en iirwsau inrim .HBWt'wmRaa STUDY McLaughlin-Buick in action and you see the results of McT aifghlin-Buick's keen and content attention to engineering. Eager on the Getaway First at the Finish The fundamental reason for the ample power of the Laughlin-BuUk engine it it valve-ln-head cotuKroe-ti .n. In this type of engine, the fall force of the jj i.von it concentrated directly upon the Pton, for the , nbuition chamber fits exactly over the cylinder bore, !. e the breech of a gun. Only with the valve-in-head c'Kn, which requires no irregular-shaped chamber to .mmodate the valvea, can thii effect be obtafcsesL I jt ii why the valve-in-head engine it the moat power-fui. per cubic inch of displacement, ever devised. In MiLaughlin-Buick for 1928 this famous valve-in-head rgme it further improved by a Counter-balanced Crank trutt. Toraion Balancer and many other mechanUal refinements. The CM AC. Deferred Payment Ptta offers many advaatiget to buyers of McLauihHn-Buick cits. McLAUG -BUICK KA1BN GAKAGE (Dave Rom) Third Ave. Prince Rupert H.C. .nie TWa Better AuteeneWei are Re&-UsU.Biik Will Bu'Jd Them ' MEN Special HEN! i l L OFFKItS OK MUX'S WEAR FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SHOIMMMi Uulitier Boot", k'n-c ln!K'th. Dominion make, red Hole, ex- . -IK-cial, I'm Worklnjr Shirt-, r. i .'. t $2.26. Sale . "C Striped Ov.-rall.-. i f -". Special $l-"0 ' r tor S1.00 Working S..ck. -I""'-"'. Hit-as Shirts w'u,- up -"'-r- s' Kress 8Mrt. valu- up J.ti6. special Sjtl.l. One-Piee Suit I'ikI. rw. ar. Arelci) Brand, reir. 2.76. -air $2. Ill Mow tie and "Handkerchief to match, re. 1.00, spe-,1 JABOUR BROS. M ... . ., ,. fi- Tor. 3rd and 7lh Spring Opening Print Rupert Ut BvM1 ,0 n,Und Demer's Sprint Opewihc on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY and see the lalwt sityl list up lo-thf-mlnule mode in Pr.ok and Coals. "Demers" To Every Woman !"'". now color beauty everywhere in the house- Bl urusn "(r Lacquer cornea ni a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone IKKV.tKI CKKFK Ttoe city parks board baa actually ventured to stir up Prince Rupert "a long watsflront fester, namefy Boneyard Creek, the safe and sacred re pository these tong years of our marine outcasts, veterans and reproeatea. Funny nobody ever thought of It before but the waterfront, too. It seema. must fall to this here civic beautlfloation bug with which we have become affileted. It lant a bad Idea to be sure but It is sometimes easier to get ideas than tt is to carry them out. And the carrying out of this latest brain wave la going to present some problem, to be sure It to a fact that Prince Ruperfa bone-yard creek la nothing to feel so very proud about but just how we are go ing to go about It to rid the otherwise edifying landscape of that mam of luuk is aemetiilag eh. It has become su asew hat of an Institution to have the heap of old oereUeU there and heme will never seem as sweet after they go If. indeed, they do go. whether the galleons are taken out to sea and sunk. whether the effective offices of a few powerful sticks of mumping powder are to be used or whether at low tide one grand bonfire Is to be kindled, there wUl no doubt be a let of laud and bots-terosts squawking before anytl,lng to done of tola Mod. It would no tleubt hi much mom satisfaction to the owners tbersjof that jumsO L pttL todato ; aajm away as they are doing rather than bare more sudden meaourea taken with a view in their disposal. The wish of the parks board may be the father of a thought that Is very youthful yet. Perhaps the moat effective cure would be to deny the head of Cow Bay as a dumping ground for all our marine refute. OaJt freighter Salvor. Cant. Hush, arrived In port on Thursday morning from Vancouver with a sargo of ooal and cement for Albert Se MoCaffery. sailing the next day on her return south. The Ketchikan halibut boat Wave haa been on the wars at the old Ms-Lean ablpyard in Cow Bay this week for minor underwater work. Boats going on the Ward Ways during the week for null work have included the halibut goat Royal III. and the troilers Dona Ida and Laura L. Skipper Pullen'a yacht Owen was on the Tacht Club grid tins Thursday receiving spring overhaul in the form of bottom scraping and painting. The vessel will go up again on Monday to have a now prppsHer abaft installed to see ' If thai will relieve Owens, sufferings and put her' In t little better humor. Shef Thomson has been uatng up all the good weather and daylight of late advancing hit program of bottom painting, every day averaging a thlp, until the work tt now well advanced. t'Mli i: Monr.i. Of an soUrely new and unique model li the brand new American bailout sehooner CMaroer, well enough rtamerl. which whi built In Puget Sound during i lie past winter and whick is expeated ?H2, 'BAILS' NZT73 fags nva Waterfront Whiffs Trolling in Harbor This Week Two Fishermen Hurl in Explosion "Clipper" Is Interesting New Model Halibut Landings There was the somewhat unique sight in Primrc Ilupert Harbor this week of a gatboat witJ jit spars down trolling for spring salmon, quite anqbundance of which is now being reported in surrounding waters. If ever befolre. it is years since one has been j able to witness suehvtaa operation from the wharves of the city, j During the fine day this week, the harbor has been dotted with : hand trollera in as'many as half a dozen boats at a time. Success has been reported, too, by those engaged In the fjshfng. Boats have been catching as many as seven and nine fine large fish in a day and it la even said that one boat took" 'v twenty. BnUn being profitable com merclally, aueh fishing present a real angling port, the opportunity (or which u probably not folly reaHred. With a considerable ran of flab be-ing reported, the trotters have been ouay nuking final preparations for the eason'a start. Betides at Watkc Canal, Dundaa Island, etc., some trailing has been going on In the'Stteeaa River. Big Orunfur and Julius Johnson, mens- j )jeri of the crew of the new halibut boat Southend, Capt. Anton Moea. were landed In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital this week as the result of an explosion which occurred on the vessel m Wednesday -night, the eve of the boat's scheduled departure for her maiden trip to the halibut grounds. Orunfur H reported to have been the more seriously Injured of the two. both suffering from sevens burns about the hand and face. It appears that Orunfur and Johnson veers boarding the vessel to turn in for the night when one of them struck a match and the explosion followed. Oas had spread from a ieafty tank. It was later ascertained. The boat itself was undamaged but had to go Into dry dock to have a new task Installed, thus causing considerable delay in making the "hop-off" for the ground. The Southend was built durmg the winter at am of the Japanese shipyards; la Cow Bay. With so many new aad larger boats In the gome, there at it ports 0 to be saeaevfaat of a ahertaays of halibut fishermen at Print Rupert. of the beat are saM to have actually delayed in getting way that soring far this reason. Anything from deckhands to skippers have bean In demand and tMa at one branch ef rMostry, at least, where there see few, If any. Idle to land IU ntaltfm catch In Prince Rupert , any tlm now. Of rakish design, the Clipper U eighty feet long with a beam of but seventeen feet. What with her greyhound design and the good offices r a 180 h.p. Washlngton-Brtep co. motor, she is said to have ao rival for speed la the Pacific coast hallbttt fleet, turning up a speed as sue Otoe or some fourteen mllea an hour. The vessel It an interesting Innovation which, together with other advantages, as reported to have adequate carrying apace, rhe type Is one which, thoiagh novel, may prove papu lar. The owner and skipper of the new vessel Is John Smeland. formerly of the Mildred II. With a party of Part Simpson peopVe, Dr. R. O. lauge arrtcad on Tuesday In his pomer erui&fr Stthbesm III., return: ag the heat day to the vlUage. Striking a log off the Rom Spit bar where she was fishing on Sunday, the Prince Rupert halibut boat Rose Spit. Capt. Ofe Stegavlg. became disabled with damaged propeller. The bast Oslo, captained by Aid Oteen, who also owns the Rose Spit, towed the latter vesse' c Lawn Hill, coning In en Tuesday to Prlnoe Rupert where repairs are be- ng effected at the dry dork. (iitiois n.uiriMi Another strange Sentaen of the deep has been added to the grow- tng museum collect ion of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Btpeft- mental Station kt-Uu form of a specimen of thp ajecies corn- monly known as bagfath which was recently turned over by Capt. H. Stkg of the halibut boat Onah. A long eel-Ilk and eye- leas creature, it la the pessaUar characteristic of the haffath to attach Itself when little more than a larya. to the gllla or such soft parts of other fish and grad- ually work Itself Into the body of the larger rial. The species is the same faniHf -as the borer fish hsh eats tfsetf Into the other fish and eventually consume everything but the akin, of course, proving fetal to Its victim. The hagflah, while not unknown here. Is ramty found In these waters lu breeding place la at the bottom of the ocean where It attacks euch fish as halibut whom habitat Is usually there. KKIMCTKIN 1'L.INT 111 NV The Rupert Marine Products plant at Tucks Inlet la again It full operation in herring follow log temporary cessation owing to the barring of Pearl Harbor harrlng to the Bsanyiiny'a use. The plant la finding Its supply immediately outside of Pearl Harbor and la getting all that It needs, boats of the company fleet being eskfeged la aeagnlng and packing the aasm The company It producing ell and steel, having already stopped some of the latter. AeoBTqiag to reports reaching the dp. the iMrOnk run at Peart Harbor, phe-tmmaWjr : wevmdant rer?;sJgosrt three wee1u.a4 now petered) ttt there but lbs fMh'afe befog taken elsewhere and the outfits that have been engaged in netting for bait purposes have moved to the more fruitful Melds close by. Power tugs M.T. 3. Copt. Reg. Oreen. and PJt.T.. Capt. Harris Kerr, are busy tbeae days bringing into Prince Rupert machinery and equipment from the old mlU at Georgetown for use in the Big Bay Lumber Oo.'a mill at Seal Cove. Oeorge J. Dawes, chief petty officer Instructor here with tbe Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, whose period of service closet In about ten daya' time, has decided to east hia future lot with the city of Prince Rupert by going Into the auctioneering busi ness, lie has rented, large premises on the main floor of the Federal Block where ha will open up what will be known as the "Prince Rupert Auction Mart" There seems to be as little known about the habits of the herring, one of the moat Important aperies of fish In northern waters because of its many uses, aa there Is about the habits of the Ed4e-Holdin4SawS Fast Eostj Cutting SiMONDS SAWS V Guaranteed becsusemadc V frons our own stetl O simonosmno SW CO. LTO. XL. VANCOUVS. T.JONN.N.S.. sjj Tsawrra LMte 1f.liJl.,.. .I.., .. ll..t.(l.tUlllj4' salmon. Reverend Dnrid Waggoner, mission ary worker. u. stationed 13 yeara at Klawock. Alaska, and closely observed tbe annual movement of berrlng. He aays be haa satisfied himself that they spawn In deep water and he believes that they run In cycles like salmon, but are unlike salmon In not running or returning to any particular place. Klawock, fof yean, has been where herring generally show up first, but none haa been seen there ao far thlt year. Owing to the scarcity of herring tar halibut bait this season and their great value for halibut and king salmon halt, more interest than ever attaches ta Use movamipt of thane fash. .1". . 1?T7..itt oJ ll.ll.llil l ls.l'l.iin Halibut land ing at Prince Rupert for the season up to yesterday were twenty-five per cent-heavier than at the cor responding date In 1937. The total up to date for 138 la now 3.1M.T00 pounds as compared with tbe total for the previous season at the same date of 1.-aTtaso pounds. American landings this season total 1.SM.SO0 pounds ancf Canadian SOS (00 pounds as compared with isjspectlve figure In 101T of 1.330.5O0 and 343.SM pounds or a substantia) increase In both classifications. The Increase la in spite of numerous American tares that have refused to sell here on account of low prices and went elsewhere. The past week showed considerable betterment in the price situation although there to still room for much Improvement. Proceeds, however, .have been sufficient to cover expenses with a little something to spare during the week. The highest price for Canadian fish during the week was t.3c and 4c paid the W. T. for 10.000 pounds while the American high was 11.7c and 5c paid tbe Augusta for 13.600 pounds, the Ham! H for 18.000 pounds and tbe Star for 10.000 pounds. The faHpwIng boats landed catches lisT&Hf the week, the number of the eeeoostVb'jRlng noted: . Catlioaf (second!, 7.800; fees Maid lJhi.000. Vising I. (sec-ouu. 7.000; Helen (second), 7.0000; Impure use (second). 4..5O0: P. Dorreen. 8.-000: W. T.. 10.QU0; Mulrneag. 5,000; to-ti.l for week, 84,000 pounds. American Reliance I. (second), 13.000; Reliance (second). 5 .000; Anna J. (second). 16.000; Sentinel (second). 33.000; Augusta (second). 13,500; Haarl II. (second). 30.000: Olscler (second). 8,500; Clrayllng (second 1 .10.000: Btsr (second). aj&O, Bnerman (.second), lt,W0; Qonj of your copy of The Daily News every nirjht by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yowsei Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the at NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly- : THE DAILY " ..... NEWS ( IT WILL PAY YOU! All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers IlEDUCED 15 PER CENT UUBREKS, sites C and 7. regular $2.25, now Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must go. THOR JOHNSON Kit CityMeat Market 3rd Atenue (SELYin IlltOS.) l'hnne 70S MEAT. FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PKODUCBT at low prices, and immediate delivery Obsene! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. I second i, 10,000: Sitka. 43.000; North 3S.0OO; Bonanaa. 38.000: Akutan. MJ0O; aUdorado, M.000; Kanalak. 15.00; Pros-perl ly, 1880; Po rem out. StO, Constitution, 31,00: Marmot. 38.000; June. 3.-000: Oalco, 2,800; total for week. B68,-300 pounds. a rand total for week, 505,300 pounds The Sea Bird, owned by tbe Kuvtee Fish Company of Seattle, a new corporation, and la charge of Captain Charley Laraen. Is one of the new halibut boats this season now on the grounds on her maiden trip She was built :n Tacoma and Is sa and 1-3 feet long being driven by a Wsabtngtoa-Baiep engine of M horsepower Sts coat the owner aver 530,0(1). On her trial trip to Kstohlkan she met tbe fullest expectations of her owners and the members of th crew. Tbe a me aa other new halibut boats, the 6ea Bird baa all of the motiem Improvements and la a staunch looking craft. Union a learner Gardens. Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived In port at 3 o'clock this morning from the sooth, sailing at 9 a.m. on her return to Vancouver uml waypointa. II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MERCURY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Chiffon and Service Weights in Guumtlal, BtacV. AtmogV watts- n Frorn $1.75 to .$2.50 The Ho for Satisfaction H.S.WallaceCo.LtrJ. I'hone 'J. Srii Ave. U Fulton.