f AGE SIX .the; pailx news What a inn ereiice When You Let The Laundry Do The Washing GONE. are. the- (ell-tale signs of worry and drudgery for the woman who lets us shoulder the burden of the family washing! Youthful contour sparkling eyes hands that are graceful and velvet smooth all these are her's who sensibly avoids wash-day toil. .Patronize us regularly your mirror will soon detect an amazing change. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS ousorMatccoMjcrs rmstiic on spinal KtavuiH Disuses of THCFDUOWmttKMS: 2, K-mm Am rsr Aim WMwtm -HtMf mm WSttl)I,M A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produces a Bigger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinail CHIROPRACTOR C Exchange Block Green 211 Spring Hats emers Costumes Latest Frocks MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for .$1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone SS7. Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 DENTIST WARMER TODAY 10. 10. IN INTERIOR TKKKAC'K IS THAWING SI.KillTLV IIAZKLTO.N AM) 1UIINS LAKE IMITII 111(111 TE.MI'ICKATl'HKS The Government telegraph) at 8 fo'clock tl U morning reported warmer Iweather almost everywhere In the disjunct, particularly along the C.N.R. and at the head of Portland Canal. It U thawing slightly today at Terraoc while at llazelton and Burn Lake the temperature are high. Both Alloc Arm and Anyox report no frost. The detail of the reports follows: Prince Rupert. Overcast, calm; tern- perature. 8. 34. 34. Haysport. Cloudy, light wind, terap. Port Simpson. Cloudy, calm, terip. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Itosswood. Cloudy.calm, temp. 28. Alyansh. Part clody, calm, temp. 28. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 32. Anyox Clear, calm, temp. 32. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp. 28. Haselton. Clear, calm, temp. 30. Smlthers. Part cloudy, calm. temp. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. Nahlln. Clear, 24 below. Atlln. Cloudy, 9 below. MORTGAGE SALE OF SI1II' (ClllKF SKI (JAM)) TAKE NOTICE that under and br vir tue of a certain ShiD's Mortsaae dated the 4th day of February. A D. 1927. which win dc proaucea ai ine time oi aaie. there win be offered for sale by Public Auction by Smith A. N'lckerson. Sheriff, at 3 o'clock In the afternoon on MON DAY. MARCH 36, AD. 1928. at his Office in the court House, in the Cltr of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, the raollre screw flsblna- vease' named "CHIBF SKUOAID." together with her boats, gear and, appurtenances. itrnu "i r,ne: uosn. For further particulars In connection with the sale bddIv to the Montreal Finance Company. Limited. 1104. Stand ard uani uuuaing. Vancouver, B.C.. or to Patmore it Fulton. Scott Block. Prince Rupert, Solicitors for the Mort gagee. dated at prince Rupert. B.C., tb Uh day of March. A D 1928. 71 The NaturalW is th( ay Right Way MONDAY HEALTH TALK No. 6 by R. E. EVOLFSON, IUV Ph.C. When you are feeling below par; when your head aches or your stomach troubles; when throat is aore or you have a "cold," or the back aches or rheumatism cripples you want relief. When that time comes, bear in mind that the natural way to d a thing is the right way to d it. The natural way, in matters of health la to remove the cause. rather than attempt to treat the effect. Chiropractic spinal adjustments remove pressure from nerves. which is the cause of over 90 per cent of ill-health. YOUR CONSULTATION IS INVITED R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 623 Third Avenue West Phones Office: Illue 83. Resident e: Black 252. City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) Third Ave. Phone 763 KJOT l'IRK (iRONSAKER (UBTOST NOKKELOST FBTMYSOST PRLMUI r.AMMKLOST FISKEBOLLER FLATimOD MULTER 0JS.. 1st kl. varer. Billij;e priscr. Hurtle ombrinKclsc. low. cm MRS. I. W. POWELL OFJICTORIA DIES VICTORIA. March 13. Mrs. I. W. Powell, widow of the late -Dr. Powell of historical prominence and a pioneer f the city, died Saturday. NEW MIAll ISH1MIS .MANY VISITORS Tourist traffic Into Tons National Park was five time greater Use yew of '.he opening of the motor highway from !ke Lculse to Field In Yoho Park: than 'n the previous season. In 1995 visitors co this park numbered 8,000. In 1936 after the road was opened, visitors numbered 30.000 NOTICE. LOT 1 1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee. 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar. 1 dosen Eggs, fresh extraa. Regular $1.. value. Special 81.1," LOT 2 5 lbs. Brown Sugar. 5 lbs. Small White Beans. 1 lb. Dry Salt Pork. Regular $1.26 value. Special SI. 00 LOT 3 2 lbs. Best Macaroni. 1 lb. Ontario Cheese. 1 tin Tomato Paste. 1 tin choice Mushrooms. Regular $1.60 value. Special $1.15 LOT 1 1 lb. tin Braid's Tea. 6 lbs. No. 1 Jap Riee. 2 lbs. Sultana Raisins. 1 pkge. Wheatena. Regular $1.06 value. Special .51.r0 LOT 5 2 pkgs. Princess Flakes. 12 bars Palmolive Son p. 6 rolls Toilet Paper. Regular $1.80 value. Special SI. 15 LOT 6 t 6 lb. Pail Silver Ua.Lard. l id. isew zeaund Uuliftr. 1 1Q lb. Sack Pastry FTojir. Regular $2.46 value. Special SU.00 Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. phone 208 What Shall We Give? BACK through the centuries Christmas hdi always been a time for the giving of presentsbig or little things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their elders. But where are the Christmas presents of other years the toys, the useful things ? Broken worn out forgotten. Keep alive the spirit of your gift. Let it bring happiness and contentment from year to year add a Royal Bank Savings Book to your list of Christmas presents. Ckriitmat Prwntatiifli Cotera iri prof uUd for Gift Boob The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch - F K. Robertson, Mai.ei Whlteborse. Clear, calm, temp. below. Carmaeka. Cloudy, calm, 20 below. Dawson. Cloudy, south wind, 25 be 15 ! WHEAT SHIPMENTS FROM VANCOUVER TO VARIOUS WORLD PARTS Number of Small slilpmmU Drxputrlml During Uu-t Week VANCOUVER. March 12 A number of small shipments) with but few full cargoes have been despatched during the week as follows: Biidgepool tor Rotterdam. 27V,oo8 bus. Wellington court for U.K. -Continent 310,000 bus. Handicap for S7JS3 bus. Reliance for Olaefow 37.333 bus.; for Liverpool 18.08 bus.: for Manchester 18.687 bus. Wltell for Hamburg 37433 bus.: for Bremen 37,333 bus. MUi for Botterdam 277.333 bus. Artenau for London 337.333 bus. Oeorge Washington for Hull 140.331 bus.; Ncrweclau ports 56.000 bus.: Re-CertUlcate of Title No. 30B4I to toULondoni aaol . bua ""' Norfolk Maru for,' Kobe 33.333 bus.; for Talftao 42,883 bus. Arabic Mara for' tiojl 117.500 bus. lyo Maru for Krbe 70.000 bus. 'Robert DolUr for Yokohama 81.67 bus: fcr Kobe 33334 bus. Point Sur Blerta for Colomba 27.000 bualwla. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IlKIXA COOLA MM U-l f SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Ttoniter for Lock-up Bella Cools." will be re ceived by the Minuter of Public Worxi up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, the 16th day of March. 1928. for the erection and completion of a standard Lockup building at Bella Coola in the Mae-kensle Electors! DUtrlct. B.C. Plan, specification, contract, and forma of tender may be aeen on and utrr the 24th day of February. 1938, snd further information obtained at the Department of Public Works, Parliament Bulldlngv and at the offices of the Ooeerament Agcnu. Vancouver r.nd Prince Bupert, ana tne omce or tti public works Department, Bells Cools. copies oi piana. pecllleatlont, etc.. m be obtained from the DeDartment on payment of a derSMIt of Ten Dollars 1110.001 which will be refunded an re turn of the plans, etc.. In good condition. The lowest or anv tender not saruy accepiea. Dei P. PHILIP. Deputy Minister and Public HBlIc: W Works Emrlneer. ipartment rt merit of of Public Public Works Engineer. Parliament Buiuinsa. We Victoria. BC Want) More Letters m jMrf IfWawnwar-l T VITAMINS ARE BEING FOUND Medical Research Council of Great Britain Reports Great j Success in Work LIVER FATS TESTED Margarine Slay Replace Hutter if Vitalized by a Proper Supply of Vitamin "A" In view of the work done at the. local experimental . station on testing i . ... . . .. . . . .1- w lor viiumna in we nwrs ui uu .. It la interesting to note what Is dons elsewhere along similar lines. The! Manchester Ouardlan has an Interest ing account of the work of the Medical Research Council whlcft follows: "Among all the lnyesUfitlons the most obviously dramatic In IU course and Its results, and probably the most important in Its immediate practical value, Is that in which Dr. O. Rosenheim. V.RJB.. and T. A. Webster In the National Institute have been engaged. They have succeeded In producing the so-called vitlmln D Itself of unknown chemical nsture. and till lately obtain ed only as a product of living substance -by the action of ultra-violet light upon' a definite chemical substance namely, asterol." The results of a. aeries of experiments with purified cholesterol were com municated to Professor Wlndaus, of Oottlngen. who made a suggestion that ergosterol should be tested again. 'Irgosterol was again examined when It was found that Its absorbent action on ultra-violet rays wss about 2.000 times as strong aa that of the ordinary, Impure cholesterol, and that the vitamin produced from It by radiation was correspondingly powerful." Ergosterol Is stated to be "an abund ant and readily available source of an astound.'ngly potent preparation of vitamin O. a dally dose of one ten-mllllonth of a gramme sufficing' to prevent rickets In a rat." HIIKKK ITAMIN "A" IS IOI NU The growth promoting vitamin A had also been the subject of many ex-per.ments over a wide range of differ-out organs of mammala, birds, and fish. Dr. Rosenheim snd Mr. Webster had found "thatt he proportion present In i seme liver fats may far exceed that j found In cod liver oil, hitherto believed to be the richest source of this vltl- . mtn Ttw. IIvat ll of Lh HlmAn tnri ft-, .It. anrf afv ( ft 1 ninolr nlnln I - 1 1 Oi Section six (6). i Clearpool for Hamburg 221 667 bus. Ithe halibut may be more than a hun- Re-Certlf icate of Title No 3901 1 to i Actor for Uveroo.il 74.068: Loudon I dred times as rich In vitamin "A" aa Lots seventeen (17) (18) six (61 sua iixama iim. Re-Certlf Icate of Title No. 80021 to Lot nineteen (10). Block ten (10). section seven (7). Re-Certificate of Title No. 2447 I to Loti forty-three (43 1. forty-four (44) and forty-five (43), Block tweatjr-sevefi (27), Section eight (8). City of Prince Bupert. Map 823. Whereas proof of loss of the above Certificates of Title Issued In the nam of Ira B. Mahon. has been fried In this fl. notice Is hen-by given that 1 ihsll. at the expiration oi one month 'rom the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate o' Title in lieu of each of the said lost ':ertlflcatee. unle m the meantime valid ob If "t I'm ox v t-iiy be made to me in wrlt'.pn DATED at the Limd Registry Office. rinoe Rupert. B.C.. this 3rd Januray. 1938. H F MacLGOD. S rteeliitrar of Titles. COMBINATION SPECIALS icd liver ell. though these oils are not Oeorgle for Havre with option of 'likely to be a useful commercial source Hamburg cr Dunkirk 67.200 bus. !f the vitamin any more than the Toftwcod for Hamburg 64.000 bus. liver fats of birds like the groiue or Juyo Mary for Yokohama 80,467 bus. the goose, which have also been shown Pacific Milk arises continue this week, so we want more letters. Write today. For the best letter on why you like Pacific Milk we give: 1st Prllft 1 full case Paci- e-'i4ai . lid 4th Prttes '4 ease each. For the best letter of all written during the four weeks, $10.00 in cash. A1JURE8S: PACIFIC MILK 32H DRAKE STREET Vancouver, I1.C. to be extremely rich In the vitamin. "Dr. Rosenheim end Mr. Webster have found, howerer. that the liver fats of the sheep, calf, and os contain ten times as much vitamin "A" as a rod rod liver oil. The vitamin "A" content of butter varies widely according to circumstances; sheep or os liver fat contains from 200 to 1.000 times more vitamin "A" than a good average sample of butter." milk may in: nmrievr The report goes. on to say that mtlk fats may be dlflclent In vitamins, though agriculturalists have had means put In their hands for avoiding this deltcicncy by attention to the diet and environment of live stock, and contln- m: "The place of butter cannot be sun- plied by margarine to long aa that la itself deficient In vitamins. The. crucial problem, however, for this and other countries though probably In no other cvuntry Is the nutritional need more pressing than at present in this is not now therefore the hops leas problem offered by the apparently inevitable shortage of milk fat: It Is the problem of the supply (of tat soluble vitamins, and this, in the light of the discoveries lust described, cm now be cheerfully faced. "Our national needs of vitamin "A" can te met by the addition of vitamin "A" from liver fat to the diet, either with butter or with margarine, or In other ways. The home supply is read ily supplemented la necessary by Em pire produce, and It has been found already that the vitamin content of fat from Imported New Zealand liver Is the same aa that from the liver of home killed animals. It will be noted that these fat extracted from liver are wholly free from the unnleaaant flavors of flah-olla. and the low melt-Ing-polnta of liver fats greatly aid their easy Incorporation with other fatty food materials.' TUB IMrOKT.tNCK Or' WKT Dlscussing the work' of the Nutrition Committee, the Council stats: "The knowledge we have so recently gained only serves to Illuminate the dsrkneas of our present Ignorance. In hardly more than s dosen years disorders believed to be specific diseases such as berl-berl. scurvy, and rickets have become assignable to dletlc errors We cannot guess what new relations to diet of disease, or of liability to dls eaae. are waiting to be revealed, 'In. many of the simplest matters no nyalclana or surgeons can give advice based on scientific knowledge, , even If they Haaard opinions based on' earnest but uncontrolled observations. It Is not yet scientifically known, for in stanec. how much water a man should drink in the day, or what Is the beet kind of bread to est. It la for those who have the moat reason to know tbe public value of this kind of knowledge to prrxuiirie public opinion along the only secure path towards It, namely. the timely and liberal support of scien tific Investigation." Advtrtist in Tut Daily Nwi Montreal OVERALL The Best Men's Overalls made. A bargain at $25. Now at clearing price 9 1. or. One line of Men's Overalls, not heavy U.V Overalls for Boys. Siies from 8 to 11 years. The best make, reg. $1.26. Now going for 05 c Men's Khaki Combination Overalls. Well made, reg. $3.75. Now going for FOR HOYS Nice Broadcloth Blouses for Boys in all colors. Regular $1.76 value. Going for .V Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas. Regular $2.00 value. Going for Il)f Suits for Boys. We have a good assortment. Regular $6.60 value. Each suit to be sold at $:M. Boys' Long) Pants. Khaki good hard wearing stuff. Each pair going for Oof Monday, M.,r h v , , : :: Importers OUR WHOLE STOCK MUST BE DISPOSED Oi ijl i K Here are mentioned only ft few of the many lumd ort 01 bargains nwallinj: your own selection at prices ih.it down-down. You will see mnny others in our store v. !,n, s come in. It will pay you to buy now when you ran l u , quality uoods nt ImrK'aIn prices. MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Blanket Flannel all wool Snirt. rejf. $4.60. To be sold at each . . . 15 Men's Strong Work Shirts, made to stand the hardest wear. Only a limited qu-intity. Regular $1.50 value. Now each ! A great assortment of English Broadcloth Shirts of the very best makes, to be sold ut less than manufacturers' prices. MEN'S SOCKS Hanson's Heuvy Pure Wool Socks, reg. 66c a pair. Now IO0 Heavy all wool Socks, suitable for rubber boots, reg. 40c value. Now 2 pairs for IV Cashmerette Socks a fine quality black and brown, reg. 30c a pair. Now 2 pairs for '.Kit UNDERWEAR Stanfleld's heavy all wool Red Label Underwear, reg. LADIES' HOSE A large onsortment of Lndie' Hose at remarkably low price leas than manufacturers' cost. $2.50 a garni, i The m;,:i,:- j ias ! i i , Hli.i'i "'ily u; Peiini ii Ifea.y V, biti.uiou, vvy. v Now Penman's All-W . auJ Drawers, garment. Now Penman's "71" : reg. prire $1 . . euch i?:trrn'iit . Penman's "71' tions, rcj.'. $2."(' penman's "71" I for Bi.yt. Si-. 32. t'om!ii:ia: i' Regui.T $.;ni. MEN'S PW ! Men's Khaki Ian: best m-tkers. !: value, ( leani i for . Mull's Bui no. V 1; made in Nova v value $5.75 t , goiriK for ... vl r, si : i MEN'S SI ITS 200 Men's Suits an-Men's Overcoats In n . best makers you n..-your pick at Wh dollar. FOR THE lior-1 A big assorlinin: Flan ne let te I!: grey ant! wJi i ; Regular $.au s. going now l'"i Pillowslips. Furl long. Regular Now going I". Turkish Towel.- ! bent materia!. England. Upvalue. Now K" for FOR MEN Ji big lot of Bl.-it i all patterns an For this suninn Reg. $::.."i0 for All-Silt' Neckta-. quality. Ii-K Now Three-quarter Irnr Boots for nu-ii Dominion It i ' $7.95. Now ... Cillett Kasors. t reg. $1K) vahi'' : Small case, rv for Montreal Importers Third Avenue Telephone Blue UK J. B. Miller. 1 WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 und !) p.m. Re in-1 T" in- T10 i in "A Dog In Regiment TOM GALLERY. DOROTHY GULLIVER. JOHN I'l l! and many others. COMEDY "BREAK AWAY" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 35c nnd 10c