VaCE SIX RFD'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND 1'IANO MOVING We Nell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CUMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures arc right. So is our Serviee Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Itoll Hoofing Ruilding Papers and Fell Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Efastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaff ery Limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange an our stock-list board daily. . We can jrive instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks an Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. LADIES' DRESSES Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR $3.50 -Double Loud $(i.50 "Harge Sack COc GOAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Wnshed Nuts f 11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER r By George McManus 11 fNHACTbrHE ' ? ( I HAVE j I I CAMT REM&MBE.R j) LUCKY) THAT QUV 1 I MATTER WITH I AMNESIA' , It NllMTlr 1 ' J BUT HERE LCAMIN1' AGAIN' I VOO-MlSTE-RJ V pemm Wt UKk THAT LAMP OF Mf HUGE AUDIENCE HEARD M ANSON THLL WHY Lilt-EltAIiS tSIIOULD RE V& TURNED BY ELECTORS. (continued from page two) ..nd the tenters say?" The speaker ... ri.a ; sups .n..t wire bemn tuke.. ,j i educe tbe a Ul. Ai.d ;ne rui ua- thai jf taxation Vhere:: .it the tt.i yea-s picvitus. ux.i:..n ha . i Loen 10.1) percent of wiiut -lit- peopl produced. It had bet n p. u eut : Uie last ten yean. BENKHT fOMIflX l'K-,E Mr. li&naon U.;i di-alt with legis latron. Re did not mean u. tako a,'t licni Mr. ULWi-r the credit lor n:-tltutim; tin- Woiknieiin Comprnsatio. Act but l:e would hay the presei. '. orniiu ii; uad tsriaily Uurcooed n TCupt aud bcislll. B ate u( the legi; Ht.ofi Uu liinrermueut had pakm4 L ' , beaetlt the common pciplt! auJ wit!. )iich Mr. Manaun d ult iu deUUl In- ! eluded tree employment at-rvlce. elgl. iottr dan. mining regulations, weekly hall holiday, old age pensions, adopte.i hlldren'a act, rural nursing, deserted wives act. prospective mothers act. minimum wafe, IMegttlnuite children, UMTUKra penatans. etc., .etc. In comiecttoB with old age peaatons, Mr. Maiison aaaarted that Ootmrtmam. tnciudUu; Dr. Toteile, hd perslsUnfly the measure both lu The minimum wage act provisions. Mr. Manson held, gave a living wag? to white men. and In so doing, he contended taaded tu tiluiinac Orieiitait to a large extent. Mr. Manaon told how Canon lilnch- cllffe had never been able to provr -Oi - This advjrtlacmcnt is noi pulili.slied or diplii.vel !' H Liquor Cintrol Hoard or by tlie (iovprnniiit of lirltlah Columbia Always Reliable for women und chiidrcnV Charle.i . upper was a Labor man who had .1. lu duty to arrrpt the Liberal landard. -As lor Dr. Tulmie and the Vancouver mllli'-'iiaiitd 1.1,111 6i...uj.!i..v t. . e coamion i pie -..uld ixj. t Irom them. Dr. Tolmte had sakl lie would reduce the succession duty tax. And who would tht benefit? Dr. Tol- !deral and provincial houses. Mr. !m:t B millionaire friends, of course Mr P;.,ley had asked that the bill belMa"!,;0" 1010 hcariiig with In own withdrawn and t resolution aubati- j 'urs' Ocnerai A. D. McRae say that tuiea. ygu can-w vote lor TMmle and Pmley and vot? for the old timers at the same time." 1 cannot do anything else because clinle li the man I chojr;." larniitNBKs .su kbm These was bittarnass and feud. In lie Coiuervullve camp, asserted Mr. Maiison. General McRae had wanted i he leadership but could not get It. : liougti It was In the .interests of government that there should be a good opposition well led. Dr. Tolmle had his assertions regarding mothers' pen- refuted repeated opportunities to take atons though lie had been given ample llls at ln tll! nouse md had not opporiuiiivy. it w on? tning to say Ottawa until trouble threatened In and another to prove. Joshua tlls own party Wu ttfet dlscharglnrr Hlnchcltffe somes on this very plat form and nigh sheds tears over mothers' pension," ro-orcitATF: with i..ium DISTILLED BLENDED BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND James Buchanan SlCo, Limited 26 Holborn, London, E.CL his duty as leader of (be opposition Mr. Manson paid his respects to Mr. Pcoley. stating that he was an ex tremely weak leader and bad not evon Mr. Mansasi referred tu praise thut ' been mentioned at Kamloopa. had been given the British Cnlunibla i Finally Mr. Manson dealt with the government for Its .ictul legislation. 'Tolmle manifesto. Dr. Tolmle said even by the head of Labor in Canada, thut he would encourage the use of Tom Moore. "That Is why we are sup-' Canadian books In DC. Schools. He p rtlng Labor and Labor la supporting ; alone was a patriot. The speaker us." Mrs. Paul Smith of Vuncouvcr, .uottd the words of Ben Johnson: with no previous political nfflllationu, "Patilctlsm li the last .refuge of a had fait It Iter duty to accept the .scoundrel " Dr. Tolmle had said that Liberal standard i-husc of tin legis- he would make a week-end trip up the lation the Kovcni.-r-nt hud i;n-el l.r P.O.E und then say what he would women "How can women but support do At Nelson he had read hli. policy n government which has done so mnrli (rem the buck of an envelope. Tli" A delight to the connoisseur a revelation to the sceptic ""alsMaBsMaMB Sold by all Grocers SB S j)eaker paid Ins respects generally to I .he manifesto "Now wkti 1: ou choose." con-cludad Mr. Mi,:;s.m 'u iioune lu dis-rder, c?lasc!:.un uitterutss und con-trplled by u ;t w men oi a house la rder and unanimity, a liouse which chose rts new leuder nnanlmously after three minutes of delibeisttlon? Win yew chose. Mr. Thompson, fine cltlatn that he l, to go as u Junior member in the opposition, for thirty seats ihete Is :.o doubt we will get, or send back the Minister of the crown who has served t only you but this province faith fully and well for so marry years' Let me suofeM that you will beat serve iiniiKim uhi snc pravuwe oi unv-ish Oolumbis by rsturfitng as your member the Honorable T. D. Pattullo." Mr. Manson was given an ovation s( the close of his address .and many n nm rormer menos went up to gleet him before leaving the hall. rj In The Letter Box I'ltOTIWT 1U1I.M HMMli Bkldscate. July 6, ISOa -dilor, DaAy Mews: J. II. TtMmaeoa. hardware metohant 4 Prlre rtupert. who Is nU'Msg t)K inea Ituywrt riding on behalf of the I Censer veil tepartf, held a imetliig a,t Wueen OhMotle City, the ga.g Msg struiA awe. livaryane aateoeV .ng spake of ,Mr. Ihcmuswn as a gusaf. itsau fighter but laajret they could not ay this ubput rilyi fellow traveller aud hlef lieutenant, w. W.. Wright Wright waa the first bore to throw lot ul iuu4 at tbc Liberal party at. his election In the north and the peo iilu of the north do not like mud' llnglnR or those who throw it. hc wntor ks met all those wis t tended the Oonicrratlvc mealing a . en Uii.irlolU' Oily and all say they Muk ut the way Wright sacks g tbe the scrvanp'of the LtiieMl Party waw suppoeeU: te ssunsj, espeolally .vJkii he motWoed filcKsf. who was "i.itrlct eiutbmir at Prnco Auusrt. AJ a matter of ct tbe Hople of .the In-luntlu and the writer included, asked "' Uv removal of McKay as they considered be was net a eempesent n io nil the position at the Islands. TOOK TDIIIKIC POLICY Another thing 'Mr. Thompson proved the people if they etoctvd tlie' Conservative party they wotlld throw ipen every ptece or QoverniMeiit tlni-lii-r on Hie Queen Chaelotus and that ' Jiese traeu of timber would be operated ut onoe. I woiHler if this gen-licnian or his noisy mouthpiece. Wright. have been making a noise, whloh j friend Wright has doubtless heard, nnd of whloiL he ai trying to make ; political capital. Tnajr have been t(y- - if ncauM 'otieap JtlmVer tracts for their own Interests and not for the general interest of the Islanders. I It the writer, whr has lived on the Queen CliaHotte Wands for over 20 I years, wished he ooUId also throw mud rcisrdliiK tlie Conservative party In I the north and their deeds in the past 1 would surpsjse friend Wright and iila, friend but the writer Is a Canadian I born cittsen and that Is not the style ot trying to win as tlsction. PObT LOOK . SO WIFE.- E 1 . WIFE- O MB y let 'I ffilsn 1wu Ik Urn. ihu nmW, W anted For Snle r or Keiit J J Warren, president of the Con- lOlt 8AL8 CMlsMP- -t HJ. VALS W- solldated Mining Ac Smelting Oo . ol glne. Atwater Kent, igjmuni clutch. Trail, passing tnjKMgh Stewart last 10 ft. aaaftlng, propeller and all flt- WMk-end after a vlalt of Inapection tinga. Hsace Orgen 1J7. 1M so the Big MlssMil mine. aalU that be had no statement to masve at pres ent aa te tbe inteations of his com pany with regard to that property. Impruvenients are being inade to Mcqm fork, nartb at Hydar. and an attractive batsilng plase is being pro. vlded there. Tbe most of the veuts in connection vrith the Fourth ul July celebration ut Htydsr leet week were cancel led on account of tee fire ami the prist W. J. Tretheway, well known Toronto mining engineer, spent soMie time In I trying te create a bread line eolpwtlce here i arly In the game by having all .small jperatOM compel the big operators to ihut down, tirtrefey cutting wages and tlie ptice ttl logs, asMl putting the Umber worfewr In tbe bread Hue In Vancouver. . i Perhupi Mr. TTwrnpsjori and Mr. i Wright can ttl us where. If at alt. ; these tract are thrown open and; cperated. we ean all sell our logs and, fr now mueh and how longt We Arthur Pulssun. Bc... of the Federal department of mines was a visitor to this camp lost week In the cgutod of a tour of the principal uiiMa of Korthern British Columbia. BdwaM Nelson ad Nils 3. Undstrom. MweemeM te thai district who were employed on the Porter-Idaho mine conslt uctlmi. are believe ta have lost their lives t drewnlng In tVe Marmot River. They have Lecn missing since June 2 and no trace has been found of them although there arc certain Indications that they may have fallen In the river. as both boys HiHshsd trfttttlng last night In rnuoui.,worouU and flaw1 iahVIafd 'tt M Alin the nlnk of oon. know one or two entail opmtoia heretdttloTi wiHtlng '.'W'Ww pell. TntM t plenty oj,, cynuuvuos, in both camps'! and 11 is hard to pick a winner. The lecel boy has gained a lot of followers from his wbrlgsuu. Qiitvieli w plenty .of oonUdenee. Clark is not talking but says he will demonstrate Friday night. The semi-final between FOR BALE H0B6E 1 ROOMS. MOO-em. Beation 0. tlJMMM. Teraaa. Ab-ntf O P Tuar Oo. Ltd. Ml H1WX DOlU! CGKerls ON AT- n Avemie. HN.m, PhoM Black 404 ! cert a. Red Howard. Vkiturla tt NEW CAMP AT SALT LARCB AMD small launch In good condition for sale cheap. Phane 4Sk. tf fOH SALS MODHMH HOTBC for InspMtlon. Fbose 4ee. FOR KENT UK HBtn CL&HUtTON HOUSE. Nlnh Avenue Bast. Rant res sons ok. Apply QUy Taseaurer. City Hall. tf i :: HINT--PIANOS. PLAYKR-MANOS. PhnnofMphi and Sowing Maehlnes Walkera Music Store. tf FOH HtSTt FURNISHED POCK roomed apartment with bath. Water paid. Phone 447 ti -joney amounting to 1390 was turned ul1 HKNT. over to Mr. and Mrs Briukendorim . Who had Just started In business and at all thetr belongings In the fire. baseball game was played In which Hyder beat Stewart l a I. Miss Mariorie Brown la here from Wt HBHT - POUR ROOM APART -meat, hot water heated. Apply Health Ac Mallett. Ltd. tf JVMMISHBO APART- menU-Appay Mussalliin Qrooery. PBK HKKT PUHIOaUtSD ROOMS; also small suiu. Ptsune arw auo. Jack Holroyd vs. Pred Bolter. Bpsmal tivtnt-Jko Stm. Prince Hu- her school studies at Vancouver to ! Bem.nnaJ 4 rouiuu. Young Monk. who ner Norway, vs Wild -Pete Vestvisli. Bweu mother. Mm. a ri iivuiu. . Diamond drillers left Stewart last ffrek for the purpose of contlnulim the diamond drilling program com-' menced last summer on the George Cold Copper. A smsll crew has been employed on the property for the past mouth getting (Mugs in aiMHie. Construction of a new realdenci less of the Conservative parWrWi Bright)) Street. J01 Jacl MaLaHtlry.1, the Oeoske Xnle building reat- Mne Mtoes the reHwwy track In tlie tfr-jpd f (own, J. lUrgraves. who Is connected with the provincial mines department, wvs a visitor in this camp last week. Mala Bvent rS round Dido Ottr-vich. Prince Rupert vs. Hay Clafk, Uellliigluun. While the National League Is cxper-lenclng one of Use boat -thuhh is its history, the attendance 111 the American has not been u good With tlte raee regarded practically as over, lu so far as the pennaut Is ontieerttod. Um fans lu which the JVM citMipkni.kMw Ton safsm.ii-. rvw ana weserve an attitude of more, or lea friendly indlrTerttiee to asnoy of the .others. Tlte kbianssn atttnet LP Set eWMkssl ri 'hnms .an cm sfaat few years ago. when the Athletics were In eighth plase. they played Thursday. Friday. Saturday and (Sunday at New Yost and got more lor "their bit" than they got In a two weeks' stand at home. the camp. He is Interested in the Supreme Indlflerenoe pervades fistic lied Top property at the head of tlie Iclrolea over the -forthctuulux Tunney- lieer Refer. plkeuey "olnmiplonalitij" battle, uuourd- ling to New York despatches All the Dr. and Mrs. J. Robinson Have r- approved methods of ballyhoo fall to rived in Btewort from Iteglna. Dr. Ilou- stir out of their lethargy quarters us- Inson Intends establishing a medical SPORT CHAT There abeuld be uo alibi l regard to condition tomorrow nurht of the utlly highly enthusiastic over heavy weight titular histories Tunney, although he whipped Lvnojwey IT out of 20 rounds In their iJMlaaeiphla " Chicago eonteata. Is not the plotswes-(ue bntUer that was Dempeey. Ikteues; earned a ohauce with Ttinney. But he defeated no very hlgh-olass bear lee." It must be said for htm. principles In tlie Ourvlch-Clark bout ;' lhut did all that waa re. utilrcti of him. Budnaora of thi Tim. 4ieUtfiif ,!ieetM( plainly are io-comliiK1 conebrried over the apathy lof iWlv9r0,,1rd;:0,lBfW, M the pulSlc Hjcmlly. Hype Igoe of The New York Rvenlng World. Insists that Dempsey and Tunney will meet again. CRICKET PRACTICE In the cricket game last night be- heavyweights will bring together Nor- tween the Probables headed by Prtn- wey vg, Sweden. Everyone 1 walling clpal IVddle and the Possibles with to see the big boys tax and there Is Wilson Murray as captain, the former plrnty of Interest here The bouts won tlie toss and went to the wicket Will aUit at 0 o'clock following tbe By the lime the others got a clmnoe football game. The complete card follows: Pete Ohenoakl vs. Young Hatt. Tommlt DeMsrco vi, Ntd Qurvlcn. ha. ilie Jtggtt had failed uud Uiey wtre beaten. The team to meet the Durban tlrven will bs choasu today. 1'H DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertitcment talen for let than 50c Aa far as Mr. Thompson is con-jcrnui we Uilui him a true Canadian aiHl a gositieiiian and we tike his style ol (Ightsng aitd we uulr Iwgrai that he is nat ou the rkgtet aM 4 uulitics. that oi the Liberal party ol CuiiuUu. the party that all true Canadians should sappprt. E. W. 8TBVBNB. FOR jjALH t'LU NfeSW81AHRK8 MAY BE USED 1N-ataad of building paper or to lay be-aath cnrts ou tlx iluor. Oet tjecil prut on large quantities Daily Mews. FOR BAUi- HOUSE AMO lOTt AT 3113 Second Avenue. Also content com-prMug variety of msahanlra tooU. guns, phonograph, etc. Apply Kd. Chy-bcr. 187 WANTED WANTED IDl I,iM sell on comn.!, Ixiuko mid speciu. territory Prince i Gti.rne State ex, curiivd Write "A ! Daily New Offlct. mcmmed amrri.EM room in private u . lerred Central h-i News or:oe. EXCAVAT1X1 WAN! l any kind, by d J Kosuug l Oil ,h I ound.1 RESTAURANTS uimiii i:ath r.trc Mr. Usger IT . rts Third A veil ne. ner ( H.ul naaae Cooked M- Baked Dilekru Jlniirr Kirn . lit enlng I rum . 10 HOUKKH FOR KENT mm BOguxM : BeaSe House n-u ' at awMW; filfl K .1 25 Un fL.ith Avenue a:id suother luix modern f. W HMIT SALVAOI AM) TOW I I'rlnre RujK-rt Salvajr & M Co. Ltd. un iitun.tiNN in t. ml Bmnll Safe and Tyi AneiiU for East hi e E Propellers a no 1 llaaU or all desrrlpllun for Nail leke fVrry. I SU.MMHR RLSOIfTS. LAItKiail IIOINI'RIM.SUI sv tiri.N LAIHIKM1 ll(iTHMtl(M IN I'll (Litbls Wi. . Trout IlsMnc on UkrUU flow iHan (ittllll ACCOM II (111 ATION I OR TN r.vitin ' J. URUCK J' JIN M .' Lrta tsWN . n o AIJCTIONKKKS. ' I'KIM'K IttH'UtT AtCTION IVderal llliM'k Pnrulture of all kind" t or sschamied. CraUng and paokiiu; Hoods sold on Coiuiu . J. DAWKS. Alirtliineer. . W yiiiROi'RAcnc I'K. It. K I.VOI.IKON Clilrnprartnr AM H.lrH Avrnne lelephoiis for apfMlntmei.t in BS. ItesldftiM n nne lll.i t ' Acute and Chronic DIs irdm Jvr treated. IKhert 1934 usi:d cars tor sale, ford Ton Truck, ixinnl ld. Ford Tnn TV 1 imI. nhauti I'lllV rord IluaiisUr rleilverv I '-' ftonW comlltlnn . ; Oakland Ma. I0. four wiiH I hula ' . HMIUUII i I . - iiwu mo lranic irncs " ,j Terms ean lie Arranged on nt'"' KAIHN (lAlttdK Pufliie aa. , rURNlTURK AND RAN HIMMONS 1IIOH OIIADE BED BPR nnH ...nil u. ....... .1 Thf" Og .. umiiinui, UICIUUIIIK " more MattMss. Slumber Kmf V MI OiiaUan bud, are now us In stock. A. MACKENZIE t'urnltutt W"