i ate Saturday, July Page 2 THE DAILY NEWB. — , orem ee ee ee a ~ —EEE aoe | . ; MAIL SOHEDULE * 9 ane a. Nov, 30th, 1918, over $153,000,001 THE DAILY NEws Fastern Prices on eee = : — | PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA etn tent ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- DON T KEEP MONEY Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. : i. F. PULLEN , MANAGING Eprror. . et ey SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. TELEPHONE 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per Contract Rates on application. inch, DAILY EDITION, » ang Saturday, July 5, 1949. EE Lecture on Socialism. T. Kingsley is in town lecturing on Socialism. Last night he gave an interesting address at the Westholme Theatre to a large audience and his bright and witty turns were much ap- preciated and evoked applause. He dealt at length with the de- velopment of the present state of society and advised his hearers to have recourse to the ballot box instead of striking. Much of his reasoning was perfectly sound but he led his audience to a quagmire and there left them. He offered no plan of redemption except the very general one of capturing the reins of government through the ballot box. There was no suggestion of what after, except that government was unthinkable. Anyone who has studied economics is aware that anarchy is the highest social condition that can be imagined. It means the reign of love, when there will be no laws because none will! be needed. All will have arrived at such a siage of perfection that they will do right because it is right and not because the law says it is right. Students of human nature know however that such a condition is a few million years in the future. It is ideal, but with the material at hand is absolutely impossible as a practical condition. No Suggestion For Future. Much the same might be said of socialism. Judging from the remarks of the speaker at the gathering last night, there wil! be mo currency under a socialistic scheme. There will be no wages, for wages create slaves. Like all other idealists Mr. Kingsley offers no suggestion as to the working out of his ideals, except the one sentence dropped last night when he mentioned the Bolsheviki route. But they have wages in Russia, and ex- pohents of socialism always claim that wages paid by the Govern- ment are just as much chains as those paid by private owners. Mr. Kingsley has been lecturing on socialism for many years. Nearly twenty years ago he was telling the miners of Vancouver Island the same story that he told last night, allhough we are not sure whether Robinson Crusoe was there or not as an illustration. At that time socialism had a big following, just as big as it has in Prince Rupert today. There are always a large number of people who delight in the vague and unknowable. Far away,fields look very pleasant. People may yet discover that the state under socialism is no elysium but that there are cares and worries, and perhaps even work in the ideal state. - — -_—— — — _-———_ Fou ME TO ACT LIKE A LIL GENTLEMIN “THIS WHAT Do You sorProst YOUR FATHER WOLD say IF EW You HES FISHIN’ wee Sistine A LITTLE WAN ON SUNDAY DOWN THE STREAM HIMSELF Community Silver We just received a copy of the Robert Simpson Co. catalogue and find that our prices on Community Silver are exactly the same es theirs. We mention this as proof that we are trying to give our customers as good service as they ean get any- where. Other things we can prove it by are Big Ben clocks. Waltham and other watches. Waterman pens, Rogers sil- ver and almost any well known article. John Bulger Jeweler ; The Store of Worth and Beauty. days at ¥:30 a.m, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- * days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: BOCUPGRTE 6 oct cccreces 2 p. m. — erern Peer eyy 10 p.m ITUCDGRVE ccc cis sseses 5 p.m TRUPGERVE occ ccccess 10 p.m. From Vancouver LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application No. 10,577-1. File 6,001. TAKE NOTICE that application has been made to register Robert Henry Smith ot Prince Rupert, B. C., a8 owner in fee under a Tax Sale Leed from the Cellector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 10th day of December, 10918, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more par ticularly known and leseribed as lots ten i0) and eleven seven (7), City 923) (11), Block 87, Section of Prince Rupert, (Map You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 85 days from the date of the service of this notice which may be effected by publication in the daily newspaper), and your attention ic called to section 36 of the “Land Regis- try Act” with amendments, and to the ollowing extract therefrom and in default of @ caveat or cer- tifeate of lis pendens being fied be- fore the registration as owner of the preon entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served with notice, and those claiming through or under them, and all pe rsons clatm- ing any interest tin the lend by virtue of any unregistered Inscrument, and all prsons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis- trar shall register the person «t- titled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name of Robert Henry Smith. AND WHEREAS on investigating the title it appears that prior to the 10th day of October, 1017 (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes you were the registered and assessed own er thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time I shall effect registration in purspance of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the said lands in the name of Robert Heary Smitt unless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part DATED at the Land Registry Rupert, B.C., this 1919 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Francis F. Tupper, Esq, Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that The Wallace Pish- erles Limited, whose address is Vancouver, British Columbia, will ly for a licence to take and use 5 miners’ inches of water out of Watun River, which flows north westerly and drains into Masset Inlet, near the northwest corner of Lot 702, Queen Charlotte Islands. The water will be diverted from the stream at & point about a quarter of a mile from the mouth of stream, and will be used for steam and incidentally indus- trial purposes upon the land described as Lot 792 Queen Charlotte Islands District. This notice was posted on the ground m the 8rd day of June, 1919. A copy of this notice and — we pursuant thereto and to the ater 1914,” will be fied im the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C Objections to the ame may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrotier of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. THE WALLACE FISHERIES LIMITED, Applicant. By Fred Nash, Agent. The date of the first publication of this notice is June 19, 1919. ome, Prince 13th day of June, A.D LAND ACT ‘otice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ecording District of Skeena, and situate nm the vicinity of Indian Reserve No, 16, Langara Island. Take notice that Clifton P. Riel, of Prinee Rupert, British Columbia, occupa- tion Manager, intends to apply for permis- o- to lease the following described nds: Commencing @t & post planted at north- west corner of Indtan Reserve number 16, thence one hundred and fifty feet more or less in southwesterly direction to low water mark; thence 700 feet westerly along low water mark; thence northerly one hundred feet More or less to high water mark; thence easterly 800 feet more or less along high water mark to point of com- mencement and containing two (2) acres more or less. CLIFTON P. RIEL. Deted 8th April, 1919. LAND ACT jotice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Is ae Land District, tecording District of Skeena, and situate m Langara Island. Take notice that Norman Brodhurst, of ‘rince Rupert, B. C., oceupation master nariner, intends to apply for rmission © lease the following described lands:— Commencing at @ post planted about Fg eet in an easterly Girection from the 8. W orner of Lot 990; thence south 200 feei nore or less to low water mark; thence ortheasterly along low water mark about chains to & point due south of the 8. BE. orner of Lot 089; thenee north about & hains to the 8.E. corner of Lot 009; hence souttrwesterly to this post and con aining three acres, more or less. NORMAN SROASWURST. Dated May 7, 1049 IN THE MATTER.of an lication for the issue of a fresh Certificate of Tithe for the East Half (%) of Lot 032, Range 5, Coast District: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that it is my intention to issue, after the expiration of one (1) month from the date of the frst publication hereof, a fresh Certificate of ‘Title to the above-mentioned lands in the name of Albert F. Young, which Certificate of Tithe is Gated the Sixth day of July, 1911, and is numbered 619-1 H, F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Tittes. Land Registry OMex, Prince Rupert, B. c., June 13th, 10490 BunGeyse .......0eeee- 10 p. m. | Wednesdays ine cus’ 10:30 a. m. (Prid@y® ......eceeeesees a. m., |Saturdays 606be co ees 10:30 a.m. | For Anyox: | Sundays beees Seed ade 10 p.m. Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m. UD nec csecetins 10 p.m. From Anyox: TOBE cc cccsccccceses p. m. EE Goes cccsscedess p.m. I cs ccc dvccecsrioe p. m. For Port Simpson and Arrandale, iD. acs ecssieseret 10 p. m. From Pi. Simpson and Arrandale. ID ce bdwss bicscsass p. m. For Port Simpson and Naas River points: UD WU owe a tose c 10 a. m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Points: SOUPS sd ck dae cacéewe p. m Queen Charlotte Isiands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island points: SO 10 a.m. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Upper Island points: eT TTT p. m. Sor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points: Fortnightly. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points— Fortnightly. For Skagway and the Yukon. April 28th, 9 a.m. From Skagway and Yukon. April 22, and May 3rd, a.m Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Thursdays ...... 8 p. m From—Saturdays LAND REGISTRY AC v (Sections 36 and 134.) Re Application . 10,597-1 and 10,508-1 File 6007 TAKE NOTICE that made to register Dora Stephens of Prince Kupert, B.C., a8 owner in fee under four Tax Saie Deeds from the Collector of the city of Primee Rupert, bearing date the Oth day of December, 1918, of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being im the City of Prince Rupert, more par ticularly known and described as Lot sixty six (66), Block twelve (12), Section Two , Lote tivee aud four (3 eid 4), Biock lication has been atten (15), Section Five (5), Lot ten (10) Block forty-nine (49), Section Seven (7), and Lot Sixteen (16), Block pypew-ome (20, Section eight (8) (Map >. You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from he date of the service of this notice (which may be effected by publication in & dally newspaper), and your atiention is allied to section 36 of the “Land Registry et’ with amendments, and to the follow ng extract therefrom :— “and in default of a caveat or cer tificate of lis pendens being filed be- fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, ail persons so served with notice, . and those claiming through or under them, and all persons claim- ing @ny imterest in the da by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall ~~ the person entitied un- der such tax sale as owner of the land s0 sold for taxes.’ AND WHEREAS application has been male for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the above- eemenes lands, in the name of Dora wu AND REAS on investigating the title it anus that prior to the 10th day of October, 1017 (1 date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes) you were the registered and as owner of the lots opposite your respective ps ROR THER TAKE NOTICE that at the same time ! shall effect registration ursuance of such eeeretee and issue 4 sertificate of Indefeasibie Title to the said lands in the name of Dora Stephens unless you take and presente the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lanis, or to prevent such proposed action on my part. Dated at the Land Kegistry OMce, Prince Ru i B.C., this 4th day of June, A.D. 19 H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. To Edna Wilson, assessed owner of Lot 66, Block 12, Section 2; Francis F. Tupper, registered and owner of Lots 8 and 4, Block 15, Section 5; John Lilleros, registereG and assessed owner of Lot = Block 49, Section 7; Donald Brown sessed owner of Lot sixteen (16), broek 20. Section &. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land, Ip Soe Charlotte Is! Land District, Recording District of Skeena, and situate on Langare [cland. Take notice that Charlies A. Coulsen of ‘ort Clements, ocenpation mariner, in- ends to apply for permission to lease the ollowing dosertbed lands Coummencng @t @ post planted about 3 chains erst of the N.W. corner of Indian Reserve So. 16; thence north 10 chains; thenee west 20 chains more or less to the west boundary of Lot 675; thence south 10 chains more or less to shore; thence easterly slong shore to N.W. corner of Indian Reserve No, 16; thence east to pomt of commencement and containing 40 eres, more or less, Cc. A. COULSON. Dated May 7, 1019. & lying around the house. If it is not convenient to go and deposit it in the nearest branch of the Union Bank ‘of Canada, send it in by registered mail. This is called ‘“‘Bunking by Mail”’ and thousands of savings accounts are operated in sments and withdrawals can —7 this way. Pa made by cheque 247 UNION BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. | | | ; PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, A. T. BRODERICK, ss: Manager. EL —— ———_ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA RECOMMENDS ITS MONEY ORDERS : As a safe and economical method of remitting amounts to $50. These Money Orders are payable without charge at any branct bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), in Newfoundland, at the cities of the United States and are negotiable at over 800 jx in Great Britain and Ireland Over $10, not exceeding $30 Over $30, not exceeding $50, | A. W. Cameron, oes $5 and under - 8 cents Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 cents Prince Rupert Branch - - - Savings Department Deposits of $1. and up- ward received, and Interest allowed at highest current rates. Savings Department Ye accounts given special” attention. i Deposits may be made, | and withdrawn, by mail as © easily, readily and safely as in person. WINNIPDO BRANCH H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, - Prince Rupert Brar ee ee ee rly SPECIAL yes EXCURSION } To Edmonton and Calgary On sale daily to September 30th, good to retur: October 3ist. Going and returning G. T. P. direct een.ss Going via G. T. P. Ry., returning via C. N. Ry. Vanco and G. T. P. Steamships or vice versa ........ .. $60.0% TRAIN FERVICE Passenger Monday, Wdneecay and Saturday af 11 56 & m. for Sm Prince George, Fémonton and Winnipeg, making direct connection: all points east and south. AGENCY ALi OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Por information and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 5626 Third Avenue. Phon® 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY “int Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer 8. 6. PRINCESS ALICE s s. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattie from Prince Rupert During July and August every Saturday at noon For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert During July and August every Monday at noon — - ——ae For rates, rerervations and sailings, apply to W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. PE EREE EERE EERE ET The Union COAST SERVICE. : - 7. For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.; Sat., : Steamshi p.m. ? : Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simipson, + Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. : _ Naas River Points, Friday a.m. *: Ltd. :s Jack Barnsley, General Agent FERRIC ISIS III OISISIOI III IIT OI AO I IAA AA IAA IAN Ls a : : — NOTICE TO FISHERMEN BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT and Ice at Butedale Cannery WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED BUTEDALE- .- - - B.C,