7liSSlFIEDHABlT 1 Mfl$ Wbft I'tll Everyone read the Classified Ada ivjl $Jhw iMsileaa I AmQm ML xLSLtPjUBaiw VM? K V 5w I m IM I If you lose, advertise for Vt. 4 V i if TnF (Hr 3 'ssS5p If you find, locate the owner. ca&r Whatever you need, advertise for It PRINCE RUPERT GET THE CLASSIFIED II.iniT. S. Boston Grill v. v Northern and central ormsn Loiumoia's' newspaper vi., , , ...... . . , , . .... : WXVIIT.. No. 1C2. . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928 Price Five Cents Huge Audience Hears Manson Tell Why Liberals Should be Returned by Electors of British Columbia Speaks Uihly of Work of specially of Hon. T. I). Pattullo, Candidate for . Prince Hupcrt i ' With old lime vigor and spirit, accentuated by the passing 1 ars of public service and platform experience, lion. A. M. Man- .1. K.C., Attorney general of liritiah Columbia, came back to his immi town" last night to give in the Moose Hall the moat eloquent , -ill stirring address that has been heard in Prince Rupert in the 1 ..:irsf of the present provincial election campaign. Scoring con- initially on the tactics and so-called policies of the Conservative as- i , .1 Ills tnr oft ii c Mr Manann marie luiii U power of the Liberal government under Hon. Dr. J. D. ; r i.c.i 11 and the personal return of Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister POOLEY WILL PROSECUTE UUII IO Hi: IM KI TODAY AU.WNHT ,. H. I'AKLOW IN IX111MALT RIDING VIOTOf.' Job it . H iurvativet of Bsqutmalt. denied as-".nra that he bad received t He innnrM at a public meet-nat h would today Issue a ant provincial supreme court charU .1 net asking damages against A R ..... .oopwu. - ,uin:. mfernni, to a pamphlet. ..low was once prasklent of the ! .... Libera! AwoclaUon but quar-' I with the government and became-.:.fi.die ! in Baquimalt for the I cu purpose of defeating Mary TOLMIE SPEAKS AT VANCOUVER SAls rKOl'ElllTV OK rKOVlNCi: MOKE 1MI-OKTANT THAN SALE or P.U.E. '. ANCotTVBR, uiy n Hon 8. T. :.:.: addraaaing a mass meeting here ' night, aaid the prosperity and e-. ! pincnt ot the province was of or importance Chan the settlement thp POl Drobleni. although he '."hi that too was also important The Conservative leader denied that ii intended to reduce the wages of 1 .v.i -i rvanu. He did not want to make Mr imii Columbia a cheap province but ii wanted a dollar's worth for s dollar v nded. " in Tolmle aald be believed his vwelve vo:ns in the federal House removed Mi" Liberal roproach that be lacked ex- ;xT'oure. He predicted a Conservative v.ru.ry at the close of a provincial tour Mim Mildred Bennett supported the Miwrvntie hssdrx en the platform mill spoke briefly, praising Tolmle. GIANTS AGAIN SECOND III 111 H HOMt'lt lilVEH VICTOUV TO YANlfefiM A(INHT DKTHOIT YBSTEKHAY NKW YoiV:, juTy iaI-The OlanU re "UturU aeoond place in the National 'iujiuv yastbrday. Dtatmt St. Iwls . "It'll Cincinnati was 'mains to BrooklrB Ruthji thirty-third1 homer was the Winnie nuuvln far the Yankeea tn 'in sce nic! gsmt" against Detroit. COMMONS DEFEATED LABOR MOTION IN BYNG APPOINTMENT I ONDON, July H. The House of mmons defeated a Labor motion 331 In na . of Lord Bvntr tn the leadershlo 11 :i Mltropolllan puliif. NEWS TO Northern Members and Bs-" a mnat ronvinrinir nlaa for the T lands, in Prince Rupert. i With fw prciim merles tbe speaker 4 got ojowa to the buslnees of his ad- 4, dress and. in (wo boars of speaking in the course of wbJoh be aroused a bumper audleno taking up all capec- It j In the large hall to treat enthusl- 4. asm. elucidated clearly and tellingly th? ; t many good reason why the prase iu ad- miniatraUon should be leluiaad to of-tlos, not asffiaotMg to take many an1 IIctle uysasnnnHy to ispiads the ptat-(aam Of Mumilll, sMklatBBJeV d took lariely the form of "blue nun" rampalgnlng and besmirching tbe lalf tern of Bfltaw OMussMa" and whioh be proved bad laae much pragma and Bwimil na. llr fulr twelve vaar , Qf ubw& ,0,, Mr Manaon was tbe only speaker of the evening, the chairman of the maetlnK being Dr W , ln(1, lD. In opentag tbe meeting. Dr. Kergin atetod that It vn to him both an honor and a pliasuvi to be able to do whs. or little be oould in mpport of the liacLean government and the candidate for in Prinos Rupert Hon T D Pattullo In bla opinion tbe Liberal government had Kivem Brwian uoiumois bi. u safe and progressive admlnlatratlon There were many difficulties which had bean attaebsd manfully and. after twelve yean, no charge of corruption or dttsnoMsty could be brought againat any department ef the goeernment Th- credit of tbe province was nign. oui nsa was good and efforts now bid .'sir to bear fruit in the matter of riddln;; British Columbia of Ms greatest burden the Pacific Oreat Bastarn Hallway Both Mr. Pattullo and Mr. Manson hat! been pioneers and good clttaens of Prince Rupert, outstanding adinini.tr. - tors, and be nit tnat tnatr nuow cm- M ern appreciated their work. Mr Pat tullo had made good In hi depart men; end never a charge had bean brougtt- against htm. He was s capable and In -, dustrlous member of tbe cabinet and. withal, had ever fought for tbe interest) of Prince Rupert It waa always known where he came from "and It seems to declared Dr Kergin "that he ha well earned th e approval which wo should signify by a large majority on election day." The speaker or tne even ing wss also known aa a capable and fearless minister and It was tils hope that his own riding would also nhow Its appreciation In no uncertain manner. .Mil. MANMIVH SPEECH Not many might realise bow he felt in coming baok to bis "home town" where twenty year ago he had started M career, and see gathered In thu audience many who had been with him here In the early daya. Mr. Manson He regretted that he Hid i cpenlng. oould not stay longer to renew old soqualntanoas but It was. however, a pleasure for him to psy at leaat a brief visit and aay what he oould on be half of nts his esteemed esteemeo and suu valued ". 004- j lAAffus. Hon. T D Pattullo. ttolMll flt'91M-Ji- fimrr w ai . mvjA auo ccme to Prince Bupert in uie sarry . t i liaWa MBItlMn daya. "None or p onurely." asserted Mr Msnson. "but , It said t "' fltl u a can be truly firmly implanted in Prince Kuperi - t'"se esriy asy ana day as It was m the day will yet muv. possibly wuniu when Prince the present generation, Rupert will come into Its own and be ureat ports of the Pa- one of the really cltlc Ocean " the government likened Mr Manwa the Rreslenl com- t-oluniDl" t Of Brtalsli ! peny U) tin- pr..vmn' I ne jHv,iit- I.l.. .k.MhnMltl. thv P' eildent Dr Mm- of the cabinet, the In. the member H.t;e 21 iC.-.ntiuii DSTR1BU1 GOVERNMENT SIRE OK IIIINd ItmilNKD ELECTION DAY VICTORIA. July 12. A survey or the province made by an impartial Investigator Indicates tha: the Government will be returned with a larger majority than at the last election. This vr, u likely to give four ! LiUrtls and Vancouver not leas iha:. iliree. South Vancouver 1:1 probably go labor aa will h.r. lino and Pernie. Meals nds. Ov.hrie and Uphill looking tike inner. The auprise for OonsenreUvse will ccme from the Interior where a number of format Con- aervatlve ridings will go Lib- eral. ..4. 4,,4.4,44,4 BIG MISSOURI INTIMATION I1IVBN IVIIETIIEK I ONMU.I1IATEO HILL TAKE MINE OK NOT STOCKS DROP IN PRICE VICIORIA. July 13. J. J. Warren ii ror.to, bead of tbe Omnirtldated taming & Smelting Company, arrived Yicisr:a yesterday from tbe North where with a nam of ortmnanv otfl- ctU ezpem uey bad bew to- UIHCilat trH. bik M,asourl and Oeorge prr mines of Stewart. conferred with the of- . . thj n, mln ,, no announcement 01 oonaoudatafl-s In tbe meantime othr 0fflclaU of tbe company hav gone to Taccjna. the headquarter of :ir Big Missouri, where tbe 110000 1'iymen: will be made on July II If tnr Consolidated is to continue with t!-.o. B: Missouri VAMOOOVs. July 12 -On a turn over of 4.Qo shares yetjtaraay Big ,MlMOUr, UoMa cents lower at NEBRASKA MAN r FOR PRESIDENT SKNATOK NOIMtl.H NOMINATED AT TlllStU IMKTV CONVENTION AT CIIICAliO CHICAGO. July IS Senator Oeorge Norrln of Nebraska has been nominated by the Parmer Labor convention on the presidential ticket a leader of the third party ticket emphaatalng the pre- scrvstion and enforcement of the pro hibition law WASmifriTOrt. .Julv 18 Announce mem was made alt the office of Senator Norrta today ghat he would head no third party movement. CANADIANiMARKSMEN J ' iFin rnAiPFTiTinN . uuuv, uuiui uiiiiun , laaiBB. iisriiiaa s i a a a a a LTeat" ITuTW VTir faf 1 Wnrr54on High Wwrin at llller- t'amp -Till ' 1 -I . Ltrtrrmten i i . i ..,, BISLCY CAMP. England. July 1J. ; ,T,;eut. Qavnond Btrtii. OStaw. and , MkJor P RlcbaMson, Victoria, lead .ightaen Canadian markemen In the . prince of Wales and Northland Service Bifj Competition this -afternoon, each soortni! M out of i possible 70 Cannda lest the McKlnnon Challenge Cup this afternoon to Australia. The mm i ifijii M;ie wa iuoi gut 01 a pns. ltle 1300 against Canada's 10M. Advertise ln Tbe Daily News ' NEARLY Kergin Mentioned as a Possibility for Minister of Mines in Maclean Government Says Victoria Dispatch VICTORIA, July 12. The latest political suggestion here b that there is a possibility of H. F. Kergin, candidate in Atlln, being taken into the cabinet as minister of mines. It is pointed out that Mr. Kergin represents not only .the largest mining constituency in the province but also one that is almost entirely devcted to fiining. He is a poineer in the province and has re-pi evented Atlin for about nine years. It is said that what the government is seeking Is a man who knows at first hand the problems of the miners and the mining industry. Sir. Kergin fills that requirement. He has been the instigatcr of a let of legislation which has been of greet advantage to the prospector, miner and mine owner, and as such has a claim on the position and it is understood his claim is being favorably considered. i TEREEIOLLED FMIGfil TRAIN HOIl.EK OK EM1INL EMTODEI) IN KOCXY MOJJtiTAJXH ON CIVIL I JIA1N LINE i "! ACCIDENT jNEAR GLACIER ' i i TKA1N CUEIV DIEII INSTANTLY HUT i .... . i i, n,l-r, TIUIalAN i I.Vll'StU il&tt&ftb, imf 'IkSSflntttn. engineer; W. 'Stelibury, fireman; and W-Clay, eondueaer. ail of Aevelstoke. wew killed early today when the boiler of tbe pusher engine of the Canadian PaoUlc trelght train, number 66. ex - 1 plotted near Oiacier. B.C. The blast was attributed to water shortage. The freight waa proceeding along a steep grade in the Rocky Mountains I when tbe accident occurred The vie - . lence of tbe explosion lifted tbe boiler high into tbe air and crashed tbe steel cylinder up on tbe centre and deenoltsbed tbam to splinters. The caboose and ennlne later caught fire bot the flames were kept from spreading by the heroic effort trainman M. Savole. who suffered super- flctel injuries j The engine crew of the pusher engine , were Instant! v kUled but detalto axe lackina rea-ardlnii the direct .nause ot! day's death. CANADIANS IN KING'S PRIZE SECOND STAGE Eleven Qualify Headed by Lieut. Desmond lturke of Ottawa Who Wins Medal HISI.KY. July 12. Eleven Canadians qualified in the first stage of the King's prize shooting yesterday to enter the second stage tomorrow. Lieut. Desmond lturke of Ottawa scored 102 out of a possible 105, leading 933 entrants and winning the bronze medal for the first stage winner. Other Canadians qualifying include Mayor Richardson of Victoria, 91; Private Davies of Vancouver, 99: Hurt on of Victoria. 95. Two Members of Rescued from 4.,4.4. 4. 44, 4. GOOD r-KOriKBS MADE T ON NEW Lr.Mr.EK MUX . AT I'OltPOISK MAKIIOK 4, 1 J. It. Morgan of the BUlmor . m Spruce Mills Ltd . states that they are making good progress with the oonstruetlsn of their 4, 1 in 111 at Porpoise Harbor. Tbe main building is up ,k. j. 1 first floor and will soon be set ready for the root. to " . t T T V ' TTTT 4 WMIPBUE 1I.M.S. IHKISAN WILL ARRIVE AT 11 ,..M. TOMORROW I'OR riVE a UAV STAV xjniet command of Capt Oeorge Unooln ckrierldge. RJi. and with a a a, & 425 offtcer sad en. jii ot obtea station . ln pnne. nmtrt har- . ,. n.ni-rk lawweow mornlni fpom s, tor , , of nve )dtyi uotu JUT i8. uttt cruiser I , erulM. cf the Pacific coast and . win nnrced frra here to the Queen1 ohl,)oUe Uimcu. Later ahe will pay a visit to Vancouver, having already ute of your time. Every active non-been at Victoria. Igltt wiener la given an ABeXLTE Pour hundred and seventytwo feet GUARANTEE that he or aba win be 6 Inches long, the Durban St of the paid for his or ber time one-tenth 4.640 ton elase. She waa bttUt at of every subscription Is yours If you Oreenock In 1918-31, has a speed of fall t-j land one of tbe big gifts. That, 9S knots and to an oil burner. Her t in itself Is a good business proposition araWnt la of the latest and ahe is Wi all have spare moments after work equipped with a revolving airplane j that we turn into cash, platform. There Is one thing, however, that Capt. Coleridge has accepted aa am-1 is certain. There Is abeolutsly no way bltkws program of entertainment fori the ship's company while here. HONORS EMPTY FOR LINDBERG KLIl'SEII ACCOMMOOATION AT HOTEL ANI CHECK NOT ACCEPTED AT RESTAl'll.NT NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Jttty 13. Col Ltndberg. the famous transatlantic flyer, apent isst night in a rooming house here beeeuee the hotels could find no room for him and the local restaurant refused to accept his check for four dollars. Ltndberg stopped here en rout to San Francisco. Crew of Italia Ice and One is Found by Steamer Krassin Dead . , . .. . r i io Givejn i... s- for avon years of se f-denlsl and saving r. was louna mat mere was a miny-Aboard Russian Ice Breaker Krassin, July 12 up j'7nMUII,0, , ,lTW1 to: toot hole m her hull it win tak dead for six weeks until yesterday when they were sighted, two of or t unw, tnd B unie five hundred men three months to re- the three members of the Italla's walking party were rescued w- day by the Krassin. The third member, Dr. Finn Malmgren, the.rBiMce iu aubscnption list noted Swedish scientist, had been dead for a month. information and assistance Thn rtenw1 mn nra flnntnln Alberto Mariano, pilot of the In order to give every one who par- Italia who had his leg frozen, and Captain Fillipe Zappi. navigator, n-.u . -.u. u-ir f trr! Thev had kent uuiii me. v.' - oAuouBvcu, im. i Malmgren's body. MalmK'ren was a member of the Norgo expedition of 192G. MariallO and Zappi said .they had given up hope in what seem- ed their lust agonizing moments, when the Russian airplane ap- reared out if the low hanging mist and inspired them with hope $4,000 IN Awards in Daily News Great Gift Campaign to Total Nearly $4,000 Two Latest Model New Automobiles Will be Grand Capital Prizes and Cash Also to be Given to Others Today The Prince Rupert 'stupendous "Everybody Wins Something automobile and cash gift ' distribution. Gifts approximating $4,000, including two handsome automobiles and cash prizes as high as $500, are to be distributed rmong the men and women in Prince Rupert, Northern and Central I British Columbia.. . This is to be a memorable event. It is to be unlike anything ever before attempted here. It is to be a "Friend Making Cam- paign." In addition to the two automobiles ?.nd the prises of cash TheDally Newe' m thu Jlne ot He ,m glTe making It possible for every man. nl4 mUn taBi, aa4 attention to tonne woman, boy and girl who takes partjwii0 dcalK take part In this gift thu distribution to be a prtee vin- dUtribution. If there to anything you r.;r. "Everytody Wins" Is the slogan. WMt to kDOW tbaut uu campaign. And evtrybody DCB8 WW. i anything you do not understand, call mat ewry one parn"" " """ campaign may know in advance that; wttta ' Ttom rjallv litei has ; ..ww " - - aside a sum of money to be paid onmmlsslnns This la over and above tbe prises. Did pai ever bean of anything mora falrt No, and jm OM.ebe ever dd. very TRW Is ihiibuu weror Win. You have tbe time, plenty of It. An uoui a day properly spent among your neighbors and friends for The Daily News Is sufficient to win tbe. biggest gilt ln tbe list. You hare the time. Really, your apart time few minutes of an evening la worth mere to you these next few weeks than any full-time employment you oould imagine. Yet It la but a side Issue spare-time proposition. It la a business proposition. Nothing more. There Is no sentiment about it. To earn money honorably Is desirable. Tbe money and tbe big. handsome oars are now provided. They are hare for you. vol CAN NOT LOSE Yu can not lose. If you comply with the easy rules of the campaign you wUl be well paid for every min- you can secure one of these fine either cars or cssh mcept y roses There are two ways you wan got votes One Is by ooUectlag tbe free vote coupons which will appear tn each issue of Tbe Dally News. Tbe other la by securing new subscriptions ?r renewals. Cut out or tear out the nomination blank in this issue of Tbe Dally News. Write your name, your address and. If ycu have a telephone, your telephone number. .Mall or bring your nomination to The Dally News campaign office. That Is the first stop. That starts you off with 5,000 votes. Nominations may be made by any one for any one. A nomination is a nomination. A friend can nominate you. you can nominal a irtena Tou can nominate yourself. But only one nomination count for each entry. No one la barred. Men, women, boys and girls are all eligible. Make; tbe start. Let's go I SHOUT AND SNAPPY This campaign wUl not be a long drawn out affair of several months' duration. It extends over a period of only a few weeks. It doses Sep tern ber 14. IMS Think Of securing In lust a tew short weeks, girts that sxnild'. ordinarily require months; yea, lBW(,t m pmg The Daily Newa ticpate. in this wg sresteet possible assistance, and to. .properIV handle the clrcvilstlon so. lnat e(ich new ,Ubecriber win get hi p,,,,, promptiy and to stow confu- ,on Thr rjnily New. han secured the .ervioe of s arcuiation campaign Manner He i., thoro-.ghij experienc- LAKOE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday nlzbt from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and beat for the leaat. riione 457 PRIZES Daily News inaugurates a most and sc him, or tipfione him. Daily Haws campaign office llo- . - caieo on me hwm skxw in turn new building. 348 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert) will be open from 9 am. to 8 pjn. each day.' You will always find tbe Circulation Manager here. Put hbm to work tor you. He will be h. Twlephone sW. TT! wefer a representative of Tbe Dally News wUl ha(i nuon lust now to go about wtmaog me gift of your choice. If rt ,,, PATTULLO IS IN INTERIOR ahiihemsimi meetino at prince lEOROK TOMOIIT and returns HERE SATURDAY Reports received from tbe Interior are to tbe effect that Hon. T. D. Pattullo la getting a good reception. He spoke at Teikwa last night and Is Wiled for a big meeting st Prince George tonight In support of H. O. Perry. Tbe minister expects to be back here Saturday and will address a meeting at Port Seslngton Saturday night. Sunday he wUl make vome friendly calls at Pore her Island and will be In Prince Rupert for the laat two daya ot the campaign which cloees Tuesday. BAND LOOKED VERY SMART PLAYED THEMSELYEN Oil' THIS MOIINIM1 ON WAY TO EDMONTON AND JASFEIC The boys' band locked very smart this morning aa they marched to tbe station and were given a splendid seodoff by their parents and friends who were present to see the train pull out. They played through the town and at the station before leaving. Tbe band will visit rstmonton fair and also wUl play at Jasper. Thomas Wilson U in charge and W. OUchrlst goes aa manager. THIRTY FOOT HOLE IN BRITISH CRUISER DAUNTLESS, HALIFAX HAUPAX. July 12 When the tcruher, Dauntless drydocked yesterday pair ber. MRS. W, J, BOWSER DIES IN VICTORIA r victoria July h. Mrs. Lorlnds B.-wer wife of Hon w. J. Bowser, former Premier of British. Columbia, died mi.- umay after a lingering uu uess mk.niJlUJal'