X 'o She Statin CLASSIFIED HABIT 71 ' Boston Grill SBBSIISasnsasSSSBasilllSaaBaa.aaaaaaaaaBaillSaaaasiliaaBBaB Everyone reads the Classified Ads. LAKOE CABARET If you Iom, advertise for it. SDeeial Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays If find, locate the you owner. Dancing every Hatnrday ni(ht Whatever you need, advertise for It rrom 10 iz. ir PRINCE RUPERT 1 w Dance Hall for Hire. GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. "Accomodation for Prlvae Parties Northern -andtGntral British Columbia's Newspaper rhone 457 Vol. XVIII., No. 207. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1928 Price Five Cents PREMIER OF CANADA VICE- x C? rvn Dimnson i nreatenea ov Numb Starling at the home of Fred Young, who dropped dead from the excitement therefrom, a fire which up to two o'clock today had destroyed five or six native houses is threatening the whole of the village of Port Simpson. Grace United Church, one of the largest in northern British Columbia, is on fire but efforts are being made to save it. The fire is spreading from house to house through the dry bush. The Daily News was in telephonic communication this afternoon with K. Boyd Young, and was informed that his premises were in danger although he hoped they might escape. In the meantime he was prepared to evacuate the post office and was moving out his goods. Itev. W. E. Collison, Indian agent, was notified of the fire and sent Constable Watkinson of the Indian department, to the scene in a speed boat with several men and a supply of dynamite to try to cut off the fire from the remaining part of the village. The girls' boarding school is right in line with the blaze and efforts are being made to stop the fire destroying it. The latest word at about 2.15 was that rain was commencing to fall and it was thought the fire was under control. WELCOME HOME TO GIRL GRADS F.llMONTOVS WORLD IIIATIK HAH. KETIItl.L TEAM (lltKN M'LEMHII KIXF.ITION EDMONTON. Sept. 4. The Commercial C'.vici Kirls basketball champions of the v rM K- Axed a triumphant home coming jT'.-.vrrtay The team which won eight ft L;ht games on their European tour, w.s met by thousands of cheering eltt-i . ml the mayor extended an offl-i -a) welcome A parade followed. BOAT BRUNVOL GOES ON ROCK The well known American halibut tout Brunvol. Capt. Charles Bloom-qulM. struck the rocks In Metlakatls IVvmik,. this morning wMIe coming In a 28.000 pounds catch. Two of )"! members of the crew rowed In for -alliance and a boat aoon went out to aid inth floating which rt Is expected win be safely effected on the li i ii tide at 4 o'clock this afternoon. MRS. PERKINS HONORED BEFORE LEAVING CITY Premutation .Made to IMy Who lias llren lltium-krcper In Prince llilprrt llolel fur Many Yeiirs Mm Pcrknla. who hat been house-' kivper of the Prince rtupert Hotel noe the houst opened some fourteen y'rs ago. left on yajtrday morning's "sin for Ottawa where she will take ti residence with a daughter. Just be- w Mrs. ivrains left for the train. " inber of the staff of the Prince Ru-1' i t H tel gathered in the timing room iiere. on their behalf, a handsome trav- "ng bag was presented as a token of cuovm and well wishing. The presents made b the nronrletnr. It. TJ. r' Wynw formerty of thn Naaa K'tt f end for soma tlm ruMituf in tha lUrceeih Mrs. Perkins as house- t'r3ci' at iiui t.i... n tivuH f-i FIRE VI er Houses Church On Fire YANKEES MADE A GOOD GAIN TllllF.K rONTEXDEUM KEI.NMTATEI AS ItKXt'l.T OK YE.HTEKIIAY'M NATIONAL GAMES NEW YORK. Sept. i The Yankees got only an even break with Boston yesterday but added a game to their lead when Philadelphia slipped a couple of oogs at Washington. The Yanks now lead the Athletics by two and a .halt games while the Cardinals' advantage in the National remains unchanged at four and a half games. The Important effect of Labor Day results In the National was that the Olants, Plrstes and Reds were reinstated as contenders where 34 hours earlier It appeared all three contenders hsd been eliminated, The Cardinals gave the Red a terrific battle In the first game before they went down In eleven Innings but were easier victims In the night cap. The Olants moved past Chicago Into second place by beating the Phillies. Twice the Pirates crushed Chicago In a doublebesder. The Yankees hsd a hard time getting an even break with Boston. Oehrtg got his 33rd homer In the first Inning of the first game. NATl'ltllAY (1AMKM National League Philadelphia S-7. Boston 8-1. Chicago 1. Cincinnati 0. St. Louis 4. Pittsburg 1. Brooklyn 0. New York 1. American' League' . New York 8. waaningwn Boston 3, Philadelphia Detroit , Bt. Louis 4. Cleveland 8. Chicago 3. Coat League Seattle 8, Missions 7. Los Angeles 1. Sscramento 4. San Francisco I. Oakland 0. Portland 0. Hollywood 10. W. H. Tobey. C N R. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after hav- mg spent the psat month on a non- 'n.it i.it. tn ths Eastern Btates, lie was accompanied back by Mra. Tobey l.i.. rmnntnn to meet him. PORT s II Burned and Grace This Afternoon SHIP AFIRE ON PACIFIC Is Speeding Toward Adelaide and Crew Holding Maze in Check LONDON, Sept. 4. Owners of the Ilritish steamer Castle Moore from Hlyth to Adelaide, wirelessed Lloyds today that the crew is fighting a cargo fire for a week. The fire is spreading but it Is" hoped to keep it under control until the ship reaches Adelaide, 250 miles away. KOREAN'S DROWNED TOKIO. Sept. 4. More than 400 Koreans were drowned tn floods the last few days, aseordatg to newspaper de-epatehe from Seoul, Numerous dwellings and bridges were washed away and aerloua damage done over a large area. Premier Mackenzie King Chosen Vice-President of the League of Nations at Geneva by Large Vote GENEVA, September 4. Premier Mackenzie King of Canada was elected vice-president of the Ninth Assembly of the League of Nations yesterday. He received 33 votos when only 22 were necessary to elect him. i The Canadian premier, who has taken an active parf in the deliberations of the Assembly, expressed- some views on the work of the assembly to the Canadian press He said: tlTsV i. ll 1 ll it beems to me mat tne league oi mtions is rapiuly fixhfllistinrr Mio miPeh'nnc nvicinrr frnm rVm n,wl tV.Q wiw iicu unit mt , ll "l""-"""" local schools as Inspector of sahools has ! time will soon come when most of these questions will be relieved to some extent three of the for-settled one way or the other. Those remaining possibly '"p00 oeu wuii can be left to the League secretariat or to snecial call of LJ "L". the council or assembly. I .....l. - f 1U- M 1L . wuin ui ine uuuncu. tne memners ni wnicn nro mpn nti ' outstanding talent and ability. to know them and when world questions arise FORMER LIBRARIAN LEAVES FOR SOUTH Mrs. lltnl Yrlton Mas fluent of Honor at .Many Loral Norlal Etrnl During Ylxlt There were a number of people at tho steamer Prince Itupert yesterday afternoon to bid farewell to Mrs, Paul Yelton, who was leaving for her home In Southern California following a visit of a couple of months with her Darents. Mr. aTd Mrs. K. II. Mortimer. fth Avenue fjast. The visit 'was the occa sion of a round of teas, luncheons and other functions Indicative of the popu larity or the former librarian with the people of this city. afTo H PRESIDENT LEAGUE rtre CROSHIM1 OCEAN TOHAY IN Pl.tVE FROM LE nOlHOET LE BOUROKT. Stpt. 4 Firing Sergeants Jean AshMant and Rene Lefebvre of the Trench army and Armsnd Lottl their backer took Off in the monoplane Cautery Bird on a flight variously reported as Rio Janeiro. They were sighted over the Bay of Biscay 880 miles from here heading westward. hill O. ROSTER HI OTTAWA. Sept. 4. lght Hep. r IMJORT 'END " George Foetor, one of the best kaofra " figures In pubUlc life In Canada yss-i VICTORIA. BtpL 4 The federal Intents? ' celebrated his 8 lot birthday. qulry into the wreck of the Victoria-He continue to Interest himself in; Seattle monoplane has concluded and Dominion and world attain. FIOIITIMI IN INDIA CALCUTTA, India Sept. 4. Sieved persons were killed and 34 Injured in fighting Sunday at Kbsrapur. The quarrel Is said o be of communal or-gin. I T M X V s , have particularly enjoyed the ' 1 O 1 1 . W " v- SALVATIONARMYiTAY JA2 ?WJ MY PICNIC SUCCESS Forty Children and l-iirejits Part Iri paled In Enjoyable Function at Dljby Island Yeftcrilny Some forty ch Idrcn and parents wert In attendance at the Salvation Army Sunday School plm yesterday, the event being a great su ooees. The power boat "Joy Bird," oapt Jack Oook, transported the picnickers to Dlgby Island, leaving at 11 o'clock in the morning and returning home at 7 pjn. Itacea and games were keeenly contested and there waa an abundance of delicious refreshments Eiu. nml Mrs. Joyce were in charge. It has been a great opportunity get their viewpoint so that their attitude will be LABOR MESSAGE FROM LEADER 4. KAtLSTY MACIIONALn PENT iJKLfcTINOH TO THE I.tf'.OIt PEOPLE OF CAN A HA ENJOYING JASPER PARK (UltLH RODE HORSEBACK AM) 111 Y- EI OOLF AND AIMO IUtlVE ENGINE ON RAILWAY JA6PER, A1U.. Sept. 3. "On behalf of the labor movement of Ores Brit ain, i Bring greeting to tre istoor movement of Canada and trust teat it will hsve a very auspicious Labor Day." "Trav: ling througn Canada as we have been doing. I have been Impressed by two things particularly Canada's beauty. jqQ Its wealth. With regard to the fencer. I hope It will never be deteriorated for the sake of utllttarnl&in and I trust that the working people will see that they, get their just share of the later." This was the maisii uttered to the people of Panada on the eve of Labor Cay by Right Bon. J. Ramsay Hecdoo-aid. flirt Labor Prime Minister of Oreat Britain, who snjeyed a abort rest at Jasper Parti Lodgi. the finding of the court will be submitted to' the minister of defence at Ottawa. 1.IPTOX AFTER Cl'P LONDON! Sept. 4. str Tbonas Upton will try again for the America cup nest year, be announced INSPECTORATE CHANGES MADE APPOINTMENT OF II. L. CAMIllllL rt'Tf DOWN MZE OF II. C. FKASEICS DISiltlCT appointment of n. l. oampbeii, 'formerly supervising principal of the centre of his dnot. He uks part Vt 11. Matthews' U..Ku. .-J ... of Mr. flAMW- Oower's schools. In turn Mr. Oower has retaeved Mr. Frsser of all schools east of Quick, a few miles from Telkwa. The Bella Ooola valley and all schools south of Ocean Palls being on the direct route of the Union steamship zL TeTocai Zu;z:i lleved of ill alMr.tl bd IU MI! We -TiSPfi Jeien W ln OPT82ML ; I Prine Rirpirt tfopeetorate now extends inclusively from Atlln In the ncrth to Ooean Falls and from Qulok in the east to Queen Charlotte Islands. FOUGHT TO DRAW AT VANCOUVER YESTERDAY ! VANCOUVER. Sept 4. - Tod Morgan of Seattle. Junior lightweight champion of the world, and Leslie Wildcat Carter of Everett. nero. fought a fast ten round bom here last mlit to a draw before as ur.e of tho largest crowds Of fight fails over to .it t.wil o mat. ii tn Vancouver JO-DA Y Two Lost Aviators Are Discovered in Greenland Safe At Their Base Seaplane Was Forced Down on August 19 but was Uninjured and Hassell and Cramer Were Not Injured NEW YORK, September 4. Hassell and Cramer, the missing aviators, who have been missintr for two weeks since they set out on the plane Greater Rockford, have been found in Greenland uninjured. The Times of this city says that Bert Hassell and Parker Cramer, pilots of the airplane Greater Rockford, which was forced down in Greenland on August 19 and who were rescued by members of the University of Michigan Green'and expedition are still at Mount Evans in Southern Greenland, headquarters of the expedition. Hassell says the plane is located about 100 miles from the base on inland ice. The ship was not damaged when he left it but heavy winds followed in the evening after landing and it is doubtful whether the ship is O.K. yeor noU GREATDOINGS FOR WILLIAMS canadian athlete is feted AT hamilton and given fine pke:-sxts HAMILTON, Sept. 4. Percy Williams, Vancouver Olympic sprint champion. with other ftveaabers of the Canadian track and Add team reoetved an enthusiastic reception here yesterday. A civic welcome was extenaed sad Williams and his mother were toudlr acclaimed by the crowd of thousands. A banquet followed the reception and on behalf of the Olympic Club Williams waa presented with a silver tea service while the city presented htm wrth a golden key of the cfty. YOUNG PEOPLE OF SALVATION ARMY The Young People's Legion of the Salvation Army was reorganised for the winter si a meeting last evening in the Citadel, otftesra being elected as follows: President Howard Chalk. Secretary-treasurer John pierce. Chaplain Kvelyn Pierce. , Next Monday the meeting of the Legion will tale the form of a wetae roeat at Dlgby Island. Westholme Theatre Condemned by Fire Marshall and Patrons Given Free Admission last Night Patron of the Westholme Theatre were somewhat aurpriaed last night when their rriQney was refused but they were given the regular show fr of cost. The reason was clearly set forth in a on:the. "This thtarrtfwn:D'penited ago witKy,qB8jWryl the fire marshal,, "l W V9f T have pent $10,000 new operailng-.niaohines. an, otherwequipment. "The fire marshal has now been refused a license. Inquiry el Mated the fact that the de-i puty fire marshal, W. A. Oswald, had ..Mtpected the building on Friday last and bad condemned It. An appeal had been made to the government for a tern- porary license but so fsr this hsd been refused. The requests were being re peated both from the1 management and from patrons and it Is hoped that per-ml.nl on will be granted until such time the required changes can be made. Until such permlaalon arrives the building will be closed. NA TIONS INDIAN DROWNS BUTZE RAPIDS JOn NELSON OF METLAKATLA LOST 1119 LIFE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON WHEN SKIFF CAPSIZED Job Nelson. Metlakatla Indian, believed to be about seventy years of age. lost his life yesterday afternoon about I JO when a skiff, tn which be was running the tide In Butce; Rapid, eap-steed. The old man, who bad been living with his wife at Oloyah Bay. was on his way from Metlakatla to Cloyah with a load of smoked fish when the fatality occurred. He was sAtemptlng to go through the rapids on a treacherous half tide. An eye-witness was Clifford Ham of McRae Bros. Ltd. who wss nearby In his boat awaiting a moderation of the tide. Rescue being Impossible. Ham notified the police who later recovered the drifting skiff and oars. The body has not been found. FREDDIE MACK WON KETCHIKAN BOXING t KETCHIKAN. Sept. 4. Olvtng away twenty pounds. Freddie Mack of Seattle, welterweight, knocked oat Joe Collier of Juneau In the second found of a six round bout lost night. a"d which ,rd ai. ,o,,r8 by, the Aivaxoffs up to a few days on new seats, condemned thi theatre and I have "S. P. McMOHDIE." k.vm.o novum inr. KASLO, Sept 4 Stricken with paralysis Saturday night after an aoUve day in the garden WUlkajn J. Oreen of Haste, pioneer and brother of Senator R. T. Oreen. died yesterday aged 80. KILLED IN lUltltlCAM: MOSCOW Sept. 4.Seven persons lost their lives at Bebastapol when a hurricane swept over the Ciiaiea,