Klnv, November 13. 19?g "H IT V JTTTrs PAGlfi THAiiU. .1 1 J k f V Local and Personal News In Brief i Specials! Specials! . hhW&nt package of Klenzo Shaving Cream and awl a fifty cent package of Gillette Razor Blades 1,oth for 60c With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing pafjfir, a package eonUining 184 Xmas seals and t aflpfcglven free. mes Lfc - - ye Pioneer U HRD AVE. SIXTH ST. 3 , m&fl&smMmBmmwwm sra 'HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. , JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load , $3.50 Double load $6.50 Uirfce sack ; coc- COAL PRICES DOWN PqmWna Peerless tgftfil . . h . . ; i .a . . $12.00 PeinMna Vyteshetl ffjlfcW. . ;v'. . , $11.25 Alberta SooUeas Ul&jW .... f .......... . S12J50 AlWrta Sootiest; Eggt. $12.00 .'vliK-rta Lump . .4 . . . .k a. 513.00 Also all other classes of coal. Pf af.Furnilre Moving. Express and Baggae . 1 tagamet NigbtsSerTir1 ,tv . 139 Second Avenue . . -; - ' ' Pan ad ian National Hhc Lairgcft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE v.lltne frM -KIM'. Ki rf.KT fr VANCOl'VKK. VIITtlKU and -r:TTU.. THI HM nm4 M MAVK. at II p.m. I.ir WTI'.WAHT. WMWKIUKYH, IS pjii. ir A!tW ami kaVI'HIKAK. NAT I him N 4 p.m. I.ir Ntll1ll MMl MflllH mKN I'HAKI.OTTK IMtND. lortnllitl. . rAHtiKNOeK THAISH tt.WT. TRIXK HtrFRr KMI.V KXI iri XI'MIAV M II .M. fr I'KINCK OEOKUi:. I.OMdNTON INMI'Mi, ail (MtlnU tJKrtrrii ' jnuUa. Ilnllril Mate. AGEM't Aia.(K:KAN STtAMSIIII LINES. . ITV Tit KM Hyirt. W Til I HP elIN4 MI.IKKT rt- f B.u. Coast iCANACIAN Sailings from Prince Rupert T I.. k.i.'liHtNH. UraHttrll hikI Hrii Im i I. I.V 3 l.i taiiniHVrr, VlrtwrU tuul rllle- mix-i. for IMtertiile. hmH llfMs Hrlla ramul.rll alter kmI VanruM A( IW all WenKMf. line.. iv t rMM'IIAHH. - ...ner .f 4tl. WM Jl'M A-m.e Druooists TELEPHONES 8?6200 Phone 580 Steamship .Services .. MOenilier la. iHTfimier i. ia, za, :.. 4, IK. prtemlier V IS. BOTAL " S"5"'rrt ,UT every Irldajt. , W " IwlormaHon frorn- fleiieral Afent. rrh.re Knpert- H r t-hnne UNION' STEAMSHIPS LIMITED H.r VANfOllVIK. VintilUA. ".H,n It-,, llutea.le. Alert IWy. ete . .,r M7.m.,UVirrHIA. mte.t'-'.S' IkLAMI, I 11 Blii-.-, lr AI.ICK A KM. ANVOX. HTKAKi. WAIJ NAAB ItlVDK. Minitoy. S p.m. . .,n Ituirl lit' I SS 2nd AeM-.' 'a. M. aMlTII. AjenU ....iiM buttle, and ie rr-r,. nd ThriM.li tlrketn mid VMrla ' n oiikh lu Jmtltiatliir City Meat Market (8E!.V1(! BKOS.) B arc Aenue . -MEAT Vim, VEGETABLES ' l'KOnt'CE" Ali. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN at low price, and Immediate delivery Obs-rvol-All article are of superior quality and absolutely fiwsb. Ms.- - 4. i'1 'SM 1? UI' flif friiAnr-p CHARGhS . 1 The following ii the scale of charges mad A fnr reading nofces: name. iT Alarriaee and Rniirmimt t. announcements $2. ' 4 4 a Taxi I'hone 4. Big 4 TaxL tf Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. hone 666, Butter 45c lb. Milk $5.25 case, all Brands at MUNRO BICOS. tr. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh returned to the city on yesterday uftriuw's train from ber summer heae at Terrace. Rev. A. W. Robiriaon .Aagticaa Church retor at Terrace .arrived ii the city on yesterday after-won'a train from the intinr jfor a few day' visit in town. i .Ryan of Metlakmtia sailed StHMlay niefct on the TM.. George far EsquimaH wWe he will take a eeurse of naval train- if, ir n M i Kabrt Vkreck. who haa baea crit-l?. icaJly ill in the Prince Rupert General, .Hospital .is now making satisfactory progress toward re covery. Kev. Faihr JoM,nh AHrH n f ii. arrid in the city on mW- T , &y ftVrfl's train from the iy "ft00"8 'f-interior.'" Tbe health of Father "fT pIUn Allani. who ha bee. hi Inaspit eJ f L' Ru,H ert D Dai,y New!L in Kdmonton radenUr. is showinsr onsiderable iqrovensent. T. G. McManamon. section ma mn atTe4era Point, who ba be apWinr a six month. Ieav of aWt-ein Winnie, arrived in tbe ctty from the East on terday afternoon's train and will shortly resusae his local duties. I Tfrnifam Elgar returned to tbe1 , ., , . , .ity on the G.UI. Safetay after-L11. ,W"r weekly ,K,n from Vlrtnrl- mi. i tended tbe fnneral of Us brother, ( harlea Edgar, who lost his life in a recent gasboat accident at Alert Day. Mr. Edgar was ac-: omaaBd back to tbe city by his wife. . I M ) a ktlltlf a- 11111 Wr- a AiimitasJirii43 t V? -4 :. ; :. . Women ef eaekeart Legion Whist Drive and Daaee, first Friday of every nfonth. at: 17 1. :-. "j t, J1 Sax-iaH'jH AnglicaflOathedral Bataar. November SX Rupert East United Cliurch Baiaar, November. SI. 8t. Andrew's Day Seotth Daitee, Mooae Ilal'l, Kveabr 91). St. Aiedrew's Societj' Auxiliary Sale of Work. Decemiber 4. kl 1- rcb itaauar Deeem- Prlnce Rupert Players' Club presents "The Saving Grace" at the Capitol Theatre, December 10 and l. EWART LYNE ' (Pianist. Oaprlol iie.tre) -Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Muaic Examinations, loo 'pee cent auooemM during ! past thirty years Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 1 Tom Young, well known-pfoneer 1 ' ,errace, is spending a !fw dav in tnu-n fcv,fi. -. -.1.1, Jiaiiiig aiiivcu 111 the city from the Interior on Sunday afternoon's train. days. The meeting of the Young People's I-egion of the Salvatio Army last niirht took th fnrm f a scrubbing bee to clean oat the trig hall. This was followed bv the serving of refreshments. JoAn Haahti, well known pioneer Stewart mining man, was aaaaenger aboard fh Cui.im Stinday aJUrnoon returning north aft a business trie to Vancen- wui other poinU in the if! ttie Wfcfebotme Sundav aftbmn Itoc H' paraded at tbe I. 0. I). E. pJrt t , the cemetery and after perrornlag the ceremony of the light placed a wreath of remem brance of the returned soldiers graves. J. B. Morgan arrived in the citv on the Catala Sunday afternoon froao bis logging carat) near Bute- dale and will be here for a few y Pytng a vfnt of inspection prlrreM f construction aper- LX" S',ruce A. Young, who haa been a member of the composing room staff ta t1 Di'ir News for Thomas llktchard. who i.s ' in ZJTZl Ih 'na' ' nd m hi" k br,de-for" m r"' M1"M ""TZ .f M.r" attd ' J Z ZTJ n " J "T tM," rn"tlS,nitbr" here th,'v were recently married. ' wgnx, memoerH ol the Young Peepie's Society of nnrt United Church yesterday ftemoori enjoyed a hike to tbe ead of the new Kaien Island Highway There was a campfire in one of the little bars where refreshments were served. A Gypsy family arrived in he city from tha interior on Sun-'ay afternoon's train. It is some time since such people have been in town. They are dressed in the usual gaudy costumes of their race and are attracting considerable attention. They are Mr. ttsn and Maater, Prank, ami hail from Brazil. Snath America. Tatar isiarwv wpeaayoy nn here to iftewart ARMISTICE DAY In addition to the joint service at the W estbolme Theatre in the afternoon, Armistice Day was observed individually in most of the city ch arches on Sunday. There werf sermons appropriate to the ocusion awl, iu some cases, special muaic. At 11 a. m. two minntes silence for the fallen twae observed by the various con gregations. ELKS' CARD TOURNAMENT At the weekly whist and bridgt tournament by the Elks' Lodpe last night, Mrs. W. E, Williscroft on the whist prtee with a score 208 wlaile Mrs. G. E. Gulick carried off bridge honors with 2423.' poppVdaV' 'tagging The liroceeds from the Poppy Day tatrgipg on Saturday by the I. 0. .D E. amounted to $1&4.2S. Returns from school collections are not yet all In but, with the collections from tbe Armistice Day service on Sunday and tbe banquet last night, total proceed., it is expected, will amount to well over $o')0. DD. Munro of the Land Settle-menl tioitd arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithera. Mrs. Ernest McQu&de of Vic toria was a passenger aboard the Ctetala Sunday night going to Stewart !where she will pay a visit with her. parent .Mr, and Mrs. George Praser. Howard Chalk .until recently a member of the staff of the local branch of the Bank ef Mon treal and now located at Terrace, paid a brief visit to town over the holiday week-e"nd. Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mrs. Fred A. Pugsley Eaat Southampton, NS., writes:- "1 wok lathered very mufbi with lay Denes sod palpi t tkm of the heart and niv sleep was broktt kt ui(bt. I decided to n sad after I had taken nix boxe I found that they had done me so tiiin-b good I will eimdlv recotnniend ttu-m to ulithnw wb are troubled with akrplesHoeM "need by their heart and nerve ' Price 60e. per box at all drugaiirte and (iealert, or auiiled direct on rw-t-ipt of pri by The T. Milbura Co., Ltd., Toronto. Out MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Y-TONE Free Demons! rat ien on Vi-Tone on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday J and Saturday Vi-Tone, per .'',-lb. tin iOf Vi-Tone, per 1-lb. tin (p Vi-Tone, par Hb. tin $;!.( Malkin'sest Coffee, 2 lbs. Xi:.V: MaUdn'a Best Tea. 2 lbs. . . .$1.10 Special Ground Coffee 8 lbs. $1.10 1 e veonomyTea. per lb 00 ! Jllba...:, $1.55 i8vMi56itifJNLY. Mussallem's Hosecraft Ho iery Pure Silk to the top from $1.00 t0 2.75 Jabour Bros. Wheel Other HREDDED Compels thorough chewing. Easy to digest, nourishment in healthtttl era. Tasty, too. TR1SCUIT The whole wheat cracker Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. rr a I l - B Your choice -EDSON CASSIDY - V(EL- LINGTON TELKWA Also Oulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 5K PrfWP Rnnrrf F&f (j C. H.S.WalIaceC-.Ltd. Sport Over Hose FANCY SILK CUFF English make, finest quality pure wool cashmere For Basketball Badminton And All Sports. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. St Phone 9 MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the VancMv'er. Stock Exchange . Our ten years experience, on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or amalf. " Representing Nanson 'R'etlj-., Morning and afterrfoofc closing prices daily. Theo Collart lit Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. bot'68 Food Disagrees WHEAT ; Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty year you ;.a . en tjettiir tre;.ts fron !' .h.ni 'ni ('.,'!'' ' llHTi your -"" FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable house WHAT IS IT that keeps you always look ing well and smartly dressed T OUR SERVICE PHONE &49 to have your clothes pressed We call for and deliver t-all parts of the city. For that Suir We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings aid Over coating oil h.-ibJ I rv today and " u- measure. Cutting, workmuisai. all guaranteed,' Best materials ad , Testable pritel Un, the Ta b Phone 849 Dr . Alpxand IT 3F HEP- rimmt ANNOUNCEMENT tf W. M. Rolston & i h "in (Ua m ii v i ' tk. : . I....1 , . " a. i :. . This has been made necessary to enable us to adequately provide fpr the Increasing scope of our business caused by the growth of the Stewart District and prospects for the future. The policy of supplying authentic Information on the Portland Canal District and a first-class brokerage service will be main tained. The North Coast Finance Co. Ltd. Stewart, a a Formerly II. W. M. Rolston & Co. Ltd.