PAGE EIGHT Westholaie Theatre MONDAY and TUESDAY, Starting at 7.00 p.m. GRAND DOUBLE HILL WITH TWO FEATURES RACING ROMEO MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order. on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. H.SJallaceCo.Ltd. RAIN COATS Our New Une of berg "HOSIERY fik Better-War Belter- drt Bean Xandle- IM PORTED COATS Is bow coaaplete. Robber Ceats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's node is in a nice variety of coloring 3rd Aveaee and Fulton St. Phone 0 DRY BIRCH JACKP1NE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN' Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.23 Alberta Bootless Large Egg 512J50 Alberta Bootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 139 Second Ave. at 8.35, and The Masquerade "The Nobby" Bandit at 7.30. With the COLLEGIANS and FOX NEWS Admission 10c and 35c Meat Specials For your convenience we will have Hot (Pot P.oastB for sale every eveninS this week at 4.S0. Also cold meats of all kinds. Boiling Chickens, per lb. :)(? Fresh Killed Chickens, per lb 4 Of Fresh Pickled Pigs Feet, per lb ;jo- Corn on the Cob, 3 doien for ?1A Grapes, per lb U.lp Prunes, per crate . . . $1.25 Jelly Powders, per dozen To? Heinz Pork and Beans, small size, 12 for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Real Money Savers Phones 18 and 84 Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Dr. Alexander rHONE 573 I1ESNEK KI.OC K DENTIST COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKN'A Also Hulkley liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. LAND ACTS 'j to mien ask i.p AITL1 In Range 4. Coast District. Land Re- ! WEEK AT Monday and Tuesday Racinjr Romeo. The Masquerade Bandit. ' ( ol!n"i-na. Fox News. Wednoskjr and Thursdey Glen Tjrost in "A Hero for anNigfcV Crm .iaa ' ,im'.- - ff" and "Niackno, Nick.' Fridny and Saturday Sid Chaplin, In. ' Mlssinr UWC." Comedy "Hand Mm." Hodire Podge. SID CHAPLIN - un Bad 4 MISSING LINK One of Funniest Pictures Says Expert Regard to Week-end Film Moving picture directors "A Hero for a Night" Features Glen Tyron and Patsy Miller ' construction of airplanes in the , last ten years is readily shown in the University-Jewel production, ,MA Hero for a Night," which comes here Wednesday and Thursday. Glenn Tryon, who with Patsy Ruth Miller is starred in the picture, is a correspondence school aviator who builds his own plane in order to enter a race across the Atlantic. The property department at University City scout-ied around and found a plane of the now obsolete "pusher" type, tbat was made famous by Lincoln j Beachey a dozen years ago. This 'type of plane, as many will remember, has the engine directly over the pilot, who sits well out in front of the rest of the machine. No such things as the f use- II 1.1 4U..4 . 1 I ias;e wis aiiuwii ni ui.u unit, auiu (j .them nnlv a si ran between the pilot and oblivion. DOUBLE FEATURE ON THIS EVENING AT j WESTHOLWE THEATRE; This evening at the Westholme Theatre there is to be a double feature. The first of these is "Racing Romeo," a story of speed, thrill, chills and spills interspersed with moments of rollicking comedy. Red Grange is the racing Romeo and he takes the wheel at 100 miles an hour and the re- fit is most spectacular. Tke aarnnil nictilre nf the Avon. Kljig, "The Masquerade Bandit," is story to which a cowboy from a pal u ranch which haa situate about s mile from the mouth been the headquarters for a band 0VEIrfonT Frederick p.rdo. train robb,.-,. Interspersed wiuon of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation are episodes of uproarious fun-iSrmJK-nuSKl. JSe'&Cl making and there is a splendid described lands: E horse. I Commencing at a post planted near the northeast corner of Lot 647: thence west 10 chains; thence north 60 chains; thence east 30 chains: thence south 60 chain, and containing 130 acres, more 'or less. rRKMRtCK PAR DO K WILSON Applicant. ; Dated Augutt 30. 1038. 364 Thin afternoon's from the East at :' porti'd thi" piiirnin time. train, due :'o. was ie-t U on THE; DAILY NEWS THEATRE :!U.S.TROLLERS IN BX. WATERS UiTTKIl IX KKO.XUI) TO MATTEK HE (KiVKI) IKOM ItKPl'TV MINIS TEK AT OTTAWA Last evening at the meeting of the bcare cf trade a le::er was received from W. A. Frond, deputy mtnliter of JUhertei, tn aoonectlcn with foreign . .boats fishing in Canadian waters as follows: "I wish to Mkoowledfe with thtnts your mnr Of im 20 tn iwui, lurmrr with regard t wmrted flshlnc br United Stasia Wdoii troUart In Oan. adlan waters. I "Your rttlofem of the 'MaUaplru' Is noted, and tfcere is no question that (rem certain atiidpolnta It has force. but the dapafifeent's experience is that those coooernad. aocn eome to know any boat that is used for protective purpcese. and that all thlnis considered speed u an autetandtagly Important factcr in patrel boats dealing with foreign rtablnf retsels. When dealing with Canadian boats speed Is not such a dominant factor, as such boats are liable to seizure at any time after having teen v knowa to violate the law. j If the department eould have the oo-operaUon at the Canadian halibut boats, as wall as other Canadian rath-1 ' !cg boat, there Is no room for doubt are that the situation could be moat effl-1 not usually moved to laughter by cltnUr atfsctortiy bandied. the performances they call into being, but in several of the sequences of the jungle jamboree ; known as 'The Missing Link," l Charles F. Reisner, as well as the rest of the- company, burst Into uncontrollable mirth. contains besides the "Link," an amazingly elever chimpanzee known as Akka, Hons, and many other jungle denisens, as well as hundreds of negroes doing the part of head-hunting .savages. The piece is the roost outrageous-:y laughable film of the year. ANCIENT PLANE IS USED IN PICTURE KDUOrrrON. Sej s-s edltcrlally started at school If uch boats, when they found a United Stales boat ia Canadian waters tt violation at the law, would make a careful observation of where the boat was at the tire and what it was doing, and ' would furnlah the information to this' lepartment. It would make It practicable to atlat auoh boat whenever It! "I have been making comedies, ouW to" m Canadian or acting in them, for sixteen ,t- ad 10 uk th nr court . . to lta condemnation. "'d D ; d i 1 prcoeedlngs looking T. ReSKMr; "The dapartoenl feeU that you will ist that this is the funniest film M mlaUQdanUad the .bore, it u its ever shot. Syd Chaplin, creator nnnst. deaira to prevent all. such m-of Old Bill in "The Better 'Ole," gal fishing, and la not seeking to aide-is unbelievably drpll as the hun- track any of its responsibilities, but gry and timorous London poet, f-T board wui realize that in its ef-who suddenly finds himself trans- rt tnfraetions of the law forrsed into a lion hunter on the re"cnble onony mut way to African jungles. YJZ?t T'rLTX TJZH , , , . - " , . , department is fallowing the sttuaMon The object of the chase shift it rtMpotau as etoseiy as to the capture of a hideoas and can wna the faauities at its disposal, mysterious monster known as nd thaw are being increased conunu-"The Missing Link." The picture ously to meet growing requirements. "WM. A. FOUND. "Deputy U: nlter of Pisbenes." FOREIGN BORN MAKE GOOD SCHOOL RECORDS 17. - The Journal (Russian lad who In Calgary four year ago without a word of English has msde an vrage of Bl In the Orade I examinations. On one subject he made 100. and even on English Liter- ature. tn which a. tnretan.harn stu. I dent la naturally at a disadvantage ho was marked S4. The achievement of ! this Calgnry boy goes along well with For those interested in aviation that of a Russian gtrt in Toronto, who and who is not these days the st is dM not know any English and remarkable strides made in the ' was declared a brintant student at Toronto University. It will not do to be scornful of the i-w Canadians. They have great possibilities, ever, as scholars, and those two young Russians who hsve so dl-Mrrutshed themselves are cases In point. lash I Always tW Have 5 Your Size TT costs money to carry x a big stock of balloon tires. Yet there are so many sizes. .If a tire merchant tries to carry two or three brands of tires, he can't carry all balloon sizes of each. We specialize on Goodyears. This helps keep prices down and yet we can give service to everybody. You know Goodyear quality. Ask us for a price on your size. KA1EN GARAGE-Prince Rupert, IXC. 'if tire trouble comes," It's handy to be a customer of ours. t ROWNTREE'S PLAIN Monday, 8ptemi.r York AS AN ADVERTISING ME UM As an advertising medium the Prince Kupcrt Daily News has a wide appeal. Not only is it read by the people of Prince Kupert, many of whom look to it for mercantile guidance, but it reaches out to the country districts where its arrival is awaited with eagerness. The mining camps and the towns of the interior look to it for the first news of the outside world. Prince Rupert people who wish to reach the surrounding districts find there is only one medium, that of the Daily News. It is better and cheaper than any other advertising medium and can be depended upon to bring results if anything can. , 'ast and Present In the past when only about 1500 papers were being sold, advertisers in the Daily News claimed they got good results from outside points as well as in the city. During the present year the circulation has increased over a thousand, and the appeal to advertisers is consequently that much the wider. Wisdom of Advertising to Keep Goods Moving Very few merchants seem to realize the cumulative effect of advertising. Even new customer secured is worth a gret deal and this new customer becomes an advertiser foi uiners, if he is well treated. The newspaper not only brings customers direct but prepares the way for the spread of business by personal contact. The advertising manager will be pleased to talk this matter over with prospective advertisers and show them the newspaper's mailing list. THE DAILY NEWS- Prince Rupert - - British Columbia The great advertising medium for Northern and Central Hritish Columbia. rrsxjcuiw r all luejjm. v.j iHmimmKWfSBiUwafx ! II mill l Fill Wn h Ml a lllll ' I1.1