Jiinuury 10. ItoW TION ACT. el statute" or Canada. Chapter IIS ITIKH COLUMBIA FISHING Si inc COMPANY LIMITED, 1IEUE-, ,ivks NOTICE that it ha undr , ; ( the said Act deposited with i ; ,-u'i' of Public Works at Ottawa , office of the Registrar cf i it les at Vancouver, British Col-i a description of the site and ,,i it cannery, cannery wharf and . ir.s thereto, proponed to be built . lands covered with water front-,:t 12:15, and Lot M88, Range 8, ln.siirt, lr ie Province of British !..,' vjhicl) tald Lot are Hltuate ChaKRfLin the said Province. Dl AKE NOTICE that aftc. the ex- .4 ,1 one month irom the date of vin her. 1927. JAMES H. LAWSON. 1318 Standard Bank Bldg 10 Hasting St. W.. Vancouver. B.C. li.'lt'.r lor the sald Company. WATER NOTICE DIVKKMON AM) I'M: NOTICE that ttobsst M addrees M Ml fth Ave ,,,! '.iiver, 8.C:. will apply f :jr i take and use 30.000 gall m ,, water out of small cr-k , inch flows southerly ard Hiu.ton Inlet. QC. Island' oo (eet westerly from ml: r. liead of Huston Inlet The ..; be diverted from the atrean. i ,.nt. about 300 feel from short -:n(! through twenty-four acre. I lor under lease, and will be 1'itice was ported on the ground day of December. lm7 A this notice and an application Tt -Hereto ana to ine weisr Act, i II be filed In the office of the Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. . .,.!. to tne application may be1 .vr n the said Water Recorder or . Mie comptroller of Water Right. in.:it Buildings. Victoria. B.C. , :i thirty days after the flist sp-.., of this notice In a local news-- : The date of the first publication !x r. ,i ber 22. 1987 ROBERT M OURRIB .Applicant . NOTirt. LAND ACT. or INTBXTlT) TO TO IJIASB USU lMTM'ltV,lTt . jLEAIt! liiNii APPI. V h Prince Rupert Land Recording a:,. I situate on the southwest cor- ATI'LY TO . In Prlnoe Rupert Land Record lng District, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen CharloH Island. TAKE NOTTOC that Robert M. Currle. t Vancouver, B.C.. occupation fish Kcker. Intend to apply for a leas of ' following described UM: Commenelng at a post planted at nnrtrwfwt eoriKT about 1,000 tset westerly from miners' csblns at head of Huston Inlet; tbence westerly 20 nalii; thence southerly abou 12 chatns; thenre et. terly to chains; thence northerly about fg chains, and containing a acres, more or lass UOBEflT M r nrw ApUM&t. MAYOR NEWTON SAYSFAREWELL Chief Magistrate and Aid. Lnrsen Speak Appropriate Words at Final Council Meeting II . . i-icsiumg over nia rmai council lng after eight year a chief i trate, the past five terms oikm-, It wan appropriate tnat May,,t N lust night ehould muke a fev v.. publication of this notice, Brit- , remark. He thanked members iimuiB nsning at racaing vom- counell for .,.. U ,or rour,',' vmrt,i that i united will, under Section 7 ol, hud ,1 Art, apply to the Minister of ixt"d and wished them all ,1 )i Works at his office in the City and protperoupa 1928. He wk , ,o 1 ' iwa for approval of the said le dM, JT.. ns mid for leave to construct the idelro" expressing fcI hi appreciate, nnery, cannery wharf and per-1 publicly to the City Hall staff tinra I T Vancouver BU.. thl. Ifiih 1 11? alw' M 1U or the city he was also desirous of ex cising his appreciation for past .'Iteration. And wnat would you wish the mayoralty candidate?" facetiously enquired Aid S'ephens. -Si.ccei-A at the polls for all qf you. is all I can wish." Mr. Newton replied In t tie spirit, of the occasion Aid Oscar Larsen. also aaylng hi; :.i:-e. IK stated that a (food deal ol 1 leuf.ure had attended Ills three years' "iv:- t:i the council, and 1' was wuh h me rcmet that he 's relinquishing cnire lie thanked one and all of the aldermen for oourtsale that had been extended him during hi term of office industrial purpose upon the ald wished them all a bright and pros- nbed a applied for to least ( perous New Tear He also bad kind nf Mliar.O In1t Unmhv , , wrtrrta t V tnr tWm f?lt Hall t mf MMJ th press. Following th council meeting, Mayor Newtcn entertained th aldermen and press representatives Informally. EXTENSION OF THEATRE LOTS Payment to City for Convention of lne (Jive Aivazoffx Additional Ten Feet of Depth for Structure ,. k or Port Chanal. Oraham Island i .... ,...n charlotu Ulanda. la th Frorinnelc'ty council last ntgbt M. Y and Paul !!r .-ti Columbia. 'AlvaaoB will obtain an eatra ten feet iakk NOTICE that Arthur Robertson . ,, th lh., lh. oeP,n ,or th n'w lhtr' lhe" ! MasM-tt. B.C., occupation a lumber-'3- tiitetids to apply for a lease of building on Third Avenue near the cor-n. i-i! ,tng descnoM lands n of Fulton street. Thu will give ( rum !., lng at a post planted about lnwn . ..... total Tound .. ot , flft fc witerly W n. ha.n from the mouth of ii i: !,; :. ed creek flowing Into an un-'HO feet lor the structure. u. i. id on the south bank of Port, tk nmui of the Aivaaoffa. which lrahsm Island. Queen Charlotte . ,. ,h council w fK., that ! w ,cc'Ptd Province af BrltUh Columbls . 4 rhsin southerly: thence 1G j they purchase from the rity for MOO. easterly; thence chains nor-!, valuation p!a?ed on the property by ,::e!lne . t d ronta to point talnlng S of eommenct acre, more or (Signed) A. ROBERTSON. Applicant. Dated October $. 197 vo l ii r LAND ACT Ol' IVTKMIOV TO TO 1A; LA Ml APW.V ( assiar Land District, Land Record-!. -ict of Telegraph Creek and, it-men- ng at a post planted at the . -si vna oi titsavs ixe. TIMBER SALE XOJSl Sealed Tender will be reeelved by the M. ulster of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not Idler than noon on the 10th day of January. 128. for the purehas ot Lieence XBtSt. to cut 27S.0W lineal feet of Cedar Pole on an are situated on Lou MS and 1&7S. Sewell. Maasett Inlet. QCI District , '.z.jssrvjs "ns ro -m .n. tor r. ' Atun. in about ISWeg 10' wee' 1 '"de. and about SStfag 60 north' .0" i AKt NOTICt that I. John Alfred, i.v of Gladys Lake, nesr 'cruustlon Tranner. Intend to of the following described avwal of timber. Further partlculsn of the Chief Forester. Vlctorl. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Bupert.JLC ffi-, 0VEUNLENTJJ(iU0It ACT J " uecemoer v, iwn ", ' '7 , in ruoiiATi: lu the 'Bm Bib m wmm UiTwraa turn tc wmm ess i w.sBBrsrsrjsMn h , a 9 rr. nm con- i tfal K vJsarf.U s BaHBWBlBniKBi I t Thomas Mcc:i... ,. 100 ii l .11 : In from Fulton sti".: ,u.u 6 and 7 where the tliejtic hy I tn lane iCl. i! lots II be built l.uid tiien exchange therefor 10 by 50 feet of th lane immediately back of lots 0 and 7. they (the Alvaeoffsl to bear all th cost Involved in the moving of the present reading room building off the new lane as well as removal of telephone poles and sewer alteration. Thus th city will be the direct gainer af 400 cash and 10 by SO feet of additional lane. Owners of lots bordering on the changed lane acceded to th prcposftlou and City Solicitor I F Jones informed the council that the request could be met legally under the Municipal Act. It was moved by Aid. Perry and Aid. Unaey that the request be granted, a bylaw to the effect then being given Its first reading so ss to bind next year' council and enable the theatre builders to proceed with the work without delay. In thanking the council for meeting with the request.. M Y Aivaaofl referred y the fact that the additional ten feet In depth thu secured would allow of considerable Improvements In the theatre building such a up-to-date -reaslng rooms, mezzanine floor. tc. He further suggested that the city might b through cgi;i owners of other lots abutting on Uie same line, to extend the property line .of the entire block back the same ten feet, thus straightening ou; the lane again. It so happened that It was the only block In the city where :h could he done, the city luelf owning the half of toe block on the south side of the :ii. CITY REPEATS ITS REQUESTS Anking A'aih for Provision of ntthermen'H Fltialw ani Sale of Klork 21. Section 1 ' Provlnoe oi British Columbia, upon the government council decided last night torelter- MITIf'K or AIM'I.ICATION I'OU ltl l.lt ale a former request to the federal de-l.UIAt L' partment ol public work that fteats abOUt ; . t r.,r tt nmteetlnn nf ttie lnenl hallhllt leet r.orth of the mouth of Flb MOnCE IS HMWDX uivaw inai on -- r -- --- - --- K ver. thence one mile we,-t thence the 6th day of February next tne uuqer- eet ana omer inning vessels cv im-ni le south; thence one mile eL ' signed Intend? to apply to the Vf0' 'oiedlatety p- . at Cow Bay. al-e ne mile north, and conUUiliig ! -outrol Board for e licence In rpeci t-rmer that block section i. in ii-rmer of the building -i. acres mat or less ! 'o premises being part ud i JOHN Ai-FrUtD I BUIKUX. , known ss "Ccmmerctal Hotel" situate at court bouse site, be placed on the mar Applicant i 'he corner of Fut Avenue and aighth ktt ,,, b, tne i3inv..l I AND t f "T i lud described a Lots Thirteen ilSl 1 The original land Fourteen l Ml. mrn nine ivi. . h a ... uni n-i.. BuiwH in NOTHI. .T INTFNIION TO AFTLV TO Land ' Registration . District. L.'"' In . the h7TZ. Pro- LKASC UM In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ora-h:on uieitf Laad Beeording Oisuirt ol 'mice uptrt. and situate on the west ie of iiannall Harbor at lb Head ai I" mien Bound. Queen Charlotte lalsnds iToviuoe of BrlUah Oolusabia I AXB NOTIQB that JMtM ColtWiBtAtl I't-hing Si Packing Company Limited of Tv. . ... .ouvor. c . occupaUoa Salmon ran-ii.r.t lr.ie- as to apply for a lease ol 'he foiio-..,.g deacrlbed land Commencing at a poet planted on th eat hort of a creek called Twin Biver thence 4 chains west: thence twenty-one hams north: thence 4 chain east; thence following contour of rhore line to place ot commenoa-tent, and con- alulna B4 acres, mors or tarn. B C. FtBHIMQ PAOXIMG OO. LTD U. U Bogll i-re- ucsoper gg. hit. Aaol leant. liUi. Agent LAND ACT NflTICK OF INtBMTION TO APLV TO riHtCllAr. LAMt In Range 8 Und Recording District ol Prince Rupert, snd situate at the northerly end of Telegraph PaasaKc Skeena River. . . . . TAB MCKRCI U J. U. Todd St Sons of Victoria. 3 0.. occupation salmon can-ners, lntev. to apply far permUslon to purchaa he following deeartbed land Oommeti.tna at a post planted at the northwest earner of Lot SI. Range . CD.; tha-m gS chains east; thence 20 ohalna north, more or lees, to high water maia; inence aoutMrly along iui water mark to th poUrt of commencement, and containing 10 acre, more or lea. J. II. TODD St SONS. LTD. ' - Applicant Huirflrmmw "IRAKI) ACT ''MrirtAn-itri request In connection the fishermen's floats was mad by the city council on July 11 last, vlnce aforesaid, for the sal of beer by AF tllf feral house would be re nam- I..r.7.i"3S"u" Win, -.-. on I.,u.a. the mayor thought - nsumntion on tn premien DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., thla the time ws opportune for the city tb 7th day of JanuarrA-D agaUt make th request la order, at IDA 8. MH1j',c.nt least, to strengthen the hand ot the irr federal member in his demands along NOTICE than line. The mayors suggestion sa i&tofoTSZ .unltfoTtSf Jo. Oreer. Aid O P. Ttnk.r -oondlng: City at Prince Rupert that I require The request In connection with block the pretence of the said electors at City ciiou I. was moved by Alderman Ut.0.vehocrdoon.0or'r,7rpurP Stephen, and seconded b, AH. Jo. of eleotlng persons to represent inem oreer as Mayor and t lM Aldermen, or School Tru The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates ahall be nominated j In writing: the writing shall be sub- ( -! k twn iw.- nf the muntotoal- i FAVORABLE REPORT ON SUPERANNUATION Ity as pi opceer snd seconder, snd snail I be dslleerjd to the tt,'r,V',8of0itwo Clly 4'wmrll In (let rurUier luformn-tle aiS'twS IMw" of the'day of nomln- th.ii t Measure Kiht by l ire allon; the enld wrltin;; may be In the INirtnient form nun.tvl : in th Bohedule of' the "Mun.clpal Elections Ait. and nhal! , state the names residence and occu-! The finance luinmlliee mported faror-pstlon or description of each iieraou pro-; ably to the city council last night on nS,n'.uShmcandra.V .?'--' tb. mquest nf the flr. depart-event of a poll being necessary such poll rncnt for the Institution of a scheme of shall be opened on the Twelfth day of ; gUperannuaUon aubjeot to the provla-eTrTli Vere0Diyru1.,red,toWlCk.iion. of th. Superannuation At but. on notice and govern himself sccordlngly. suggestion of Aid Stephens, It wan ..... Olven under my har.d at City Hall, o-, to refer the matter buok to the nv ,.r rve-nHer 10'7 ' ' K p. jonss. 1 clty treaiiirer for a more complete re- Returning Officer. port thereon. In connection with the matter. Mr. reported to the council that he IN TIIK SI I'KCMK COI KT OF MUTISM ha written to th provlnolal govern-roH'Mlll A ment on the question; hut had. a yet. In the Mutter of the AdmlnUitratlon ; .Li n0 -..i iT-ltal exDcndi- Amt- nri in the flatter of the BsUte of Oeoi (.WW: W gw jM tar a Clifford Adolphu Wilson. Deceasea. HW 'deaartaKM TiVafee- Vtt . herehv reoulred to furnish nam properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd day of January. A.D 1BJ8. and all parties Indebted to the estate are reoulred to pay the amount of their indebkewne to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT, Official AOmiaU'.rator. .re rin ' . c n ,ud th 3rd day of Uem uber, AD 1 1837. the eonoert Concerned in Tntst-to. I i w. ifim .. ..... Vakk rAK NOTICE that by order of His "J'' ..B ""T Honor. ,nor. F. MrB. Young, th let day ot Oe- j ployee it would be W.OOO Tho city, cember. nember. A a D. d. im. iijt, t i i wis appointed Admin- Uir Jcne pointed out. had no option isirator at the estate f aone Clifford v Tl-i.. ivila-n. dl. and all nar- tie havlna claim against the said estate AW. BUplwns felt that It was a matter ot considerable Importance on which the council should be fully Informed before Dually adopting It. His suggestion that it go back to the ettf solicitor and alty imesurer tor more complete reprrt wai iidoplod AQvsttm In tbt Dally Nsws SHE DAILY NEWS PAGE FTTH HOCKEY TEAM j FOR OLYMPICS Varsity Grads Lost Only One (iame in Their Allan Cup Series Last Year TOltOMTO, Jan. 10 r he University of l'oronto Graduates' Hi ?tey tram will fcail for Sf Mnrltr., S-htnerlnri;' in .Juii-uary tc represent Can. I a in the Hock-y division of the Olympic Oimes, Ot'im-lid only at the beglnnint; of last eaon the Grads 'von the AUuu Cup, emblematic cf the Amateur Hoi key Championship of Canada, by a brilliant series of victories. Not until a champions of the Earn they met For- William. We t-trn winners In the final playoff at Vancouver, did they encounter a single defeat. The Forts fought through five sanies before the collegians got the edge. The Orads' first appearance was In the Spi rumen's Patriotic AMociatlon aerivs in the fall of 1936. They were nosed ou' of winning this e'.vnt by Marl-boro, another Toronto lub. Then with he opening of the Oti' .rio Hockey As-.i rla'.lon series the. tean. b: an to make nelf felt and to atu ., ' atitimon Oy a consistent run of rti'viw. By debating Marlboros. Pete'ot.ro. Brantford. Toronto C.inoe Club and N ir,h Toronto they wtn the right to :nee: Peterb. . in the group pliyoffs. n-.e Petes, who had already suffered a 10-1 defeat at the hands of Uie Orads, surprised the fsns by holding tb ex-callegiaru to a score of 1-1. In the second playoff gam , however, the Orads came .hrjugh, win nlng 2-0. The team then entered the finals of the OJf-A. senior ser:ev. and met Kitchener. This team wa beaten handily In two games and the Orads emerged senior champion of the O.H.A. by a score of -a on the round. They now had to mee' the Intermediate OH-A champion-'. the Twelfth Battery of Lond.n, for the right to represent the association the Allan Cup scries. The military l id' put up the toughest opposition th. Grad- had yel encountered, but were beaten largely owing to the brilliant piay of Lou Huti-n. Orad right wing. St. FrancoU Nationals ot Montreal. Quebec champions, heU '.he Orad tc a tie score of one . all at their first meeting. The second K im" played Ui Toronto gave the ex-studer.ts a seven to one victory over the French-Canadian team. In this game Hen farter, dashing defence pluyci and JwC Sullivan, the guaiie. were tie uutstanoini', players. Alter beating the New Edinburgh team of Ottawa by acores i 10 to nothing and eeven to one the Orads v.. r. entitled to meet Fort William in the Allan Cup final at Vancouver. The e cond game. In which liert Plaxton starred, was scarcely over beton the Orad were aboard a a'est-b.Mind train after . enthusiastic send-off from Toronto tan . The four games played at Vaocouvei agint i he Port William team proved one of the hardest fought rerles in the annals of Canadian hockey. The bland of hockey displayed by both team vu a tb esttmntlon of many old-. o s fans who witnessed the games the finest ever shown on Canadian ice. The first game was a tie. tw . all. th brilliant Individual efforts of Cave TrstUer. who scored both goals, gving through the entire Fort William warn for one of them to save the Toronto team tram defeat. In (he second fixture the Orad met the tint defeat, the Forts winning oy s (core of three to two. The thlid turn, featured by the smart play of Porter. Hudson and Taylor, went to the Orads by a score of four u one. tying the sertea. In th final game the ex-collegians wbn by the narrow margin ot two to one. Bow Taylor had tlie distinction o.' rcorlng the winning - goal on frcm Delahey. SPORT GHAT S-SlSSSE3CE!3DBifl(BS-S Heavyweight title fights in the near future wjll draw orowa of pivdi'v W0 -000 persona. Oetie Tunney, ilie preseni tltleholder, told ohamblona in the various major branches of sprit st the "sport champion' dinner" given by the Madison Square Osrttan Athletic Club in New York. Tunnef aald he though' the "time was coming when title bout in hia owp division would drs twice a much as they do new- -In cr.iwds " Tb last Tmnuy-n-mpsey match was She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe lira. A. Hiehl, nur stall, Bask., write : "I wai tmuhleil itk very sever headaches, ana sometime 1 eou'l nut do my work. "One doj a fr;nil told ma ahont and ad vim id in,, to give it a tri', I decided to do r and after taLing a 1 few bottle I f .uiiil it had done m a 1 world of g-ood, hum I haven t had any i boadachesfur s l-"(f time now." Manur:,, fnred onlr Vy Th T. MilUurn Oo Iimlud. XufW-lo, bit. S9Kmw99BHbB of fought before nearly lsfcSM persons Mayor James J. Walker, ot Mb York. vas tcaatmuter at tb dinner. Terming the gathering a "convention of champion." Mayor aralhar introduced the champions In the various linen of sport, including BUI Cook, star of the New York Rangers, as hockey Two of the moat eagerly sought minor league star in toe country Shortstop Lyn Lsry and Second Backer Jimmy He sc. of the Oakland League. pskihava been tagged for delivery to the I world's champion New York Yanks In ISM. Purchase of the crack Infield pair wss announced otoclally by Colonel Jacob Ruppert. Yankee owner, after 'circulation of report for frvmal VMksi that they liad tftfi otrtMfied sTundas-1 cover." The price for the two young star.i wa no! dlsclos-d but baseball ix. rt- itstn,i.-it. i will amount to the equivalent oi i JO.ooo In cah and player, based on amount paid tor Pacific Coasi plavera during the last few years. SECOND PORTION OF CRIBBAGE LEAGUE IS OPENED LIST NIGHT P.i ice llupcrt C'ribbti't League suits l.t night were ni follow: C ld Storage IS Mooee 12. Suits ol Canada 13, Ci 14 . Orniige Lodge IS, Orotto S. re Knights of Oolurubns 111. St. Andrews 15. I c N. Mechanloa A C N. Qpa rating 18. Prlrce Rupert Hotel 1. KSW Impress It'trl 13. Legion W L. PU cld 8 to rage 1 0 I St. Andrew I 0 1 i N Operating t .' ' I Piif.cc Rtipe.rt Hrlel iff 1 Cn ":.dtn Legion ... 1 0 1 Or. line Lodge 1 0 1 Moose 0 I 0 KnUlus of Columbus 0 10 V. N Moclianlcs 0 10 r.e Empreas Hotel.. 0 10 Hoi- of Csnada 0 1 0 Oi. .. 0 1 0 ' First Eklmo How did you like your Christmas tree? I Second Esklsno -It was swell. Those i were 'be best candla I over ai. Ul. your copy IT WILL PAY Y0UI Of aily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yo men Wei Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, jget tjic NEWS OP THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading rogularly 1 UL, iA11V KIKWQ DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THU hAINTIRStT ItWP.A K KAKT if II). . Smoked Daily by Canadian flsh & Cold Storage C- L- Prince Kuperl. B.C Canadian National Steamships Co Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYAjRD Oprntin U.T.I. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock En-inrera, MachlnUts. Rnllf rmnkers. lllack.mlt Its, I'atlern mnkcr.9, Fnunders, Woodworker. Etc. EI.ECTIUC ANI) ACim'I.BNE n'BI.UINC!. Our plant la equipped to Uuntllo all kiwi of MAIUNE AND COMMRK0IAIWOUK. PHONES 43 snd 985