fllxf PAQS TWO stl DAILY NfiWS . J Sen. people still use bulk teaThey think It cheaper It Isn't for they are paying for dust INDIANS WHO and sittings and for waning flavour They have not discovered "SALADA" dust-free, fresh, full-flavoured WORSHIP SUN sealed In metal. &a saxtawavKU iJassMsssssssssssssssW. ttBWavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaLs. t - ,n The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, hy Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. POLLEN - - - Muoaring Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month .60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period "... $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By .mail .to. all other part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local' Readers, per insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Tuesday. Jan. 10, 1928 DAMAGE TO PICTURE GALLERY : The wonsi damage done by tfie recent floods in London was that to the homes of the workers 'who live on the lower floors of tejiemepts thatAvere flooded. IJw niuch that .amounts to will never be known. The worst thing is that It proves a real hardship to poor people who lost or had spoiled everything they possessed. Nejt tothat comes the damage to the Tate Picture Gallery where tjie assembled canvases are valued at millions of dollars. These, were presented to the nation md are open to the public all ' tb time. While many of the pictures will be saved many will be lost or so badly damaged as, to be almost worthless. , SUSPICION FROM SECRCTIVENESS Jaspefltor Ryrnes of the New York police is credited with the ' statement that one electric light to the Mock is worth two policemen. Light is the greatest preventive of crime. So in aeimection wife public offiftCj. nublieity is the greatest preventive oCK!itical crime. Officials a'ud iwJlticiarw will keep straiifbt u long as the eyes of the publie are on them but give them a chance to keep things secret and then just watch out. TKis i true whether it be in municipal, provincial or Dominion affairs. The white light of public opinion is the greatest cleansing power in the world. That is why meeting of public bodies should be always open to the people and press. WINSTON CHURCHILL If a vote were kaken to determine the most talked of person in British political life today, I am sure that, if not leading, then, among the first five, would be the name of that "stormy petrel" of British polities), the present Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston S. ChurehilL says an article in the Toronto Mall and Empire. "VEiifant terrible" has long blazoned from his banner, and how deliberate!! and with what an extraordinary devotion has he lived up to it. Almost every office in the cabinet has been his, except that of Prime Minister, and hf designs upon it may be readily imagined. He has served in two regiments, fought with tbv Spaniards In Cuba, and held a commission in the South African Light Horse. He has seen life, on tour continents and smelted powder in three; has seen more war than any man of his years, and written several books. During part of the South African war he was a special war correspondent for a famous London daily. He was captured by ike ISoers, Meaped from prison, and through on account of this escapade in a book which he wrote, together with the thrilling stories he cabjed back to his London paper he became a celebrity of the first order, and was one of the youngest members elected in the famous khaki election of 1900 to thsrlttitiah House sf rlnmmnna tnai. ine library oi nts nome near westernam contains one of the moM varied as well as valuable collections of books in the possession of any )dk-lver. Modern fiction, French, English, the Greek and Latin elastics, poftWrous looking books on philosophy, memoirs, histories, complete editions of the poets and dramatists, in fact all and every branch of the author's art Is hare well and faithfully represented. Furthermore, it is said, tkat he has read them all. Not possibly as you and I read a book, because he has confided to a friend the astounding fact that he can comfortably digest the contents of an average book in the limited space of one hour. It is recorded that when a fiery-headed youth at Harrow he wax uskep what profession he thought of taking up. he replied, ne Army oi course, so long an there's any fighting to be had. htu that's over. I shall have a shot at politics." DUCHESS AS SALESGIRL POPULAR WITH BUYERS At Unit t (iirlHwa tints PhHmws of Yotk lihiHwee r lit. Mutk tlrkl.v IXNDON, Jan.lty a number of peo-vte !i ?ci; iK!U cnristmas pre-tintntxMtht tram the Duchess of York. whoBNM a Stall at the Royal School of ?!ework Sale of Christmas Presents recently. Throwing off her coat, and working hard In her pretty Pl grey gearfettc frock, she cleared (he stall to HtUe more than an hour xt nm or its sasaii ani.nc gifu iu aslue'wilfveS, 4ms and embraldsry and Was stlC sunasjaded by a crowd of .people -aaxloua te few. l a rntjak tsMr of the ttalla the Duress herself txKaght a dainty baby jdrearuT two . warm whlu wostli coats, a pretty toy or two. and a blue ro; e-iver. Wonderfu embroidery, lln-' nerle. upholstery, lace and antique needlework were among the goods of- ; fered. i The Queen had bought beforehand an old fashioned embroidered cotton box, a tapestry hag, and a tiny dressing gown, with est' heads embroldsteej on i the pockets. II Kit MXUKT. I Wife Have you 'any seetets you 5p from me. dearest? 9 Husband None, darling Wife-Then t an determined Z will have none from you, either. Huaband Ycju have secrets, then Wife Only ions, and I anf drttf-mined vo make a clean breast of It. Husband (hoMeetyt Oo eat Wife For sttttal days I have bad secret longing for a new dress, with hat to match. That fetched hlin. uctdon OpUUoa. Expedition Planned to Explore In Southern Mexico NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 10. In search Of ! ea b 'Oivntattloa. ttMtt flourish A.QOp. years oefDre the birth of Christ, an WKMU9B. B .Xutae University will leave here In December on an eight-month exploration of the Mayan coun try of sautheru Mexico. Professor Frans Blosn. archaeologist of sfc. department of Middle American research, will be accompanied ossiy hy Wabster McBride and bouts Brlatow, two Students, and native guides Into region where the trices are reiortd fierce and resentful in tntruatona. Tle Mayans not only cultivated their land and built great ciuea, but were leaden ua ttie art of sculpture and painting. Professor Piom aaya. Theirs was the first mathematically correct calendar In ue. Covering thousand of mile, the Tten-dales for.sts have never been fully t ravened by explorers. It la there that the expedition expects to make discoveries of Incalculable value In tracing the history of the Mayans, who are believed to hare come to Alaska from Asia and tten gradually fought their way down through the western United State Into Mexico and Central America In these forests are to be found the Lacandon Indians, who still worship sun and rain gods and make wav with bows and flint-headed arrows. Toe? are of a warlike nature. Women the forests ' wear clothes made from toe bark of trees. g Huge temples, built of 4Ureiy , SftH blocks of stone, have wlthatoela the ( ages of passing ages and indicate fee? were the work of master srataitecta, says Professor Blom. Greeted at places ta offer prayers to apjxsne the soger of the sun and rain gads, the tempsee a' ruieare at the summit of hlltt and la many instaness almost Inaoeesslble due to centuries of Jungle growth. ANYONE with a lawn grass that keep given and never grow more one Inch high can make a fortune. Ten Years Ago In Prlnoo .Rupert 1SK Man in the Moon a ' tt TUB civic race la on, folks. Haw much will you bet on the wlnae YOU pays your money And takes your choice; Will you make It a Ford Or choose a Roltt-Hoveef X 1X3 N'T know how It la. but nobody seems to have thought of nominating me for a Job. YOU may pin your faith to Stephens Or bet your money on Oreer; Perhaps you will bask MaMordie With the others In the rear. No matter which you chooee today You are taking a chance I ween. Par not a closer mayoralty race For years here has been THERE are lots of people In every community who think their neighbors are the only sinners. YOU may not be a bootlegger Nor yet a common thief, You may not be a lawyer And hold a shady brief; But yet you likely break the law Of Commonsense and right. And will be just u bad as they With the righteous judge in sight. EVERY mtn In Prince Rupert Is under sentence of death, but in most cases the sentence Is being suspended for a few weeks, months or years. Happy thought for the new year. ITS wonderful how many people can make chicken farming pay. Just sot a pencil and paper and alt by the stove end se how easy It is. THE good fellow who bi P$Jfrv of All of which leads tin to cnnalderino- tnairwfl.MSit Al'rM,w4' MaW SMwfeVi uau -Ml! tm o .i . i , ' Hy leaves a widow to look out for her ....... - - . wv ukic Maiirj, nu aici ivic aur ivuts. 11 IS S.WU self THE most dangerous thing about driving an auto la the nut that the steeling wheal. will SINCE women got the vote about the only chance we have noticed Is that the suffragette agitation has oeeaed. THE old fashioned educational system was better than the new. Just look at me. SOME people never have any tobacco and other never have matches, so they spend their spare time borrowing. OP smokers I know quite a batch Who new seem to have a match: And yet they use them night and day No matter what their fellows say n i 1 ii.i t-tti. i" 1 ,' I, Tin JAM AltV in. I0IH. Omeera as follows for Lodge Valhalla have been Installed: president, A. Aker-berg: vlos-presldent. K. E. Hallberg: secretary. A. O. Morse: treasurer. O. A Johnson; financial secretary, P. Lor en -ten; conductor, Petra Undseth; chap lain, am A leer berg, tuner guard. Thos. Djbhavn; outer guard. Elnar Stoekland; trustees, oiof Hanson, A. Akerbwg and A. O. Morse. The ofBuers were by John Dybhavn, grand district presi dent. 1 1 "One of the richest parts of the whole world la to be found in the southern provinces of Russia In Europe." states Oeorge Syrotuck of litis city in discussing the Russian situation, -with pease assured, conscription removed and the corrupt gorernornt of the Czar gosts. Kussjs win develop sat rapidly and It win soon be a country well worth living in." The first annual ball of the Sons of Canada Society to be held this weak will be' la aid of emffesers in the recent Halifax disaster. ' DEACONESS TALKS TO YOUNG PEOPLE lle Isabel llsddiiek Olves Inlrmtlng .Urouiit of Motk In f'nrmrr netd of Natilt Me. Marie The principal feature last night st the first meeting of the Young People's ffx-ftietj of rirst United Church following the Ouietmaa and Vsw Year recess was a talk by Mtu Isabel Haddock, church The Least Excitement Made Her Heart Palpitate and Flutter Mrs. Ambrose Orser, Elgiatmrg-, Oat, writes t "I saStrtd for tome time with a bad heart whieii eeatned to te controlled by raj Times. The least little excitement would eauae it to flutter and palpitHte, .. and at times I would fc,v .i iJ(H;;;lli J UnM-4 this way for some time when, one daj, I saw adrertited, so de rided to try them. I had only taken a ftw boxes When I noticed that I felt better, so I eon- tlnued Ukieg them and in a short time my heart felt entire!? different' Frfe 60c a box at all druggists and deafen, or mailed diroet on rtaeint ut prico b The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toresto, Oct ' rlsacorvess, on expertenoas in her forme. reld at Sault 8te. Mane. The work o ; Use ehureh missions among new Cana ! dians. how the church kept alive th Ideals of Christianity and Canadian Ian; .nd the good -eaulta obtaining fron five or six years or such wurk. al. t. roved Interesting material. The committee appointed a' committer , to proceed with the getting up of a plaj toward the end of March and the eaecu-. :ve was deatgatsd to plan activitle luring the coming season. The usual recreational period fol '.awed. The meeting, wblrh was well sttand-cd. was presided over bjr Oeorge H "Hocks. Vlre-prasldsnt. IntHb absanes ol '.he president, w. VandewaW. FLYING PAGEANTS TO BE CONTROLLED iloyal Air lore him .twist at lour e live In lilfferent Part of England UMfDON. Dec. 10. There are so many Hying clubs in the country now that the arrangement of the various all laos meetings, if they are to be on an adequate scale, la likely to become a rllsncult problem, and recently a meet ing of the Royal Aero Club A associated Clubs' General Co. was held tc consider the beet an. r -.nt In the interest of sporting avia.'o.i. There are now over a : ?n clubs represented on the council, and this year the help of the Royal Mr Force wss enlisted to rive display evrats at soma of the iMssf koeatinas it is dealswd, howavsr. 1st int. to fix in advance the esrtsnt of the assistanoe of lbs Royal Air Pores. Plying clubs exist primarily to train memr.era tn n;. --j ,7U1U iBciiitias tor flying when trained, and every club race meMsig ISakes atg draiS'wstt; W4sfueBiuiii osner l stros. aatjrwirtin ssl nmt'vwmt.i the 4 2aE aWssssWsssVga the greatest demand for flying faalU ties comes from the non -toeing bars. llt'TTKK rilOIUCTION tllSIM Canada 'b production cf creamery but ter In 1036 amounted to 178,1 60 JTl pounds, ar ordtng to the Dotnlnloa Bureau l. SUtUtlca. ThH Is an Increase of 8.861.400 pounds over the preceding year. Tuesdny., .fin- the salesman demonstrates a WHEN General Motors car today, he reveals to his customers a new conception of motor car value, safety, comfort and beautythe conception of greater quality assured by the emblem, Body by Fisher. Expect him, therefore, to give you complete details about the Omr Cum Ceiwer PMin-Jht narrow front pillars of a Fisher Body eliminate the blind spot" id driving, enabling the driver to sec ohiccti in front and on the sides at all times thus increasing safety. CADILLAC La SALLE body of the car you arc considering for it is a Body by Fisher. The best motor car merchants join discriminating buyers everywhere in recognizing the superiorities in Fuller Bodies. Before selecting a motor car, you should actually see and realize the important advantages built into every Body by Fisher. Dean -The .rrcnjrth of a Fisher door permits a 200 pound man to swing on it w iibouisJfu ting it in the slightest. Merely closing the door of a Body by Fisher indicates the staunch and solid coostmctitM which is hidden away beneath iu beauty. sprats - Every part ami every orvrat oa which is captured in staling a Body by I ui;r, nut pass rigid inspection, f ftnrj h ,'r mmufawnJ tsrig t Vi, there is s Fi .hr inspector, expert in hit work, toting nj crutinisi, patting and approving. ' MCLAUOllUN-BUtCK ' OAKLAND ' OLDSAIOIULB ' POHTIAC cmvttwjsr FISHER. BOD IE . S GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, Ltd. Watch for a further list of January Sales Specia id IN TIIL'KKDAY'S IAIEK Fraser & Payne Tho L'nlvrnuil TradiuR Co. Buy II 1 ivuom nuoa Flour Guaranteed to please you, better. For Sale by all Good Grocers;