Ttit'Mtlity, Nov)kr 18, 1088 This Evening Gown Has an InternttinK Skirt I . t remt uioileta.r often hifh limit and very low in back haructeristic of the evening r "Mr Either a deep U or i u i V back are moat usuaL .-inU; many front necklines are .v. ii. Simple bodicea, however, . k ii n aimoat universal rule, in-.11 si being centred on the skirt V in this model, which is of it shades of beige tulle, the ii n on the skirt being banded ili dark brown. Notice the b i. stinir arrangement of cart-li i' pleats at the waistline. i iir snoes worn wun mis moaei i ni brown, exactly matching in flounce, crepe de chine. I'ltlNCR ItllPMltT Tim -r I . ednewky, Novetnlier 14 'li 2.36 a.m. 19 J ft 144f p. tl.7 ft 8.22 a.m. 8.1 ft 20.88 p.m. && ft. Thjirwlsjfc yrenrlKiL U i'h 8.1S 18.9 ft. 14.48 Bja. 81.2 ft. 8.M a.m. 8.7 it 21 .84 p.m. 4.0 ft Friday, NVveraber 16 a.m. lg s ft ' tMk at at HM l.m. 9.:UJ a.m. 9;6 ft; V.1S p.m. 4.8. ft RED'S Transfer 1 Fifteen years' experience in IlKNITUltE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kind of Coal Any kfnd of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and meaNure are right So ii our Service Phone us and Save Monf and Time DAV & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. CnvOO,.! Nunaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nunulmo-Wellington Screened Nut. - Kunaimo-WelMntten Mlno-Run. beacon irrd tteajUeM hmp. liiMcmi Hard Sootleat Egg. Tulkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONK 'hat 1h particularly suited '0 your hefltinjf equipment. We shall be glad to advise Albert & McCaffcry Limited Phonca 11C and 117 THE DAILY NE773 PAGE CLASSIF1 ED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE. FOR RENT. LOST & F MIND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ! 1 " ! Man in the Moon ThunUgiving is over and lion't have to be thankful until np . uu . tu T.i j w, i B MflflV BIB- sfactioQ. The only thin betwfn nnw and Christmaj is a lot of hard work aw) the LrWal nomination, I'm bettfor on "(1it'i irt Name." This old world isn't ao bad even if I do say rt myself as shouldn't. For real downright excltensarrt give me a whist driw or ai crib- bage tournament I, A great moral principle Us ail right if it does ' Mdw the revenue, It's a good thing fb U. S. election did not last anytteater, there is a limit to the naWbw- of ilea a candidate can invent I believe in the old fashioned system. Look at me and ate what it Droduced. ; One thing I wM thaaxfal for yeaterday was that moat of the baaaara are over and wo can now begin to aave up for Christmas. I Wanted th adtmar in mbmIs. 'ate me for the Libetal convention aA. I s a a u a cnie we on ne aaio ne ojao i want to disgrace the paper. Now what d'you think about thatf I suppoae ho hated fo aoe me hi f . i it Ten Years Ago In prince Kupert The sum of :():! 000 has so far been subscribed to the Victory iMM Ariw in Prince Rupert. m niMlt si II Bps a itna ua a raai' iifBBTsaajg in iiniai ou tg tuitn MO2.000. 1 i" .l'l-J. At a nsmR of the War, it is jpredicted that CaaadiasvAmati-an relations will bat 010 aan closer until the two countries an more closely knit than apuaiaa. The Consolidated Whaling Cor poration haa taken 140 whales au Rose Harbor this season and 114 :ut Naden Harbor. FOR SALE-Lot en Third Ave- nue opposite First Street, $2,100 -EayleJ-Br.7 Daily, M, nMt-Ji -'t- ... "-;i .. - ww yjAiv , ; '. . F&R SAIB ; - LEVEL DOUBLE CORNER, Rest 'harbor view. Only $400.00. ItOOMING HOUSE, 26 rooms all well furnished. Also dwelling renting at $48.00 per month,! $8,000.00. SERE IS A Real snap. 8 room h"tfse, lai jre rooms, large buse ment with hot air furnace, fully modern. $2,500.00. $400.00 cash ' balance monthly.; j 7 BOOM HOUSE, '$illy ' modern, J . centrally located;' fire placet. ' ,$3JMXUM, $1,500.00 cuHh,; bai- i nee easy. Mining Stocks and Bonds Thee Col I art Limited Phone liluc 488 TiMNR SALE X-l 0708 . wlll be re Delved by tfc I Print Rupert not iver than noon on the 19th dav of UesnMS-iona. Kxnni inlet aw- lin Obsnnel. Oowt R.ngt 4. to cut "iVSiDOO fMt Bovd Hewn of Opruoe. !rrii.'JSr. o -.cLrT ISaoU, mSt d. Prtoca Oupert. B. C. - THE ttANKRUPTCY ACT i I Jo Ux stats of amjAitTN fraiik LTH aCLT. authortsr aaaignar. Motloe la hstebjr gtaan that Bealanln ' frnklvn SMf af ths nitv nf Prlnn n.i. ert. ... Old on the and daT of Wdv- 1 MB. ohm an Buinoruan aauaa- Baant of all of his property tar the benefit of MSdttMsj Ses tSast H. V. Mc-teed. .. Orftclal Beceiver, as an- pointed siitoM custodian the estate "lu wmg OI tltor. mjbv is nirtaar gim foal Mm Tint meetfag of creditors in thcab-rve estate will be geld at the office -r the official te-etver at the Court House. Pmans an,. next. a. C . on the Htb day of November IBM at the hour of 10 o'cl3k lc the isnaun TO ntrl TWi to vote theraat' nroof of rur dttlm must be lodged with tat before, the -peatlng la held f Oiaej 'u,ti0 utd st tne aetlne must ' fbe-loaaM wrth ate prior thereto. dM rarebor take notice that el eetma the credlsors wUl clert tbe per- fiaaefrT trantaa. And further ukt notice that if jru bare any. claim against tbe d'btor fir wMch y?u ar? entitled to rank proof of claim aauat ha filed with nui or with tbe trustee when appo'rted otbe'-vrtee the nrcyede of the debtor'a rata:e fdH dl'tfttiutad among th- p-rtle etRIUed Uiersto wlthrut regard to vour claim. QATBS at Prince Bunert. B e this th day Noveajber. lafk i. O. Custodian. WANTED WANTED Work by the day by!1''1"0 Kuper Co. Sl' Ltd, & Towln s,.Dt,.huvimftn Annl Mf f WtlTrW offW 97i. - FOR RENT . 1 "mm., ..' FOR KENT I-urnUhed housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf ,,QE RENTThirty three room hotel, partly furnished. ApiJyPm. J. C. McLennan. tf FOR RENT Furnished heated room. Apply 3S9 Fifth Ave. W. or phone Blue 505. 269! - BHIYWRSELF TAXI For 1 1 tee to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 389 WALKER lOTOR CO. LTD. Form U. i (beetljo 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO ArrtV KOK LKnt Ot KOULMKIKK In tM OSTfoa Land i&tcoraing District, and straalr. fronting on put of un ao, tmnw unn umr.ei, iei- p&vE3SKir .TAKtIOTtCE that - .w. the Brtttob. Ool- ran .-bcjd t. uw.. oi Pmcklni .! PP'r.,or it " fSSfflt T nffSnS?t t n0AhSJei!nfi "lsh w1r mark, ten chain., more or itas: wanes aoutneaaierly, touowtot wh watar mark to nolnt of com! mtnmMnt. eontalnlnff iliteen acres. 'more or m, Borrow COLUMBIA FISHING Backing co . ltd. y juom nenry auanneu. Aferu ww ausuk im iHje; MS Pom Ni ! (Section 8i LAND ACT. NOBOK INTENTIOX TO AFrLV TCu Lt;A OF roillisHOHE trtot. 'srtua'vrsid ltS?tolotl2, S.mifmtSS.V r unihia inT kini c. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B C occupation Pishing and iuwiw w um iw acmc "t the following, deecri bed foreeoore: tMnnnvencuig at a post planted at the sautbeuJt oarner af said Lot 3: thence south, two chains: thence weat forty chains, more sr leas, to an lntersec- tion wno ine wesv opunoary ji lot 2 produced south thenoe north seven cbatna. more or tees, to the southwest corner of Lot 2 thence easterly, follow- ins t the mean hlgb water mark 'o the point pom, of commencement, and contain lng elehtecu seres more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FI8UINO & PACKING OO.. LTD. By James Henry bushnell Agent Dated Angus- 28 1938 3flS Safe for CHILDREN'S Coughs SALVAGE AND TOWING BARGAINS' IN GAS COATS Agents for Eaathope Engines, Cvojidge Propellers and Texlute Oil Uoats of all description for Charter Rfllt T alma L.. Co.,,!,.,, fir-J. Daye on the hours 1 p.m. till f Sunday and Holidays, 1J a.m. till 8 p.m. 50 1 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP j II. J. Zurakehr Oeaeaal Handy Man. j ajflaces and Stoves Cleaned an 4 Repaired I'hQW.8 Prince Rupert, B. C. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Established t98) The furnace you have been looking for baa juat arrived. COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER! Phone 310. I5ox 467. 227 Second Ave. THE 'SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management. Clean single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Dalberg TUITION Candidates prepared for all l.f -iversity and Professional entrunc -examinationa, in English. Mathe- naavtiia TH . CmsV Uiafnnr Geography, Individual tuition' Particular attention to those lear ning English. Terms ftf fhtr view. P. JIcKenna. B. A, T. C. D. Care of Box 1M. Daily News Office Use SAWS ini Machine Knives- siMoNns cvuu saw ao. ltd. VSNCOUVCO. ST JOHN. H.D.. I TOWOHTO Bfl "innr ' 1 . . REAL ESTATE CHIROPRACTIC DR. W. C. ASI'INALL, j Chiropractor and Electro Tbtra I peutlst. ! j Exchange Block 1 All Diseases Suecaeafully 1 ' Tveated .,i Phone hreen or Black 283.1 Dlt. It E. EYOLFSON Aided by his new ANALYTE gets quicker and better results. Colds, Lumbago, Neuritis, Stomach troubles, Klieuraatism, ilead- ..iivr, it.uiiiLa aiiu vamII I II, an ell an the majority Women's 1 , ailments such as Insomnia and ; Nervouhness. Conaufibatioa Free - Offfc Blue 85 He., Bed 9 II AI R DRESS INC. V New Mefhod 'PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY I1EAUTV SHOPPE Also Finger Waving, etc. Phone 656 Form Mo. U i beet loo 84) LAND ACT. NOTiri: or intention to aim-i.v run ; LEAHi: Ol IXIKKSIIOIti; 1 In tne Bkeena Land neooillng D.- trlbt. and situate, fronting on Lot 117, Range 6, Coast District. Inverness Pos- TAKB NOTICE that the Brit lab Columbia Fishing a Packing C Ltd.. oi Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Pishing and ; Packing, intends to apply for a lease .of the following described fnssqhore:- Commencing at s post planted at the ! northeast corner of said Lot 137: thenoe , west, twenty chains, more or less, to , an Intersection with the weat Boundary uf Lot 127 produced north: thence ; following said production of the west boundary ol Lot 137 south to rjnajn htg'' water mark: thence easterly, folluwln the mep.n high water mark to point cf . rcimnencement. and eentalaing ten ! acres, n.jre or leas. BRITISH COLOMBIA PI8HINO It PACKTNO CQ . LTD. Bt James Beitt feuartfMi. agent Dated August atTitsa. Me I Poan No. 1( (Section tJ. LAND ACTS - MlTlfL IK HfTKNTIOX TO API'LY IOK LatRL or XUlIIVrti: In the Skcena Lano (recording DU- !ct utu:.'.e mid fronting on Lot 11 i:mi(' r District. Oxtail Blver. TAKE SOI ICE that the British Ool-iniu.u Fuhln; ft Packing C.Ltd, 0' Vniicauver. BC occupation Fishing and -a- i. intends in apply for a lease nl tiic f illowlng described foreshore: c iiiinc irjiiig at a post planted at the northwest corner of said Lot 11: thenar vst ueu chains: thence south forty chain, more or less, to an intersection with tbe south boundary of Lot 11 I'pciu.fd west: tbenre seat. foUowlng .n:d pi rtiirtion of tbe south boundary i' Lot 11. six chains, more or leas, u K'.enti hich water atark: tbeace northsft; ioiiow:ng the mean hlfb water mark to P'jt::t of rxim men cement, and contain-1 thirty acres. BRITIBH OOLUkiWA JriaHINO & PAna-nari nrt t.-m Bv .am4 U-irv Uualintl ImaI Dated August U :K Wt C.N.R. TRAINS for tlie Kat Dally except Sunday t 11.30 sjn. I'runi the East Dally except Wodrxwdny at SjSO pjn. Portn No. 16 (Sectioi. 81) LAND ACT. MIAMI'S Or INTKNTION TO API'LY FOR IJ5ASK Of FOHKHIIOKE In the Bkeens Land Bccordlna District, aHuaie and fronting on Lot of the British Co'.umbla Flabmg A Pass ing Co s Cannery Bite, Towualte of Hrt Mi:t n Skeptin Blver. TAKE NOTICE the Brltiah Columbia F.shlng & Packing C. Ltd.. of Vaacuuvar. EC ;r;i-"i;iatlun Plflhlng and 'i;ck:ng. intsnds i' apply lor a lease ,1 tba fuUuwmg deenbed (ormh'.re: (otiuuencinii at a post planted at the lortbeait corner uf the said Cannery lt. tbenct northerly, following the tjrpductinn of the easterly boundary of tle B.C. Plah!:tg it Packing Co pte- erty. six hundred feet, thenoe weaterly, a rislit angies to the said easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty fet, more or law. to an Intersection with -.he westerly boundary of the 8.C. Flailing 3t Packing Co. 'a property produced northerly; tbenoe southerly, lollowt&g said westerly ooun clary produoad six nundred lest, store or leas, to mean high iwr r mark: thoncc easterly, followtog he mean nlh water mark to point of -oauDenoement. and containing six aeres, mofe or lass. BRITI3H COLUMBIA F1BHINO & PACKING CO..- LTD. By James Henry Bushnell, Aaent. Dated August 27. lftSB 268 CMthc service industry Repeat Orders Tbe best evidence of satisfactory service hi the number of coo) Denies who, after using one Fasrbanka-Morsc Diesel Engine have sent us repeat orders. Fairbanks-Morse Dletel Engnwi are noted for their re-BabUity, economy and long life. Two stroke aur.p!:dty with air-Ism injection of fueL No valve, to grind; no complicated valve rocker to keep in adjuatment. Uses low grades of fuel oiL Ezcettcnt nuuxpuvering quaK-ties on light loads and alow speeds. F utbanki),ton Jdmrlnt Ditttl imgim-g re mad In siesy slset refit Js re IIS. t&t CANADIAN FaiTfrar.Tts 'Morse COM PANYAmtiMt St. John. Qufksc Unmil OtUw. Tiisiiis. WiwaW. Wiaaupts. Rt sku. Cssssrv. BaWaeeeeti. Vaacuarr. Vtefrla Mi " " " BRINGING UP FATHER - By George McManus awfl il Wbyl Statue's?1"0 foH'. SO VOO H AVR If 1 TOOK IT O ACK TO 1 1 ( VOU OlG UUMMIV-THE ARMS K I I f 1 ( 1E Oiom't KNOW ANIV