Save Money Boston Grill Tiie cheapest wa to buy the bally News is to subscribe by the yar. The coat U 48.00 and your c my 1.1 delivered to your address Wmill coat to you for thla dally 'service for twelve months! jl XVIII., Nt 7. if in thf Oovernment j Oreat Bi . and Premier Meikctune King. ;'ntment of a high commissioner ' may fjllow Colonel Amery i e.terday thst this tu one of .on he would lake up with I',..t,,ir "UTHIt I h.vo iui nfflrlal THAMES RIVER FURY ABATED U)NIX)N. Jan 10 - The !ury of the I iii.i'i lias spent lUelf though pre .1 I'Miih i .1111 ttalnz taken asalmt " five dollars s share. . . ii'.j'i' j AKTIItlt SMITH'S POLICY I M. . Ntw YORK. Jan. 10. The atock itiiukrt broke sharply today with the i'tii!ir.ttlon unexpectedly of a large In-1 1 '!! or 600.000 tons of December un To the Eleetors Venr 4v- . iiOluenoe la eaintly ocl6L t hseieetlou Thursday for Alderman. My polio Is Extension of Power. Peace River Outlet for Prince Rupert. Better accommodation for mosquito fleet and fMiermen. Economy In Civic Alfatra. Development of Sewerage. Securing proper proportion of ll(Uor profits as per tittles, EkU'imiou of Highway. J Arthur Smith I I W I AA US',, Matheeoa'e prMtaauwrz ata fount IMIIIIC Ocnrral Tax Levy IOS7. Oen- era!, special and school 42SS.13I73 CNR Taxes above levy 7,311.01 Tax Levy Local luiprtveutenU 114.414.76 thf Pen4tlc for delayed payment Merest on Tax arrears Dot Taxes Toll Taxes Teachers' Salaries ... .. . ... Liquor Profits i. . . .liem to flBH. IW HIU, wv- ;M'iMtil) have to appoint a Can I.. reprenenutlve." of general taxes fer.a!tsr for delayed payment of Local Improvement Pan -Mutual Taxe Motor Licenses Fire Hydrant Approp Library Board Publicity Reading Room Poundkeepcr Prince Rupert General Local Improvement Taxes p. id by city 13.118 79 CNR. Assessment Appeal .. Water Proportionate Rate... Interest and Rclemptlon of Serial and Slaking Fund Debenture exclusive of Utilities Reserve Bylaw No. 403 filled order for the United States Steel Engineers Department., .-..rporatlon. There waa heavy aelling Public Worse Department : oiwi common. General Motors. Pol Departmsnt naciio Corporation and otler prominent , Schoola -iixiH losses runnina as hlsh aa four I'lre Department . ; Health Department ToUl T Excess . taken gencv rffv;:' of Revenue over xx- PROPHECY THAT THIS vCity Has Surplus Instead of the Expected Deficit Due Largely to Increased Provincial Govt. Grants leinenenr wun ianaaian national tiaiiway also brought goodly sum to treasury for this year it is officially announced Instead of an intimated deficit of $8,849.38, the revenue and ex- . t r a. a e;4 ! w m At en (inure account oi me uuy oi in nee itupen lor me year enmng ruber 31, 1927, shows an excess of revenue over expenditure ( luMve of utilities) of $2,:!G8.70. So it Is revealed in a prelim- .. . i a m.. 1 it il i r siaicmem preparea uy v ny treasurer u. j. jiauieson wnicn was ii ;t't'd today. Incidentally, the city started at the first of the . with a deficit. Explaining the surplus when a deficit was ex-ixl following the making up of the 1927 estimates, Mr. Matheson .,nt nut that, whereas liquor profits the city would receive last MAY APPOINT on. I.. I . M. S. Amcry Will Ms- cuv. Matter With Premier Mackenzie King VNtoUVBR, Jan 10 A. k remit of " to be held at Ottawa In ff days betwe.i ltiglit Hun M t Araery. secretary for syear were estimated at ao.soo. actually SI 1. 502 20 .was received; 46.200 from 'motor licenses was expected whereas 7.360 48 wat received: 2.800 was IX-ipecu-d from parl-mutuel and 43.300 70 waa received. In addition u ttila. the 'dtj received from the National Railway 4Jll.ei la addition to We tax levy. Mr The following Items art given la 4.718.15 4.&00 00 84800 ieie.78 isMeao U.SMJ0 S.3O0 78 7jeo Building and Plumbing permits 83 J High School Matriculation claaa 500.00 Poller Court Plnea 8.1J4JT Trade Licenses 7.760.00 Burial Permits 778.60 Soldiers' Housing Interest and Comm Union Art Treasure not as lladly Dam.;'1?!, ro- ..ming. aged as First Feared IMhkuc of Rats in London 678.46 3.687.80 Tax Sale Coats 280.98 Sundry Receipts Oarbag collections Total Revsnue .. . Kl-KMITHtK AdmlnUtrstion ' l water. The art treasure, of the Btrset LlghtUlg l.i (i:uru ...ri ii,.,1.1 Uuiuiiim :.iil brtier than ut first was feared. A c' ':l' u( rats Is today sweeping Lou- STOCKS BROKE 1.886 18 480.4S8.M 31.S74 33 8.800 00 2.000.00 1.B31.61 376.80 1.063 13 840.41 10.407.00 3.387.77 11.740.08 17S.875.8 38.706 43 4.431.11 38.466.11 14.466.64 73.167.66 15663 68 18.340.09 Ixpendlture 1468.087.48 pendlture M0S.W t460.430.34 QUARANTINE OFFICER DIED FROM FALL WHEN FUMIGATING A VESSEL .Si VANCOUVER. Jan. 10 Dr. H. P Oox, aunrantlne officer for the port, wsa fntallv Injured when he fell through .... ,..w.n huirh Into tli hnld of the Bteamer Ethelwolf nnd died ut 7 p.m. last evening, three nours aner ne was to the hospital wnere an emer- operstloii was performed In an :,. s.ivo l.r V.fc FISHING MAY BE DELAYED PropoeKil Maie to Cnmmcncc liuy-Ing on March 10 Instead of February 15 KETCHIKAN. Jan 10. American auri Oanadlan halibut buyers are conslderUig lefuslng to buy any halibut befit', liareh 10. It waa reported today that lam? quantities of halibut are on hand In the cold wtorst plants at Ketchikan. Prince Rupert. Vancouver and Seattle and thl.-l-i given ss the motive for the prjpoeed action. In connection with tlw despatch Col J W Nlcholla expUlns that a meeting wa held recently in Seattle attended by buyers, boat owners and fishermen which sailed the government to extend the close seas an or. falling that, they suggested thst the tourers should not buy USUI Msnh 10. Tkls was a Mault of the unsatisfactory eonaltuaa of the mar kM, Whit nOUlng late been. eWMWy wsno-ni iv m pa-Han mat Tne tlon may be oarrtcd out. POWER BOAT ON ROCKS ' AND OWNER MISSING VANCOUVER. Jau. 10, Charles Wesley Donaldson, 30 years of age. of Van couver. Is believed to have been drowned from his wrecked power boat In which he left Vancouver on December 37 for gaont. The boat waa found on the rocks at Oabrtola bland. Raoul Dandurand and Fonlajn Ulnlater Br land. OTTAWA. Jan. 10 No appointment has been made to the Oanadlan legation In Paris and the poet may stand vacant for awhile. It was pointed out thst today's announcement deals only with the opening of a French legation In Canada sod s Canadian legation in France. PARIS. Jan. 10. The Canadian legation will occupy the ground floor of No. 1 Rue Francois Premier, facing the Course Albert Premier on the Orsnd Boulevard, overlooking the) Seine. It will be s stone throw from the Orand Palais sad the nearest legation to the British embassy and French foreign office. It iiu be ready for occupancy in April. It It understood that the Canadian TreSe eommistlpaer' .ottlce and the Oanadlan archives will be moved to 4w OaaaMlsa Legtssi,ue.ittra,,, Aiple c-oommodaMon win. be provUkd tot Canadian visitors to register, receive maU and read newspapers. LINDBERGH ARRIVES PANAMA YESTERDAY PANAMA. Jan 10 -Colonel Lindbergh, iransatlantlc Pyer who H making a tour of Centrnl America, nrrlvert her to- 1 k v fri'in Smi .l.i-e CV..t Rln. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. DC, TUESDAY, JANUARY, 10.. 1928 LAYING THK LAST LINK of direct cable from France to America. The S.S. Colonia connecl-fnr La Havre, France and Penzance. England, where the present cable ends Canada to Open Paris Legation and France to Have Minister in Ottawa is Officially Announced PARIS, January 10. France and Canada have definitely decided to change the present status of diplomatic representation to the establishment of legations in their respective capitals. The French cabinet has approved the plan to appoint a minister to It is quite likely that Iiaron devitrolles. the present consul general to Canada, will be the first minister, and it is presumed in Paris that Hon. Phillippe Hoy, Canadian High Commissioner here, will become minister plenipotentiary. The announcement refers to negotiations which have preceded and Interviews in December between Hon. Pacific Outlet for Peace is J in Hands of Special Committee of Edmonton Board of Trade EDMONTON, January 10. Having in view the extension of the Edmonton Dunvegan and B.C. line to the Pacific coa'tt, probably connecting with the Canadian National and Prince ttupert, efforts are being made to impress upon the authorities concerned' the desirability of one of the big transportation companies taking over the provincial government lines and extending to the coast or with a coast outlet. The Edmonton Doard of Trade is overlooking no opportunity to do anything in its power to hasten the building of the sorely AN ELECTION IN BRITAIN Faic of Empire Depends Upon - Result Say Speaker Last Night tiOMKIN, Jan. IU la a ,,l, Ml lUrlMiriHigli. irtTtrrslilrr. Ut nljlit, tart! mlieuliiii, formerly lliilMld MseNelll. i'!ianrHf of the liuchy of tspcanler, suld the general election ruuhl nut lie kiM poneil inure Ihau a rur unit It was nut loo iiiuili fo Nty the fate of the llinplre Mould drieiid Uhmi the GOVERNMENT! LOST SEAT KOBTHAMPTON. Kng Jan 10- The Oovernment lost eut to labor by the election here of Colonel I. C Malone who received 15 173 votes Csptsln Recton. Conservative, got 14.018 votes, C. Morgan. Liberal. 0,004 nd E. A. Iliillwood. Indepeiuli'iit Oonaervstlve. needed outlet. Bo vital to the develoD- ment of the northern part of the pro- vlnee and the future prosperity of M monton U this outlet considered thst the board of trade baa sppotatsd a epeclsl standing committee to deal with questions pertaining to northern development. This committee under the chairmanship of E. T. Love Is one of the strongest If not the strongest committee ever appointed by the board, having as tu personnel II. u. E. BvaHa. D. M. Dttgfan. W. W. Prevey and J. D. OMotheralll. MAUKlTINd Of (HtAI.N Although this committee has been functioning two weeks only, it has Already aggressively attacked the problem f a northern outlet and la dally col-ecttng the moat authoritative Informs-.Ion from sverey possible source. No stone la being left unturned wnleb night axpedlate tfe building of the required line, ainoe It Is fully reallasd hat Edmonton's prosperity la largely dependent upon the, development of the northern half of the province which In turn la dependent upon facilities wbloh will enable Peace River farmura to market their grain at a minimum coat. In view of the fact that both the C.N.R. and C.P.R. are anxious to acquire the northern lines now owned by the Alberts government. It Is fell Mutt Albertuni. who have paid and are still paying for these railways, should know what both largo companies propose do-' 'nit In the way of further construction in the event of their purchasing the roads. Telegrams were accordingly sent laat week to Sir Henry Thornton and E. W. Beatty asking for a aenertOM with some representative of their respective companies who would be au-thoruwtl to give the committee aa authentic outline of the provdeed (level -sptnenta. TMOUVrOX IS WII.I.INO A reply was received from Sir Henry Thornton stating thst If the northern development committee had any representative m the east whom they ofrttld have meet him. he would be very pleeaeu u talk over the northen. Alberta railway ayatem. althousn there wan not much that he oo'jld say for public consumption at present. No reply has yet been received from 8. W. Beatty and further action Is being held np Bwnlllng word from the head fo the "PR IS GENERATION OF BRITISH E Ithtge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 . e Five Cent? MPIRE 17.5. Dominated the Last Generation but Next Is for the British Empire Kiiiht Hon. I- C. M. S. Amcry Urges Value of Co-operation Between Countries of Empire Juit as States Had Co-operated With Each Other VANCOUVEH, January 10. The United States dominated the last generation economically but the coming generation will belong to the British Kmpire, it is predicted by Right lion. L. C. M. S. Amery, Uritish secretary of state for Dominion affairs, in addressing the board of trade here last night. The United States, the visitor said, had developed because she had pooled her resources. The British Empire had been backward because she tended to work in watertight compartments. The value of co-operation was now appreciated and the problem for the years ahead would be how in the free partnership of nations that made up trc Drltlih Umpire that co-operation could be made most effective. Canada's unequalled resource sltated foreign trade but the great secret of modern commerce lay In the carriage ol products of the temperate , DOROTHY TAKES SICK MAN OFF and tropical rones. Col. Amery aald. Canada lay in the temperate sane and Boat Under Charter to Fisheries to complete her development she need-. Commission Acts as Tender ed s tropical empire with which to ' (0 Freighter trace That waa recognised at the Im- pcrtal Conference when the heritage KETCHIKAN. Jan. 10. Seward Wise, was agreed to batons to every part of an oiler from the freighter 0krtd; the Empire with no monopoly or prior- bound from the Orient far Seattle, is tty of Use mother eouctty M.dsolared SUSPECT PROVES TO BE FORMER OCCUPANT OF JAIL IN ONiARIO VANCOUVER. Jan. 10 -With a wound in his forehead a man believed to be W J. Presley, marine fireman and engineer, was found drrrnra ' tNiw Creek last VANCOUVKI! EXCHANGE B.d. Wheat 1.4S B.C. Silver 1.00 Coast Copper 43.00 Cork Province Dtmwcii .aov, George Copper . ., ii 40 OlaSstone .lit, Independence '..... 13 Indian 07 L. and L 17 Leadamlth Lucky Jim M Marmot Metals 00', Premier 2.W Porter Idaho .SO Richmond Sllvercreet Silversmith Sunlrch Tor:, 4.00 Asked 1.5i .27 .31 8.00 .16 13H .07 1, .174 M .30 .11 340 .164 .11 J4 ; hers in a serious oondltlon wjh, a, bunt I appendls The akaattf&WTBtttir attempted to take him oft tfee freighter I Saturday but the storm prevented It. The power acbooner Dorothy. Capt. Hvatuai. under charter to the Interna- tional fisheries commission, took him off i in the shelter of Hary Island. The ' Doi jthy damaged her prjpelter on logs LOS ANOCLB8. Jan. 10 Cecil Miller. ' which slowed her down. 19 years of age. arreated here aa an au-1 The damage here from Saturday's tomoblle theft auspect. haa been loentl-, itorm is being repaired, fled as William Murrell. wanted on a ; charge of murder in Melbourne. Ontario, to connection with the death there on April 11. 1031. of the bank cashier. According to the police, the man has admitted his identity and that he baa been a fugitive since a )aU escape la September of that year but be denied any part In the 'murder of the bank clerk. ( III Ki ll I MON IS ISTOM KIVAHI-i; II -iu:t:ioi is i.i.iui:ii ROME. Jan. 10 It la tmpoa-alble to cor.eelvt of s Cbrlatian society of the faithful who are tree to follow each his own way of thinking about every object of faith, says Pope Plus In an Important encyclical dealing with the hypothesis of a union of the churches. WOUNDED FIREMA N IS FOUND DROWNED IkMli ol V. J. Presley. Marine Kuglneer. ICecuxeml I'rem I'sHe Creek at VaiwtMitrr MRS. MILLER'S NOSE BROKEN Airplane lied Kn-e Crashed in Dutch East Indies but no Fatal Results MUNTOK BANK MHLAJfO. Dutch Bast India. Jan. 10 - The airplane Red Roae in which Cspt. W. V(. Lancaster and Mrs. Keith have betel flying to Australia from England, Stashed tola morning. Mrs. Miller s nosa was broken and Lancaster's Up was cut sad be sus tained a slight concussion. The plane was badly damaSeU and bothi the flyers are returning to Singapore. It la doubtful If the flight will be be resumed. TAX REDUCTION IS ADVOCATED Protest Against Reducing Parcel Post Kale Made by Hetail Merchants OTTAWA. Jan 10 - Reprtsentatlves of the Retail Merchants' Association met the government yesterday and urged that the stamps on excise and negotiable bill be wipeu uw. I'c-uc tlon was slso advocated. Opposition waa registered against reduction of the rates on parcel post as giving an unfair advantage to null jr-der homes It was also drptd thst mall order hciues should pay a tax tu each municipality in which they operate. Advertise in The IMNews To the Electors of the Ctty of Prlncs Rupert. Ladies and Oentlemen. On my past record as alderman of this city. I ask your support and 'n'Hwncs it the polls on Thursday neat ror reelection I promise In the future the seme kcxxi aervles I have given lu the past. 0 R. T. PERRY. r I, is