PAQB FOUR I i BRINGING UP FATHER I ( WE GllVOUR COAL IS PICKED) I V 1 wv, rAnr;yW'TH sojuptious) I n -V7 i n . ii; 1 1 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Eave Troughing Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows .Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 310 Box 4C7 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Coldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a Urge lot wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue World'H Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.o.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Governpient Inspection. White arid Brown Leghorn., Barred Rocks, R.I. Redrf; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Prices. For Price List write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. Radio Radio A well as specialising on the No. 17 Radlola. we wish to draw . your attention to the Radlola No. 16. It U another of the up-to-date, last six month models, i six tube receiver. Price, leas Radlotrons .... f M.Ofl Price, with lUdlotron .. Sllt.t Prlee, complete with Radlo-trona and 100 A Loudspeaker lt.W.75 r. w. ciitMi.r.K Exclusive Wholesale Dealer for J Radlola Office: SIS Sixth St. Ilox Mi Prince Ruiert, li.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartsjre, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum Mving. RETURN BOUT AGREED UPON DIDO fit KVIril OF PRINCE III I'EKT AMI JIMMY MrllOYtl.l) Or VANt OI VEK AMAIN W T John Gurvlch. manager (or his bro ther. Dido Ourvich. announced last night that the local battler has ac cepted the challenge made by Charlie Brown, manacer for Jlmmv McDonald of Vancouver, for a return bout on the basts of a S3S0 guarantee for the win ner and 1300 for the loser. Ourvirh baa also agreed to put up WO appear ance money and also SSO to guarantee that he will make 152'j pounds by the afternoon of the fight day, March 38. The forthcoming bout will be pro moted by Ralph Smith and Charlie Brown jointly and efforts will be made to put on a strong card of prelimin aries in addition to the main bout The ring will be reconstructed so there will be no repetition of such an accident as occurred on Wednesday night In the eighth round. GYRO CLUB LEADING GRANT TERMINALS IN BILLIARD TOURNAMENT Oyro Club Is leading Grand Termin al 611 to 508 a a result of three games played last night In the regular Billiard League fixture. The scores were aa fol- W. J. Nelson (Oyro Clubt. Ill: T. O. Pyle i Grand Term Insist. MO. A. Donald. 906: W E. WlUlacrofV 168 O. P. Tinker. 300: Ben Self. 160 Oamea yet to be played are: C. Balagno ta. 1. Andrews. Bert Morgan va. J. Beealey. u:mi: stamiivos League standings to date are as fellows: Played Total Aver. Cold Storage .... U 183&I gag Grand Terminal. . li yiM SM orott a 780 sat Oyro Club 11 9771 889 Uaple Leah it 1094S as? Individual aTerages in the league to date follow: Played Total Av. W. BaUUe (CB.) 3 440 3M P Stephens (OC.) i XM) aos 1. May (CAl 6 P. O. Pyle O.T. A. Murray (C.l it A. Maedoaald (CJS.) .... 11 W. H. Long (CA. 18 D. Brown (Orattoi n C. Yuungmau iO.I 10 A. Donald (O C ) 8 1. Judge (Orottoi 7 J. Beealey (O.T.) 7 P Williams (MX.) .... 3 B Morgan (OS.) q. Howe M1.) ig iim M. M. McLschlan (Ml ) 11 1911 Ben Self (Q.T.) w J. Nelson IOC I it Andrews mi l C Balagno (OC ) O. Waugh (Qrotto) i. HUlraan iCM) i. Hamilton (MX ) F. Zleman (O.T.) O. T. Tinker in c.l . . . O. A. Woodland IO C ) . I. Andrewa (O.T.I W. I. Wtllrvroft (O.T). R Toung lOrotto) Bert Hoaklni (O.l K. Meagher (O John Bulger 1C.8.) J. Brown (O ) O. Krause (O.T.) n ii 13 II UN 3S37 31t 3186 1874 3081 1884 1400 1381 1380 661 10M 1884 1810 1887 1834 1838 834 318 818 87 371 SPORT CHAT 1M m 55 197 lit i i in 171 187 168 164 141 134 The proposed return bout about the nd of the month between Rattline Dtdo Ourvich of Prtnee Rupert and Jimmy McDonald of Vsneouver. who were unable to aottle their dispute teas week, promises to be even more Inter' esiing man was the first battle. Both nova arr -mfidrnt that they ean de the other in with enottter meets! there la much enthusiasm OB sides, rt was Dido's first mselliM with man of McDonald's omms sad the local hoy no doubt gained a lot of setT confidence with the inasgewml whlah should erne him in good stead In the next battle On the other band. Mc Donald probably found that he bad tougher pill than he bargained on and it may be assured that he will accordingly when he comes up against i airain it n pretty sure to be a hot old bailie with just enough letting miaveYou aroused to make it very for everybody concerned. SMOKE EATERS ARE J taken " vour iNcrveFood luteretiting Prince Oeorge and Vacderhoof have been having a number of hockey en gsgements between theauelvea lately with both the tronger and the gentler swes partlrepitlug. tXaaatbty the bos: hockey game that has ever been play d in Vanderhoof was that last week when the Prince Oeorge Hockey Club defeated Vaaderhoof by a score of to 4. In the amateur class, the brand it play would have been hard to neat. h teasns being far abote average with the shade fairly in favor of Prtnc: me. The same day an lntereatlnf match was pksfW between ladles a: Prince Oeorge and Vanderhoof. the lat ter winning 6 ta t. U la pr3posed t. make regular events at these ladies matches which have nested grnera: Interest and no small amount of gen ulne amusement. STIOGOLNG STRONG (Kefcon News) Cbamptons of Kootenay. champions Mf British Columbia. Trail hockey team of pub!i aaakstcnewan. Is now to meet Drllale. cnemptona of bat mother. All atoosenav la nrmul af TVaaia Mh iormance ana the results or tne games with Dettste will be eagerly awalteal throughout the dletrtet. May Trail continue Its victorious r.irwr to the finals and then bring heme the bacon In the form of the Allan cup. Caa.ut.i'a moat prised emblem of hockey pvnweas. TEN ENTRIES NOW IN FOR BILLIARD CHAMP. GAMES STARTING SOON Up to noon today five entries had u-cn received for the senior Individual :lliard championship and a similar ..umber for the Junior classification. Oames In the senior competition, which pena on lirach 31. will be to 800 points wl'h a final of 1000. while junior games, 'tartmt; on March 33. will be to 390 p-ints with final of 800. Entries will close tonight with the il(.wing already in the contest: Senior V. B. Long. Jimn Hamilton. P G. Pyle. Don Brown, and W J. Net jTl. Junior Ban Self, John May. Harold Macdonald. C. L YouAgman and A. JanaM. ST. ANDREW'S BOWLING lark WatMMi-i Kink lUut. (ieorge Helta and lr aad llk-k Draw Rinks of Jack Frew and James Dick played a draw in the St. Andrew's 8o-estty carpet bowling eonapetltlon last night while Jack Watson's rink defeated that of Oeorge Scott. Oames on Monday night next will be between the following rinks: Robert Davie va. Theaaas Baattls; Geerge Seatt s. Ales MoLeed The standing of teams to date Is a Soltewai J Prew 4 118 I Dick 4 3 1 8 a Scott 3 4 1 6 rack Watson, 2 4 1 8 C. R. Blggart left on this marsttBtrs rain far Toronto what he has been ailed with other trmltrrr of the fam ily on account of the serious illness of 0 - B mi re opinion lets iu XJn 1808 ir u V, Old Milwaukee Strikes the right spot every time! OLD Milwaukee Lager Beer is made from best grade of Barley Malt and best B. C. Hops, blended with imported Bohemian Hops, which gives the wonderful flavor. It will strengthen every part of the nouy. it aids digestion. it run down it will build you up. 4P Fsr tale at all Government liquor Stores and Iktr Parlors. DtUvery free to any part of city. WESTMINSTER BREWERY LTD 7Uu Westminster. AC Th idwtiserocnt m not published or dstpLyrd by the Liquor Cooirol Bosnl or by the Cov trrttacnr of Drttuh Cotuinbfi. V antcdCl For Sale For Rent V trHe High Msa Lawl Night at Meekl Meeting ul North K.C. llegimeiU .tiwtlnlton Scores as follows were made at the weekly shoot last night of the North B.C. Regiment Rifle Aesucistton on the miniature range: A. Wylie 84 W. Bras 91 M U. Lamb 01 R. WUaon 80 B. WUaon at W. H. Oolllson 86 J. D. MacKay SS J Stewart IS BT. B. Eaatman 76 ST. PATRICK'S WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE WAS ...IiapjHtOSE LADIES On Uttndrsd "and seventy-fine persona werh la StUndanee last night at the St. PaXrtekV whist drive and danae fcaJW, sjuiwvev .the, Iftoaaheevtj UgMn. the affair being one of maked luceesa and gawSral enjoyment. There were eighteen tables of card players, many more people coming In (or the da nee which followed. Delightful refreshments were served and tunaaome music was furnished by Dave Eastman's arehestra. Prise wlaaerk at cards were: ladies' first. R. Ha ug land: ladles' secoad Mr. D. Lund: ladles' third. Mim Evelyn i Mart-h: men's first. Ed. Saxou. mens rteond. U R. Parry: men's third. C PhUllps. Olllla Royer was master of eerr-monies and the committee In chars -insisted of Mrs. C. Nlekareon. who presided at the door. lira. Jack Ratchford. convener: Mm. N. MuaaaUcm. Mrs. Skatte-U1. Mrs K. SUtta. Urs. Joseph 81,. grd. Mrs A. Bartlett and Mrs. P j. Ryan. IK1TU. ARUIVAM 11" If H9fvelt Mr and stfa. . W. Boaworth. Prye-ourg. Me.; Bttn. Wertng, C. K imeaon W O. Melcair. -J1 Ohxtd and and O. a. W W. Hfmfcttftt: ' VtclBHs : Mrs C Nt'sWpiDn.' stay rr Ur. 4nd Mrs Uoran, Pt BlmrMdti D. Uerltsan. CJtJt.: R o. Cunning-ham. Mrs ReStafton; J. Iversnn, Port Edward; A. Ibreberg. Vancouver ' Cenlril Leo Pa ulcer. Vsnoauver: J. Lsraen. Alice Am. Inspector James M. Tupper. officer commanding. Royal Canadian Mounted Police, left on this morning's train for Prince George on official duties. High Low Low WANTED By George McMap, I Mr. WA I aoout 9 9 1 ) 1 f ll'1""""-; v riDPI S 1 1 Vntl ARE MR. .HCtS uiucruFn vm i I t h.tei .Tuttr incTtit I ANDHEHL "OOUWirw r "N I I I MOTH N0TV: ' ibeum" p MuwrroR puof tee ' ' bed room and ow- whw Ua.d I rWiCMT I Ucon UH'.HUH lW I , AIR- Atl -V, NOT- l AM y-- WiFEMKEOOOT 1KIG ROOM-THrtlW S THAT- V hSLff )- IMR-JICGS- ) TO MOVEIN-TMlSij"THE I V ' DAUGHTER' ROOM J YV- ' ' ' i -I PARLOR-THE MUlC N THEETWO ARtTHE ? We pass our coal over screen tQu? tlflaes larger than any other coal screen In town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 117 r- 1 - - - . - i. -i ---J . -UL'L. .. .. . . ! i ii i nil iiii mm iuiiFirr inn ... . MIL I lt,W3 iLAduMMU h) rSt 2c per word in advnnce. No Advertiiement taken for less than 50c POIt SALE FOR SAIJa OAS BOAT "VABA." InKth 418; beam 10 ft IS HP. Atlas 4 cycle engine: price 81800. This boat would make excellent packer. Apply Pujunoto. Aihn Ave. or Ward -Electric. Cow Bay. tf TOR SALS. CHKSTKRPIU.D., W1CKIR Srtee. dining room suite. Axmlnster and linoleum rugs. Beds, drseaers. range, dinner set. typewriter, etc Apply S86, PUth Avenue West. OLD NKWSPAPBRS MAT BE USED IN-atead of building paper f r to lay beneath carpeu on the Dour Oft special price on large quantities Dally News. , POR SALK DODOK 8PBCIAL SEDAN in first class condition. Easy terms or good snap lor cash. Phone 80. UNtWOALLY pet for Si New. LA ROC WILTON le. Apply Pullen. SITUATIONS VACANT CAR-Dally If OARDEN EARTH FOR SALK SOc PER load delivered Phone Oreen 648 86 POR SAM-CANARIES. Phone 448. PAIR 84 80 88 FISHERY OVERSEER POR PRINCE Rupert District. 81140 per annum. Application forms obtainable at Post Ofnce. Prince Rupert, or from Mr. Mack Is. fisheries Inspector, to whom applies lions should be sent not later than March 81. as RIFLE KANOE WANTED FURNITURE OF ALL Description. Highest prices paid. Spot cash. Phone O. Dawes, Black 190. tf WANTED REAR PROM OWNER OOOD farm for salt. Cash price, particulars. D. P Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. "OR RENT keeping Oroeery. FOIt KB.NT POR RENT. - PCRNISHED APART-menu, four rooms and hath. Water paid. Phone M7. tf FOR RENT- PORNWHED NOVSEKEEP-ing rooms by the day. week or month. Phone Red 807, tf POR RENT - ROOMS WITH OR WITH, out board. Central location Phone Blue 168 tf ptiaunsHED aaum- Apply HOOSBI FOR RENT 8 ROOMS AND BATH. Aaply aluaro Bra r AULTI ONES ts. pRixrt iirrtRT aitiiun mart Pederal Hear Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exc hanged Crating and packing done. Goods sold m ComailaAioa 0. J. DAWKS, Aartlewnr. Phsaie 4S8 cosaputiico aoAgea, scales, meat aiieere. cneest cutters and caotaet. meat chopperi. coffee mill, cash regis tars and peanut butter mills. Expert repairs tnd adjustments Service contracts. New. used or rebuilt machines. Rssy terms or cash discount. TUB SCtLRft SHOr LTII. ts. Cwedova W.. Vaasawver MlT. FU1UN1TUHB AND MANORS Suite. Suites. Xltebea Tahaes CarpeU. Blinds, curtain Rods. Restmore Collsprtnga and Vfattrisass. Blaaheta. Ctetonaea Window Curtain goons. We have still a few mats left at the old price. MACKENZIE. tTHMTIMi: n ae 77 S, CHUIN'BY flWBEP It l. ZVMKKIIK frHirral llsrerly Man ru maces and stoves Oleaasd and He-petrsd- ' Ohiatnite .' . Osaitetsry Plota Cared Pet. Phone Bed At Mats RntlSt. HO W AND StfOVII IUN0 n'lLNlM'RK Bstisftvt and sold and euhaaged Player piano and Two Cash Registers la tsa rM4 sea. MtRtS rhne ttt CHI IlQPItACTIC mi. it, i; i;vLP(HiH C,MflMNMtf as Third Aveau Telephone for appointment now le Blue 88 Residence phone Black (St. Evening calls made as enraged. Make your apaointssant now. PltlNCB KUI'BIIT TlfiBfi HI'NIIAY. Uliril 18 High Low 11:10 ant. 18 3 ft. S-ajn. M " 17:46 p at. 44 " MOXIUV. MAIiril t 0:04 jb. 184 ft 11:88 p.m. 80 8" 18:88 p m. 8.4 " TIKHDW. MsJtHI t8 o;4i4. ma 12 gun. SI J " 8:88 p.m. 8J " 18-04 p m 18 " Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Axe Merely Relieved by SANTA I. MIDV Sold by All !ruflt STEAMSHIP MOVER lor Vsnrwuvrr Tuesday m ( . .-Friday aa Prin, . u Ssturd.iy - , sa Prin..,. n March IS h March Jb i rrew Vaneeetrf Sunday -M ( ai, Wednesday ! : Saturtiay w '.. SsturUay Mart ii II.,' Marrh II !- , March 11 v i Pet Part Stmpmn "! N ut m . ,, It frem Port Slmiiii n,. v,,. " Tuesday- n cam . u far Aayat aart Mn.ui nun; i jiii .- j Wednesday m ! i: , j Krean .tayat ami i.n rriaay rr : r. ' 4j Per Oneea I'harloiii March to w ! March S4- sa p Pveai t(eea I It.n -.tir- March S 1' Marrh XX m I-Vr tlaaka March II s P- . : March 31 aa r March 81- s P trees tmsfta March l s P- Marrr. JS -s Pr: w MAIL SCHEDULE M H II I''" I'm the Rest llsnSiys. Wedrif i, - iun. Pram Ihr East Tuesdays. Thur.i. tm tasjeuavee Tueadaya Pridavs Ss tar days . CJR.- fib. M Trains. Monda Saturdays I rue Vsarwater daturdaye . C.P.B.- March 1 1 Trains. Sundays i Cstfi Ta Anros. Allre ITeealer Wednesdays Itam Anyat. Hre ' Pmali t Tueedaps Prtday Ta Nads Hlvrf Pii Sundsys rrem Neae Klver Polni Tuesday OTT.P. ad a vs. war st grd Avei ft Purton 8t Srd Ave. ft 8th St Sundays One collect collection. ifrt KM 4.itl 5 IS iur . 3D sl i ioe ii Aim. si'""1 " Te Alaska rIM Mareb II. tl " Pnm tmaka ratal Ph 10. March is i Ta qseen Chartair ii ""' r"'"' f March ft) and W L IVam Qea rhsrt.if "" March a and mi ll 1(8 due UtTTt.H B " " rt Oraham AUin " let Ave. 8th St 8th Ave. 8 1 Hon 8 Sth A.V. ' iomp'" llth Ave. aherbr . m 11th Ave. 4c Conr'i Sth Are. Hay i v Sth Av.s Rsys (" w avw. as ak Avh. ft Oraen St 1 Sth Ave. ft MeBrld ' Prov. Oovt. Bulldinu Prov. Oovt. Wharf O.TJP. Wharf u (15 'I is .v iJ .1 I" 8I n4J M A jas- 1015 2 ,. Mill) CM TRAINS for Ihr t!at Monday. Wednesday" at IIM am from I be Tint Tuesday. Thuraduy. at 8 80 p m