gave Money w ,-iirupet way to buy the I, New" m to subscribe by the ,r rtir c't l 5.00 and your I7F 17 F I Br I ,in'vired to your address ,.nni!; Just figure out the ,.st to you for this dally ir twelve months I - .- in., I I n r.r, I legislative. " . .1 I y,.,'. A Building Work Making Progress in City and New Structure 2nd Ave. I ..Ming of the contract fur another permanent building op ,,,! .Uenue will add to the general building activity now eviden li: iy. ine latent uuiiain win h Mitchell ft Currie hold ,14' i by 100 feet or tin- full Uex Cafe and the more occupied by William (ioldbloom. une re le throughout with a partial basement. Excavation under way for the building which will be occupied by The cost reported is $14,000. .- t Excavation ,irk by Mick Ourvlch fc: SUDDEN DEATH Pnu HAZELTONMAN - for Ir i.i.M I It im i:rlKi;i MIIILK lor -HUM. IN tllAIH HEAWMI The one I' .I'KU YKHTKKII.IY manager of the BC. ment will leave tonight's been ,r.ion, having b en called cliarge of 11k; funeral of on . rtsldent. C. W alcOUliv- office d yesterday The late Mr i xii. red while ;ttlng tn a heme, reading a paper. . will le'attit to Vancsuver .. nt will take place T i lidertakere has alro been , !ika rharh of miotber ,elion but for lKi!ii eu WEI GETS ,1 Iihm-i ii viii iiimiiii:nt Ol' H- W IOHTIICOMINO I1K- lhal KllMtloN l ! i March 17. R H IWc. Houae leader wi re-noai-j K.'iutmalt to! ;-jvlnctal general .lection I 1 n e next e will have a Con-1 'eminent In power in tht n under the leadership of j ' I Tolmte." aald Mr Pooley lien aoeeptlng nomination TO REPATRIATE U.S. CANADIANS 'i or v.M,iMm i;.ni vk.k nti:i i i i;r imwim : ami IIOMIMON Wl 1 "K March 17. The Assembly he expenditure of a government for repatriation " gone to the United Stale, ii -ii 60.000 a year being 'lie Federal government. !' 1 1, repatriate 300 fanilllea a BIRDS WIN AT BASKETBALL '"HI V liim.H 111) AT III SCAN AM OW PLAY MIUAYN fKUXrW ' N. March 17.-The Red Btrda -si'nior B.. baaketbaU team of "n thiieVlend jjeUmpionattip . UfreeJine..Dunu. ladies , OS . ' i vii n ii r in in; lht lBlre.1t1U.MaArtM CT Ohswn , '" the aeml-tlnaU fo the B.C. " VRiicouver, Tueaday SEATTLE AND ALASKA LAWYER DIES IN EAST 11 '"-fc. March 17-The death In ' ' i D C of Thomaa Rocheater 7r' y'M of age. a prominent : Kent tie and Alaaka 1 learned " "M! to Wasiilngtou til MOT. Library Mar J 1:31 Parliament Builtiigs V tar ..... . rtA w im nar au n mv n Illif 7MM in- one tor lions tfros. of 67 Taxi the contract. The structure, size of the lot, will go up be- u.e new 100.000 concrtte theatre building to be erected for Mlsak and A.varofT on Third Avenue near Fulton Sinei 1 well under way. Pile- by the Pacific Stevedoring Co. H; completed. The old Bent store been torn down to make war '.Im- new structure. The contract the building haa not yet been let nunc lire will contain three atom, Urge one and two email, on the treat with a .winding approach to the elevaud auditorium. High claaa equip fi-r the house la reported to have k I ready purchaaed Menu tin good progress la being made the handsome concrete (tore and building for Oiler Beaner at the corner of Third AsaMet and Third i m ,K ioKr plane TO MAKE SEiUfll ior iiivriKLiiii; OTTAWA. March 17. The Canadian air fore plane will take off thla afterno-n to eearch In the Mioaehead regl n of the Bute ol Maine wheie an unidentified plnne wan reported Thuritday. The Waehlngton aUte department haa granted the neoeaaary permlaaton. It la thought that poaatbly the plane might have been the one carrying HinohdlUe and hla indy c mpanlon. Hon. SlaleMac-kay. NANCY ANN MILLER MARRIES AN INDIAN PRINCE AT BARAWA BARAWHA. India. March 17. Amid cenea of OrlcnUi aplendor the mar-r..M .vremony proper for Tukol Rao. foron-r Maharajah of Indore. and Hancy Ann Miller ol Seattle took place law today. ENGLAND BEATS WALES INTERNATIONAL SOCCER CARDIPP. Kirch 17 England today ....... nur wImi here In an international amateur football game, the wort- bring two gcala- to one. n-enta B C Sliver Bayview Bw Mlwourl Cork Pmvmce ... Ocorw Copi1" Oolconda Orandvlew Independence Indian KooU-nay PK-iviu. L and l- takevicw Lucky Jim Marmot Mi '! Pendorellle Premier Porter Wh Rlrlunond Rufun Buth H"l' Belkirlcs Bllvci t'"-' Slocan K"n Sunloch jTermlnus ,Whi:ewut'i I Wood!!::" XCilANOB Old. Aaked 50 Vi 1.75 00 .10 o7 M, .48 40 4.75 b.25 .tfO 1 00 85 .06 .00 .33 -83 V, .13 l .00 .41 Va .17' ' I8-1760 1700 IM i w .50' -55 .63 83 H .031 04 12 ion 4 10 425 .91 2.05 2 70 .30 -53 Northern and Bra TBrk tf5 -s se5 ww vrrf? Er-wra 0L WEUE FAVORITES. BUT DIDN'T WIN: L. SeppaL. and his huskies participating before admiring crowds in the great dog Derby at the Quebec Winter Curnival. FISHER IS NEW ' HEADOFTORIES CLECTKIt PKKMlltKNT Ol' (OW:ltV.t-71V K AXIK IITKIN LAST XIUIIT WHIOllT KK-K1-F.CTI.I) KECRKT.tUY There was a large and enthuattlc atteadauoe at the annual meciing of the Prince Rupert Cciutc.-muve Aaaccla-Uon which vm held laat nighi tn the party club aooma Reports covering the aH Nllle e lata inaiilaaliia Mil prreented oy tne retiring prraioeni. St A. Mann, and the aecretary. W W Wright, and a number of optlmlatlr i speechea. forecaetlng pai'y ucccs In the provincial field at le,..t. wei-e delivered. The election of omcera for the year Lreulted a folio.: Honorary preaidenu Ho.i R B Ui r nett. BO.. IIP, and Hon Dr V Tolmle. M P Honorary Vlce-Prceldcnt. J. C Ur.ulv ur. Prealdeat. W. E FUiher Vlee-Prea deiu. W R. Love Secoud Vlce-piTlr em. rieorge lliil Secretary Treaau-er A' W Wi:k!. Executive the oflai'i and I'. ' Mann. O. C. Stuart Robert Blun. H. Thomp on. J A Klrkpatrirk A:' : Brattle. . W. Oeorgc. Clarei r. 1-and H. A. Breen. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL UMii.mi i.i;.tmi: lihlxliiii II. Bamsley 2. Weat Brorawlch 4 rul ham 3, Clapton 0. Hull City 0. Reading 1 Leeda 6. Notta Couv.ty 0. Mancbeater City 2. Orlmsby 0. Notta Poreat 2. Oldham 1. Port Vale 0. Stoke City 0. Preton 3, Blackpool 1. South Shield i 3. Southampton 1. Swuuwa 0. Chelaea 0. Wolverhampton 6, Bristol City a. IHvlalon I. Arsenal 3, Blackburn Rovers 2. Aaton Villa 1. Birmingham 1 Burnley 3. Balton Wanderers 2. Bury s. The Wednesday 2. Derby County 0, Hudderaf :elcl 0. Ulceeter City 1. Everton 0. Uverpool 1, Cardiff City a. Portsmouth l, Manchester United 0. Sunderland 1. Newcaatle t. Weit Ham 1. Tottenham 1 Shefneld United 4, Mlddleaburo I. KCOT1ISII I.KAdl i: nit uioii i. Bo li ok 0. Aberdeen 0. Celtic a. Hearu 1. Dunfermline 2. Clyde 3. Falkirk 4. Ralth Rover 1. Hibernian 2. Rangers 1. Kilmarnock 1. Dundee 2. Motherwell I. St. Johnstone 0. Partlek 0, Alrdrleonlan a. Queett'a park 4. Harartlton 1. St. MJruea 8.' Cowdenbeath a. s t . u. i. MINISTER IS SOUGHT ; ;:'r. BY CALGARY CHURCH Kuok Church. Calgary, have lnatruoted theli moderator to interview Rev. J. R. Prlaell to we If he would be willing to entertain a call to the congregation. A new church him been erected and will be readv for oi-cuoaUon about April 1. Mr. FHnell's eervlcea have been Bought by the Calgary Preabytery on several oc- i-.-.:oni before c?iiii:r; 'o Prince Ruicrt PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's JJJS.CP IUTEKT. B.C.. SATURDAY, MARCH ft Boston Grill OF SPECULATION AT NEW YORK Turmoil of Speculation Continues at New York Today with All Records for a Hectic Week's Trading Broken NEW YORK- March 17. The market today experienced another turmoil 6 1' speculation but Tate selling caused material recessions. Central Motors, after going to $172, closed around S1U8.50. New York Central touched $174.25, the highest price at which it has been sold since 1901, but closed at $171.25. The week has been a hectic one with atl trading records rrnl fllli v -..-- K. II. POOIXY I jggggggggggK 'mmmmmmmm aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ' hsSBBBBBBBBBBBn ; not m: i.kadku la nominated ai;i:r. In Esquimau. i;il,AMl H INN Kit Ol INTi;UNATIONl. niAMIMONSIIIP TWICKENHAM. England. Mar. 17. - The international rugby championship thla year gcea to England with Ireland second, as a result of a victory today of England over Scotland In a Jubilee game. The soars was six points to no tiling. MANSEPOOL LEAVES ATFIRST OF WEEK Two HrllWIi Yrasels Now t'lulrr Spouts at Alberta Wlmit INNtl'a prlnve lluprrt Llrvalor Loading at the elevator of the British 1 steamer Manse pool with, a full cargo of 1 grain for the United Kingdom or Contln- ent la proceeding with despatch and H' Is expected the vessel will set away early next week. Loading of Mm steamer Derm terton started today. Qraphtte la found In Canada In the provinces of Ontario. Quebec, New JJrunsvlck. Nova Scotia, and British Columbia, and in the northern parts of the Dominion, In the Northwest Territories and on Baffin Island. Nearly all of the production, however, comes from Ontario and Quebec, where graphite has been mined for uearly slaty years, moat of the producing mines and concentration mills being situated within a radius of lvi miles of O' Newspaper 17ri828rr i ' i I ! . iiaaawain i WEATHER MUCH WARMER T0DA1 ALL POINTS UEI'OItT ( ONMIlKU tllLk ItlsK N TKMl'UUTt 1(K AM) THAW A ;ii..- haa i in at practically all ..ii' In the Interior where the ther r,, in. er has risen above freezing point ,! is rtpcited from a number oi ..u.. lnilud.nis Portland Canal an -i.r i.era and Trmce The only aero m Stewart River In the Yukon ... -di is always colder than othei The cmiu o clock rcpari th Mi.'inin follows: iii.ui Ruptn. Raining, southeas temperature. 31. Hazrlton. Cloudy, calm. temp. 3. Smithem. Raining, calm. ump. 35. Burns Lake.- Raining, calm. temp. 3d Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm, lamp 28. Terraoe.--Ralnlng. calm. temp. 86. Rcaawood. Raining, calm. temp. 34. Aiyaneh. Raining, calm. temp. N, Anyox. Raining calm. temp. 84. Stcwarl.--Ralnlng. calm. temp. 33. Atlin. -Bliowlr.g. S I. wind, temp 32 Whltehorse. Cloudy, south wind, temp. 33. Stewart River. -Clear, north wind, rcro Dawson- Cloudy, north wind. temp. 4 Haysport Wind, rain, temp. 43, Port Simpson Southerly wind, rain temp. 40. it hat I MKitiT ham: IIKBN IH T0I.U HY 1'ltO.MINKNT I'KOI'M: A eerlOB of Interesting copyright articles with photographs of people prominent In many walks of life has been purchased and will commence Monday In which these outstanding folk will tell what they might have been If they had not taken the professions m which they now f.nd themselves. Che llstr eludes am iMarpi Skinner, Soaaji, Btbel BlrrymdA. P&nnie Hunt. Rex Beach. Oalll-Curcl, Harold Lloyd. James Montgomery Plagg. Babe Ruth. William T. Tllden. Oeo. M. Cohan. Bobby Jones. Ty Cobb and Paul .Whiteman. The series will open Monday Willi Constance Talmadge telling how aha would have liked to be a dancer. Election is Being Discussed at Victoria with a Suggestion That P.G.E. Policy Will Loom Large VICTORIA. March 17. There seems to be a division of ooinion here as to when the provincial general election will be held. While it has been generally understood that it would be called for the late spring or summer, it is not at all certain that it may not be delayed until fall. Two courses seem to be open to the government. One is to arrange a sale of the l'.G.E. and then call the Legislature-together to co. 'firm the bale, and the other is to arrange the sale and then lay it before the people and ask to be returned in order to put it ' '.nt j effect. In any caae the 1 1 ncl the policy of general development civ likely to be Important feature tn lit ci-rtiion whenever It may be held. The ;e;enl feeling fcema to be that the government will be returned to. :.wcr .n irder tc give Premier atacbean n o;!.r,rtun!t u.' make goad or prove hat tic cannot do so. I. div-uiialng tiie bill Just before ad-,i.r:ini'-:il of tlvc Lcu.slaiure Premier .... Iaihii said: I this 44000.000 'is not spent in t:ui:i.:i on the P.O. It will not ,.-nt all If the sale of the line - erieccd tlie loan bUl WU1 lapse." .hit, .a the way in which Pmnr Mac-ran explained the POX. loan Mil for .4,000.000 un the motion of its second reading at the afternoon alttlng of the Legislature. i lie confidence ahown In the paa- mi of this bill." he also stated, "would je no deterrent in securing a goad bar gain far the road." Toe Premier aald that a doubted U authorlred by way of a loan would ever be required In connection with the faith that he expressed In the sale of the read, the Premier repeated the statement made earlier In the session to the effect that before any deal was consummated in connection with the sale of the rsad ; the Legislature would have the op-rtunlty to piss upon It. LKOISI.m HE MIST KATIIY The sale will not be ratified until he Legislature pronounces upon the erms of the offer." said the Premier . ho continued : "There can therefore be no objection to the loan bill." The members of the Houae on the lovernment side, the Premier announ-cd. bad not been taken Into hla con-deuce wKh respect to the terms of. the egotiatlon In progress. Only the . ---mbers of the government were w This was not because he had : c.-nfld' In the members on his of t-r House, but In matters of . . magn:tude U was wise to nave tn-innatlou cnlined to a very few per- In explaining the bill, the Premier aid that this was one of the largest pro-jms that the province had to face. He had given a lot of attention to the matter while he was minuter of rail ways for a time. Then since he be-ame Premier of the province he had .urned his attention tor some time to he attempt to solve It. The; was no advantage he aald. In hrashlng old straw, and for that reason he did not go Into the details connected with the problem. The read, he said, was originally de igned to be the connection with Van-nuver of the Orand Trunk Pacific, and vas to connect with '.hat road at Prince .leotse. The latter railway had got In-o difficulties, and In 1017 It had been merged with the CN R COM KIM. Ol RAILWAY In hla Investigation into the matter. lh Premier said that he had reached the onclualon that no provincial govern ment should own and operate a rail- war. In connection with a national line the "natter of public ownership, was , I winnifbo. Marcn n nanivooa varT a different thing. There wai. he said, associated wlthislty last night defeated Trail, the B.C. the matter of thla rose the return of I hockey champions to a In the first the Peace River lands, and the rail-1 western Canada finals, the esaond game way lands. This situation he had at-1 will be played Tueaday sight. tempted in Use carrying out oi nia ne- i zotlattons. He had. he said, had some i success la this connection v.As a result oi the negotiations that carried on during the past alx months he began to see light, and there was some prospect of d la posing of the road Two months ago, aa a rcsjult of theae negotiations:, he was very much encouraged, and he had hoped before now to have been able to announce the com- pletion of a deal for the road. It was a large proposal, however, but he was iviuvlnced that the sale would be eom - ileted - - Advertlae In the Dally News Large Upstair Dinintr Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, (or hire. NEW SOIJA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. 1'hone 457. -Price Five Cent FEWER VESSELS LOADING GRAIN AT VANCOUVER The number of vessels clearing with rain cargoes during the week' just, past s much fewer than for months past. The cargoes were as follow: ( Actor for Londoa, 11,4 buabels. Toftwood tot Hamburg. 48,016 bus. Chile for Copenhagen transshipment :a7 bus. Brighton to Palmoiitb. lor orders 2M.447 bus. Vlnmoor far HW1 3flBJ60 bus. Netaraeka for Mttardam ttjM bus. SnUeby toe BotteMaM 1737 bus. VI IVatWIaVlaa IpWV eHll Pukuyo Maru tar tmnarnl IMAOO bushels. Protesllaus for YokobaSttS) M.O0O bus. ALBERTA WINS LOWCOALRATE III KINO OIF KKAMIX I'KOIll'CT .TO IIC ( AUItlKII AT . A TON IIY (, OTTAWA. March 17 Aaacunoemeat was made by government order In ooua ell for a trial rate of H.75 per ton on Alberta coal to Central Canada. The rate will apply for three months each year for the next three years. NAHASPASHA PREMIER EGYPT .NATIONALISTH PARTY IN I'OMLK AT t'AIKO lOLLOWI.Nft IIECKNT UKMdNAtiilN LONDON, March 17 A despatch tram Cairo states that Nahas Pasha, leader of the Egyptians' Nationalist party has formed a cabinet to replace the ministers who resigned a fortnight ago. VARSITY BEAT TRAILHOCKEY Molti; or htx ooALrt to nothing AO A I NOT HMOKF. EATER Ol lie. ROCK SLIDE NEAR TERRACE HOLDS UP EAST TRAIN TODAY Owing to a rock slide having come down over the track Just west of Terrace, the train, which was to hsve left for the Eaat at 11:30 thla morning. Will not ite: away before ( o'clock tonight, ! it was stated early this afternoon, Ka:iwuy office stated that the slide Is 100 feet lut and stxrut tlx feet deep. Extru gangs are working to clear the l:::i uuu a. ptxwlble.