stops the burn- ing and pre ea ust as good tender or biis- tered feet, aching / tes, cuts, bruises, and all skin injuries. A sure cure for ecze- ma and all skin dis- | oe xe druggists Reflects Good Housekeeping en a oe ——— Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 SEEDS! For the Garden Specially Suited for Prince Rupert soil. FEED For owe CHICKENS HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER P.R.FEED Co. P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. Mrs. Smeeton’s Lunch & Tea Rooms West. f 309 prone aceliiie: Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, Seft Drinks. Home - Made Bread, Cakes, Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. Famous Melton Mowbray Pies. Pienic Parties Catered for ~r 2-\y ve a NTLEMEN of the Canadian Jury, I believe that every man has the D—n well chooses, until he injures or threatens to in- jure someone else. | have lived up to that belief. The launch Narbethong is at your service for a price of $3.50 per hour, which price experience has proved to be necessary. There is no variation. Square deal- ing pays. Therefore, it is the motto I have adopted. Hoomes K. Freeman PHONE BLACK 400 P. ©. Box 109 ~ right to do as he % TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES ‘Wholesale and Retaii General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ponce 647 — P.O. Kox 725 a eee re ee ee ee — ee | The “Gartland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Ked 246 4 SOCIALISM IS EXPLAINED BY Settiing Differences by Ballot ed that the working class was just as completely enslaved today as in the days when Greece and Rome were at the height of their power. The farming class did not work for wages, but to some extent exploited labor, yet the product of the farm was exploited by the capitalist class, in that the farmer had to accept the price that was set. The lecturer then went on to explain that. the only property there was consisted of property in human slaves. Prince Rupert would not be worth a nickel ex- cept for the working people. Money consisted of promises to pay. ft was an order on tomor- row. The only way to get rid of the capitalist system was by the Bolsheviki route by which they would wipe all promises to pay of! the slate. Mr. Kingsley claimed that the workers could not own property because they themselves were property and property could not own property. Slaves could not own anything. They might think they owned it but they were mis- taken. Let them once get the idea into their minds that they were slaves and it would be a long time before they would go on strike again because nothing could be settled by that route. Their masters might grant them privileges but not their rights. The State. state overshadowed every- thing. It was the instrument by which the slaves were held in subjection. It only conserved the interests of the master class. All the state knew was suppression The by calling down the big men. was impossible to fix prices, cause everyone knew that condition of the market prices and not human edict. Mr. made ing credits in order goods and pay cash for them. The to foreign thing as cash. Sooner the whole thing would go down ir collapse. Conquer the State. or eer ran rr E. T. KINGSLEY Speaker at Theatre Advocated ‘| ministrater to the estate Every shadow they saw was Bol- Geceased, and ell parties sieving claims al t the sa estate are reby requirec shevism, People pointed the to furnish same, property verified, . me, finger at Flavelle, but if it was }0® or before the 26th day of July, A. D right to take one per cent it was right to take one million per cent. They could not excuse themselves It be- the fixed Kingsley then dealt at some length with the cost of living and fun of the idea of extend- countries that they might buy our joke was that there was no such later ‘No government can stay in cen ee ve eee power after two thirds or three quarters of the people turn Sauind Coal Co. against it,” «ontinued the speak- Office Phone, Plack 85 . THE DAILY | iterrible would be done as in the, French revolution. Their cause, however, depended on reasoning. faculties. Eventually ~ it would | sweep away distrust. The cause of labor was the camse of hu} manity. Advertise in the Daily News. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that M. AR. Liliieo, of) Box, Not Strikes. Ottawa, Ont, whose address is care Wm. alias B. Hood, Atlin, aS - app! 4 a licence to take anc use a cubic eet At the Westholni: Theatre last|per second of water out of uce Creek, night E. T. Kingsley gave an in-| Which Rows east tw west” an Sr" thes | ee ‘ siey gave ¢ ~IPine Creek, about two a4 one half miles ihe "e8s Socialis from Lake Atlin teresting address ve Socialism The water will be diverted from the| under the title of “Civilization,|stream at a point about 150 ft. below | ale » State.” Cassidy Group on Jas. Nedved’s ground, Slavery and the State. and will be used for placer sniping oer: , . ’ ‘owth of pose upon the Calder Bene ease de- - . alt a gl eae crtbed as Hydraulic Placer Mining Less capitalism an 1¢@ wage slaves No 387. . ne 7 4 - This notice was posted on the ground | and strongly advocated settling on the 27th day of May, 1019. . ferences between capital A copy of this notice and an: plication | the differences P pursuant thereto and to the ‘Water Act, | and labor at the ballot box. 1914,” will be filed in the office of the| The speaker said that the bet A ye 4 yy? — w e yor was in turmoil.|Mled with the said Water Recorder or with | whol world ~ est the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia There was a vast wave of unrest] ment Bulidings, Victoria, B. C.. within sweeping over it. There were in-]thitty days after {he Arst_ appetrance > dustrial troubles and in many M. R. LILLICO, Fe on. | countries rebellions. fn others By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B. C,, Agent. | there were mutterings. There was en “date ‘ot *. rst publication of a a serious problem to solve and N f SU SOURT OF BRITISH it was not solved the whole of the|!% THE SUPREME COA present civilization would go IN ‘THR MATTER OF Ta@@ ADmulSTRA down in collapse. TION ACT a Wage Slavery. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Mr. Kingsley then traced the HAAG. TEREATE LOGAN, .DE- development of the present sys- a - wp tem explaining how wage slavery],,,"A*® 2 oe oe Sa den a s ary and claim-fof June, A.D. 1919, 1 was olnted sotlowes Bond wlavery et ' Administrator to the estate of iiMam | MeKenzie Logan, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate 7 hereby required to furnish same, ee td verifed, to me, on or before the 93r of July, A.D. 1019, and all parties i de bted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN 41, MCOMULLIN, Official Administrator. DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D. 1919. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH CULUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — end — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTAT& OF ANNTI SAIKKONEN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS ANDREW LEIVU; DE- CEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that im order of His Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 9th day of June, A.D. 1919, I was appointed Administrator to the éstate of Annti Saik- konen, otherwise known a8 Andrew Leivo, decease, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, oreeerty verified, to me, on or before the 23rd of July, A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the ¢s- tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOUN H. MCMULLIN, Official Administrator. DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D. 1919. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT — THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE LARS OLSEN THUNE, DECEASED, TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon. Mr. Justice Clement, made the 24th day of June A. ‘BD. 1919, 1 was appomted Ad ministrator to the estate of Lars Olsen Thune, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or before the 26th day of July, A.D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the asent of their indeb 88 40 me forthwith. JOHN H. McMULLIN, OMcial Administrator DATED this 26th day of June, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN 7 MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- ON ACT IN IN OF IN- 1919. — IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTES- TATE. TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon Mr. Justice 1, Made the 24th day of June A. D. 1919, I was ae Ad of Albert Cole, 1919, and all parties md@ebted to the e¢s- tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMetal Administrator _DATED this 26th day of June, 1919. COAL | Screened Sacked Delivered $13.00 per ton : SEAR KA EREE Ewa. Saturday, July 5, 1919 How Everyone Can Help loans. stoc HE Government has developed a liberal and broad plan to help soldiers settle on farms. It is securing land. k. farming supervision. But the plan needs more. munity spirit of co-operation. It is granting substantial It is obtaining advantageous P equipment, implements, building materials and live It is providing agricultural training and rices Onl That is as much as the Government itself can do. It needs a com- Already Provincial Governments, Universities, Farmers’ Associations, and Veterans’ Associations are giving Many manufacturers and sellers of farin supplies have agreed to allow the soldier settlers special prices successful farmers have Committees which have to pass on the applicants assistance. willingly valuable Many Qualification Men worked on who have had experience in lending money on farm property are serving on Advisory Loan Committees, judging land values “Tt ds at once a privilege and an chitgition to ren- der service to those men woh» hawe rendered service to us greater than can ever be repaid.” —Grain Growers’ Guide. help discharging, soldiers; settler. They at seeding or harvest time, as far as possible, and it competent, willing producers. ent, Full information about Soldier Settlement Board, Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jimm Fraction, Rob Roy, apd Nephin Fraction Mineral Claims, situate in the Naas Mining Division of Gassiar District. Where located:—On the west side of Granby Bay, neer Anyox TAKE NOTICE that |, HM. N. Clague of the city of Duncan, B.C., acting as agent) for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Sureit Free ing and Power Company, Limited, Miner’s Certificate No. 82188-C, imtend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the ining Recorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the rpose of ob taining @ Crown Grant of the above claim And furtwer take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such certificate of Im prevements. Dated this 3rd of July, A.D. 1919 H. N. AGUE, B.C.L.8 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of @ (resh certificate of title to Lots 45 and 46, Block 1, a 5, City of Prince Rupert, (Map NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN ‘that it is my intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from the first lication hereof, @ fresh certificate of title w the above mentioned tands the mame of Domald Hoss and HKobert MacKay, which certificate is dated 21st on of January, i915, aud is gunporss 741 H, F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. DATED' at the Registry (Mice, in Prince Rupert, B. C., this 25th day of dune, 1919. LAND ACT jotice =e Intention to Apelx y to Lease Land. ja Charlotte 4s Land District, lecor in District of Skeena, and situate “a Island Take motice that Hume B. Babington of rice Rupert, B. C., occupation master mariner, intends to for rinission to Impse the following described tands:— Commencing @t & post planted about @ chains in @ seuiheasteriy direction from the 5. W. corner Of Lot 996; thence south along high water 500 feet; thence west about 200 feet to low Water; thence north- westerly about 4 chains siong low water to @ point due seuth of the 5. W. corne: ——, "| Minister of But even such practical assistance is not enough each community farmers can be of real service to the soldier can give him advice about local conditions They can lend him an extra horse or plough, give him a day's In and extend to him that In this way Canada is performing a double duty. friendly, neighborly, respectful spirit which he deserves. It is the debt we owe to our lands and loans for soldiers will be sent on reques( to the Provincial Superintend is adding to the country’s chief industry a body of "The distribution of soldier settlers in settled rural communtiies will be of material assistance to the experienced settlers in that they can get adewe and assstance from thet neighbors.” Farm and Dairy, Toronto bess (W. J. BLACK, Chairman) Union Bank Building, @TTAWA MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NuiicE iron Bug, Blue Jay, John Buil, John Bull No. 1, John Bull No. 3, and Drum Lummon Fraction Mineral Claims, situate ‘im the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar Where located; — miles up Falls Creek, Granby Bay TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Clague of the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt ime and Power Company, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 32188-C, intend, Sixty Gays from the date hereof, to apply tw the Mining HKecorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the urpose of ob wining @ Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before Approximately two the issuance of such certificate of Im provements. Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 1919 H. N. CLAGUE, B.C. L.8 TIMBER SALE X 1719. Sealed Gian will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 10th day of July, 1019, for the pur- chase of Licence X 1719, to cut 805,000 feet of Spruce and Hemicek, on Lote 6001 and 6002, Kitimat River, lange V., Coast District, Two years will be allowed for re-moval of timber. Further particulars of the © t Forest- er, Victoria, B.C., or District Porester, Prince Rupert, B. C. TIMBER SALE X 1649. Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on he 2200 day of July, 1919, for the pur- chase of anes X 1649. to cut 1,418,000 feet of Spruce, Oedar and tHemiock, on an area Situated on Kildalia Bay, Rivers Inlet ange 2, Coast District. Two years will be ellowed for re-moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, 8. C. TIMBER SALE X 1762. Sealed tenders will 1 be received by the Minister of Lands net later than noon on the Sth day of July, 1919, for the pur- chase of Licence X 1762, to cut 700,000 feet of Fir timber floating in Northerly portion of Harrison Lake, New Westminster Distriet. One year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further ulars of the Chief Forest er, Vie B.C., or District Forester, Vaneouver, . G, TIMBER SALE X 1208. Sealed tenders will be received by the Lands not later than noon on the 1th day of ‘valy, 1019, for the pur- chase of Licence X 1200, w cut 960,000 feet of Spruce and Cedar on an area’ ad oining T. 8. X 1208, Ellersiie Channel, ange 3, Coast District. Two years will be allowed for re-moval of @mber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, (Vietorta, B. 5, or District Forester, Prine Tuapert, _ ae stares RNR TIMBER SALE X 1650. Sealed tenders will, be received by «ne Minister of ante not later than noon on the 10th day of ioe. 1919, for the pur chase of 1650, to aut 886,000 feet of Spruce a Hemlock on an area adjoming Lot 605, Chuck-Walla River, Range 2, Coast District. Two yeass will be allowed for re-moval P particulars of the Chief Forest rT. ' > i Yard Phone, Black 519 of Lot 998; thence north about 8 chains aaun shames O Gaioeeieesr tal a pari AY oh a Rh 148s ove 0 “0 ly soul r ODE water to post xr nakkke state without taking a gun or|— and containing five ogres, snore or less. anything elve. He said he favored _Dased May 7, 1949. another war any time but he ® IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH would let the working class stay urv1Cc Between: a at home and furnish the guns and MILES Wenpaneon, Plainug, machine gigs for the employing I f PAUL NELSON, ,_ Dehendent. Class to fizht with. A game of | ans er TAKE NOTICE thal a! a Writ of Summon sever) up might-answer the pur- 2 a ; bearing date — or this “Won first of ai 4919, ppone just as well as a war, how- ; aeten aetiuat the eee scat: ever. Phone Green 548 tion of ae Agreemens © i it a an teen ‘ ec The struggle between the P. 0. Box 102 «Office, Fraser St. Five (3), (aap 083) ja pana) in ity ‘of Prince [classes was still in its inecipiency. —— ; eae at eae Sia Gheovumaee Government was unthinkable as W Sell: : Coal by the petendan forfelved to the jan imatitution. The struggle was e: AND, FURTHER TA bg that by iquickly developing. ‘They could | seeeereesoorors oe of pg Bee By a easily and readily conguer the day of 7une, 2010. Re Botoncens snows reins of power. The controlling MISS M. A. WAY within “thie (20) days from the date of lthe t would be dispossessed at TEACHER OF MUSIC Pha iat Pubcation at ‘ee be "on tie “a the ballot box. If the Govern 309 5 LA day . sfendast tat te T18, aud thas should ie ' ment tinkered with the Franchise Stee proceed with an heecinn 4 Taking with students theeyilaiwe of une 3 | his mention. oe Pate waemment Act, howeyer, it would raise up a eke dees a Ones ear —<, Rhode tanart, "E thin Oten whirlwind of rebellion shod with § Primary wadvenced. - Phone Biue 120 Biday of June, deh eeneeee. ‘iron sandals. Then something! wee ved District Registrar, Supreme Court er, Vietoria, B.C., OF District Forester, Prince Rupert, C. Soldier Settlement Board The Salvation Army s Red Shield Campaign STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, IN HAZELTON And continues all this month along all points of the G.T.P. The Salvation Army Did Its Bit, Let Us Do Ours. Support the Army behind the Army as well as the Army at Home. First to Serve, Last to Appeal. NOTE—Prince Rupert cam- paign will start in July and all other places on the coas! ee eee NOTICE Hanson The Reliable Piumber Having a year's lease Westenhaver’s store, next Westenhaver’s oflice, will sublet part of this to others, either for offiee purposes or for show or sample rooms. Kent reasonable. on HARRY HANSON ‘The Reliable Piumber Phone 489. P.O. box 139 Second Avenue. 395 rer FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddell 336 2nd Ave. Phones BLACK 367 — GREEN 394 Save Money in Lamps. Never forget to look through the classified list on Page 5.