PAGE TWO N SPORT CHAT Judging from the way thing: went this year, inter-town base bill and football games, which have always up to this year beer held in connection with the Ex hibition. are still better and more popular attractions in the way of outside sport at the Fair tha-are such innovations as the St am pede. No other conclusion car be drawn from the fact that on Friday afternoon, which was not too bad from the weather standpoint, less than half a dozen people turned out for the stampede. Never, even in the rain has inter-town baseball or football games fallen so flat. It i-generally hoped in sporting circles that such games will be resumed next year. It has been so customary to hold them tha they are now expected by th public with which they have always proven popular. Next year it might also be well to give better supervision to the native football series. The Indians were disappointed this year that neither series were finished. Of course, the unfavorable weather upset things generally and the sports and attractions committee of the Fair cannot be held responsible for that. George Young came back, spur red on by the deafening cheers of almost 200.000 wildly enthusiastic spectators, the hero of CataJina stroked his way through the waters of Lake Ontario to a thrilling victory over Norman , Ross, Chicago, in a three-and-one eighth mile swim off the Canadian Nation exhibition waterfront. After his defeats in the Wrigley swims this year and last. Young's marvellous exhibition of swimming prowess reinstated him in the affections of his fellow townsmen. Mendel I Burditt another Torontonian came third in the race, which was opened to the 14 swimmers who received gratuities from the exhibition for their showing in the 15-mile marathon. OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR VICTORIA RUGBY UNION Four Teams Entered in Senior Division This Season ' rlni Chalrladjr She wanted mr to w a finger In the pie. but I unrlt a rat an' nipped It In the bud Second Same Lor. Mm. 'Arris, ow you do mix your eemaphorea. I VICTORIA, Sept 17. At the; annual meeting of the Victoria' Rugby Union P. F. Curtis was chosen president for the coming' year, the other officials being: , Vice-president. H. J. Ketchin; secretary. V. L. Denton; treasurer. Bob Travis; chairman of intermediate league. I. Simpson;! secretary. R. Symons; chairman of the referees' board. G. Sanson ; re- i ptesentative of the school league,' Captain Dexter: and delegates to; the British Columbia Rugby Union, Gordon Cameron and Bob, Tratis. The prospective entries for this; year's senior division will be Canadian Scottish. Navy, Pirates and J.B.A.A.. while in the inter-1 mediate section the following have signified their entering! teams: Canadian Scottish. Oak! Bay Wanderers, University School . and Victoria College. ?KM APHOHIC ALLY fPF.AKIVO THE pAII.Y NEWS Uooday. Sept mlei 1 1 '.I ' ews an V iews In The . World of Sport jl6 tlJ' . " i ' nm '-' ' " 1 ' " TILDEN BLAT.S LA USTK: Pl y in the match between the American ace and his French rival on opening day of the Davis Cup VICTORIA WINS ATBASEBALL DUNCAN. Sept. 17 The Victoria Capitals won the Senior B. Baseball title by defeating Britannia Mines here yesterday ten points to seven. Victoria won two game of the series and the Mines one. Britannia Beach was rated as a snappy aggregaiion and treated the fans to good ball. They fought their way to the semi-final by defeating "E" tesm? in the province. Their tir!:rg taff include CadVr.hea'i. a right hander. and Kozak. a ouhpaw. CJarx. their catcher, is reported as one of the best in the loop. Dor. Mnzie formerly a ber of the staff of the toe I branch of the Cinadlaa Bank of Commerce and now with the East End branch in Vancouver, sailed last night by the Prince George on his return south after having spent a couple of weeks holidaying in the city. MICHEL WON ELEVEN HOUR RACE IN EAST Waa Only One to Swim Thirty Miles Dewn St. Lawrence Rfrer MONTREAL Seat. 17. Geerge Michel of Paris, the only swimmer of eigfcteea entrants to finish the Montreal Sorel marathon Sunday, covered thirty miles down the St. Lawrence in 11 hours 19 minutes and won the first prize of $508 and a silver cup. William Cruickshank, of the C. Ji.R. city ticket office sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver on holidays. While in the south. Mr. Cruickshank will represent the local Gyro Club at !th: district convention whic!i will I be held next week in Victoria. Mrs. Cruickshank and son are 'already in the south. Five Braw Highland Laasie3 PRIZEWINNERS i IN CAMPAIGN Th?fe were not entitled to any commission-', but even these were included, cheer..- being sent to all. een to those who turned in only one subcriptior.. To-lay the campaign manager left f r the prairies where he will conduct a similar campaign H ' ''wk't Current. They came from Vancouver with a number of others, all pupils of Mus Jean Gauld fntre), to eate-r the list at the Banff Highland Gathering. They all had their fling and their wann triubhas and sword dance too to the tune of the piper. -CO-' o 0 5f jV WW arri.t.'vifctF. An Insm.-.n wh-, bad )ut arrived In i J. . w Ta::ns hl IlnM walk tr. han ' -. ' . n l I - : t- .! a -: ;f fro-h . srotlM-r who had Mill years In toe hr mw a grea. ' lOOarr'" he askea. rrles." said his LEAGUE GAMES Two Cars Delivered Saturday and American Shows Yankees Half a Checks Delivered or Sent to Game in I -cad and St. I-ouis all Other i Two 1 NEW YORK. Sept. 17. Both W. L Pet 'St Louis 86 66 .603 Nw rk 84 67 .696 Chicago 88 59 .586 ! Pittsburg T9 62 .660 1 Cincinati 74 65 .5321 o3Z Brooklyn 70 72 .4931 Boston 45 94 .325' Philadelphia 43 98 .805 j American New York 92 49 .668 (Philadelphia 92 50 .648 St. Louis 78 64 .6-19 Chicago 88 75 .476 l Washington 67 75 .472 Detroit 62 80 .487 Cleveland 69 83 .416 Boston 60 82 .352 - ! ..A.nM L A L Tl , thlm cranberrle. ' C.Ufity of Anyox was a l I At V. better appleaeuce Kr ao'iara tne l'rince 1 a . . , M. Mr passen (ieri?i unroot, tain muni going mrougn on Around The World With Sport Fans (ity The Trump) Johnny Farrell, copping of $1, 1 500 in spending money ly grab-I bing the annual prize for the ' fanciest rigged golfer, has start-' eti even the tough professionals reading nyle boots :.ti(l tin- golf writers have to write- an much about the costumes on the course : hs ihey do about the strokes. Charley Paddock, in the final ; Olympic trials, outragged A.A.U. 'sartorial conv niion. by uptH-ar-ing in baby blue trunks and when jihe pur coiiliui'.. keep him off : the team by tin , for betnr a !. I team K.ilei calling him a pro-t r to d;;r him .tl liut when the to Amsterdam the: reports In give all the impo'-K-.n' i'Viiii of the departure vi.Eimittnd themselves to the following: "Lawton Robertson, head i oat h of the team, was at-ij-ei in a stunning costume. He : rc white buckskin shoes with T-xn trimming, wuier green flan-j 'nel trousers, a camel's hairi jacket, a sky blue silk shirt with; collar to match and a rich purple' silk cravat and he carried a leg-! horn straw hat." I BULL MARKET AGAIN I NEW YORK EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Sept. 17. The Stock Exchange experienced a, strong bull market today with i On Saturday, which was the day major league races are as far General Motors mounting to $211. foL'owias the closing of the circu- from being decided as on the the highest price in history and iation campaign which ended so opening day of the season. The! United States Steel gaining a new uccessfully the previous night,' victories of the Yankees and high for the ar at $1607 the Poatiac Six sedan car was de- Philadelphia Sunday left the ! livered to Mrs. George Dover, the Yankees half a game in the lead, winner, and the Ford Tudor to Gehrig hit his 24th home ran. Miss Laura Frizsell and checks St Louis stretched the lead of were mailed r delivered person- that team in the National League ally to all who took part as can- to two games when the Giants di dates in the campaign. bowed to Pittsburg. There were a few who fell by Following are the scores and the way.-ide and did not report at averages: the close according to the rules. SUNDAY GAMES American league Phiadelphia 7; Cleveland 1. Washington 11; Detroit 7. Boston 1-2; Chicago 7-0. New York 7; St. Lopis 6. National League Cincinnati 2; Brooklyn 1. Pittsburg l; New York 0. Coast League Sacramento 6-2; Hollywood e-6. boa Angeles 4-2; Seattle 6-7 Oakland 5-S; Miaaiona 8-8. Saa Franeiaco 7-0; Portland 8- SATURDAY IIASKBALL American league . . Philadelphia 5; Cleveland 0. New York 6; St Louii 6. Roeion 3; Chicago 4. Washington 12; Detroit 10. National League Brooklyn 4; New Tort 5 Chicago 2-6; Hoeton 6-1. &. Louis 3-8; Philadelphia 4-4. Cincinnati 1; Pittabarg 6. Coast League Loa Angeles 7-4 ; Seattle 5-1 Oakland 4; Miaaiona 1. Saenuanto 7; Hollywood . San Prsacisco 6-1; Portland 0- LEAGUB STANDING National CRNBKAL DE&OIAT10N RESULT OF HURRICANE NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 17. Geaeral desolatioa from Pempano to Palm Beach in Florida from a hurricane is reported today. PRETTY NATIVE WEDDING HERE 1 ; ed. The groom also had six at-U tendants. The bride was given away by the groom's mother and Canon W. F. Rusijbrook officiat ed. After the ceremony, there was a wedding banquet in one of the downtown hotels. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan will take up residence in Metlakatla. TRADE AGREEMENT WITH PORTUGAL IS SIGNED BY CANADA LISBON, Sept. 17. The trade agreement between Canada and Portugal to become effective October 1 was announced here last nitfht. The agreement provides rerirni'ul most favored nation a I treatment for each nation In the markets of the other. STOCK QUOTATIONS ,rv-irty of a D. .,.,... .... The following quouti-,,,.' , bid and asked. Argenta Rufu.s 25; l'7 Bay view 5'-; 6. B. C. Silver, nil; i..,o. Big Missouri, 52; :, Cork Province 26 , Cotton lielt 50; ni! Dunwcll ll; 15. DuthK nil 95. Geor 'i "opper 6.9."i; i, . Geo-viu Rive r 80; ;;i Glasiar nil; 25. f!c m ula 8C 8H. Gmrdview 45; 45' Independence 13'.. ; M '..u n 6',2; 7. Kootenay ?. erne lm L. & L. 10; ' 'J' j. I.akeview IV. I1,. Leadsmith 2; nil. Lucky Jim 25; 2fi. M:.rmo M iU 9: ! Marmot Kivcr Gold ' Mohawk. 6; 6 Nation; ! Silver Noranda 51.H5; nil Perd Oreille 13.80; Porter Idaho 66. Premier 2.40; 2.42. Ruth Hope 55; 58. Silver Crest 10; 11 Silverado, nil; 70 Silversmith. 10; nil. Slocan King "'; ;. Sunlock 2.10; 2.50. Snowflake 47; ,48. Terminus, nil; 20 Topley Richfield. f, White Water 1.85: Woodbine 14:l; 15 , OILS Dalhouia nil; 2.45 DevaBiah 66; 68. Devaaish 66; 68. Fabyon 14; 11. Home 2.51 ; 2.54. 1 1 ' RAINING EVERYWHERE IN NORIHEtV B.C I " The daily weather r Government Telegru. that practically every district north and ." wett, it was raining th Temperatures were fa. i Following is tne detu Htisport: Cl-iudv. 66. Port Simpson : Kan temp. 64. Terrace: Bain. calm. Rosewood: Rain, culn. Aiyaash: Raining. 61. Alien Am: Heavy r MiaalJIy Bolton, Beautiful Bride, temp. 60. af IhrvM K. Ryan. Had Six Aayox: Heavy rain. FMdasaMha in Catimiflil M. Stewart: Heavy 1 One of the prettiest and most temp. 4C picturesque native weddings that' Haaeitoa: Raining, has taken p!a here in some. . time waa soh mnUed at 8 o'clock Smithers: Raining. fia,MMi.w () t B la. uwewewai wo wwm mwm wv aow drewa Anglican Cathedral when Mies Lily Bolton, daughter of the late Frank Bolton and Mrs. Bol ton of Kitkatla, waa united in marriage to David Edward Ryan. 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pater Ryan of Metlakatla. The bride, who was charming indeed In a wedding yown of white satin with lace overdress and the conventional veil with coronet of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of pink carna tions, was attended by no leas than six bridesmaids each of whom was no less faintly gown Buna Lake: Cloudy. 48. Eighth Cabin: Kar wind. High Low PRINCES RUPERT VsY Mender, Sept. K 3.3n a I5.2:t 1 . 9.20 . 21.54 i' GOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF LADIES' FUR COATS Would you like a fur you like to get It at orvr th the regular cart? Of rour Who wouldn't? The thing 'l to visit Ooldbloomli tt,- ' far eeaJer. Ooldbloom u ' of fun before he leave f'- v He goea nest week to ar-..:.-purchaae or raw tun ami Isavwa. every article la hl ' lag offeted at real aale pnc below the ordinary price After helnf, twenty year In Prtnee Rupert. Ooldt: - -.r-hlmailf on the number of 1 - cuatonMn. He guarantee ' ' alls to be m rprrir lire aatatfactton- with n. fuarantee. And no one " better than that I 80 ae Ooldbloom thla W"'1 that fur ooat. before be leaw- eaat. trip to Vancouver and Victoria Adet WM. 001.1m1.00M The MHirer I'ur lflw