i ;!- day, September 20, 1528 COiWENTIONAT PRINCE RUPERT 0!of Jlanson Vice-President of Associated Hoards of Trade Coming Year. Prince Ilupert in to have the ii, t meeting of thi: Associated J uards of Trade of Central Urit- ii Columbia. It will take place f year at a time to be r- .. Ill'Cli. Hi ' new president is R. C. Mc ' urkill, Vanderhoof; vice-presi-' nt, Oloi Hanson and secretary, C. Oiston, Vanderhoof. LOGGING ON ECSTALL Robert Armstrong of KewaBee, I i in.is, pr-sident of the National 1 1, lain- Lumber Co., inc., re- .i nnd to the city on yesterday-1 r.-rnoon s train after having1 iii-nt ten days at the company' i cint operations at Hi Falls i-. k. up the Ecstall River. A r. -w of men are engaged in fall s' and it is expected that the! hooting of logs into the Ecstall, l.i lor floatinir to Prince Bu- i it will soon commence. The; li iic is now being put in shape I'T use. PIIINCE KUPEKT TIDES e4ee4 Thursday, Sept. 20. I: irh I...A I ."A . 6.19 a.m. 16.4 ft. 17.02 p.m. 18.3 feet . 11.03 a.m. 9.2 ft 2.-1.54 p.m. 7.2 ft. Friday, Sept. 21 fi.26 m 1U ft 17.51 p.m. 17.3 ft U.4J a.m. 10.4 ft Saturday, Sept. 2t 8.02 a.m. 14.T ft 19.23 p.m. 18.S ft 1.01 am 8.0 ft. 12.51 p.m. 114 ft Sunday, Sept. XS " V 20.14 jwl&'ftj 2.21 a.m. 8.1 ft 14.24 p.BL 11.8 ttt, Tut'Kilay. Sept. 2 11.08 a.m. 22.19 p.m. 4.36 a.m. 10.53 p.m. LAND ACT. 17.1 ft. 18.8 ft. & ft 9.6 ft WwlneMbiy. Sept. 2G h 11.44 a.m. 18.2 ft 23.S8 p.m. 19.6 ft. 5.35 a.m 5.5 ft. 17.41 p.m. 8.0 ft. Thursday. Sept. 27 h 12.18 p.m. PJ.4 ft. is 6.0fi a.m. 4.5 ft. 18.24 u.m. 6.S ft. H i It Friday, Sept. 28 o.J.l a.m. 20.6 ft. 12.51 p.m. 20.5 ft. G 44 a.m. S.7 ft. 10.05 p.m. 4.S ft. Saturday. Sept. 29 1.06 a.m. 21.8 ft 111.24 p.m. 21.6 ft. " 7.21 a.m. H.2 ft 19.45 p.m. 3.2 ft Sunday, Sept. 30 1.4 a.m. 21.7 ft. 18,58 p.m. 22.4 ft 7.57 a.m. 3.1 ft. 20.24 p.m. 2.2 ft LINDSAY'S Carlage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano' and Furniture Moving. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY Til LEASE LANIt in Bin it hers Lard Recording District : ..nun.' adjoining Lot (ISO on Eait Skwna River. 1 AKE notice that Christina Oorley, ' I' m mc B C , married woman, intend) 1 m 1 ii.r a lease -4 the tottowing de- ' 'x l Isnds: ""ii.inn.r'ng at a post pUnted at the '"ii'iuit cornet ef Lot 51B0, Range 6, 1 ' Din r let: theiict n rtli 80 Chln: nut 30 chain, thence south 80 ! tiirnca weal 30 "hniim. and eon- ' 1 ' 1 1 1 4 10C arret Bi'ire or lend ClIRlBTINA CORLRY, Applicant. D-.'-'d May 38. 1938. Da No. 16 (Section 86) LAM) ACT. taslnaton. Skeena El TAKE m NOTICE that the British Col umbia Pistol n ft Packing C. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Pishing and Pse Mag. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a pott planted st the northeast corner of the aaM Cannery site; thence northerly, following the ? reduction of the easterly boundary of be B.C. Pishing ft Packing Co i property, six bUBdred feet: tnence westerly, t tight aagtea to the a Id easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty feet, OMre or lea, to an Interaction with the westerly boundary of the B.C. Pishing ft packing Co s property produced northerly: thence cutnerly, following aid westerly ooundary produced six hundred feet, more or less, t mean high water mark: thence easterly, following the mean high water mark to point of rommeneeottnt. and containing six aerra. more or less. BBrrmH ooijuubu fmhino PACKINO CO.. LTD, By Jaates .Hjary BusivvsU, Agent ted a tort atTnm - ae Form No. IS (Section M) LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY LEASE OF tOKKMIOHK In the Skeena Land Recording D trtat. and situate, fronting on part of Lot . Baage S. Coast District, Telegraph Passage. TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia rtahlnc tt Packing C Ltd., of Vancouver, BC.. occupation Fishing and racking, intends to appiy ror a lesse of the following described fombore: Commencing at a post planted about twenty chains northwester! from the southwest comer of said Let M; thence wet, ten chains: thence northwesterly, parallel to the general run of the shore line, fifteen chains; thence east to mean high water mark, ten oh sins, mors or leas, thence southeasterly, following mean high water mark to point of eem-menoement. containing fifteen seres, more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO it PACKINO CO.. LTD. Ht James Uenrv Bush cell. Agent. Dated August 14. IBM. see IN PROBATE IN THE JU l'KEME COI KT OK IIK1TIMI COI.IIMRIA In the Matter of the Administration .... mlA In the Matter of the Delate of Albert Rons, Deceawi. . TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ht . . n tr.a Vmiiiw th ftfftl rl.T ivf September, AD. 1938, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Albert Roos. deceased, and all parties having elstma against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. Prlf fled, to me on or before the 11th dy of October. AD. 1938. and all part Indebted to the estate are required to pay the ammmt of their indebtedness to me forthwith A Official Administrator, Prmce Rupert, B.C. Dated the 11th day of September, A.D., 1938. - ' Mrtl OP INTENTION TO APTLY IOK Ltx"fc ot urVSnAnoS nHES"'"- LiasE or iokckiioki: Id um BkMna Land Roordtn( District, attuate and fronting on Lot of th Brltiaii Columbia Pishing ft Pack-tag 0t Cannery 8ru, Townsltc of Port In the 8kcn Luid Roordlng District and ltut. fronting on Lot 127, Range 5. Coaat District. Invrnaa Paa TAXI NOTICE that the British Columbia Pishing ft Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BC . occupation Pishing and Packing, intends to apply for a lease (.f the following described foreshore: I Commencing at a post planted at the 'northeast corner of said Lot 127: thence I west, twenty chains, more or less, to 1 an Intersection with the west boun-Idary of Lot 137 produced north: thence j following said production of the west boundary of Lot 197 south to mean big! 1 water mark: thence easterly, following the mean high water mark to point of I commencement, and containing ten acres, more or leas i BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING St PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Junes Henry Bushn)l, Agent. Dated August 13, 1MB. 366 Porm No. IS (Section M) IND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO AITLY I'f 1 r si: or roKEsiioiiE , ta tlte Skeena Land HeWJrdlng DU-tftet, situate and frentlng on Lot 3. Rjanae 4, Coast District. Lowe Inlet TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Pishing St Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, BC. occupation Fishing and Packing. Intends to apply for a lease ef the following described foreshore:-- Commencing st a nest planted at the southeast comer of said Lot 3: thence south, two chains: tnence west forty enains. more or less, to an interne tloc with the wet boundary of Lot 3 proaueed soutn; tnence norm seven , analns. meje or leas to the southwest , eorner cf Let 3: thence easterly, following the mean high water mark to the point of commencement, and contain-1 tog, ekgbteea acres, more or leas. I BRITISH COLUMBIA FI8HINO St PACKINO CO.. LTD. B Jaaves Henry Bushnell. Agent. Dated August 38. lots. 304 TIMBER SALE X10388 Sealed Tendera wUl be received by the District Fbrester. Prlnae Rupert, not later tkaa noon on the 33nd day of September. 1838. for the purchase of Lloeace X10388, Kumdk) Slough, Maasett In let. QCJ.. to cut 4790 lineal feet of Cedar rotes and Piling. Two (31 years wUl be allowed for re moval f timber. Puetber particulars of the Chief For. eater, Victoria, B.C., or Jhe District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a Duplicate Certificate of Title fct Lot nineteen hundred and eighty-three (1983), Range five (5). Coast District. Satlatactory preef of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above lands having been produced to me. It li my Intention to issue, sfter the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Duplicate Certificate of Title to the above land In the name "f Joel PIUbury. The original Certificate of Title is dated the 7th BciitfiuixT. 1910, niLt la numbered 30SR. Land ReejMry Offlse, Prince Rupert. B. C , 33rd July, 1928. II. P. MacLEOD. 301 Registrar of TltK TTTE LAILY NEWS i L -" 8l jmf.-.. i "i. -" .Zl-ZL .... i V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED porrunity for good man. Fori further information apply The; J. R. Watkin Company, 876 ' NOTIC! Fum-!Tggjctlan Ml JaVWAtTY. hNalEr to i.e w: OK oilCIIOKE i Tn the Skeen.i 1 nd Recording DIS' IN PRORATE Honor, F. McB. You:ig. the Sth dsv of trlct !'uu- and trontlng on Lot 11, 1 Rmigo r.w.t i) -rlrt Ovtnll River. TAKE NOTICE :!iat the Drltlsh Ool-utubla Flhlnu a Hacking C. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BC. occupation Pishing and' nacklng intends t apply for a leas : if the following described foreshore: ' Commencing at n post planted at the northwest corner or said Lot 11: thence west, ten chains: thence south forty chains, more or le. to an Intersection with the south boundary of Lot 11 produced went: thence east, following said production nf the south boundary 1 of Lot 11, six chains, more or less, to mean fcih wster murk: tnence northerly, following the mean high water mark to of commencement, and contain-1 fiolnt ng thirty acres, m-re or lass. ! BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. I By James Henry Bushnell. Agent. Dated August 35. ItSB. MS FOK KENT WANTED Two girls or woman FOR RENT Modern suite partly can have room and Wrd in, furnished or all furnished or good home with no children, j wi" ren ,,a to uitable party-Phone Blue 170. 224 Apply 225 Second Avenue, tf ( poR RENT Four roomed bourse WANTED A real live man to, n sewer, close in, $15.00. Ap-take over the sale of onr pro-' pjy 329 Fifth Avenue Weafor ducts, .supplying hundreds of phone Green 402. 224 j . : nj vusiuniers in rriine Fnp DVMTri II rea sonable. Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. tf i FOH RENT Furnished house- keMRlnf rooms by the day, week, or montrr.'- Phone- Red 087. tf FOR RENT IMarini, Player-Pianos, Phonograph. ;ind Sewing Machine Wa'ker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT Thnt furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable 1 for married couple. Phone Red j 628. 228 FOR RENT Six room house with bath. Apply 120 Ninth Avenue Eist. 22fi FOR RENT Seven room house IN TIIK fl'PREMK COCKT OF IIMITIM! con Miii v FOR SALE In the Matter of the Administration 1 September. AD. IMS. I wm appointed rnR SAI PRri-W linml hpnfpr- Artmlnlstratr of t ie estate of Esther " . ' Klllav nee Fsther Salomons, deceased. solid oak llbrarv table; child S and all parties huving claims nialnst the said estate are hevebf reoulred te; furnish same, oroperle ratified, tn me on or toefore the nth day of October. ! AD. 1938. and all part lea indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. j NORMAN A WATT Ol'lcla Administrator. I IV mre Rupert BC ! Dated the lltli duy ol geutewber AD., 1938, SKIWHKueH push cart; phonograph with 10 records. Phone Blue 412. 220 Artie Lost And Found, Ac FOR SALE I);i'ly New Pontiac Six 2-door Sidan. Value SI 200. Will sacrifice for cash. Write Mrs. Geo. Dover, Terrace, B. C. 222 22. 23. b'ock 7. Section 5, fronting on McBride StreeL Price 1.00fl.00; 400 cash; balance 200 yearly at 7 per cent. Apply owner, W. Arnett, Dau phla M.. FOR RENT Steam heateri room FOR SALE Unprecedented val in private resklen ; ctntrully; located. After October 1. ! Phone Blue 412. 224 ues in used Trucks 192S, PAGE SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER George fvlanns r . WkJ Sk ' W MY LITTLE ) fLItfTEN- CO DOWN ANO FIND OUT ) I! j tVEtTT-WHV 1 ; ' .VmatT ' , j HOME IN THE PROM THE JANITOR WHAT ALL THE NOtt FROM J. , i U rlSf?" J WE.iT- I L THBftE RKDIATORS RATTLE -OO ! j THE RADIATOR.' J I t ( V-W L fl I II . -Ai-r .twr. with that kioie i I t i ALWAVi F'.lLcO -JWki I ft 1 M en VCO.MC om'j ; . . up- r Tv i i x j M r . put on7 i v .... - If I i 'U V fcVl. . . I fa 'A little too t- ,M'.P '"'. 5-- . i or 2aL verv . , I nt aW much coal- - , . ; T W L cl '.ft- Well- a .MCk 7 BSP. JP ' -T J , f S'l 1 I oiwltoiLw ill.Wl' "Ssi' lrf u-ic S .. - OU MOST Vl-all" I j . ' - - - - -it 1 3AiL I " ' " ; XNi' ''iNO VvjHlL" IM ITALY- I 1 i WHAT TO "irE - x .i.iNOT C,OIN TC MILAN AT CEMf)A- r , ... . CVER AMD PHOAli Mt ) T? ZtrJ L i vjS WAVE.K1' T Ti-E.-t WANT TO 'jPr-NO ' r ' ' Iff'" WiT ' ) VOU WOULD LIKE TOCO. JTTT -IHj) cT Itifc. f TNOWEf. IN W5Mh DON'T BKmC J f HELLO- tV THOUCH r IT 1 ' "" J' ' K I Form No. 16 Sutton M) ,ii C1HROPHACTIC I I..IM1 APT. i - If. "" DR. W. C ASPINALL, Exchange Block Chiropractor and Electric Therapeutist AH Diseases Successfully Treated Phf.ne Green 241 er Black 233. all complete and in good run-1 Acute and Chronic Disorders suc- niag condition. Daily News. Apply Pullen, 1 tf Rupert and district. Real P-1 Ninth w.fcTs.T Avenue East. Rent SALE-Special. Lots 20, 21. Chiropractor DR. U. R. BYOLPSON 623 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment bow FOR SALE Launch Gwcn, fourfo ReaisWnce pfaeiie: , horsepower Eimthope engine,: Black 252. cessfully treated. Established 1984. TUITION A. F. WILLIAMS VioltniRt of Weathalme Theatre FALL CLASSES FOR VIOLIN TUITION 4a&tdio. 21S Fourth Avenue Bast. Pupils now being enrolled.' Fop terms Phone Bine 480 Fisher Fast Freight V, ton SALVAGE AND TOWING truck: 1026 Day-Elder Worm I l)rie 2 ton truck; l'i ton Reo, Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Speed Wairon; lLi ton Minom Co. Lid. inee; 1 Patriot and others j BARGAINS IN CAS HOATS east terms arr;injre Send for Ajrents for Easthope Engines, complete particulars. Hayes- Coolidife Propellers and Anderson Motor Co.. Limited, Texlube Oil 1266 GranviHe Street, Vancou-j Iioata of all description for ver, B. C. 243 j Charier ! Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week sBi ALKX LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTKNTION TO TO I'l IK MI-l: UNO APPI.Y! In Range 4. Coast District. Land Re- Wfth bath. Harbor view. $85.00. cording District of .Prince Bupert. and litunie nor. in miles irom tne mouini 411 , , . Fourth ... Avenue East. . Phone 0f the Khut River. f Hrt 18K tajvb butih rriAT niexnnoer srusn i Macciilrt-h of Vsncauver. B.C., occupation Broker. Intends to apply for per-mlnlon to p'irr!:nr th f"llnwmg rte-rr:ted lards- ComimnciiK t ti post planted nenr th' soutliweKt corui ' of Lot 204. ' thence ncv. snn r, n i r. rm i . . . . Intha Matter, of thaBstate of Bather! run aue$ iwo goats, one year went 30 cnsins: tnenoe south 40 chains; Klllas, nee Esther Solomons, De-1 and four months oJrt. Uneap. ceased, Intestat. " . .... oon TAKE NOTICK thst by order of His' 1 none "lark 441. &u .east 40 ohatnar thence north 40 1:'; thence west 30 chains, and con- 3e aaraa. more or lest. ANDCR STUART MACCULLOCH. Applicant QUITE LONG ENOUGH Wife (reading1 paper) It says FOR SALF Pedigreed German here that a London man boast Police dot? puppies, six weeks that he has had an unbrella for old. Famous Kriniinitlpoliezi twenty .wars. Mood strain. Phcuie Green 4M.1 Her Husliand T! .it's Imn' , tt j enough, lie oukIiI tu iclui n it - j Days on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 p m. Sundays nd Holidays, 11 ra. till 8 p.m. 564 Phone SGI AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Federal Block Furniture of all kinds Bought, Sold or Exchanged Crating and Packing done Goods sold on Comrnissidn G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer Black 120 FURNITURE AND RANGES I A Good assortment of Linoleum and linoleum rugs, inlaid linoleum and Barry-more carpets. A i o Simmon's Beds and Bt-d-i'i'iih iiuluding the Osternioor M il i i-ess. A. Mackenzie, Furniture. 1'huite 776.