Mnridat eciak ! Specials Vacuuin Battles ... 50c Hair Clippers , 75c Modes 50c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment VAGK & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in fines IM 77fw Pioneer Drttgcists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? b 200 j DEMAND "Rupert Br&hd - Kippers THB DAINTIEST BREAK AST roOD." afced Dally jr Canadian Eish 4 Cold Storage Co Ltd, Prlaee feipert. B.C "CATERPILLEW Iractors MGG1SR THAN THE WATTfER! A Siat far Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size S TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY . liETTlOt QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prieaa on Bequest Sol Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED NiirthrriyF Purine rht lull'tin Mlallna stri-rt vani'OI'vrk. a v. Kancfe omett IMWMNI auacs nSlsDn. tM:. CAMB1AN NffllQML Qfcc Largtfl Railway Sytem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE H..III.., frm PRIMK BI W5KT for AMOniK, VICTORIA and M.UTI.B. THI HMUVS and V IY8, M II p.m. li,r MTCWAKT. WMNKHmYS. 10 ,- .m. Ii.r AN VOX al KKTHIIKAN. 8 AT I KOAYH, 4 p,m. I ..r NOHTH and MM TH Ql KB.N. 4'HARLOITB ISLAND. fWtnlSfclly. rtsMNoa trains i.ravr awef awrwut. ....... ivmUwunivri II SO ii. for PBINCi ARUMB, KB tviNNtnta. til' pauu kiw CiimVaa, Valtei atatt ilcANADIMsf McincJ ttiumJr 4QINGV AM. IM MV C1TT TICKET OTTICt M 'M, STSASSUHIt UM rttiNca ittraKT. B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings f om Prince Rupert kViangril. and skaiiy-xi tMibrr t, W. r Vlrtorla, and stllr-srplembw SS( Ortrt ?. M. ! lor Hulrdiile, Haft Hellit IWU. Ocean "' ('amnbvll NIvH ad .in. 'uver fj tWfJS 4tSSili la"""" n y for alt atMnwhlp i h.i i W. OKI'IMHD. WWW, Cornff of 1th Httftt tad rd Wnce Buprrt, B.U. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED TnrMlin. :t ii in Fur VJMii; ir. ."If "I t tit I Salllnn inns frmn rrini ""l??"- . . . vivi'iii tin tii"riiiA m n ii Mill Hay, . iiuiruam ii,.....Iiii. Alert Buy. ttc 1'i.r 111111 WlIMl.flV mi.l 1(11 I'M imhts. n l r AI.II'K Ali.VI. ANMl.V. iTKVt Alt I 'XI-Kl Himrtav, 8 p.m. .... .. I'M !n,1 Vveniii. H. M. SMITH 'I'lirniiKh llrkrtu Mild .o yirturm mill m-iO'" Miriiueh In artln.itlor .'rlitiiv. Alert Hay Saturday, II rtf. lMl.AM. POHT MMIVnON, Prim i' Biii.r-ri. It I', mill liiimui' ilii'iki'il ... i Local and Personal 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J 680. Chlropructor, I'hone W4. Permanent Slack 783. R. Gosc. I'hone C. O. waving. McKay, tf Phone tf Social evening in honor of Geo, Russell in St. Andrew's Rooms tonight. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. ghackleton of Usk, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. A. A. Connon returned to the -ity on the Catala last night from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. ! Mrs. Michael Waters returned to the city on the Catala last night from a two weeks' holiday rip to Vaniii.iver and Seattle. Mrs. William Goodrich, 1945 Graham Avenue, who has been spending a holiday in Victoria, returned home on the Cabala last night. Alex Martin, formerly C.N.R. constable here and a few months ajpo transferred to Edmonton has sine been moved again to Mon treal, according to word recelv-rd hy friends in the city. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Cart. Arthur Slater, is data in port Wednesday morning from Vancouver enroute to Alaska and will .naill again on Sunday afternoon southbound. C. N. TL steamer Prince ' harlea, Capt. Nell McLean, is T. ' J. Shentoa, Inspector of lmKa aailed last sight on tho JruU lor Aato. to conduct a investigation into a fatality which occurred at the Granby mine last weak. Mr. 3henton ex pects to return fb the city at the end of this week. will purchase a piano instead. Mr. Justice-Aulay Morrison of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, acting as a royal cnHfh Gyro Hbedown Oct. 19, Moose Hall. R. Jorgensen sailsd lust night by the Prince George for Den Lipsin Hailed by the Prince George last nijfht on a business-i trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. M. Curtis and Mrs. S. Walton sailed by the George last night on a Vancouver. points In the south. daa in port on Thursday f rom ! Clymon Vancouver via all Queen Char- mornln lotie Island points and will sail at 8 pa Saturday on hr re- tun south over the same rente. Mrs. George Dover, winner of the Pontiac sedan, grand prize in the recent Daily' News circulation campaign, left by this morning train on her return to her home in Terrace. Mrs. Dover has de cided to sell the car she won and P. J. Job M R. spending the looking o Alice Am, enger last nil 1 ver. For ' charge i sen waf months' option ' cw.M n Mil aWlvltlie date for Its annoM fall hoe- in the city on Wednesday mern- tk to hold a session here that day. He will be accompanied by Capt. G. U Robertson of Ottawa, i rector of pilotage for Canada. D. S. CnmaKon, fisheries over seer for the central division, ar rived in town last evening from Swanson Bay aboard the 4taM menui cruiser nenepa wmcn was formerly named Nasoga and will return down the coast tomorrow. Mrs. Cameron and family left kSwanson Bay last week to spend the winter in Vancouver. James Lever, who has been In tolrn In charge of the exhibits from the Bohler farm at the Fair, left by this morning's train on hia return to Temce. Mrs. w. W. Noonan of Telkwa snd Billy Bohler are remain inn in the city with Mrs. F. W. Bohler, their mother, whose illness has made it advisable for her to reside in the city for the next two months. the principal matter for dis cussion at the fortnightly meet ing of the city council tonight will, it is understood, be the question of rock removal from lota on First Avenue near Sixth Street for which owners of property concerned have made a proposition. It is understood that some of the aldermen are opposed to the work being carried out on the terms sumrested. jldrens Colds ! I Checked without flSl UUOUIJ. I1UI V VAPOHUB Mr. who h to Vai south t proceei Srkere the if u. retb--nw of th jd&i to Triple ' f Ifatte ia keepet Mr. and Mrs. Poaske Bryngshf, who Were married here last week, the bride having formerly been Mlsselva Smith of Kansas City, aailad Hatiirriav nirht an th The Gyro CJub has set forward down dance from October 12 to October 19. Norris Pringle has been appointed general chairman to take charge of the event Suffering from whot is believ- mA tt .hm a fltMtH. nl iK.t l,.r 'ill Jonn w. Exfey, city Hali jan " itor returned to the city on ye teruay auernoons irain trom a trip to Smithers. Elmer Ness, well known, Alice! Prince, interior. trip to night included Mrs. it. Miller, L. Foraythe and .Miss Annette Stone, all for Stewart. who has been the Frank Morris returned to the i city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the Mr. and Mrs. John McKae. who have been snendinar the sum- Passengers sailing from herejmer at Kitsum Kalum. will the north oil the Catala last 'turn to the citv next wpk for the winter. Be sure and see our perrnment wave demonstration on Verfnes- Sam Wood sailed last night by day evening, 7.30 bjr expert opcr-the Prince George on a combined ators at Mi Lady Beauty Shop, business and holiday trip to Thi d Avenue. 8pecial pri. e mo G DoVer ". - -ia.,H ,.f .n .,.ni,W hnrH Catala w r?.. r ik. r n a: - m.v. . nut ct- -'ii"" v. iunin. lui ypiiuia a ii w uuni uiui- aflayah. s fisHjpacker W. R. Lord oM Which he was working, Neil McGlashin of this city, was brought f m Alert Hay on the Prince Rupert General Hospital for treatment He was a few days in the Alert Bay hospital. 4. 4. 4-'t-44'4-t'4--f4' 8. ANNOUNCBMEM'S Catholic Bazaar, October 24, 25 Presbyterian Bazaar. November Moose Balhar, November 8, U. ! Anglii Cathedral Bazaar, rough g lint' HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert S. T. Larson. Victoria; A. V. Deather, Alf. Spanza and J. K. Robinson. Vancouver Mr. .im i Mrs. T. Kovashoff, Kansas City; Ri'v. and Mrs. Dr. Harper. 1; Mrs. J. Mulhoiland, Phi!.-!-delphia; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Ames and Miss A. Shaw, Toro ; , A. Munro, Vancouver ;W. H. M.,n-uel C.N.R.; Mrs. A. Y. WiNoii Wilson and Miss M irv K V;1- Terr ; Spo kane; A. M. Meyers. Var.r vi r. Royal Ed. Ryan. Metlukatla; C. II I'mliTwnnr! f. Su'oenav amt last to enter the night CNR-. j Undr an, V.. GiVnstratid. Prince Rupert; P.. M. Letnes, Port Essingtmi: I! Patterson, O. E. Hansen, ;;. , . Ramsdal, J. Pedersen and "v HBVing spent nearl tour hours'. ,,. Vancu- at Buted..!c loading canned sul-;MvrtIe Whitei Butedsle: HnLert toon, Union steamer Catala, (.apt., rvnr K(imnt,nn . rt w S o., E. A. Dickson, did not arrive in: ;,;.. UM1irt s,ilVl s.lh port from the south until shortly !Snrjn , i8and. after 9 o'clock last night and!'' sailed at midnight for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points of call. Passengers on the vessel included Mrs. W. Coodrick. Mrs. A. (i. Turtle. Mrs. M. Wal ters, A. A. ( onnon and V !. McGlashin lor Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. A. Mowat, I.. M. Mann, Sa-oy Mr. and Mrs. J. A. FMln Tiple Island; F. Patterson, Pm--cher Island; Pete McKinnon. City; Lawrence Grief. Tin n George Eraser. Uigby Island; 1. Kennedy, Port Clcmeats; 1. rrcer. Vancouver; R ('. Wal'-er, Mrs. M. I onsetti, W. J. ( raw- jjurns Lak-e; J . Arseott, Montreal. ford, Georre ..agasuve, T. Greg-: ory and Hasil Aylmer, for Stew-j Central art and ( harles Brummitt, for; c Latimer. Vancouver. Z. P. anyox. Ggne. H. McLeod snd W. IV . i('it. C.N.R J. Nlion. fitr: R. D. M. Roberts. Klemtu: Mr. snd Mrs. T. Shuckleton, Usk; il. Ness, Smithers. TOO I. ATE TO CLASS IKY FOR RENT Four roomed 1. on sewer, close in. fi.ioo. ply Il'JO Fifth Avenue Wi plume tirecu 10''. A I or GREAT SERMON 219 The cases of Rebecca Innes and W. J. Crawford, who made a Beatrice Starr, Indian women trip to Vancouver with Mrs. charged with drunkenness, were Crawford and daughters, .Muriel further adjourned in city police and Helen, who will spend the court this morning. ; winter in the south, was a . ienger last night on the Catala Gordon B-othroyd who ha returning to Stewart, been In charge of Rupert East United Church here' for the sum- Ma. .bIIaJ ' . ... : . L . Bra'Iner Pri r.,. t... v Provincial Constable F. E. who has been identifier! where he will resume his theoloir- U1 ine aeacnment nere tor ical studies. ine past few months, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver en route to Golden to weeks wn,'cn point he has been trans- ferred. J. D. Partlowe Stack of Co., of whp conducted the recent circulation campaign for the Daily News, left on this morning's train, accompanied by Mrs. REPEATED HERE Arm mining. man, was an arrival In tho city dh the Prince George Local Baptists last evening from the north. i Dr. Charles Hear Words Brown From Mouih of Local Pastor i ng. The sermon was delivered on a : eat occasion, being the official si'.mon at the great Coh-vish when Baptists from som'e-thing like sixty-six different nationalities We-e gathered together in conference; there was a con; rt';ii of over 8,000 to ,'!e-.r the discourse. The preach- '" : on,, oi the greatest fig' Ives in t," v ii'ious life of Eng- land. fo. many years one of the mo t trusted nd honored leaden in the tf.irttfst church in the Old Land. And it was a great mes- ?, aH who heard it were deep- impressed. If seemed only !g'it th-it the Baptist people of Prince Kui't'rt should share in the enjoymciit and inspiration. 1h; Kubi xt wf.s the Universal . Sovereignty of Jesus Christ, and the Charles W!!e found in the words of Christ Indianapolis, as given in the gospel of St. Mat- th, 28-lH: "Ail authority is riven .-..A. .... ..K..M uiuo nie in ncaven ano in eann. v nd de; t h. This claim put ( h.i.n in a class by Himself, fo "u t ni re man would dare tf mako it? ' ! preacher then proceeded l gie the repsars for believeini in', was t' I V -. l i:i ;;:':' t i'- i v .''ii ' ... ! t-iith of the claim and ac r ii . C hrist as Universe K.-.i'. Hit. . la;m was made by ; i ::h-o uteiy pure, holy ani (),,. .tho had died and rise; :;om the dead. He proved th' ': ii. J" claim by His resur ert on. Th.- claim fitted in witl ii ti . a lie . iid of Himself. Hi v; ys st'i kc as no other mat i" er did i eak. "As one haV insr .aiMn rily," commanding tin ob. diin r of men claiming t c et.Mi ;il life to those whi ! v.'il (i Ilim, and clalmini 'i .1 H w.-.s the great King be 'ore whese :iwful throne ail na nit he gathered for th :;.'.:! ju.U'"ient. The claim ol v i .i .eriK'nty was entirely f...i.-i--'i!.t wi!h all that Chris t: i! "f Himself. I cl ; im was in harmon) v ' h .:'! h .t was said of Him by !! ! writers and speaker f i! .; r. r L; -i, ,u it r. it New Testament. The; iiti- i him as God. the Cre h" I nivertal Ruler, Kini rs -ml Lord of Lords, whi wr reign for ever an - then asked what shouh ffiH't of this great clain - t;td. in answering that the preacher remarket' . '.on !d give us confidenci government of the Uni-He who rules all kingt loving .lesus of the gos .v. e at on the throne ; it was holy love, lov i anil rihtcousneaa, lov 'v todi i holiness am ii.'! eiMdonH evil. And i' rjii us with reverence ." r and awe. '"But the chie I 'Vt t of the claim should be tha'. we act on it and cany it out. The King must be enthroned in the hearts and lives of men. Christ demands the obedience and and loyalty of men, He does not ask for men's patronage, but cle-imancls their submission and ser- of i Vice. It is a call to every indiv idual soul to make Christ its King. - - , , Christ is sovereign in His The congregation at the Bap- church. No mere man can be tift Church last evening had the Head of the church. That posi-r lcKsu-e of listening to the ser tion belongs to Christ by divine non pi raehed at the recent right. W'.i-l.Vt, Iliiptist Congress in To-! The evil ruler has no authority i Iy Dr. Churles Brown of ! in the church, we may not obey I.on 'on. This was re-delivered any man in matters of the soui, by the pastor, Rev. W. P. Price.; we are sworn to obey Christ M,r. Price remarked that be was, alone for He alone is King of not in the habit of praaching 'our souls. The foundation prin-othllr men'- sermons, but in thls'cfple upon which thn Baptist ;i:e he felt justified in so do- church, is built is the sovereign authority of Christ our divine Lord and King, absolute loyalty to Ilim and obedience to his commands. Mr. Price announced that he would give a description of the World's Baptist Congress at the evening service on Sunday next. i FISH PRICE IS HIGHER TODAY American Halibut Receives as High as 17.4c and 8c and Canadian up to 15c and 8c 269.000 POUNDS SOLD Halibut sales at the local Fish Exchange this morning were At t.'it- t.uttet the preacher ''heavy at a total of 269.000 pounds pointed out the extraordinary and and prices were good, three of the Stack, for Swift Current, Sas- "tui n"oi:s nature of the cliam j American vessels receiving over katchewan, where they will take harge of a similar campaign. Will and Fred . nn-i Mr. W. i' or. tomorrow morning's in 1't ,I:c Iiat to resume the'f .':c A studies at the University Toronto. They had their nn-! hin ting trip at the wnk-1 ,.Ti : were successful in hai?- ; vr a deer. I Canadian Fish & Cold Storairi' Co.'s trawler G. E. Fost-r. C r. Sanderson, returned to port v-terflay afternoon at 4 o'-o--V front the Hecate Str.-its Prinee George for their home lnj"n,is with 44 ta,tth ,f Ketchikan 80,000 pounds of flatfish. Captain Babington returned on Sunday from New Westminster, where he attended the Fall Fair, says the Brentwood correspond ed of th VietorJa Times. Capt ftabington formerly resided in Prfhce Rupert T vess-!. wnich experienced weather this trip, will be out again tomorrow. .1.: ' l.y Christ, that He was 17c and 8c the highest bids that Ki'r.r of every nation and realm: have been offered here for many or, esir'h. anil ol every other weeks. Thirteen American boats Kergin.- sons of w ".-l-i in ..II the universe, Snti sold a total of 243,500 pounds at T. Kerr'n, v.!!! ki of th- invisible realms be- from 14.5c and 6c to 17.4c and 8c hile five Canadian vessels revived from 14.6c and 8c to 15c id 8c for 25,500 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as fol-Ws: American Ilene, 36,000 pounds. Pacific isheries, 15.1c and fic. Eagle, :l0,00 pounds. Booth isheries, 14.7c and fic. Lindy, 27.0OO pounds. Royal ish Co., 15c and k Atlas, 24,000 pounds, Canadian ish A Cold Storage Co., 14.5c id 6c. Constitution. 22,000 pounds., At-n Fisheries, 14.6c and 6c. Franklin, 14,000 pounds, Booth isheris, 15.2c and 6c. Marmot, 14,000 pounds, Cana-ian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 5.1c and 6c. Senator. 25.000 pounds, Atlin isheries, 14.7c and 6c Ithona, 11,500 pounds. Booth isheries, 15.4c and 7c. Teddy J., pounds, Atlin isheries, 17.4c and 8c. Sherman, 7,600 pounds, Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 7.2c and 8c. Jack, 3,500 pounds. Pacific isheries, 17.2c and He. Polaris. 18,000 pounds. Cana-ian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 8c and 6c. Canadian Balsac I., 6,000 pounds, Cana- ian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 1.7c and 8c. Zero, 1,500 pounds. Booth Fish-ries, 14.7c and 8c. Inez II.. 10.000 pounds, Atlin Isheries, 14.7c and 8c. Margalice. :),000 pounds. Booth 'isheries, 15c and 8c. Ringleader, 4,000 pounds, Can-dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 1.6c and 8c. Miss Edith Kergin was the oloist at morning service yes- M-day in First Pivshyter'an hurch. her snlection iiMng much ppreciated hy th? congregation. Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Arrived of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Mde from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, nuKk fashioned double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, size H1 to 10. In shades of Blush, Oak Buff. Sand, Grain, French Nude, Silver, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. Q3C Fraser Payne Universal Trading Co. $'' 11 pi