seat one thousund people announce Aivazoffs on a seventy-five foot vacant frontage on the north side of 1 ml Avenue between Fifth Street and Fulton Street which they purchased from Willium Denholme, M. Y. Aivazoff and Paul Ai -:a ff will break ground tomorrow for a new reinforced concrete .. r 1 1 1 i in-proof theatre building which will cost between 180,000 and i. nun according to announcement made this morning by M. Y. Ai.ii.iff. The building, whiih will be exclusively for theatre purposes, !. of the latent construction and modern in every resiiect and evtill have testing accommodation lor 1,- MONTREAL GETS i I " TWO GAMES IN H0CKEY1EAGUE MovritKAl. Jan 6.-- The Or.nadlen vrir wirmng atreak la i. d-iratiag Detroit two goau t l nrr Montreal team. th won. their fame axalnst .i goals to on Tbe closes' evening --' that played a ohm Pittsburg held th. .iu. in a draw with no acre oi. uv The aoore were aa fol ii canadtens 2, De'.rolt 1. l Mintreel Maroan . " . a New fork Americans 0 BOUQUET GWEN - HIGHSOIOOL ''ncrHtuiaticui tn he Forwartlec t MuoVrtU and SUff on Re-cvnt Brttet-tainment On i he motion of Truatae Ollchrlm -oiided by Trustee Bryant the achro! it(i Uat night ordered a letter to b to the High tbuol ataff conveying appreciation of the recent High s '") entertalnaient and congratula-' i t those who took part, with mention of the excellent rrench ' . put on under the direction of M - Rushforth. I nu ir Ollchrlsl spoke of the educa-i value ol the entertainment and 'airman aVMltaaUr emphasised the 'i Prench that had been apoken by . xtudenu alias Rushforth had '""'iklit about a decided change In the ' l ing of Prench at the High School CALOARY. Jan. S. -Plre last night octroyed the plant of the Alberta Wood Prasorwlui Ooropanv involving a ' of apprlsimately SSOOOOO The liven of the firemen were endangered "lieu the creosote tanks exploded. The blavc was the moat spectacular ever ecu in Calgary. MACLEAN MEETS THE CABINET ' OTTAWA. Jan. g. remler Oardlner of y ikatchearah and Prentler MacLeaii ' H e will meet representative of the Federal uovvrnnient tosM to d ISO US iiiBttern of common lii-Jet"! which ms)' ' 'In- uli.ect ,if legislation al the '" .rn'ri". sessi -n h're. PRINCE TENTH WHEAT VESSEL HERE -- IlrltiKh I reiIiter Holmpark Ar- rived IjuI Evening and lven pool is Due Tonight The BiltUh freighter Holmpark. Prince Rupert's tenth grain kmc! ol '' night from Europe to load a full cargo! of gral,, at Die Alberta Wheat Poi .j rriuce Kup-n e levator tor tne uruiea Kingdom or Continent, the vessel Is 'Irrmdy lined but w!ll have to be fumigated before starting to load. She waa last lumlgaied several months ago ln .he Black Sea. Tne HoLnpark. whose home port Is O.Tenock. Beotlaud. is comznanded by Capt. J. McMillan The vessel Is of BSC tons and carries a crew a', tuny-ne men. having reei. built only laat year at OUagow. Bcotlead. She, came hare In kalian from South Shields. tm at. in ballast via the Panama Canal. An uneventful voyage la reported by the master. The Rclmpark Is already on berth at he elevator and will start loading as on aa the steamer Teespool Is com-lie tod. The Teespool. It la expected, will get away tomorrow or Sunday with, a full cargo for the United Kingdom it Continent The eleventh vessel of the season, the British freighter Levenpool, is expected to reach port from Europe about 10 o'clock tonight Unlike moat ves sels that take on their pUota at Triple Island, the Levenpool win pick up her's of Rosa Spit, tbe northeast tip of the Queen Charlotte Islands at which point she la due to arrive at S o'clock thla afternoon. The Levenpool. which la a ship ol vnw a 000 ton rraa, bal-ng to Ropner A Sons Ltd of West Har.leport. Eng land. The vearel was built at Stockton- nn-Teee In lll Since yesterday. 85 csrloade of gram have arr.ved bee from the ursine for the Alberta Wheat Praia Prince Rupert elevator. RaUway offices this msrnlng reports) SS6 can on the division west ol Jasper Jound heie. MOTORSHIP DONALDSON LIBELLED FOR SALVAGE I wlwrky Vwyace siHlliwarl of Natall Alaska Freighter hirludrd Drowning. Hrrakdowii and H.iaiullitg Alter a hectic voyage fruin Nome, the miihI: rnotorshlp freighter TJonaloaon. belonging to the Lomen Ralndcr Oo of Seattle, l now lying tied up at a dock in Vancouver under arlwat on a 810.- M,v)l(j, eMm whlcn BM bttu MtW by the m.iMor end crew of the Oosst-wImi Steamship Barge Co.' freighter Anyox which salvaged the Donaldson from the beach tn OraavUla Channel where ehe grounded on Christmas Day. Immediately upon the arrival of the Anyox and Donslilsdh in Vancouver at the end of last week, the latter vessel was placed under arrest by the aherlB. The Donaldson, which Is reported ' to be slightly injured, struck on a high tide on dark night and was left high and (fry. Taking a Hat on the fall, the vests! was filled on the nest cd UieJtiiVofSSJf.wtth gomC difficulty, delivered her to Vancouver. The stranding of the Donaldson was only the culmination of a aeries of unlucky Incidents which dogged the vessel on her southward trip. Out of Nome, the Japanese cook fell overboard and was drowned. Near Stewart the engine broke down and the boat had to 'be towed Irto that port for repairs. Then the stranding occurred In Clren-ivllle Channel culminating In the ar-Irett of the vessel at Vancouver at the InMiuic- of the Cnatwlr Steamship & 'h.iivc Co. owner of Mic Anyox a?!lwy CntonheaOoa and Agricultural lOcpaitinent. Thla Is compared with v up in the corre ponding period of 136. The nui .i?ei ".i". s.eaJs flkd on in the eleven morth laat year was 5 .950 and soldier sra. 4CI as agSimt 5J0T and 4T0 mpccimlf In the lfkG pericd. O' hmeitcada la it year st3 wci takeu up In Manitoba 2Afi1 In fLii 1( ., jn 3M1 a Mt)erXt l07 ln op,,,,,,. ,d ol lhe i;r: i t- 41 were taken up In Manitoba. 218 in Saskatchewan; 1S1 in Albcr. and '2 i;i Br.::ah Oolumbl. Homes leading eontlaued act'v throughout Roremfcer. SBC CLtrici haling been recorded during the u.ontt The lecord for November 19'ifl ahow 59 .iiuies. SIX GALEtONDON Iu tidings and Trees IMown ' Down in England ToJaj and Liven Lost I OMt. Jan. (k- The llritMi lsle were bit by a gale IimUj. The wind In linden blew al eu mile an twttr feHll the rris channel kervkr. Many mhiII building ami tree were' blow dawn ami a nwnan was kllked al Kllbnm where a wall eoliaped. Light men were fcerlwnsly lnirrd when a IMfat hcutfolillng r(tnMrl. BRYANT WILL NOT BE A CANDIDATE FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD i : meeting of the school board last n. i i;,.re Bryant announced definitely thi. a i . , i s i nnt be a cacm-dale for tbe position of school trustee at the forthcoming election. A resolution wsa paaaad by the other members of the board asking Mr. Bryant tnd Trtutee MoMeekln to again become candidates. MoMeekln contented but Mr. Brant aaid he had made up hi maid uot to offer his services again. AIRPLANE CRASHED THE PASYESTERDAY THE PAS. Jan. . While testlnc a plane it crashed at Hying speed, killing cantm P J linam. sn'kw niiat of the Western Airwoa Limited, yester - day. HAM t;rLlo IIKKLIV BERLIN, Jsn. 8. The death toll from au explosion 34 hours earlier presumably due to defective gas stain, had reached 17 at midnight. rr: PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY C, 1928 MlLLiO&ACRES SETTLED 192 Considerable inctt i Shown Oter School Hoard It N'itfht Heard ldit Says i.fport covering j Principals In Regard to Work Eleven, .tjiinth i - Ths reports of the acbool principal WIN Nil' to. Jan. 6 - During the to tbe sahoct board last night sum-tltveii moitih of fast year to the end , marired are a follow: of November. boeuoJu-sd and aold.erj High School Toul attendance 155. grai.ts taken up In J .he four weiiern boy Si girt 01, percentage ol attend-province. Manitoba, keekatchewaa. Al-, mee MM. Principal Peddle spoke ol beru and Biltlah Ljb.iDia. represent the real and enthusiasm ol tbe pupils approxln.siety lii37.slo acres aecordUis I and also mentioned the good work to efflcaai of the Canadian Idea by the Sour new teachers In oon- Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents Delivered Commencing with the beginning of 1928 the price of the Daily News is as fslltfwa: Delivered in Prince llupcrt, 50t a month In advance, or $6.00 a year. Out-of-town in Northern or Central D.C., $U.OO a year or four months for $1.00. Othpr Cnnarllnn nr U.S. iKiints. SG.00 h year. The only wy to keen in 11 a northern paper. L Rr.trm Aril! I TWi A AAA TOMORROW ON BULBING REPORTS FROM LOCAL SCHOOLS neetlon with the recent High entertainment. IhU event had netted the Mhnol fund 180. The school had provided Christmas bones for the children of psiwata unable to get them. I Tbe recent basketball victory of toe aehool team, whereb; they became emptana of northern B.C was a aub- I eet ol comment tn recent aehool examinations there bad been only seven failures. r Booth School -Totil attendance 4S1. ' j1 2SS. g.rl 193. attendance per-Ullage M.70. with Dlv. 7. 86. JJjn fiw Mnrrtad that the atens at the Mr said the msln object of his -.bat "nr . ebool needed repair and two of he rooms bad bean made damp ties,""1 lJ maintain personal contact ! between tbe component parts of tu le water outsit being froten. but were .n, uain The school had been warm ! KmPw ' smterlng Canada through Hiring the bad weather and everything going well. Borden Street Tola! attendance 14: "rs IS, girls 18S. average percentage IN. with Or da S bigbast. The tcnaoi av1eB tar the month was TO mas wason. Seat Cove Total attendance M. Dlv. 1. O. Dlv. 3. 34. average percentage 03.7. Mr. Lisney reported several sp-rlieatlons from parenU wishing to enter paplli who had not been to aehool before. The Board promised to deal with this question. Wetvlew Total af-n.'tmi. v 23. mv 11. girls It, atsrnd.inci' e cei.-inie SSJ. The piano r.u.d !ui ii- mented bringing It up ; u i.o SCHOONER DOROTHY MAKES CALL HERE International I1lierle rmmlhn M li ntll on May to HallhHt (Inniad- lltllowlMg llelhlay The tin; haliiiu- f ii I.r. in Cap' Ol. HMitnni i::i Ipiertia: .' nui F :.liei f. .. ai ork "l. ' uf Hi r; ctl m p 'f n' 10 .Ul :i in S..k'. wUVfi: Uic ilicmit;! sVaff ape the ChrWtms. d oU and otherwise outfitting, left early this afternoon for the Yaku'.st halibut banks to continue tu taning tnd other operations In chsrge of the sff the Dorothy thla trip Is P Dunlop. Norman L. Preeman. local representative of the International Fisheries Commission, I also on board. - IIKNIES r.Ti;.MKT TOROMTO. Jsn .- Right Rev. J. P Sweeney, ilshop of Toronto, denies the j statement that he had written to the Leasua of Nation Society of Canada ! advooating that Christmas should al-j way be on Sunday VVKATIIEK KF.POKT Terrace--Light rain. calm. temp. St. llsaelvon Tart oloudy. calm. temp. 13 Dawson. Cloudy, calm. temp. 1. a Month When in Prince Rupert touch with the North is to read Position of Canada in ' t, bu:l i7.; ; J lie lIUl&ll LulllfJilZ id. Mentioned by Mr. Amery British Secretary of State Visits British Columbia and Tells of His Mission to This Country VICTORIA, January ti. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, secretary of state for the Dominions in the government of Great Britain, arrived this morning on the steamer Aorangi from Australia and was given an official welcome at Government House at ten o'clock. Colonel H. J. Cov'hill of Ottawa extended greetings on behalf of the Dominion government and Senator Hewitt Bostock on behalf of the Senate. Acting Premier Manson met Columbia and Mayor Pendray for This morning Mr. Amery visited tbe 'Obsenratiry and Parliament BulMuigs. He wai entertained at a private lunch- v;n at Government House st 1 o'clock aud this aiternoon made a tour of the urrounduig country. i In an Intervw nlth newspapermen ict-rla," he aaid. "made one Malta that Canada wai a Kreat Pacific as weU aa a great Atlantic power. Thla tour helps one tj reeluw that the British Bjotplre I is not a system Ha bag up to gggttinl but a clunn of commcowsatth asanas. another "At the last Imperial Conference." tbe -Ultor continued. "It was nut the eon- elusion we arrived a, which were most important. The meat Important result I was that for several week represents-1 Uvea of tbe Wm.!. f Vc En.: tiieitf v i- !-,r v. ,i I' 4 tol l! TKM IIUI KEV A 1 t:c.l 1 IS I.IK IIV , 1 OK IMIitll fl.T , 4 St I II K J.I II 1' 4. . .ell : 1;. . . -.V - 'ii..!''., . t'K ll r. .1 v - - ctroptd nn-jei the name of (he Seattle Ice Skating and Hockey association. it tf tt ,444 . NAME A MOUNTAIN AFTER JOHN OLIVER VICTORIA, Jan. 6 Hon. Charles Stewart l favorable to naming a mountain peak after the late Premier Oliver, aecordlni to advices received here. He will recommend action cn it to the Geographic Board. LINDBERGH REACHES NICARAGUAN CAPITAL MANAGUA. Nicaragua Jan. 6. Col. Llndbtgb. the transatlantic flyer, who la making a tour of csntrat America, arrived here yesterday ln his plane from Tegucigalpa UTB TBI.lMiUAJIS An unknown schooner is s-hore on upon his arrival here yeetrfdy froxn Bsealante Beef on the west coast of j the wwstwwrd. reported tost be had Vancouver Island. The Olvei.chy and patsed a herd of 100 Mr tJs eft Yak-the Torino lifeboat have to tbeiutnt in the Oulf of Alaska. Thai ' rescue. iMiuatly eartg Up snyffsr naval IherdK to be seen In northers Mtits. Michael Sweeney of Victoria la Dead Usually trey migrate north frem Call- itorcua in March. The Dominion cabinet refused ule- mency to Kenneth B Bailey who bangs In Vancouver Xtonday for the murder of Charles Jury at Trail. Jclui Nairn of Victoria died yesterday aged 89. W I. Burn was elected president of 'Mi-' Vancouver Bay Associattou. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Tho latent and beat for the least. Phone 457 fl flfj 7 'fM Price Five. (isms the minister ou behalf of British the city of Victoria. : fi M M ft K V rtlvAlll llLll V'i 1 i f illlU ON WAY SOUTH .Stewart Man Will Remain," at Okalla Until Coins on ..Trial. Here for Kilting of Wll. Ham KItehie :-r: . "envy garvara. swwajt rwawnng wouie, d awft eVrnU esy iWigag, jj, TSterlett on the Utlip gW4ls(PlewvB2BBBBJ tiered WUltam RltasUa IB mi bregtbe,,. tarty New Year s saamtlkg, tsc vttejr aboard the steamer Prshof IvagiW "TS Okalla prison where he win sash trim for his life at tlie ejii n o the Snp.-eine tu'i. Asm, .ii Pr:u e Rupert .11 A, t j ;r June Ruird iva escorted t; ' -r tl.S mornm by Inspector Wll- . . l. . .1' n - ... t . II, and - taken . n .1 ,uth by Provincial r n-.a'.it yrr: Cl.bnou of Port Es- J M-L'o). sen: dov.11 lie re last week .'ur - i lu.mho fo;- annulling Rjy Cuss at hu.!ti.ii ;c.i-ly. as well as two I:.,!...- soMu Ir.i.. H;:on who w.ll it time for vagrancy. Deputy Coroner Jamea R. lnnoclt. who conducted the inquest at (Hewa" nto the death of Ritchie, also retumrd to the city this Burning- tlAXHEILBRONER BUYS ACREAGE O. P. Tinker, through whose broke age o'fice the deal has been execute, connrm the report that Mfotletlon have been practically coenpteted whereby Max HeUbroner secures from the Orand Trunk Pacific DsjfSbjyBiint Ocs. 798 acre of land bMw4plwt twHtM IU and Oalloway Raptslt.ihKSf ttrCisw Kaien Island Highway. TBS Bfajg 4Kv volveu wa not revealog,. t g UBjger-stood that Mr. Hetlbfgnor ttsy sgSjidt- vlde the property lata suntswer ' iwsgru or truck farmv etc. Offers have been made on of other parcel of OTJ?. Cl iglSMaVSlIt Co land tlie most of wlsjili 1MW OS) the townstte. but Mr. tluhsr sggtsa that, ao far. none of the appUaaAlpos have been finally closed upon. m. r SEALS SEEN IN ALASKA WATERS JUNEAU. Jan. 8. Captain O. C Ora-iham of the steamship Admiral Watson. J UCTCD A KJ AC KAN ! I H lilt fill nLHJltnll MINER FOUND DEAD RUBY, Alaska. Jan. g. Tony Canon, a veteran miner here, was found dead ln hla cabin on Solomon Creek, death belli;; ippiu-ently duo to natural CiUSCe. . . -MM