uryl BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMamu leaning WJik''W ' H-WWB MYBfOWIN IHBBJBBO I JUT THAT FELL OFF I ' nFTrSlffl- WWS&g I L ' WSk EVERYWAY- KWVatf'V.rH LOOK L THE WINDOW U ft f 'OTP at Vancouver trices Most Modern Dryclennlng Plnnf In City y Phone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McBrlde Street THANKS youiiciVE FOR WARMTH! AND HEAT THAT OUR COAL GtVES- ITfttN'T s ia 11 w i BE BEAT! Thankful for the bird, of course! But more thankful for the fire to cook it and the heat to warm us up. Voull have a Happy Christmas if you use our coal. It Rives the finishing touch to the day. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your tut"! If not, come to Goldblo&n. Just now we want mink, rtfaften, ermine,' coy-ote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturer in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire roe and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trapper' Friend." I Second Avenue I 1 Wood DRY RIKCH. CEDAIt AND JACK FINE Stngle Load jWUiO Double Load $(li() Larje Sack flOf 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, 1.00 Phone rN0 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 133 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Klock Phone 57 DENTIST iMk- PR ICR Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Qah price tickets. AlcltridV Street store now closad Valentin Dairy Office and Dairt HtlitU. Telfphonr 457. III ja Pb"'EH OLD ' ' j ... . iitfflBB O 2t. by ImI r.iura Swvfc., Im. ui Bw( ritfct. wrwt "-j...- b MRS. DAWSON Enjoyahle Evening at Haptlst Church Fireside Club Provided by Local Iady The opening of the PI r tide Club after tbe Christmas festivities wm the occasion for it most enjoyable and educative recital by Mrs. P. O. Dawson who gave "An Evening With Kipling." She was introduced by Rev. w. F. Price and the large audtatio was very appreciative of this, the first public appearance of thla lady. The opening remarks of Mrs. Dawon tton to the fore as soon as possible as briefly described tbe life and character . 110 "me should be )ost to ha... tt of the noted writer and poet Rudyard matter In the hands of the proper au-Kipllng, followed by the reading of "Wee thoMtles putting our claims befort Willie Winkle." Mrs Dawson anon eaptlvated tbe audience with herl ;oquenoe and clear and forcible expression. The reading was followed by one of Kipling's poems "Oypsjr Trail" set to music, sua by R. W. Howard. Mrs. Dawson then rendered several selections from 'Departments Dltttes." "Pink Domini" was humorously enjoyed followed by the "Story of Uriah." In toe "Past That Fitted." Mrs. Dawson fuUy conveyed the meaning of Kipling's work. Another of Kipling's songs. "Mandalay." sung by Mr. McPbcrson In a manner that pleated the audience An encore of another was as fully pkras-lug. Mrs. Dawsoa then continued wtth the "Ballad of Cast and Weit," "Tommy Atkins" uu Gun grn Din." There la no doubt that those present grasped the owning that Rudyard Kipling intended should be conveyed by bis writing! in Mm. Dawson's rendition of them. Another song by this writer, "Mother of Mine." was sung in a very enjoyable manner by Mr Howard. "How tbe Whale Oot His Throat" was tbe cause of many mirth quakes, even the eldest being carried back to tbe land of make-believe. A quartette by Howard and Larkln and Howard and Price rendered the well-known "Recessional." Tbe concluding number of Mrs. Daw-' on. "If," Brought toe enjoyable program to a close. Aooonspsnlsis lor the evening were Mrs. R. W. Howard. Mrs. J. D. Tburber and W. Vaughan-Daviea. In The Letter Box El MOIl WAS I'XTKl K Editor, DaUe Mews: 1 S. D. MacdonaM told me that It was ! rumored arownd town that at a council . meeting U M Stephens made the state-! meat that if the men were not agree- 1 able to accepting tt'j onti swr hour he I woum give theaa the leak, or taey e- scrvea the lash, or something to that I eneet." n the above statement was made b sr. pyle I deny the itntewwtf lto- " otcpnrnn nia u&eo tne exprMKni u the lash " I have alaee Investi gated and find that Aid. Stephens never made a statement that he wwatd ase issn as applied to labor, and that 48 cents per hour was never aUartMaed while he was in the esuaoH I make tm public declaration in fair- new vj Ain 3ipnea. ana to correct rumor to similar effect which are be ing curculitel against him In the present campaign. Prime Rupert. BC. January 0. IMS, iblKiie.li S D MACDONALD. PKACT ItlVKIt KAILWAV Ol'TMJT. Editor. Dsllv News. Will you allow me again the haeplUl-Ity of your rolin.ns to mako another appeal to the public on behalf e the petition asking that the Peace Hirer RaMany to the Coast be with connection with the C.NJl at Vanderhoof or ttiiy oiher point wet .rm termliiua at Prince Rupert. Mnny have already signed the peU-tlona which are u sttered all oet the city, in ever)' store, and I masf say tliat tbe men have responded In Much greater number than the ladles. Why this should be. I don't know. The ladles have surely jut as much interest In this vital question as tbe men might have and I would like to make a strong appeal to ttssaTiar those wtoa ba not signed that petition to tnntjlre In the various stores where they deal and ask to sign It. It Is imperatrie that tkle matt should not he allowed te die for lack f aoaort, sad I would like to say that I for J.t-r ASS , VJ X If I am elected as Alderman at the next election. I shall bring this qucs- Thanking you Mr. Kdltor, for your usual kindness, I beg to remain. Tours very truly. TH. COLLART. NOT.Ki:m:rr. w.uiea. Editor. DaUy Along with other false rumors cir culated against me In the present ampalga for Mayor, conies one that if elected I shall reduce wages. While committed to a policy of economy I am not In favor of disturb- ng the present seals of wages Economy can be effected by ellmlnatlne the waste, and there I neither the sity nor (he demand for a reduction In ages. Those responsible for such umors must be hard pressed. M. M. STEPHENS. CAM! IS AIMOt KM.I. ' , Jack Hlraail charged with eaualmr revtnus bodily injury to Joseph Oaok trough negUawncc as a result of a ; shooting all sir on Lakate Lake 1.-st fall. me department of agriculture la rending a seed cleaner to Vanderhoof thla week. The mnchlne, which will be ' grant convenience to the farmers, vill be stationed at some convenient point in town and not moved about rom place to place its is soptetrmei !onf. a summary of work done by th Sunshine Fund" committee shows that frcliandire.to the value of (326.05 wae 'Htrlbuted to the needy In town and istrlct during Christmas Week which. vlth Mai expended in having parcels arwarded to their destinations, makes 1 total of $3312.M expended by the committee. , The choir of the local Anglican Church la holding practices bl-wcekly it the heme of members. The firsi iracUoe was held at the home of Mr ind Mrs. Bowman. A committee consisting of George Jnell. George R. Matthew, and Him V. Taylor has been appointed by th. lecal Boaid of Trade to obtain mineral sample from this district for th Bureau at 1 lines which Is uttng (orm in Prince atapert. Joaeph Mvray came Into town a' the and of tbe week from his trap Him on a business trip. This i the finr time he has come Into town durm mid -winter for a number of yean. A hocry gam a held at the rink on Sunday afternoon. O. O Boyce. Prince Oeorge automobile dealer, was a business vlslto in Vansserhoof last week. A. B. Lalsd. manacor of the local branch at the Canadian Bank of Corn- merce. Je3 last week for Toronto wherr he will attend a conference of th bank. "'II' mnlre his 'iiture home. appeared before Stipendiary Magistrate Joseph Murray has purchased s quar-H. F. McLeod m provincial police oourt ter section of land in the district from yesterday and was remanded for eight the provincial government on which he Express Cargo Steamers For C. P. R. I innvln-N0 ton -urt'o-tarta rs mder t-unstrut'tioa in the M. Old Country fort n At limic service of the Canadian PariAe was launched recently from the yards of Messrs. Barclay. Curie and Co., Glasgow. Wtth appropriate cmmonies " o the presener lsrKe BStberinf of Canadian E? f 9.flidfv1,Jthe ,h,P WM tnristetW- i "B .avrMir' by Miss Mavis Gfflies. (latet) daughter of Captain Jsiats,illia general manager of the Canadian Psclftc Stesmshlps Ltd. m i.,? tb new tsraers are deUvtrod, the Canadian Pacific cargo fleet will be augmented by five of th Mehest type of aapreas csreo stesmen and capable cf maintaining a speed of 1 4 knots an hour, which i recsrded as exceptiontl Jor cargo stesmtrj. Tbe marked growth of omn trade between Great Britain sn3 Canada vis the St. Lawrence route, has prompted the n?Sd tn?dflct0,uwtth'ir,wiFBtwrl,t0 this extent. These vessels will be used to maintain a weekly service between Canadian ports snd theae In Great Britain snd on the C ontinent. 9 The new freighter, like her liiter ships the Beaverburn. Beaverdale. Besverford snd Besverbrse, is (20 fwt in length 61 and a haJ' fett In widih m. ?Jlnt esrryini cspscity of spproximatety t'J.Oufl ons sad load Of aft of 27 feet; but should a need arise at much aa 1 3.90 tons 1 iy be carried cm tbs maximum load draft. Tbe ships will be driven Sy twin screw. W anted . For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in BURNS LAKE Miss X. Haines. R N . arrived last eek from Uie East and has taken harge of the Burnt Iake Hospital. After a holiday visit Here. Miss Xlsa sostrom returned last week to Prince Oeorge to resume her duties In the of- ilce of the public works department. Andrew Anderson waa compelled to pend a few days at home last week no result of a severe chill he contracted .bile on the rosd to Francois Lake. Mrs. Oeorge H. Dickinson of Francois :ake ban been the guest of Mrs. V tehelderup here. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ruddy left last .veek for Vancouver where Mrs. Ruddy vlll receive hospital treatment. Superintendent Campbell of the "sltapln mine retnrned last week from trip to Vancouver, proceeding at once o the mine. Jim Oowana left lost week for s two eeks' stay at tbe Taltapln mine. Forest Ranger W. N Campbell retimed to Burns Lake last week after avlng spent the Christinas and New 'ear holiday season st Vancouver As a result of the explosion of s lamp which had been ruled wtth gaao-ine la mistake - for kermeno: the home if Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Harrison of tsa Lake was almost destroyed by ire. The Circle R. Hotel at Francois Lake ' nearly destroyed by fire of myster-ous origin recently. Following the coldest spell In the nemory of local settlers when the hermometer descended to aa low as 88 ekw eero, it has been thawing In the '.aytime and barely freezing at night in Surna Lake during the past week Mr. and Mrs. John Bestrom of Oraasj :ains were visitors in Bums Lake last eek. NO dog's buriedIn CEMETRYAT BERLIN BERLIN. N.J.. Jan. 10 Request of s motlier to bury a pet police dog beside he rsvr of her deutiiuer, Jule Price, ttjee who died last Mrct, because thr av ware . : ' k haan , aa- nfd by ofaciaU of . the Berlin' Osasa-' tery. The mother. Mrs. Jule Price. Stratford, NJ. said the dog, which was killed by a truck, fallowed the little Mlrl ao. Uu.EraM and often took ton nam a cedar chest In which they were ept and carried them to the cemetery The dog wan burled In a cedsr chest 11 tlie Piles back yard, Mrs Price say n image of the dog carved In marble :1! be placed near the strl's grave. NO SMOKING ALLOWED IN TORONTO Y.W.C.A. TuRONTO. Jan. 10. niokliiX is forbidden in the entire building of tli Yniintt Woman's OhTlHllsn Aator.iuunr. Mio Naughton. secretary ol tlw- To roiiui branch, said there wan not much prospect of the asnokJnc subject fceltif brought up lor discussion in the local executive "If it should come up snd war .teawd by attfSclent members then the i-mmittee would, have tn ,v ' cnanees of this happening arc emote." WHO CAN TELL VYHY WOMAN DOES ANYTHING? LONDON. Jan. 10. When the ooun- seJ In the King's bench recently asked I a woman witness why another woman had made s certain statement, Jurtlco 1 Swift remarked: "Who can tell whv I a woman ssys anything? Apparently they aay a great dral. The witness cannot polbly know what another j woman tliuuKju. I don't know what witness thtnfcs. I can hear what la, aid. but people don't always say what tbey uuak." I NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED CURL WASTED TO KEEP HOUSE FOR family of three out ol town. Onlj small house but murt be good plsln cook. Ideal home and light w.irk Oood wages. Apply Bos SS Daly News office 11 ANTED TO BUT. OFFICE TABLX. nnall typewriter table and office desk. Also sectional filing cabinet. Say where seen and price to Box SO Dailly News Office. 10 WArTntD - 4MAIA. OASBOAT A HOUND twenty-five feet long. In good running order. Sate cash price, make and age of engine to Bos SB. Dully News omce. 10 WANTED OAS BOAT OR HULL. about M feet Snap Cash Apply Forester. Box 429 4 I' Oil SALE OR SALE. SECOND HAND CARPET in good condition. 16 ft. by ta n. Apply Daily News. tf OR SALS. OLD NEWSPAPER. Two Inrne bundles for 25c FOR HUNT FOR RENT. -FURNISlfBD BEDROOMS S8.00 per month: convenience including fuel, light and phone alt per month Or part of ftirntahed bouse, modern. Phone Blue SM. 7 FOR REitTV WITH OR WITat- out board. ntral location. Phone Blue 1SS. tf HOUSE FOR RENT. ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RE1TT. FURNISHED HOUSE Apply 31S Fourth Ave East tf FOR ItaOT. SjtTOt ROOMED HOU8B Apply 8U Borden Street 11 CHIMNBV SWEEP II. J. Kl'MKKIM nrneral Handy Man lirnaces and Stoves Cleaned snd Re- aired Ch brinies swept. Cemetery Plou Csrsd For ' none Sted Mi Prince Rupert. BC tVHMTWi: AMI ItANlltS New stock will now be arriving every week. Also the IMS patterns of Linoleum Riigs snd re will carry a complete line. They are palled the Jubilee patterns Call In and see them, please. A. MifKBSZIfc. VriOfUtllK ' Plisfte lit. EXCHANGE , xrw axd sixuivfi jijiyfTnvif vhk owum ano sola and uechsnaed Flayer Piano and Two Cash Reglsutn In stoclt. r.tiMiori'L(s MAKVS SS9 Third Ate. I'hwne Slfl 1'IUNCE RUPBKT TIDES o v a . s,-t . TI'RaiMV. JWI AKV IS lltirh 'M 90.1 low Hlch Hlph lOW High Low High Low High Lew ,Hlih low ft. IS 37 p.m 30 J 0 48 q m. 74 MM pm (g LIINKHIIAV. IIW KMHKK II 4 40 m. is.t ft. IS 21 p m 10.4 1( B a m. 74 " M M pm. 4J " THriismv. Janaary it W m. IB 1 fv 17 no n n, ;8 J) 1115 a.m. 89 W 97 p m. OS I IIIIIW. JAM AHV II sm. 188 ft. 18 08 p.m. jg g m 1 '1:07 p.m. 87 " MTI'IIDAV. JAM AliV II ' ''88 am. lea ft. IS M p.m. Id 6 " 010 a m. 7.J 13 08 p m 9.0 " M'NU.IV. IAJII AKV IS sm. 18.1 ft. I ' 20 aa pjn. 15 a 0 88 s.m. P6 I 14 18 n m 8.8 " MCIMIAY. JAM ARV 10 s m. 188 ft. 91 :Sft p m.' is S 1:88 a.m 0 4 ' 11:22 pm. 84 " Articlei Lost and Found, 4c STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS lor Vancouver Tuesday- -. Qamoaun Frlrtajr ss. Prince Riiprn 11 SatuKtay as. Cardena iu ss. Princess Beatr I M Jan. 4 ss Prtoces M,.ry 1 Jan. 18- ss. Pt.nceiw U; i from Vsscasteiw Sunday a. Oamoeun . . I Wrdnasdayss. P. Ruper' : it Sslsirday. as. jOardsna . it Saturday si. Prtnctss Bea' u Jas. H ss. - Princes M -Jan. 3 as. Prmeeaa Mary Isr Port alfhpsan snd Ifsaa Rlier-Sunday as. Ostnosun . I t rrem Fort Simpson sad Nsss Rlver Taaadaf ss. Oamosun . . 11 if it Tor Anyot Snd Hteaart SwBdsy ss. Csmosun I t Wednesday as. Prince Ruper Item Anyot and Sleaart Tuesday ss. Camasuft . ' it Friday as. Prlnee Rupert lr tjueea t'hsrk.t lea-Jan. 14-aa. prUsse John Jan. 98 s. prince John Tern qoren rhirfettra Jan. 19 aa. Prince John Jan. 98-hss. Prtnee John fee Alaska- Jan. 14 ss rvtaeess Mrv Jan. 98 ss. Prtnee Msrf 1 rem AlaV Jwa. 4 sa Petaeess Mary Jan. 18-as Prlnrssa Ssry mailWedule jamjArt. rrri lr the East MeAdays. Wedoetdifi, SsturdmaS doses I....... 1 1030 ia Irsm the Ratt Tuesdsy. thlstsat' , ahd Satidi. dat aops Ts arsnr '' TUMiays . 4 '5 rs Pridaya .., H .S SstttrdayS Vf....;. 0JJl.-li. Train. MatUUto Wedaesd BstUrdsTi 10 I tS lHn Vsitmuvrr'. StmsHyi ra Wadanajsyt ....1 10 3 is aataMafs CPU JaB 14.38." Trams, SUSdays. Tuesdays ann : days v t To Anjftt. Alice Afrn. Slrwsrt su4 84av t.,;.,.'..'.fif closes ' ia VrswWsaata ..i.i.... ! y..tlVam Anyui. Altfs Arm. Klewsn sd 1 rrnjier TussdiTi s rtSF J,..... Ts Naa Hirer Fsjnlt UWSft .'. ...M'a... FtSvrt as i'f,iJw-- . .mail dm a To Als.ka Fnlnlufc. iriun Alsaj MMlrTiita. Jas. 14 sV4t4. JUl. 14 anKtas " rrem ijilfen ' IwVlrrtle i.lsnrt Pclnl-Jsn.(li,sad'lf. C.N.ORA1NS Fnr ln t.f .-Maaayt. Weuhetdaja and 8atn"Hl t Um sin. From 'if ;, . Tujays, ThxrHrteys. and Sim at 8.M pm. . INt PhblJATE IN TIIK Ml I'lUltib VWht OF IWItl t ;i.ii.MmA In 'uS0' .h E'ts at ft FUdd JfeL-L tl t4te of If " ui2?'rtd',n ' " irf ns hitlEf i4,?u Prt'" e-'. aroneM L!Zt2ir Xurrusb . jSoJni,f the amount of moewednew it w, f0ri,lth. NOTUfAN A WATT. wincisl Adminutrawr